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This paper presents a comparison between CFD‐simulations and measurements of the temperature stratification in a mixing box of an air‐handling unit. We have used data from field measurements during a period of over a year for different outside temperatures. We performed two‐dimensional CFD‐simulations for four different outside temperatures with commercially available software. The measurements as well as the simulations show that the temperature difference between the upper part and the lower part of the duct downstream of the mixing box is considerable. It increases, as the outside temperature decreases. However, the discrepancies between the measurements and the simulations are large. The reasons for this are uncertain boundary conditions and modelling errors leading to an inaccurate simulation result. The stratification downstream of the mixing box implies large sensor errors and the use of the mixed air temperature for control and fault detection must therefore be questioned. Averaging sensors, which take a mean value over the duct section, can be used but do not consider differences in velocities and are therefore not accurate either. In order to, for example, use CFD as a tool to decide the optimal sensor location a more accurate model and more information regarding the boundary conditions is needed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Energy conservation and increase in performance of air‐conditioning systems could be achieved by pre‐cooling the air intake of the condensers. This paper experiments three different methods of pre‐cooling the condenser air; the cooling pad (CP) setup, the cooling mesh (CM) setup and the shading setup. The CP and CM setups are two different methods of evaporatively cooling the air. The three methods have been applied to three identical, 2.8 tons, split air‐conditioning units during the peak summer time period in Kuwait, under ambient temperatures ranging from 39 to 45°C. The results yielded a drop in the power consumption ranging from 8.1 to 20.5% and an increase in the cooling load ranging from 6.4 to 7.8% by using the CP and CM setups, which, in turn, resulted in an increase in the coefficient of performance (COP) of the units by 36–59%. The shading setup has resulted in an increase of power consumption due to air trapped below the shaded area, which resulted in heat being generated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Air filters consume a significant part of the fan power in air handling systems. Due to lack of suitable models, the fan energy associated with the filter pressure drop is often estimated based on average airflow and average pressure drop across the filter. Since the pressure drop varies nonlinearly with airflow and the filter resistance varies with dirt build‐up, current methods often produce erroneous results. This paper presents a new air filter pressure loss model that has been developed and verified using experimental data. The model projects the pressure losses across the filter for both constant and variable airflows. The inputs to the model are the airflow rate, the time of use, the initial design and final pressure losses at the design flow rate, and the coefficient of a power law regression of pressure loss as a function of airflow rate. The air filter pressure loss model may be implemented in hourly building energy simulation programs that perform hourly simulation at the air handling unit level. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of the solar‐driven ejector air conditioning with several environment‐friendly working fluids is studied. The effect of the fluid nature and operating conditions on the ejector performance is examined. This performance is calculated using an empirical correlation. Thermodynamic properties of functioning fluids are obtained with a package REFPROP7. It appears that the refrigerant R717 offers the highest coefficient of performance (COP). For generator temperature TB = 90°C, condenser temperature TC = 35°C and evaporator temperature TE = 15°C and with R717, the COP of ejector air‐conditioning system is 0.408. Using a meteorological data for the city of Tunis, the system performance is computed for three collector types. The air‐conditioning season and period were taken for six months from April to September. The daily period is between 8 and 17 h. For the solar air‐conditioning application, the COP of the overall system varied from 0.21 to 0.28 and the exergy efficiency varied from 0.14 to 0.19 with the same working conditions and total solar radiation (351–875 Wm?2) in July. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The energy‐saving effect and economic benefits of a thermosyphon heat recovery unit installed in a shopping mall are investigated. To evaluate the thermal performance of the heat recovery unit in a season, a seasonal temperature effectiveness is advanced, and its calculation formula is deduced referring to the calculation method of seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for an air conditioner. The annual operating energy‐saving effect of the unit is analyzed by using the seasonal temperature effectiveness while the static economic evaluation method is applied for the economic benefits analysis of the unit. The analysis results indicate the seasonal temperature effectiveness of the unit is 66.08% in the winter and 55.43% in the summer. The energy‐saving effect of the unit is quite remarkable, and the payback time is about 2.65 years. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj). DOI 10.1002/htj.21049  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in International Journal of Energy Research 2004; 28 (13): 1213. This paper deals with the simulation of thermal energy storage (TES) system for HVAC applications. TES is considered to be one of the most preferred demand side management technologies for shifting cooling electrical demand from peak daytime hours to off peak night hours. TES is incorporated into the conventional HVAC system to store cooling capacity by chilling ethylene glycol, which is used as a storage medium. The thermodynamic performance is assessed using exergy and energy analyses. The effects of various parameters such as ambient temperature, cooling load, and mass of storage are studied on the performance of the TES. A full storage cycle, with charging, storing and discharging stages, is considered. In addition, energy and exergy analysis of the TES is carried out for system design and optimization. The temperature in the storage is found to be as low as 6.4°C after 1 day of charging without load for a mass of 250 000 kg. It is found that COP of the HVAC system increases with the decrease of storage temperature. Energy efficiency of the TES is found to be 80% for all the mass flow rate of the discharging fluid, whereas exergy efficiency varies from 14 to 0.5%. This is in fact due to the irreversibilities in a TES process destroy a significant amount of the input exergy, and the TES exergy efficiencies therefore become always lower than the corresponding energy efficiencies. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The performance of a dehumidifier dryer is influenced strongly by the operating temperature and humidity. This paper shows how heat conduction and air leakage losses can cause the temperature of a dehumidifier kiln to collapse in a batch drying process, resulting in increased drying time and energy use. By means of a dynamic simulation model it is shown that heat loss due to an uninsulated floor alone may be sufficient to prevent a kiln reaching its normal operating temperature. It is shown that the effect of heat losses is exacerbated when the dehumidifier capacity is modulated for humidity control. Auxiliary heating can prevent temperature collapse in a poorly insulated kiln. This maintains the drying speed but adds considerably to the energy used. To avoid these difficulties the insulation and air seals of a dehumidifier dryer should be appropriate to the power dissipated by the dehumidifier and fans. An example is presented in which sealing and insulating the kiln yields a reduction of 44 per cent in the drying time, a reduction of 32 per cent in energy use, and an increase of 168 per cent in net operating revenue. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A locomotive cabin adsorption air‐conditioner has been equipped in #DF4B‐2369 locomotive; and has been successfully run for 2 years. It is powered by waste heat from the exhaust of the diesel engine. The influence on heat transfer is described by the equivalent heat transfer coefficient or thermal resistance of components inside the adsorber. The variation of adsorption capacity is expressed by a non‐equilibrium adsorption function. The dynamic heat transfer process of adsorption air‐conditioning system is treated with the lumped parameter method. Some typical running experimental results are present. The diesel engine rotating speed and locomotive speed influenced on the refrigeration system are discussed. The maximum mean refrigeration power is regarded as an objective function. Based on experiments and theoretical analysis, the running characteristics of the air‐conditioning system are optimized. Some techniques of performance improvement are suggested as well. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we present work involving the processing of climatic data relating to some Italian cities, taken from a set of data known as European ‘test reference year’ (TRY). We aim to make a critical comparison of the thermohygrometric conditions of outdoor air in the summer season thus obtained with those design conditions as laid down by Italian regulations (UNI 10339) and with those recently suggested by ASHRAE. Subsequently, and with reference to some traditional and recent applications in the field of air‐conditioning, we report on how performance differs according to outdoor summer thermohygrometric design conditions, such as those indicated by UNI 10339, by ASHRAE and by the processing of TRY data. Finally, we discuss the optimal choice of design conditions according to the type of application. