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Water resources management may be improved through the activities of organizations devoted to practice-oriented research, continuing education, and technical assistance. The experience carried out in southern Italy by CSEI Catania during 13 years of activity is presented. Two main activities are discussed: the research and training program on regional pollution control plans and the development of a water data bank.  相似文献   

The distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate on 8 March 2009 was studied in Lake Saiko (73.2 m maximum depth). The average density of the benthic community for the entire lake was 19 583 individuals m?2, being comprised of oligochaetes and chironomid larvae, with densities of 18 163 (92.8%) and 1274 (6.5%), respectively. The average wet weights of oligochaetes and chironomid larvae were 15.96 and 1.67 g m?2, respectively. The oligochaetes inhabited the entire lake bottom, with their densities being higher in the transitional region (20–40 m) and deeper region (>40 m) than in the shallower region. However, the densities of chironomid larvae were low in the deeper region (>40 m), with only a few chironomid larvae being found in the centre of the lake (>60 m). The most abundant species (Micropsectra chuzeprima) exhibited the widest distribution (from 10.1 to 65.5 m depth), followed by Polypedilum nubeculosum. The results of this study also were compared to previous data on oligochaetes and chironomid larvae reported by Kitagawa (1973) . The density of these animals increased throughout the whole lake in 2009. However, the chironomid species compositions did not changed. The larval distribution pattern of chironomid changed since Kitagawa’s study, being distributed from 11 to 68 m in 1973. In contrast, almost all chironomid larvae were found in the transitional (e.g. M. chuzeprima) and shallower (e.g. Procladius choreus and P. nubeculosum) regions in 2009, with only a few individuals being observed in the deeper regions (>60 m). In contrast, the oligochaete density increased in the deeper regions. Large environmental changes must have affected the oligochaetes and chironomids densities, especially in the deeper regions with low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Consequently, the distribution pattern of oligochaetes and chironomids in the lake has changed. These study findings suggest the lake is experiencing increasing eutrophication.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analysis of changes observed in channel morphology in the Serpis River (Alicante, Spain), a gravel‐bed river dammed since 1958. The paper analyses flow series and several aerial images, prior and subsequent to dam construction, to analyse changes in channel morphology and vegetation colonisation using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) techniques. Results show a concatenation of morphological changes throughout an adjustment sequence (60 years), which started with the transformation from wandering to single thread channel pattern, was followed by a slow vegetation encroachment, and culminated with the stabilization of channel migration. The role of vegetation (particularly Salicaceae species) has been critical in controlling floods' effectiveness, reducing river mobility and shifting, and consolidating a channel planform model adapted to the post‐dam flow conditions.  相似文献   

The Pilcomayo river is one of the few intact natural river systems left on the South American continent. The high, largely natural, sediment loads of the river have led to the development of an alluvial fan system, which is still active. The river is currently retracting due to siltation of its bed, and in the near future the river is likely to abruptly change its course. There is a large difference in discharge between the wet and dry seasons. Pollution of the transported sediments by heavy metals from the mining district of Potosí is largely prevented by dilution of the toxic mining sludges with clean sediments derived from natural erosion processes. The Sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) is a migrating fish which is very important for commercial fishing. The Sábalo grows up in the floodplains in the lower reaches of the river and starts its upstream migration at the end of the rainy season to spawn in the Andean foothill at the beginning of the next rainy season. Pollution does not seem to affect fish catches. Sábalo catches in a given year, however, do appear to depend strongly on the mean discharge in the three preceding years. Annual discharge is strongly influenced by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The patterns of the occurrence and distribution of alien freshwater turtle species in an urban pond archipelago (Rome, Italy) were analysed, with the aim of exploring the role of a set of factors (type of ponds, landscape context, size area, distance from the nearest road) with a generalized linear model approach. A total of 311 ponds subdivided in three types (fountains, small basins, lakes) embedded in different landscape contexts (public parks, private parks, urban areas) at differing distances from the nearest road were sampled. Six non‐native freshwater turtle species in 31 sites were recorded (9.97%). Lakes exhibited the highest occurrence rates of alien freshwater turtles, compared to small basins and fountains. Freshwater turtle species in urbanized areas were only observed in parks (both public and private). In both the public and private parks, the lakes exhibited the highest percentage of occupied sites, with fountains being the lowest. A direct and significant relationship was observed between pond size and species richness. The distance from the nearest road did not appear to affect species richness. A first interpretation of the data from this study facilitated the postulation of two a posteriori hypotheses that should be tested, as follows: (i) the causal process of turtle release is random, and the rate of extinction (and recapture) is higher in smaller ponds, thus producing the observed pattern; and (ii) the turtle release is not random, and people actively select the ponds they consider more suitable for their pet animals. In this study, it appears the lakes were perceived by those who abandon their pets as the most ecologically suitable habitats among other pond types to accommodate the different species of turtles. Knowledge of people's attitudes in regard to releasing pet animals also might assist managers of public green spaces to develop strategies aimed to preserve local biodiversity, and to educate the public about the conservation issue represented by the alien species.  相似文献   

