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The San Pedro River in the southwestern United States retains a natural flood regime and has several reaches with perennial stream flow and shallow ground water. However, much of the river flows intermittently. Urbanization‐linked declines in regional ground‐water levels have raised concerns over the future status of the riverine ecosystem in some parts of the river, while restoration‐linked decreases in agricultural ground‐water pumping are expected to increase stream flows in other parts. This study describes the response of the streamside herbaceous vegetation to changes in stream flow permanence. During the early summer dry season, streamside herbaceous cover and species richness declined continuously across spatial gradients of flow permanence, and composition shifted from hydric to mesic species at sites with more intermittent flow. Hydrologic threshold values were evident for one plant functional group: Schoenoplectus acutus, Juncus torreyi, and other hydric riparian plants declined sharply in cover with loss of perennial stream flow. In contrast, cover of mesic riparian perennials (including Cynodon dactylon, an introduced species) increased at sites with intermittent flow. Patterns of hydric and mesic riparian annuals varied by season: in the early summer dry season their cover declined continuously as flow became more intermittent, while in the late summer wet season their cover increased as the flow became more intermittent. Periodic drought at the intermittent sites may increase opportunities for establishment of these annuals during the monsoonal flood season. During the late summer flood season, stream flow was present at most sites, and fewer vegetation traits were correlated with flow permanence; cover and richness were correlated with other environmental factors including site elevation and substrate nitrate level and particle size. Although perennial‐flow and intermittent‐flow sites support different streamside plant communities, all of the plant functional groups are abundant at perennial‐flow sites when viewing the ecosystem at broader spatial and temporal scales: mesic riparian perennials are common in the floodplain zone adjacent to the river channel and late‐summer hydric and mesic annuals are periodically abundant after large floods. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Platte River in central Nebraska responded to water development by rapid channel narrowing and expansion of native riparian woodland. Woodland expanded most rapidly in the 1930s and 1950s; open channel and woodland area stabilized in the 1960s and have remained stable for most reaches into the mid-1990s, despite relatively low flows and infrequent peak flows in the past decade. Open channel area may have been maintained or increased under recent lower flows because of increased erodibility of the floodplain as it has aggraded, developed vertical banks and as its woodland vegetation has become older, sparser and less protective of banks. One section of the Platte River, near Grand Island, has disequilibrated in the past decade by undergoing a 10% loss of channel area. The reach occurs below an area where vegetation has been removed to increase open channel area for migrating whooping and sandhill cranes and other water birds. Vegetation clearing may have liberated excess sediment, locally aggraded the channel and stimulated tree and shrub recruitment. This management practice needs to be examined before it is used more widely in the Platte River. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Bill Williams (Arizona) is a regulated dryland river that is being managed, in part, for biodiversity via flow management. To inform management, we contrasted riparian plant communities between the Bill Williams and an upstream free‐flowing tributary (Santa Maria). Goals of a first study (1996–1997) were to identify environmental controls on herbaceous species richness and compare richness among forest types. Analyses revealed that herbaceous species richness was negatively related to woody stem density, basal area and litter cover and positively related to light levels. Introduced Tamarix spp. was more frequent at the Bill Williams, but all three main forest types (Tamarix, Salix/Populus, Prosopis) had low understory richness, as well as high stem density and low light, on the Bill Williams as compared to the Santa Maria. The few edaphic differences between rivers (higher salinity at Bill Williams) had only weak connections with richness. A second study (2006–2007) focused on floristic richness at larger spatial scales. It revealed that during spring, and for the study cumulatively (spring and fall samplings combined), the riparian zone of the unregulated river had considerably more plant species. Annuals (vs. herbaceous perennials and woody species) showed the largest between‐river difference. Relative richness of exotic (vs. native) species did not differ. We conclude that: (1) The legacy of reduced scouring frequency and extent at the Bill Williams has reduced the open space available for colonization by annuals; and (2) Change in forest biomass structure, more so than change in forest composition, is the major driver of changes in plant species richness along this flow‐altered river. Our study informs dryland river management options by revealing trade‐offs that exist between forest biomass structure and plant species richness. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from a semiarid watershed of the southwestern United States (Verde River basin, Arizona) indicated that abundance and species richness of mixed deciduous riparian forests varied in a curvilinear and quantifiable fashion as a function of stream flow parameters. Three indicators of riparian abundance—foliage area, stem basal area and stand width—increased most significantly with growing season flow volume, a surrogate indicator of riparian water availability. Tree species richness varied in a bell curve fashion with flood size, with the greatest richness occurring at streams with intermediate flood magnitudes. These instream flow models have management implications for riparian habitats. They suggest that flow volume (and the related attributes of water-table recharge and floodplain soil wetting) is the primary factor regulating riparian vegetation abundance in the Verde River watershed, and provide a first approximation of the extent of riparian loss expected from flow diversion or other types of flow reduction.  相似文献   

Most riparian trees are phreatophytic, water table‐dependent plants which broadly differ in their tolerance to drought and permanent flooding. In semi‐arid settings, as water is limiting, inundations may be regarded as inputs rather than stresses for the survival of phreatophytes. In this study, the mortality rates and abundances of Populus alba, P. nigra, Salix alba and local Tamarix spp. were examined in 43 plots with different hydrologic conditions distributed across the floodplain of a large semi‐arid and Mediterranean river, the Ebro River (Spain). The objectives were to determine hydrologic thresholds for the maintenance of declining populations of those species, while providing novel information on their phreatophytic nature, and to examine shifts in the species composition along hydrologic gradients. All species exhibited significant relationships between mortality rates and hydrologic variables (deepest water table—WT, flood duration—FD and flood frequency—FF). S. alba was found to be the species with lowest tolerance to drier conditions (hydrologic thresholds for maintaining a mortality rate <50%: WT > ?1.22 m; FD: out of observation range; FF > 5.4 events y?1), followed by P. nigra (WT > ?2.18 m; FD > 11.1%; FF > 3.8 events y?1), Tamarix spp. (WT > ?2.96 m; FD > 3.7%; FF > 2.5 events y?1) and P. alba (WT > ?3.45 m; FD > 1.7%; FF > 2.0 events y?1). Only a significant reduction in S. alba relative abundance was observed as conditions got drier. The results provided quantitative information useful to guide management plans for the protection of Mediterranean phreatophytic tree species from further degradation and suggested that eventual natural or regulation‐induced droughts and groundwater declines would accelerate the loss of all phreatophytic species, especially S. alba. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dam releases used to create downstream flows that mimic historic floods in timing, peak magnitude and recession rate are touted as key tools for restoring riparian vegetation on large regulated rivers. We analysed a flood on the 5th‐order Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam, Colorado, in a broad alluvial valley where Fremont cottonwood riparian forests have senesced and little recruitment has occurred since dam completion in 1962. The stable post dam flow regime triggered the development of novel riparian communities with dense herbaceous plant cover. We monitored cottonwood recruitment on landforms inundated by a managed flood equal in magnitude and timing to the average pre‐dam flood. To understand the potential for using managed floods as a riparian restoration tool, we implemented a controlled and replicated experiment to test the effects of artificially modified ground layer vegetation on cottonwood seedling establishment. Treatments to remove herbaceous vegetation and create bare ground included herbicide application (H), ploughing (P), and herbicide plus ploughing (H + P). Treatment improved seedling establishment. Initial seedling densities on treated areas were as much as 1200% higher than on neighbouring control (C) areas, but varied over three orders of magnitude among the five locations where manipulations were replicated. Only two replicates showed the expected seedling density rank of (H + P) > P > H> C. Few seedlings established in control plots and none survived 1 year. Seedling density was strongly affected by seed rain density. Herbivory affected growth and survivorship of recruits, and few survived nine growing seasons. Our results suggest that the novel plant communities are ecologically and geomorphically resistant to change. Managed flooding alone, using flows equal to the pre‐dam mean annual peak flood, is an ineffective riparian restoration tool where such ecosystem states are present and floods cannot create new habitat for seedling establishment. This problem significantly limits long‐term river and riparian management options. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems in montane areas have been degraded by mining, streamflow alterations, and livestock grazing. Restoration of ecological and economic functions, especially in high-elevation watersheds that supply water to lower elevation urban and agriculture areas is of high priority. We investigated the response of riparian vegetation and bank stability following channel treatments and riparian habitat restoration along a segment of the upper Arkansas River south of Leadville, Colorado. The study area has been historically degraded by heavy-metal mining and is designated a U.S. Superfund site. Additionally, trans-basin water diversions and livestock grazing have contributed to channel widening and altered vegetation composition and cover. We used a before-after-control impact study design in four reaches with varied contamination and grazing history to assess restoration success. Before restoration, streambanks were dominated by graminoids and total vegetation cover varied among reaches with willow cover less than 16% in three reaches. Post-restoration, changes in total vegetation cover fell short of projected goals, but willow cover was greater than 20% in all study reaches. The increase in woody cover likely contributed to reduced erosion and vegetation encroachment post-restoration. Differences in functional group cover among reaches persisted post-restoration and may be attributed to soil contamination levels and low willow seed rain and dispersal. These results highlight the importance of setting realistic restoration goals based on elevation and past land use. We recommend further remediation of fluvial tailings with low vegetation cover and continued monitoring of willow height and cover to determine if further restoration activities are needed.  相似文献   

The Pesquería River (north‐eastern Mexico) has long been subjected to considerable anthropogenic pressures. For this reason, it has been identified by the Mexican National Commission for the Knowledge and Usage of Biodiversity as a priority resource to be evaluated and restored. In order to establish the means required for the restoration of the river, the condition of its riparian ecosystem must be evaluated. To evaluate the quality of the riparian forest, we adapted the Qualitat del Bosc de Ribera index methodology for Mediterranean rivers for the semiarid rivers of north‐eastern Mexico (QBR‐RNMX). The QBR‐RNMX index included modifications to the four sections that comprise the original index, and their values range between 0 and 100. Using the five levels of riparian quality defined in the index, in the area surrounding the Pesquería River, we found poor or very poor conditions at 66% of the sampling sites, average‐good conditions at 27% of the sites, and only one sampling site with excellent conditions. These results show that the riparian forest has been impacted significantly by urbanization, agriculture, and the presence of many invasive species. We recommend the application of the QBR‐RNMX annually in order to evaluate the riparian forest's quality and to assess its ecological status. This may be used for the establishment of restoration plans in high‐impact zones and contingency plans to eliminate invasive species along the Pesquería River.  相似文献   

Monitoring riparian vegetation cover and species richness is an important component of assessing change and understanding ecosystem processes. Vegetation sampling methods determined to be the best option in other ecosystems (e.g., desert grasslands and arctic tundra) may not be the best option in multilayered, species rich, heterogeneous riparian vegetation. This study examines the strengths and weaknesses of two common vegetation sampling methods, line‐point intercept and ocular quadrat estimates. Permutational analysis of variance analyses indicate that cover estimates among observers did not differ significantly for either line‐point intercept or ocular quadrat estimates. Line‐point intercept cover estimates resulted in lower coefficient of variation among observers than ocular quadrat estimates, but the ocular quadrat estimates recorded significantly more species. Line‐point estimates of cover were generally larger than ocular quadrat estimates. Ocular quadrat estimates are appropriate when assessment of richness is important, in areas with heterogeneous geomorphology and hydrology where fine‐scale measurements are most useful, and in areas where continuous sampling transects are impracticable. Line‐point intercept estimates are useful when minimum variation among observers is necessary, continuous transects are logical and practicable for the sampling area, woody cover does not present a logistical complication, and species richness is not a priority.