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在以用户为中心的软件设计中,需要通过对用户建模来明确和分析用户,了解用户的特定需求.介绍用户建模的相关概念,阐述基于人物角色的用户建模原理、详细介绍基于人物角色的用户建模过程,指出人物角色在以用户为中心的软件设计过程中的应用. 相似文献
为提高用户需求获取的准确性,提出一种基于眼动追踪的产品设计用户需求获取方法。通过设计眼动实验,分析人眼对不同风格产品形态观察时的运动轨迹并得出实验数据。从心理学角度研究眼动实验参数与用户消费心理的联系,选出首次注视持续时间、首次注视时间、注视总次数、平均瞳孔直径四项参数构建用户需求获取指标评判体系。使用综合赋权法确定参数的权重,加权各样本并比较,最终确定用户需求。以手机设计的用户需求获取为案例对该方法进行了验证。 相似文献
文章着重于探讨一种快捷有效的人物角色创建方式。以"湖南省科技馆网站"构建项目为例,探讨在前期调查的基础上,通过发散人物角色、聚合人物角色、丰满人物角色、精简人物角色这四个步骤来创建可信并有效的人物角色。该方法的特色是在角色创建的初期提倡通过自由的头脑风暴发散人物角色来扩展思维,增加角色全面考虑性。 相似文献
用户需求知识是企业进行设计产品的依据、源头和关键.用户在产品网站内济览、查询及提出意见时,会有意无意地留下自己对某个产品的倾向和偏好.鉴于此,文中提出了基于Web的多渠道用户需求知识获取框架,从用户浏览方式、用户对产品的查询、站内BBS和用户投诉4种渠道中获取需求信息构建用户关注度矩阵和用户满意度矩阵,给出需求指标综合计算公式;并将从多渠道获取的用户关注度和用户满意度进行融合得到用户需求矩阵,该矩阵对新产品开发具有指导意义. 相似文献
CHANG Lin 《艺术与设计.数码设计》2008,(11)
本文通过分析现代网络社会的趋势,对于用户体验和以用户为中心的设计作了深入思考。通过对各个方面的任务分解,将目前网站及软件设计项目的流程进行分析,主要使用人物角色和情景讲述的例子进行用户角度的分析。详细介绍了一套系统的以用户为中心的设计的方法,以便更好的设计软件和网站。 相似文献
提升用户满意度,提出一种改进的产品用户需求配置方法。将模糊聚类分析方法融入Kano 模
需求配置策略。 相似文献
PDM中直接将权限分配给用户的用户管理方法已经被淘汰,目前大多数采用面向对象技术的用户管理技术,它主要由用户、权限和角色三个对象构成,将权限赋给角色,再将角色分配给用户。这种方法显然比前一种优越许多,它不但节省了时间、而且还方便了操作,用户不需要花大量的时间重复分 相似文献
为解决现有产品个性化定制中用户需求分析复杂、需求契合度低与用户参与度不 足的问题,提出一种基于用户需求的产品深度个性化定制方法。通过结合用户个性需求表达模 型与质量功能展开(QFD)将用户需求映射为定制需求,运用实例检索与匹配进行产品配置求解。 用户通过可视界面对定制方案进行实时反馈与调整,并结合变型设计加深产品个性化定制程度, 最后通过优度评价将最优方案提供给用户,实现用户高参与度、高满意度的定制。以披肩定制 为例,验证该方法的可行性,为产品深度个性化定制提供了一种有效方法。 相似文献
《Behaviour & Information Technology》2012,31(6):457-473
User involvement has been shown to be beneficial in the development of useful and usable systems. The trend of software development becoming a product-oriented activity creates challenges to user involvement. Field studies appear a promising approach, but the analysis of the gathered user needs has been shown to be demanding. This study presents, on the basis of seven case studies, an early user-involvement process showing how user needs can be analysed and how the input to product development can be identified. In addition, the process is evaluated in two industrial cases with interviews and a questionnaire. The results show that the process supports effective early user involvement; the resulted requirements were evaluated as being more successful and their quality as better than average in a company. However, the case studies show that user involvement not only provides useful information about users' needs but also increases the understanding of users' values. 相似文献
Abstract During the last few years personas has become an established design technique within the IT-design field. Using personas has proven itself as a valuable approach for designers to switch between a developer's perspective and a user's perspectivein the design process. The technique is claimed to help designers in keeping a clear focus and shaping a consistent user-interface by making ‘the user’ present in the design work. In this paper we report on a number of projects where we have elaborated on the persona approach for collaborative design. With the goalof creating ‘user presence’ in the design process, we have developed an approach building on a combination of ethnographic exploration, participatory inquiry, and collaborative design. This paper carries two interrelated points: the grounding of personasin existing practice; and the notion that ‘the user’ is created as an ongoing process throughout the design work. 相似文献
Freddy Fuxin Author Vitae 《Computer aided design》2005,37(9):957-966
