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注:按品牌中文首字母排序;30城市为:北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、成都、沈阳、西安、武汉、青岛、哈尔滨、合肥、呼和浩特、兰州、连云港、洛阳、南昌、南宁、攀枝花、秦皇岛、曲靖、厦门、太原、泰安、重庆、乌海、乌鲁木齐、泰州、大庆、运城  相似文献   

1994年化工排产会上60种化工产品市场情况畅销:15种,占25%。有尿素、合成复合肥、钾肥、氰化钠、辛醇、苯胺、甲苯、二甲苯、精甲醇、聚氯乙烯、苯酐、四氯化碳、邻甲苯胺、黄磷。平销:32种,占53.3%。有硫铁矿、磷矿、纯碱、烧碱、农药、油漆、染料、轮胎、硼砂、硼酸、氰化钾、电石、氧化锌、钛白粉、氯磺酸、纯苯、冰醋酸、苯酚、丙酮、粗苯、硝基苯、丁醇、硫酸二甲酯、环己酮、己内酰胺、炭黑、防老剂(RD、4010、4010NA、H)、促进剂(D、TETD、NA—22)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸二辛酯、农药乳化剂、工程塑料。滞销:13  相似文献   

按品牌中文首字母排序;27城市为:北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、成都、沈阳、西安、武汉、青岛、哈尔滨、合肥、呼和浩特、兰州、连云港、洛阳、南昌、南宁、攀枝花、秦皇岛、曲靖、厦门、太原、泰安、重庆、乌海、乌鲁木齐  相似文献   

<正>矿兴磨矿业兴旺矿兴磨必不可少新型节能、环保高科技粉磨机矿兴磨应用范围矿兴磨广泛应用于建材、冶金、化工、矿山、能源、电力、耐火材料等行业中莫氏硬度8级以下,成品细度不高于-400目的各种物料的粉磨。如水泥(生、熟料)、石灰石、石灰、双飞粉、石膏、玻璃、砂岩、页岩、煤、焦碳、煤矸石、蛇纹石、矿渣、高炉渣、滑石、方解石、白云石、大理石、莹石、麦饭石、铁合金(硅铁、锰铁、铬铁等)、高岭土、凹凸棒土、钡盐、氧化铁红、明矾、钾盐、重晶石、铁矿、、铜矿、锰矿、镁矿、金属锰、硫磺、长石、石英、电石、烧结矿、铝钒土、磷矿石、钙镁磷肥、磷铵、尿素、偏硅酸钠、磷石膏、硫石膏、球团散矿等。  相似文献   

展出时间2013年8月21~23日展出地点中国进出口商品交易会展览馆展出内容水泵、化工泵、气动隔膜泵、计量泵、螺杆泵、离心泵、流程泵、油泵、污泵、排污泵、泥浆泵、渣浆泵、井泵、真空泵、磁力泵、压力泵、叶片式泵、容积式泵等;球阀、蝶阀、闸阀、柱塞阀、电磁阀、真空阀、电站阀、温控阀、疏水阀、排污阀、止回阀、截止阀、排气阀、密封阀等;节流阀、旋塞阀、隔膜阀、调压阀、  相似文献   

中国陶瓷设计艺术大师名单(按姓氏笔画排序) 方文贤、王一君、王怀治、王采、王爱红、王绪远、冯林华、冯绍华、叶建新、关涛、刘少平、刘少倩、刘志钧、刘畅、刘鹏润、孙建兴、朱辉球、许国胜、邬书远、何炳钦、吴少雄、张肃、张金伟、李戈程、李廷怀、李竹玲、李伯书、李林、李新一、杨希文、杨英才、杨晓锋、汪洋、陈华、陈新华、周志远、周晓冰、岳振、易武、  相似文献   

会议规模:共有48个国家和地区参加,有波兰、美国、巴西、法国、澳大利亚、加拿大、古巴、捷克、丹麦、芬兰、德国、希腊、匈牙利、印度、以色列、意大利、日本、挪威、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、西班牙、瑞典、泰国、北爱尔兰、西印度群岛、南斯拉夫、乌克兰、白俄罗斯、智利、突尼斯、摩洛哥、苏丹等。  相似文献   

<正>本公司专业分销国际国内多家公司香料产品,原产地:西班牙、印度、印尼、摩洛哥、马达加斯加、伊朗、埃及、巴西、德国、英国、墨西哥、阿根廷、法国、美国、俄罗斯、日本等天然类:甜橙油、柠檬油、丁香油、桂皮油、白柠檬油、桂叶油、薰衣草油、茉莉花净油、玫瑰净油、桦焦油、香荚兰豆、黑香豆、山苍子油、姜油(冷,热)、香根油、藿香油、薄荷素油、椒样薄荷油、茴油、桉叶油、留兰香油、香茅油、松油系列、柏木油系列、芹菜籽油、芫荽籽油、依兰油、卡南加油、红桔油、浸膏系列等  相似文献   