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of river fragmentation by dams on hydrochory (i.e. plant dispersal by water) and on plant distribution by comparing two adjacent rivers in northern Sweden, one free‐flowing and the other regulated. We collected stranded drift material from both rivers in order to quantify the drift material and its species content. We also estimated the floristic continuity along the two rivers by comparing the drift flora with the riparian flora further upstream. The drift amount deposited on the riverbank, its species richness and its contribution to the species pool were higher in the free‐flowing than in the regulated river. The floristic continuity was also higher in the free‐flowing than in the regulated river. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The vegetation cover in the steep, gravelly reaches of rivers was originally low. However, significant vegetation colonization can currently be observed in these riparian areas, and understanding the cause of this colonization is important for management. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of sediment deposition and erosion on vegetation colonization in gravel bed rivers. The delay in colonization by herbs and trees after sediment deposition or erosion was investigated using aerial photos of 6 Japanese rivers. A field study was conducted before and after a large flood at depositional and erosional locations. The colonization of vegetation after flushing was substantially delayed at sites where gravels were deposited compared with that at erosional sites, and it was faster in sandy reaches compared with gravelly reaches. Little tree colonization was observed at the depositional sites of gravelly sediments, whereas at erosional sites, new shoots sprouted from the collapsed live trees in the following spring, achieving a rapid increase in tree density. The nutrient and moisture contents of the sediment were significantly higher at the erosional sites. Gravels are deposited after washing and being segregated from fine sediment during floods. This coarse‐sediment layer is low in moisture and nutrients compared with the erosional sites, at which the underlying sediments are exposed by flooding. However, moisture and nutrients are the primary requirements for vegetation colonization. Therefore, the reduction in gravelly sediments due to gravel mining, river regulation, and modification of river basins can have a substantial effect on vegetation colonization.  相似文献   

武清  李江  黄涛 《水利水电技术》2019,50(12):98-105
近年来极端气候变化频发,引发局地短时强降雨,易造成超标洪水,严重威胁山溪性河流上的水库安全,由此而导致的大坝漫(溃)坝案例已有发生,且危害巨大,防范和化解此类重大灾害是新时期水库设计和安全运行管理的关键问题。通过归纳总结已建土石坝工程实例,认为水库漫顶溃坝风险主要来源于水文资料短缺、洪水成因复杂和突发性强,水情监测预警预报不到位,抵御超标准洪水时调洪能力有限等不利因素。因此,关注设计洪水的合理性分析及安全性评价,建立对超标准洪水的分析预测和监测预警,合理规划泄洪建筑物的规模以及抗冲结构设置,加强水库排沙预泄措施和梯级水库的联调联控等综合调洪能力的提高,提升非常情况下的应急安全管理能力等,是病险水库除险加固以及新建水库工程设计及运行管理的必需措施。  相似文献   

Following a review of the European distribution, habitat requirements and life history characteristics of two riparian tree species, Alnus incana (L.) Moench (grey alder, a member of the Betulaceae family) and Populus nigra L. (black poplar, a member of the Salicaceae family), we explore their changing spatial distribution and topographic position within a 7 km, island braided reach of the Tagliamento River, Italy, where Populus nigra dominates the woody vegetation cover. Combining field observations and information extracted from aerial images, airborne lidar data and river flow time series for the period 1986–2017, we investigate (a) the changing spatial distribution of all (P. nigra‐dominated) woody vegetation and of A. incana alone; (b) whether river bed topography can be associated with these changing spatial distributions and (c) we consider whether A. incana displays any particular characteristics in its spatial and topographic distribution that may indicate that it is complementing the physical engineering role of P. nigra. We show that A. incana predominantly grows in lines along channel, island and floodplain edges, bordering wooded areas dominated by P. nigra and that areas supporting A. incana are associated with the topographic development of the river bed. We conclude that A. incana appears to be acting as a complementary physical engineer to P. nigra, suggesting that similar complementary physical engineering of river beds may be achieved by species with different life history traits to influence landform development in other river environments.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology to assess the effects of artificial embankments on riparian vegetation. It then tests the methodology on a mountain torrent system in Calabria, Southern Italy. The method delimits homogeneous reaches within which a sample of embanked and control (unembanked) sites is identified for study. Transects, subdivided into sample areas, are located in embanked and control sub‐reaches. At these transects, vegetation parameters (number of species, canopy cover of each species and vegetation layer, height of each vegetation layer, vegetation type, biological forms and ecological groups) are surveyed. Two new parameters (global canopy cover and weighted canopy height) are also proposed to give synthetic information on the global development of vegetation. A simple hydraulic index (cAb/W) is used to explore differences in