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Owing to the rapid development of economy and the stable improvement of people's living standard, central air conditioning units are broadly used in China. This not only consumes large energy, but also results in adverse energy-related environmental issues. Energy efficiency standards are accepted effective policy tools to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions. Recently, China issued two national energy efficiency standards, GB19577-2004 and GB19576-2004, for vapor compression central air conditioning units for the first time. This paper first reviews the two standards, and then establishes a mathematic model to evaluate the potential energy savings and environmental impacts of the standards. The estimated results indicate implementing these standards will save massive energy, as well as benefit greatly to the environment. Obviously, it is significant to implement energy efficiency standards for central air conditioning units in China.  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance characteristics of refrigeration systems employing three types of condensers, namely the air‐cooled, the water‐cooled and the evaporative condensers. Experimental studies were conducted in the same vapour‐compression refrigeration unit operating with a different condenser in each test. It was found that the system with water‐cooled condenser had a higher refrigeration capacity by 2.9–14.4%, and a higher COP by 1.5–10.2% than the one with evaporative condenser. However, the refrigeration capacity and COP of the unit with evaporative condenser were higher than those of the one with air‐cooled condenser by 31.0 and 14.3%, respectively. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To achieve hydrogen‐rich and low‐tar producer gas, multi‐stage air‐blown and air‐steam gasification processes were studied in this research. Results showed that the tar content from multi‐stage air‐blown and air‐steam gasification were lower, compared to the average value of that from downdraft gasification. In the cases of air supplies of 80, 100 l min?1 and 100, 100 l min?1 with steam, hydrogen yields were increased by 40.71 and 41.62%, respectively, compared to that without steam. These were about 1.6 times of hydrogen flow rate of the base case (S/B = 0). However, it was found that too much steam added to the process was disadvantageous. The equilibrium model was also applied to predict the hydrogen production and the composition of producer gas obtained from the multi‐stage air‐blown and air‐steam gasification processes. The predicted result showed a better match for the case of multi‐stage air‐blown gasification process. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of single‐wall carbon nanohorns (SWNH) as counter electrodes (CE) of dye‐sensitized solar cells (DSC) was studied for the iodide/triiodide redox reaction. The catalytic activities of SWNH and high surface SWNH (HS‐SWNH) obtained by partial oxidation of SWNH were assessed based on charge‐transfer resistances (Rct) and current–voltage curves. A half‐cell configuration was used, and CE performances were compared to CEs made of carbon black (CB) and Pt. A CE assembled with HS‐SWNH and mixed with 10 wt.% of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) ‐ HS‐SWNH/HEC was found to have the highest electrocatalytic activity (lowest Rct) among all the carbon‐based CEs tested when annealed at 180 °C (Rct = 141 Ω cm2); however, a very thick film (several tens of µm) would be required in order to perform comparably to a Pt CE. The annealing of such CE at higher temperatures (above 400 °C) did not improve its catalytic activity, contrary to the other studied carbonaceous CEs. The redox catalytic activity of SWNH and HS‐SWNH decorated with Pt was also studied on a half‐cell configuration and compared to that of Pt/CB and pristine Pt. The Pt/SWNH/HEC CE showed the highest electrocatalytic activity per mass of Pt, needing just 50% of Pt load to yield the same electrocatalytic activity of a DSC equipped with a Pt CE, but having half of its transparency. Additionally, applications in temperature‐sensitive substrates are envisioned for the Pt/SWNH/HEC CE due to the use of lower annealing temperatures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of the refrigerant charge on the performance of a portable propane air conditioning system have been evaluated and compared to nonportable systems in which the surrounding temperatures of the evaporator and condenser are not equal. This study aims to determine the similarities and differences in the performance of the two types of propane air conditioners under different charge levels, and to serve as a source of reference for future designs of portable air conditioners. The refrigerant charge was changed from ?12.3% to +30% of its normal charge at several room temperatures ranging from 20 °C to 35 °C. The performance parameters include the refrigerant temperature, mass flow rate, maximum velocity of refrigerant, maximum pressure, cooling capacity, compressor work, specific cooling capacity, and coefficient of performance of the system. It has been found that an increase in charge level was found to increase the cooling capacity, coefficient of performance, and maximum velocity of refrigerant in the system while decreasing specific cooling capacity. The increase in the charge caused a relatively insignificant rise in the maximum pressure of the system and useful work of the compressor.  相似文献   