从1994年全国化工排产会获悉:1994年60种主要化工商品的市场情况如下:畅销15种,占25%。有尿素、合成复合肥、钾肥、氰化钠、辛醇、苯胺、甲苯、二甲苯、精甲醇、聚氯乙烯、苯酐、四氯化碳、邻甲苯胺、苯酐、黄磷。平销32种,占53.3%。有硫铁矿、磷矿、纯碱、烧碱、农药、油漆、染料、轮胎、硼砂、硼酸、氰化钾、电石、氧化锌、钛白粉、氯磺酸、纯苯、冰醋酸、苯酚、丙酮、粗  相似文献   

2011年12月29日上午,"学书画"殷国光陶瓷艺术作品迎春展在省政协隆重开幕。省领导傅克诚、刘上洋、朱张才、陈清华、李华栋、汤建人、郑小燕、胡幼桃、肖光明出席。出席开幕式的老同志有:朱治宏、彭宏松、卢秀珍、马世昌、蒋如铭、孙用和、全文甫、万学文、张逢雨、华桐、钱梓弘、胡东太、王林森、刘运来、金异、黄懋衡、梅亦龙、罗明、厉志成、叶学龄、黄立  相似文献   

The plasticizing effect of low molecular weight PVC prepared by vibromilling on PVC and its effect on mechanical properties of PVC were studied through Brabender plasticorder and mechanical property tests. The experimental results show that addition of a small amount of low molecular weight PVC prepared by vibromilling degradation can greatly improve the processability of PVC and enhance the mechanical properties of PVC also.  相似文献   

Thermal degradation mechanism and mechanical properties of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) in PVC–polyethylene (PE) mixtures with varying types, contents, and melt flow indexes of the PE were studied. The degradation behavior was investigated in terms of decomposition temperature and glass transition temperature, polyene index, and morphology of the PVC in the mix. The results suggested that adding small amounts of PE (5 phr) in PVC‐PE mixtures could thermally stabilize the PVC, as noted by an increase in its decomposition temperature. At higher PE loading, the PVC encountered more degradation as a result of a consumption of the heat stabilizer by PE radicals and the dehydrochlorination reaction. A radical transfer reaction was proposed to explain the degradation mechanism of the PVC in the PVC‐PE melt, specifically a progressive increase of the glass transition temperature of the PVC in the mix as a result of increasing PE content. The PVC‐PE blend using HDPE with high MFI exhibited more pronounced thermal and structural changes of PVC. The mechanical properties of the PVC‐PE blend were very much dependent on the PE content, but slightly affected by the type and MFI value of the PE. The dispersion level of the PE in the PVC phase was found to play an important role in affecting the mechanical properties of the PVC‐PE mixtures. J. VINYL. ADDIT. TECHNOL. 12:115–123, 2006. © 2006 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and its blends with polybutadiene-acrylonitrile (NBR) (containing 21.7 weight-percent acrylonitrile (AN), a heterogeneous two-phase system; and containing 41.6 weight-percent of AN, a homogeneous one-phase system) and with polyethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) (containing 45 weight-percent of vinyl acetate (VA), a heterogenous two-phase system; and containing 65 weight-percent VA, a homogeneous one-phase system) were UV-irradiated (at 3500 Å UV-light (solar spectrum)). After UV irradiation the kinetics measurements were made of the formation of hydroperoxy (OOH) and carbonyl (CO) groups and the changes of mechanical properties: tensile strength, elongation to break, and impact energy. As a result of the photooxidative degradation of PVC blends, decreases of mechanical properties were observed. The effects are more severe in PVC/NBR blends, which contain unsaturated bonds (polybutadiene segments) than in the case of PVC/EVA. The phase structure plays an evident role on the UV degradation only of PVC/NBR blends. The photostability of PVC blends can be slightly improved by introducing Tinuvin P or Ni-chelates photostabilizers.  相似文献   

PVC films were subjected to mechanical degradation at room and elevated temperatures and monitored by photoacoustic spectroscopy. Broken bonds in the main PVC chain result in the formation of “mechano-radicals,” which in turn yield a zipper reaction and the formation of submicrocracks in the PVC samples. The mechanistic schemes based on the formation of the mechano-radicals are introduced and are successfully supported by the experimental results.  相似文献   