riparian vegetation both along the river and according to local narrowing caused by embanking. Application of this methodology to a torrent system (locally called ‘fiumara’) illustrates a clear influence of concrete embankments in the upper and middle torrent reaches. It demonstrates that torrent narrowing induces: a decrease in the number of vegetation types with a tendency to confine the types to generally lower evolution levels and with a less marked trend between the thalweg and embankment; an increase in annual species and decrease in perennial species; and also a lower global canopy cover with, sometimes, a reduction in the weighted canopy height (WCH). This example illustrates that the methodology provides useful information concerning the impact of existing control works, which can aid the design of new works and can inform environmentally sensitive restoration of Mediterranean water courses. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Suitable thermal conditions in streams are necessary for fish and predictions of future climate changes infer that water temperatures may regularly exceed tolerable ranges for key species. Riparian woodland is considered as a possible management tool for moderating future thermal conditions in streams for the benefit of fish communities. The spatial and temporal variation of stream water temperature was therefore investigated over 3 years in lowland rivers in the New Forest (southern England) to establish the suitability of the thermal regime for fish in relation to riparian shade in a warm water system. Riparian shade was found to have a marked influence on stream water temperature, particularly in terms of moderating diel temperature variation and limiting the number of days per year that maximum temperatures exceeded published thermal thresholds for brown trout. Expansion of riparian woodland offers potential to prevent water temperature exceeding incipient lethal limits for brown trout and other fish species. A relatively low level of shade (20–40%) was found to be effective in keeping summer temperatures below the incipient lethal limit for brown trout, but ca. 80% shade generally prevented water temperatures exceeding the range reported for optimum growth of brown trout. Higher levels of shade are likely to be necessary to protect temperature‐sensitive species from climate warming. © Crown copyright 2010.  相似文献   

Riparian forest vegetation is widely believed to protect riverbanks from erosion, but few studies have quantified the effect of riparian vegetation removal on rates of river channel migration. Measured historical changes in a river channel centreline, combined with mapped changes in floodplain vegetation, provide an opportunity to test how riparian vegetation cover affects the erodibility of riverbanks. We analysed meander migration patterns from 1896 to 1997 for the central reach of the Sacramento River between Red Bluff and Colusa, using channel planform and vegetation cover data compiled from maps and aerial photography. We used a numerical model of meander migration to back‐calculate local values for bank erodibility (i.e. the susceptibility of bank materials to erosion via lateral channel migration, normalized for variations in near‐bank flow velocities due to channel curvature). A comparison of migration rates for approximately 50 years before and after the construction of Shasta dam suggests that bank migration rates and erodibility increased roughly 50%, despite significant flow regulation, as riparian floodplains were progressively converted to agriculture. A comparison of migration rates and bank erodibilities between 1949 and 1997, for reaches bordered by riparian forest versus agriculture, shows that agricultural floodplains are 80 to 150% more erodible than riparian forest floodplains. An improved understanding of the effect of floodplain vegetation on river channel migration will aid efforts to predict future patterns of meander migration for different river management and restoration scenarios. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

气候变化对科尔沁沙地蒸散发和植被的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近30年来科尔沁沙地的植被呈现显著退化,揭示气候变化下科尔沁沙地关键生态水文过程(如蒸散发和植被)的变化特征及其影响对荒漠化防治具有重要意义。本研究开发了水文过程与植被生长耦合的生态水文模型(WaVEM),模拟解析了科尔沁沙地各气象因子变化对实际蒸散发和植被变化的影响程度,探讨了气候变化下科尔沁沙地植被变化的响应规律。结果表明,1964—2013年间,在降水变化不显著而气温显著升高情况下,实际蒸散发和年最大叶面积指数均未发生显著变化。降水的年际变化是导致实际蒸散发和植被变化的主要因素,潜在蒸发的影响次之。短期的干旱会导致植被锐减,而短期干旱结束后植被能够迅速恢复;多年连续干旱是导致科尔沁植被显著退化的主要因素。  相似文献   

