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房地产项目成本控制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武振新 《包钢科技》2007,33(2):91-92,95
成本控制和管理历来是房地产开发项目的重心.通过分析成本的来源,结合实践从五个关键控制点展开论述,即土地开发及相关费用控制、规划设计控制、合同控制、工程预(决)算控制、甲供材料控制.  相似文献   

施工项目成本控制方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李卫兵  章库 《包钢科技》2007,33(3):76-78
文章简述了项目成本控制的基本原则和项目成本预测及成本控制与实施,加强经济核算、控制成本、提高效益.说明项目成本控制在施工企业经济活动中的重要性.  相似文献   

施工工程项目管理与项目成本控制是相辅相成的,只有加强施工项目的管理,才能有效控制项目成本;只有达到了项目成本控制的目的,施工项目管理才具有真正的效益和意义.施工项目成本控制体现了项目管理的本质特征,并代表施工管理的核心内;施工项目的成本控制是施工项目管理成效评价的客观公正的标尺.  相似文献   

张金荣 《包钢科技》2015,41(2):66-68
文章分析了工程项目成本中心的改变引起成本管理的变化,针对工程项目成本管理存在的问题,提出加强成本预测、成本控制、建立健全"责、权、利"相结合的项目施工奖罚机制等项目成本控制的管理方法。施工企业加强项目成本的控制,增加施工企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

柴卫 《甘肃冶金》2011,33(3):139-141
项目成本控制是项目进程的重要环节.文章从工程项目成本控制的一般原则出发,对工程项目成本控制进行了较为全面的探讨,并提出了工程项目成本控制的若干有效途径.  相似文献   

EPC总承包合同模板被广泛使用。通过这种类型的合同,业主节省了资源与施工相关的风险很低,而承包商的风险相对较高。对于大型化工项目,EPC总承包成本控制是一项专业性强和技术含量高的工作。要认真规划和拆解施工项目的全过程,并进行全面控制和管理。这些阶段是环环相扣,并且整合各种资源用以提高技术服务水平和项目成本控制质量。本文以青海盐湖工业股份有限公司(以下简称:盐湖股份)下属控股子公司2万吨/年电池级碳酸锂项目为例分析了大型化工项目的特点,从工程设计、施工和竣工各阶段进行分析,并从EPC工程总承包角度讨论投资风险管控和控制成本措施、合同类型与不同成本结构的联系、分配方案和成本管理的益处。建议建立并使用项目成本数据库,以提高人工专业技能和项目成本控制的全面发展,成本控制是实现成本目标的关键,通过整体动态过程,全方位和全要素成本控制,使项目成本始终控制在成本趋势之下。  相似文献   

在市场经济中,项目的成本控制不仅在项目控制中,而且在整个项目管理以至于整个企业管理中都有着重要的地位,人们追求企业和项目的经济效益,企业成就通常通过项目成就来实现.而项目的经济效益通常通过盈利的最大化和成本的最小化实现.特别是当承包商通过投标竞争取得的工程,签订合同,同事确定了合同价格,他的工程经济目标(盈利性)完全通过成本控制实现.在实际工程中成本控制经常被忽视,或由于控制技术问题,成本处于失控状态,或许项目管理者只有在项目结束时才知道实际开支和盈亏,而这时其损失常常已无法弥补.本文对工程项目成本管理以及控制措施做了简单的分析.  相似文献   

建设工程的成本控制是指在施工项目的成本形成过程中对生产经营所消耗的人力资源、物质资源和费用开支,进行指导监督调节和限制,及时纠正将要发生和已经发生的偏差,把各项生产费用控制在计划成本的范围之内,以保证成本目标的实现.施工项目的成本控制的目的在于降低项目成本,提高经济效益.  相似文献   

施工项目的成本控制是项目管理的核心.把成本控制管理这条主线贯穿到施工管理各个环节,将目标管理与过程管理相结合,注重整个项目的事前、事中与事后的全过程控制管理,最终达到施工项目成本的有效控制.如何做好工程造价成本过程的控制,对有效控制工程造价投资,实现项目预期经济效益和社会效益起着至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

火力发电厂建设工程成本控制水平的高低,不仅影响着基建期每千瓦单位造价,更影响着火力发电厂在寿命期内的生产运营及盈利状况.因此,在火电厂基建项目中开展成本拉制研究,提高火电厂基建项目成本控制的水平,确保项目目标成本的实现,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

Total conceptual cost estimates and the assessment of the quality of these estimates are critical in the early stages of a building construction project. In this study, the support vector machine (SVM) model for assessing the quality of conceptual cost estimates is proposed, and the application of SVM in construction areas is investigated. The results show that the SVM model assessed the quality of conceptual cost estimates slightly more accurately than the discriminant analysis model. This shows that using the SVM has potential in construction areas. In addition, the SVM model can assist clients in their evaluation of the quality of the estimated cost and the probability of exceeding the target cost, and in their decision on whether or not it is necessary to seek a more accurate estimate in the early stages of a project.  相似文献   