Mechanical degradation of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and mechanochemical copolymerization in poly(vinyl chloride)/methyl methylacrylate (PVC/MMA) systems were studied in an open mill machine. The effects of the mastication temperature, mastication time, and additives (oxygen, THF, or hydroquinone) on the mechanical degradation of PVC were investigated. The molecular weight of PVC decreased with increasing mastication time, and the efficiency of the mechanodegradation of PVC was lowered with increasing mastication temperature. The effects of the ratio of PVC to MMA, thin‐passage time, and initiator on mechanochemical copolymerization also were studied. The experimental results indicated that the degree of copolymerization increased with increasing thin‐passage times up to 45 times and then remained constant. There was a maximum degree of copolymerization at a ratio of 0.22 g/mL (PVC/MMA), and the efficiency of copolymerization always decreased with increasing time. The maximum degree and efficiency of copolymerization were 5.8 and 89%, respectively. The poly(vinyl chloride‐co‐methyl methylacrylate) copolymer can further improve the interfacial adhesion of PVC and PMMA. Thus it improves the mechanical properties of the PVC/CPE blend more effectively than pure PMMA. J. VINYL. ADDIT. TECHNOL. 12:42–48, 2006. © 2006 Society of Plastics Engineers.  相似文献   

In this study, nanocomposites of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), using the synthesized titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanorods and commercial nanopowder of titanium dioxide (Degussa P25) were produced by melt blending. The presence of TiO2 nanorods in PVC matrix led to an improvement in mechanical properties of PVC nanocomposites in comparison with unfilled PVC. The photocatalytic degradation behavior of PVC nanocomposites were investigated by measuring their structural change evaluations, surface tension, and mechanical properties before and after UV exposure for 500 h. It was found that mechanical and physical properties of PVC nanocomposites are not reduced significantly after UV exposure in the presence of TiO2 nanorods in comparison with the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles, which can be due to the amorphous structure of the synthesized nanorods. Therefore, it can be concluded that TiO2 nanorods led to an improvement in photostability and mechanical properties of PVC nanocomposites. The interfacial adhesion between TiO2 nanorods and PVC matrix was also investigated. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   

Semi1 and semi2 interpenetrating polymer networks of poly(vinyl chloride) PVC and in situ formed poly(butyl acrylate) (PBA) have been synthesized and characterized using diallyl phthalate (DAP) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDM) as the crosslinkers of PVC and PBA, respectively. These two types of IPNs have been compared with respect to their mechanical and thermal properties. The semi1 IPNs displayed a decrease in their mechanical parameters and the physical properties as well, while in contrast, the semi2 IPNs exhibited a marginal increase in the corresponding values when compared to the crosslinked PVC in the case of semi1 IPN and linear PVC in case of semi2 IPN. The representative samples of semi1 and semi2 IPNs revealed a two‐stage‐degradation typical of PVC while confirming the increased stability of the samples with higher onset temperature of degradation. The softening characteristics as detected by thermomechanical analysis are in conformity with their mechanicals. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2008  相似文献   

用氢氧化镁、氧化锌、异辛酸为原料制备了异辛酸镁、异辛酸锌,将其作为一种新型液体聚氯乙烯(PVC)热稳定剂用于本试验中。采用热老化烘箱法、刚果红法和电导率法研究了异辛酸镁/锌在PVC制品中的静态热稳定性能,并探究了异辛酸镁和异辛酸锌之间的协同效应。采用热重分析技术分别考察了PVC试片在180℃条件下恒温60min的热损失变化情况及25℃~600℃范围内,以10℃/min等速升温过程中的热损失变化情况。结果表明:当镁与锌的金属含量分别为2%和2.5%时,PVC的热稳定时间可达50min,远远超出市售钙/锌的30min,其静态热稳定效果最优。通过动态双辊塑炼和力学性能试验,表明异辛酸镁/锌对PVC制品具有优良的动态热稳定性能和突出的力学性能。  相似文献   

Summary Laminates made of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and sands were irradiated by ultraviolet light (UV) under normal atmospheric conditions. Three different types of sand (mine, beach and river) were utilized at various concentrations levels. The effect of the sands upon flexural mechanical properties of the laminates with varying irradiation times was analyzed. It is shown that degradation induces a decrese in mechanical properties of PVC laminates but this may be prevented by adding mine sand at specific volume concentration.  相似文献   

Two kinds of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)/montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites were prepared by the melt intercalation method based on a thermally stable, rigid‐rod aromatic amine modifier and a commonly used 1‐hexadecylamine. The information on morphological structure of PVC/MMT nanocomposites was obtained using XRD and TEM. The mechanical, thermal, and flame retardant properties of the nanocomposites were characterized by universal tester, DMA, TGA, and cone calorimeter. The degree of degradation of PVC was studied by 1H‐NMR. MMT treated by the aromatic amine exhibited better dispersibility than that treated by 1‐hexadecylamine. The nanocomposites, based on this MMT, consequently exhibited better mechanical, thermal, and flame retardant properties and lower degradation degree than those based on 1‐hexadecylamine‐treated MMT. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 92: 567–575, 2004  相似文献   

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