Terrestrial arthropod communities remain poorly described for riparian ecosystems of the arid southwestern United States, and the effects of extensive river regulation and habitat alteration on these potentially important invertebrates are largely unknown. Beginning in 1991, surface‐active arthropods were trapped at two riparian sites along the Rio Grande, in central New Mexico, for 2 years. One site was then experimentally flooded from mid‐May to mid‐June for each of the next 3 years to simulate historic, low intensity flooding, after which arthropod collections were continued. These primary sites, located outside the riverside levee, and isolated from flooding for about 50 years prior to the experiment, were compared with a naturally flooded site and a second non‐flooded reference. Experimental flooding and observations of the naturally flooded site indicated that flooding did not affect total taxonomic richness, nor richness of spiders, beetles or ants. However, flooding may have slightly increased the number of carabid beetle taxa present. Flooding altered the overall composition for all taxa, insects, beetles and carabid beetles. Spider taxa composition may be insensitive to flooding, while ant responses were not clear. Abundance of terrestrial isopods and spiders decreased after flooding, while overall beetle abundance did not change. Abundance of crickets and carabid beetles increased, but the response was delayed until after the second flood. Changes in taxa composition and abundance after experimental flooding were generally consistent with arthropod community structure observed at a nearby naturally flooded site. This similarity suggests that reorganization of the terrestrial arthropod community may follow restoration of flooding to this riparian ecosystem. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riparian tree planting is increasingly being used as a strategy to shade river corridors and offset the impact of climate change on river temperature. Because the circumstances under which tree planting generates the greatest impact are still largely unknown, researchers are increasingly using process‐based models to simulate the impacts of tree planting (or felling) on river temperature. However, the high‐resolution data on existing riparian tree cover needed to parameterise these models can be difficult to obtain, especially in data‐sparse areas. In this paper, we compare the performance of a river temperature model parameterised with a range of different tree cover datasets, to assess whether tree cover data extracted from readily available GIS databases or coarser (i.e., 2–5 m) digital elevation products are able to generate river temperature simulations approaching the accuracy of higher resolution structure from motion (SfM) or LiDAR. Our results show that model performance for simulations incorporating these data is generally degraded in relation to LiDAR/SfM inputs and that tree cover data from “alternative” sources can lead to unexpected temperature model outcomes. We subsequently use our model to simulate the addition/removal of riparian tree cover from alongside the river channel. Simulations indicate that the vast majority of the “shading effect” is generated by tree cover within the 5‐m zone immediately adjacent to the river channel, a key finding with regards to developing efficient riparian tree planting strategies. These results further emphasise the importance of incorporating the highest possible resolution tree cover data when running tree planting/clearcutting scenario simulations.  相似文献   

We examined impacts of future climate scenarios on flow regimes and how predicted changes might affect river ecosystems. We examined two case studies: Cle Elum River, Washington, and Chattahoochee–Apalachicola River Basin, Georgia and Florida. These rivers had available downscaled global circulation model (GCM) data and allowed us to analyse the effects of future climate scenarios on rivers with (1) different hydrographs, (2) high future water demands, and (3) a river–floodplain system. We compared observed flow regimes to those predicted under future climate scenarios to describe the extent and type of changes predicted to occur. Daily stream flow under future climate scenarios was created by either statistically downscaling GCMs (Cle Elum) or creating a regression model between climatological parameters predicted from GCMs and stream flow (Chattahoochee–Apalachicola). Flow regimes were examined for changes from current conditions with respect to ecologically relevant features including the magnitude and timing of minimum and maximum flows. The Cle Elum's hydrograph under future climate scenarios showed a dramatic shift in the timing of peak flows and lower low flow of a longer duration. These changes could mean higher summer water temperatures, lower summer dissolved oxygen, and reduced survival of larval fishes. The Chattahoochee–Apalachicola basin is heavily impacted by dams and water withdrawals for human consumption; therefore, we made comparisons between pre‐large dam conditions, current conditions, current conditions with future demand, and future climate scenarios with future demand to separate climate change effects and other anthropogenic impacts. Dam construction, future climate, and future demand decreased the flow variability of the river. In addition, minimum flows were lower under future climate scenarios. These changes could decrease the connectivity of the channel and the floodplain, decrease habitat availability, and potentially lower the ability of the river to assimilate wastewater treatment plant effluent. Our study illustrates the types of changes that river ecosystems might experience under future climates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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