Flow patterns in the Great Fish River in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa have changed from being seasonal, with predictable no‐flow periods during winter, to perennial following the completion of an inter‐basin transfer scheme in 1977 to provide a regular supply of irrigation water. Simulium chutteri (Diptera: Simuliidae) consequently became a problem species of pestilential proportions, due to increased flow volumes and current velocities favouring this species. In this study, aquatic invertebrates were sampled from the stones‐in‐current biotope with a range of current velocities at three sites on the Great Fish River, with a particular focus on pool/rapid areas favouring S. chutteri. The main aim of this paper was to determine whether critical hydraulic thresholds, including current velocity, could be derived for this species. Knowledge of the hydraulic preferences of S. chutteri is a prerequisite for any integrated control programme which combines larvicidal control with flow manipulation. S. chutteri was found to favour the rapids biotope with current velocities in excess of 90 cms−1, with preferences for higher current velocities increasing with life cycle stage. Additional hydraulic variables, at the scale measured in this study, did not correlate with larval densities. There is potential for more effective long‐term control of problem populations of larval blackfly in the Great Fish River through further research on the potential for using constructed in‐stream vanes to reduce current velocities in rapids of the river at critical periods of the year (July–October), based on flow duration/current velocity relationships. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Elevated, more constant flows characterize the current flow regime of the Great Fish River (Eastern Cape province, South Africa) following the completion of an interbasin transfer scheme (IBT) in 1977, where prior to this the winter months were often characterized by zero flows. Changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate communities, and in particular outbreaks of the pest blackfly Simulium chutteri Lewis (Diptera: Simuliidae) have been documented in response to these altered flows. Integrated control measures of pest blackfly have been advocated based on flow reductions during the winter months. In this study, a site‐specific discharge threshold of 2 m3 s?1 was identified as a flow reduction target based on the amount of hydraulic habitat available to S. chutteri larvae within a particular rapid. Hydrological analyses showed that flow conditions have created ideal blackfly larval habitat in this rapid, with prolonged uninterupted periods (>3 months) exceeding this threshold. A model was developed to predict probabilities and severities of blackfly outbreaks, based on flow periods and water temperatures, both of which determine the success and duration respectively of the aquatic phase of S. chutteri. July was identified as the critical month for flow restriction to 2 m3 s?1 for a period of 38 days, in order to reduce the winter populations of S. chutteri in the Great Fish River at the study site and avoid the typical spring outbreaks of blackfly. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The weir pool Serrig is the deepest one along the impounded river Saar. Damming caused massive changes in the river's hydrodynamics. We analyzed the spatio‐temporal variability of thermal density stratification in the weir pool and its effect on phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics. In the analysis, continuous measurements from the years 2014 and 2015 were combined with three two‐day sampling campaigns in spring 2015. Thermal stratification occurred regularly in the downstream section of the weir pool during spring and summer and showed a diurnal rhythm. Temperature differences >1 K between the 1 and 2 m water layer were observed during 34 out of 217 days (16%) in 2014, with maximum temperature gradients up to 3.71 K. Whereas the influence of thermal stratification on phytoplankton biomass and distribution was low during the algal bloom in early spring, stratification events between May and July promoted temporary algal blooms in the surface layer with chlorophyll a concentrations up to 98 µg Chla l?1 and a maximum difference between the 1 and 2 m water layer of 36 µg Chla l?1. Some of the stratification events resulted in reduced concentrations of dissolved nutrients in the surface layer as a result of increased uptake by algae, with maximum gradients between the surface and the 8 m water layer of 0.070 mg ortho‐PO43‐‐P l?1, 0.136 mg NH4+?N l?1 and 0.24 mg NO3¯?N l?1. These vertical gradients should be considered in sampling protocols for the assessment of the water quality of temporarily stratified river sections. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in the catches of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758), in Lake Wamala (Uganda) have been observed since its introduction. The factors contributing to these changes, however, are not well understood. This study examined changes in species composition, size structure, size at first maturity, length–weight relationship and condition factor of Nile tilapia in Lake Wamala, in relation to changes in temperature, rainfall and lake depth, to provide a better understanding of the possible role of changing climatic conditions. There was an increase in the minimum, maximum and average temperatures since 1980, but only the minimum (0.021 °C year?1) and average temperatures (0.018 °C year?1) exhibited a significant trend (P < 0.05). Rainfall increased by 8.25 mm year?1 since 1950 and accounted for 79.5% of the water input into the lake during the period 2011–2013, while evaporation accounted for 86.2% of the water loss from the lake. The lake depth was above 4 m during the years when the rainfall exceeded the average of 1180 mm, except after 2000. The contribution of Nile tilapia to total fish catch and catch per unit effort (CPUE) increased with rainfall and lake depth up to the year 2000, after which they decreased, despite an increased rainfall level. The lake depth was positively correlated with the average total length and length at 50% maturity (r = 0.991 and 0.726, respectively), while the slopes of the length–weight relationships differed significantly between high and low lake depths [t(6) = 3.225, P < 0.05]. Nile tilapia shifted from an algal‐dominated diet during the wet season to include more insects during the dry season. The results of this study indicate Nile tilapia in Lake Wamala displays a typical r‐selected reproductive strategy, by growing to a small size, maturing faster and feeding on different food types, in order to survive high mortality rates under unfavourable conditions attributable to higher temperatures, low rainfall and low lake water levels.  相似文献   