This paper describes an approach at Volvo Truck Corporation where geometry users' requirements are utilised to define configurable product views. The paper is derived from a research framework on geometry management. The objective of the research framework is to improve reuse of geometry by providing relevant geometry-based product information, so-called geometric product views, through application of configuration management. In order to provide relevant product views, specific fundamental product information must exist. This type of information will vary depending on the different types of product views. Several examples on product view are presented. The product views are realised by a developed configuration management system, an example of a configured product view is presented as proof of concept. The configuration management system is currently under industrial implementation. 相似文献
We discuss our approach to constructing user requirements whereby users build requirements models themselves. The approach, termed user-led requirements construction (ULRC), is a social process that addresses a major problem: the user-developer culture gap. An important feature of the approach is that we have conducted, with users, an interpretivist empirical evaluation study of its constituent event flow diagram (EFD) modelling method and associated training. The ULRC has also been used in a live environment. The results are that users regard the EFD as effective for the requirements process, the EFD may be used for further studies to deepen our knowledge of the requirements process and the results contribute towards a set of public results for general evaluation and improvement. 相似文献
In the product design, understanding consumer requirements (CRs) is essential due to the fact that it influences the success of the product. Currently, it has been recognized that consumer involvement in an open design (OD) environment is an effective way to reduce the gap between what is required by consumers and what companies can provide. In the process of OD, the initial CRs may shift as the consumers can influence each other, and it is a challenge to capture and evaluate dynamic CRs in OD. In this study, the dynamic relationship between consumers who participate in OD is discussed based on Nash equilibrium. Corresponding to the dynamic relationship, a novel approach is proposed to explore the crucial CRs from consumers’ perspective. Initially, the platform of OD is constructed on the Internet to collect the CRs and its evaluations. Thereafter, a similarity-based filtering method (SFM) is presented to filter out the most differentiated evaluations. Furthermore, to get the weight of the CR evaluated by consumers, an improved fuzzy Delphi method is introduced. Meanwhile, to solve the problem of excessive number of CRs, a dual-index evaluation method is put forward to control the opening degree of OD. Finally, to demonstrate the applicability of the suggested approach, a product of smartphone is examined as a case study. The results confirm that the proposed approach is appropriate for capturing and evaluating dynamic CRs in OD. 相似文献
对信息主动服务(即“推”服务)中用户对图像兴趣问题进行了研究。基于分析用户对图像内容的兴趣程度、图像对图像内容的从属度和用户对图像的兴趣程度,提出了基于图像内容的用户兴趣模型,并对模型的性质和维护进行了初步分析。最后通过仿真算例演示了该模型的计算流程。 相似文献
基于数字化校园门户的分布式身份认证系统研究 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
身份认证是网络安全技术的一个重要组成部分,针对网络中如何利用多台分布式服务器上的用户认证信息的进行认证的难题,提出了一种基于数字化校园门户的分布式身份认证方案来解决这一问题,并分析了其安全性。基于数字化校园门户的分布式身份认证系统在目前具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献