Accurate building thermal load prediction is essential to many building energy control strategies. To get reliable prediction of the hourly building load of the next day, air temperature/relative humidity and solar radiation prediction modules are integrated with a grey‐box model. The regressive solar radiation module predicts the solar radiation using the forecasted cloud amount, sky condition and extreme temperatures from on‐line weather stations, while the forecasted sky condition is used to correct the cloud amount forecast. The temperature/relative humidity prediction module uses a dynamic grey model (GM), which is specialized in the grey system with incomplete information. Both weather prediction modules are integrated into a building thermal load model for the on‐line prediction of the building thermal load in the next day. The validation of both weather prediction modules and the on‐line building thermal load prediction model are presented. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric air‐conditioners (TEACs) are becoming much concerned due to their many advantages, but the low COPs limit their broad applications. The two key factors to raise the COPs of TEACs are both the improvement of thermoelectric materials and the optimum design of hot side heat sinks. This paper provides a thermoelectric air‐conditioning system with a water‐cooled sleeve heat sink in the hot side of the thermoelectric pellets, and compares the overall heat transfer rates qt, the total heat resistances Rt between the water‐cooled and air‐cooled heat sinks as well as the optimum fin length, the optimum fluid flow velocity and the optimum fin gap distance. The simulation results show that the overall heat transfer rate of water‐cooled heat sink is more than 20 times that of air‐cooled heat sink under the other same circumstances, as a result of the improvement of heat sink, the optimum COP of the thermoelectric air‐conditioning system with the water‐cooled heat sink proximately doubles that with the air‐cooled heat sink. This novel system could be simply installed and applied all the year round for cooling in summer and heating in winter. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a solid desiccant cooling system with a backup vapour compression system is simulated using TRNSYS and the performance of the system is evaluated in four cities in the United States with different climates. Economic analysis is performed in order to assess the feasibility of these systems and to determine the relevant economic parameters such as life cycle costs, life cycle savings and payback periods. Results show that the system has higher COP values for the locations with more latent loads. The air conditioner was able to meet the cooling demand in all four regions, but it needed more auxiliary energy in the Eastern and Mountain regions than in the Central region, because of the higher solar fraction in the Central region. The simulation also showed that the desiccant cooling system by itself was capable of meeting the cooling demand and hence the requirement of a backup system may be eliminated. Thermal and economic parameters were analysed for varying solar subsystem sizes which proved helpful in optimizing the design of the solar system. Recommendations to minimize the auxiliary energy costs using different methods for supplying the thermal energy for desiccant regeneration are described. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel cathode configuration that promotes the mass transports through the cathode of air‐breathing direct methanol fuel cell is reported in this paper. This cathode, free of the support by conventional wet‐proof carbon fiber backing, adopts a gold‐plated Ni mesh as the air passages and the current collector. The cathode microporous layer , which plays the role of air diffusion and water management, is applied on the catalyst‐coated membrane through the decal method. The mesh is combined with the MPL by hot‐pressing procedure to form the cathode diffusion medium. The remarkable improvement of two‐phase diffusions at cathode results in an increment in maximum power density of the single cell from 11.0 to 15.5 mW cm?2 at 293 K. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this present paper, analysis based on energy and exergy of double‐pass hybrid photovoltaic thermal (HPV/T) air collector having air flow in the opposite direction in ducts has been carried out based on initial cost, annual savings and return on investment. Choice of the location is made to cover different climatic conditions prevailing in India e.g. hot and dry climate represented by Jodhpur, warm and humid climate represented by Mumbai, moderate climate represented by Bangalore, cold and cloudy climate represented by Srinagar and composite climate represented by New Delhi. Results of single‐pass HPV/T air collector have also been compared. It is observed that electrical, thermal and exergy efficiencies of double‐pass HPV/T air collector are higher than that of single‐pass HPV/T air collector by 10–12, 40–45 and 13–17%, respectively. Further, it is observed that cost per kWh of double‐pass HPV/T air collector reduces for all the locations covered in the study when compared with cost per kWh of single‐pass HPV/T air collector. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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