The macroinvertebrate fauna of the river Nent, a heavy metal polluted upland stream in northern England, first surveyed in 1976, was re‐examined in 2004 to assess long‐term changes in relation to activities in the catchment which have included, a river restoration project, works associated with the development of a mine heritage site and the removal of a chicken farm and more effective organic pollution control measures. The degree of change between years in total abundance, numbers of taxa and community composition varied considerably between sites. Two tributary sites showed marked changes between years due to a reduction in acidity in one and changed substratum in the other but in the main river no significant difference in total taxa and total abundance was observed between years, although seasonal differences were significant. Multivariate community analyses grouped 1976 samples with those taken in 2004 but revealed a clear separation between upper and lower Nent sites. This observed difference may be related to increased algal cover in the lower sites in conjunction with geomorphological features of the lower Nent. Environmental assessment methodology River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS) identified ‘sensitive’ faunal groups and indicated that the extensive impact of zinc pollution in the main river has remained practically the same between 1976 and 2004. This persistence of community structure despite the heavily disturbed nature of the river is attributed to relative constancy in instream habitat conditions. The recent activities in the catchment have had little effect on the overall controllers of faunal communities in this system, zinc concentrations and geomorphological characteristics of the stream. However, further disturbances involving movement of spoil heaps and channel alterations in the upper catchment may increase both sediment and heavy metal loadings to the river. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Sanaga River is one of Sub‐Saharan Africa's largest and greatly regulated rivers. Available flow data for this hydrosystem largely cover the pre‐ and post‐regulation periods. From comparisons between unregulated (hypothetical) and observed scenarios, it has been possible to separate and to quantify hydro‐climatic (groundwater + rainfall) change effects from anthropogenic impacts (especially dam‐related alterations). To appreciate shifts in the river regime, discontinuity detection tests and the IHA model were applied to discharge data series reflecting average and extreme flow conditions, respectively. Results obtained principally from the Hubert segmentation method reveal that a major discontinuity occurred in 1970–1971 separating a surplus phase between 1945–1946 and 1969–1970, and a deficient and much contrasted one, from 1971/1972. This implies that the Sanaga catchment is dominantly affected by hydro‐climatic changes. However, wide land cover/land use changes experienced here since 1988 have resulted in an increase in surface runoff. Additional quickflows linked to these changes may have partly compensated for the substantial decline in the dry season rainfall and groundwater inputs observed from this date. Although at the monthly scale, dam‐related impacts on average flows increase with stage of regulation, the seasonal variability of the river regime remains generally unaffected. A comparison of the IHA statistics, calculated from unregulated and observed streamflow data, show that hydrologic shifts occurring in maximum and minimum discharges are mostly significant from 1971/1972 and are mainly due to the action of dams. Minimum flows appear, however, widely impacted, thus reflecting the prime objective assigned to the existing reservoirs, constructed to supplement flows for hydroelectricity production during the dry season. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Saint‐Sauveur dam was built in 1992 in the middle section of the Buëch River. Downstream of the dam, a channel incision by several meters was observed. A gravel replenishment operation was planned in order to restore the active channel. An equivalent of two times the mean annual bedload‐transport capacity (43,500 m3) was replenished downstream of the dam in September 2016. The aim of this paper is to quantify morphological change associated with sediment remobilization in order to evaluate the efficiency of the restoration works. The monitoring was based on a combination of (a) change detection using sequential high‐resolution digital elevation models (from airborne LiDAR data), (b) bedload tracing using active ultrahigh‐frequency radio‐frequency identification technology, and (c) complementary field surveys of channel grain‐size distribution and morphology for bedload‐transport computation. Field monitoring allows us to capture a net aggradation along a 2‐km reach after the first post‐replenishment flood. A sediment balance analysis was performed to back‐calculate bedload supply coming from the sluicing operation during the flood. Although the sediment replenishment operation clearly had a positive impact on the morphological conditions of the starved river reach, the effective bedload supply from artificial berms (22,650 m3) was insufficient to initiate substantial channel shifting along the restored reach and a subsequent amplification of the sediment recharge. The combination of high‐resolution topographic resurveys and sediment tracing was successful to evaluate the downstream propagation of sediment replenishment effects.  相似文献   

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