For construction to progress smoothly, effective cost estimation is vital, particularly in the conceptual and schematic design stages. In these early phases, despite the fact that initial estimates are highly sensitive to changes in project scope, owners require accurate forecasts which reflect their supplying information. Thus, cost estimators need reliable estimation strategies. In practice, parametric cost estimation, which utilizes historical cost data, is the most commonly used method in these initial phases. Therefore, compilation of historical data pertaining to appropriate cost variance governing parameters is a prime requirement. However, data mining (data preprocessing) for denoising internal errors or abnormal values must be performed before this compilation. To address this issue, this research proposes a statistical methodology for data preprocessing. Moreover, a statistically preprocessed data–based parametric (SPBP) cost model is developed based on multiple regression equations. Case studies of Korean construction projects verify that the model enhances cost estimate accuracy and reliability than conventional cost models.  相似文献   

工程造价的控制是一个动态的过程,针对目前工程建设中普遍存在的缺乏系统控制工程造价观念,设计阶段管理制度不完善等问题,结合北满基地技术改造建设工程造价管理实践,阐述了工程造价控制的原理、运用价值工程和技术经济理论,分别对项目决策、设计、招投标、施工和竣工结算各阶段工程造价控制的重点进行了剖析,提出了工程造价控制的具体措施。  相似文献   

简要分析了影响房地产项目的关键环节:投资决策和工程设计阶段、工程建设阶段、竣工验收和项目决算等阶段;重点提出了降低工程成本的具体措施:重视决策及设计;严格进行工程招投标;重点做好贯穿于工程建设全过程的成本控制;加强项目管理,合理运用各方面资源降低工程成本;积极组织和协调工程建设等。  相似文献   

A poor scope definition in an engineering design project disrupts project rhythm, causes rework, increases project time and cost, and lowers the productivity and morale of the workforce. A quantitative measurement of the project scope is the basis for productivity modeling that involves the measurement, estimation, control, and evaluation of productivity. This paper proposes a conceptual model, the quantitative engineering project scope definition (QEPSD), to standardize the measurement of engineering project scope in construction projects, within a computer aided design environment. The QEPSD quantitatively measures engineering project scope, in terms of the complexity of design items by defining design categories and complexity functions appropriate to the particular discipline. The proposed method was originally verified and implemented specifically for steel drafting projects. Actual data was analyzed and used to demonstrate the benefits of historical data prepared using QEPSD for project scope definition. It was found that the new method led to increased utilization of previously untapped values in historical data, improving the accuracy of project scope definition, and productivity modeling. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential benefits of adopting the QEPSD method, and its implications upon various project management functions.  相似文献   

The timely execution of a construction project is very important to the owner, who makes plans and commitments on the basis of the project’s anticipated completion date. Failure of design professionals to consider how a builder will implement the design can result in scheduling problems, delays, and disputes during the construction process. Constructability of design is a subjective scale that depends basically on a number of interdependent project-related factors. Many design firms have a formal (explicit) constructability program that is launched as early as the conceptual planning stage of the project. This research examines design professionals’ efforts to pursue constructability and provides recommendations for performing constructability reviews in an efficient and effective manner.  相似文献   

赵世雄 《山西冶金》2005,28(1):12-12,24
全过程的造价控制管理就是在投资决策阶段、设计阶段和建设项目施工阶段,把建设项目造价控制在批准的限额内,随时纠正发生的偏差,以保证项目管理目标的实现。  相似文献   

This study attempts to develop a construction scheduling model using a conceptual approach to improve the efficiency of construction resources for a multiple, repetitive construction process (MRCP). It is important for a project manager to arrange the number of horizontal repetitive work areas by each crew group to reduce the work interruption period in MRCP. This study suggests some equations for estimating the optimal number of horizontal repetitive work areas for a crew group and pursued a conceptual model for MRCP, which can reduce the loss in manpower and use of construction equipment that is caused by work interruption periods. A computer program developed for the analysis of MRCP shows an appropriate performance through the application to a case study based on the proposed procedure model in this study. Supposing that there is time to spare in the project completion date, the result of the study shows that cost loss could be greatly reduced by the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

建设工程造价的确定与控制是全员,全方位,全过程的管理工作,本文根据设计工作与工程造价的关系,对各阶段的工程造价控制进行阐述。  相似文献   

对韶钢二轧厂直径15m旋流沉淀池结构施工图设计的优化、修改,不但为相邻建构筑物的同时施工提供了条件,同时也缩短了工期,并有效地降低了工程投资.阐明结合施工进行优化设计是降低工程投资的有效途径。  相似文献   

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