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本文通过对微机控制工作原理的研究,结合酒精蒸馏生产的实际需要,重点介绍了对酒精蒸馏关键部位进行微机程控的实际应用,使酒精蒸馏做到了压力稳,温度稳,进醪稳,引酒稳,提高了生产稳定性,确保了产品质量,减轻了劳动强度,提高了产量企业效益,降低了成本消耗。  相似文献   

从80年代初起,云南省东川市的机关、居民和市郊农民的庭院,大都种了葡萄。入夏,每家庭院都浓荫蔽日,翠叶摇曳,一串串珠圆玉润的葡萄悬挂枝蔓,溢蜜喷香,既绿化了村庄,美化了环境,净化了空气,降低了燥热,又有鲜果品尝和招待客人,从而丰富了物质生活。如该市城...  相似文献   

利用阳离子分散松香胶进行中性施胶,选用了在中性PH值范围内保持较高正电荷密度的聚合氯化铝作留着剂,选用了白度高,粒度小的碳酸钙作填料,改变了传统的施胶,克服了夏季施胶的困难,保证了成纸施胶度的稳定,提高了纸张的平滑度,挺度等物理指标,同时降低了施胶成本,取得了良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

邻居刘女士这几天笑逐颜开,心情特爽,逢人就说她多年的咽炎好了,这多亏了那橘红果!原来,刘女士性情比较急,爱着急上火,有严重的咽炎,治疗多年不愈,竞长出了息肉,说话费劲,声音嘶哑。她无意中听说橘红果治疗咽炎效果不错,就买来喝了20多天。如今感觉舒服多了,说话也“透亮”了,吃东西往下咽也不那么费劲了。  相似文献   

富人送给穷人一头牛,穷人满怀希望开始奋斗。牛要吃草,找草太耗精力,于是他把牛卖了,买了几只羊,吃了一只,剩下的用来生小羊;可小羊迟迟没出生,日子变艰难了,只能把羊卖了,买成了鸡,想让鸡下蛋赚钱,但是来钱太慢,最后他把鸡也杀了,贫穷依旧。  相似文献   

钱仓水 《美食》2005,(3):56-56
《宋史》载:一个叫李道的,至孝,母病,要吃鳜鱼,时值冬季,苦寒,跑遍了市场都没有买到,怎么办呢?他就在河边哭着祈祷,之后凿冰,居然获取了一条不小的鳜鱼。故事里搀了点迷信成分,可是却真实地反映了鳜鱼好吃,有人爱吃,甚至在老了病了冷了没了的时候还念念不忘地想吃。  相似文献   

陶陶 《家具与环境》2003,(2):113-119
6年前,这里仅仅是把饭菜做熟的小空间;5年前,这里添置了简单的储物柜,为杂物找到了藏身之所;4年前,这里不仅空间扩大了,而且拥有了整体厨房概念;3年前,国外先进时尚的厨房产品进驻中国,引起了一场革命,带来了一种理念;2年前,在这里,各种颜色和材质的自由组和表达了一种独特;1年前,这里拥有了更多的高科技内容,你所要做的主要是操作电脑;今天,这里的一切,如你所愿。  相似文献   

曹霞 《纺织机械》1997,(6):24-26
本文阐述了电磁式纱线张力器在帘子线直捻机上的重要作用,分析了其原理,结构特点,进行了动态,静态测试试验,找出了张力值与励磁电压,转速,气隙之间的基本变化规律,提出了影响张力值的主要因素。  相似文献   

通过对苎麻纱线性能及其浆纱工艺要求的分析,确定了“浆前预湿,高浓高压,重被覆,顾渗透,大张力,中回潮,浆后上油”的上浆工艺路线,有效地贴伏了苎麻纱线的长而多、长而硬的毛羽,提高了织造效率,同时降低了上浆率,节约了浆纱成本。  相似文献   

安徽六安啤酒厂进入80年代末,由于管理不善,成了亏损大户,几乎被市场经济所淘汰。1992年与“圣泉”联营,“借牌造舰”,强化了质量管理,提高了质量意识,产品质量得到了保证,从而有了市场,企业有了活力,步入了工业经济发展的快车道,发展到目前的年产12万...  相似文献   

对膜分离技术的特点和类型以及几种膜技术在果蔬汁加工中的应用进行了综述,并且分析了其现存的问题,提出了膜技术在果蔬汁加工中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

果汁生产中膜技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膜技术是一种高效、低能耗和易操作的分离技术,在果汁的生产中得到越来越广泛的应用。概述了膜技术在苹果汁、柑桔汁、山楂汁、葡萄汁、草莓汁等果汁生产中的应用和特点,并展望了膜技术在果汁加工中的应用前景。  相似文献   

冻结点是果蔬汁等液态食品冷冻加工与保藏中的重要参数,冻结点和冻结点的下降与果蔬汁等液态食品的组成分及浓度有关。本文介绍了几种通过计算冻结点下降值求得冻结点的经验公式。  相似文献   

反渗透技术在果蔬汁浓缩中的应用研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
孙平 《饮料工业》1999,2(5):18-20
利用反渗透技术对几种果蔬汁( 黄瓜、芹菜、胡萝卜、枸杞子、红杏) 的浓缩处理进行实验与分析。结果表明在一定条件下, 通过反渗透方法可对果胶含量低的果蔬汁直接进行浓缩处理, 并且浓宿倍数超过10 倍以上。而果胶含量较高的果汁则需要预先进行酶解脱胶后再进行浓缩。实验中发现果胶的含量直接影响浓缩的程度与效果。结果分析认为反渗透在果蔬汁的浓缩加工方面确实可行。还对各类果蔬汁的制取、脱胶、浓缩加工处理模式做了分析探讨。  相似文献   

Fruit and vegetable juices are used due to convenience. The juices are rich in various minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. To process the juices and their clarification and/or concentration is required. The membranes are being used for these purposes. These processes are preferred over others because of high efficiency and low temperature. Membranes and their characteristics have been discussed in brief for knowing suitability of membranes for fruit and vegetable juices. Membrane separation is low temperature process in which the organoleptic quality of the juice is almost retained. In this review, different membrane separation methods including Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, and Reverse osmosis for fruit juices reported in the literature are discussed. The major fruit and vegetable juices using membrane processes are including the Reverse osmosis studies for concentration of Orange juice, Carrot juice, and Grape juice are discusses. The Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration are used for clarification of juices of mosambi juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, and kiwifruit juice. The various optimized parameters in membranes studies are pH, TAA, TSS, and AIS. In this review, in addition to above the OD is also discussed, where the membranes are used.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The viscosities of selected fruit juices and purees were measured with a coaxial-cylinder viscometer in the temperature range 20–70°C. Depectinized apple juice and Concord grape juice were Newtonian fluids at all concentrations and their viscosity decreased considerably at higher temperatures. Cloudy apple and orange juices changed from Newtonian to pseudoplastic at concentrations higher than 50 and 20° Brix. respectively. Temperature had a smaller effect on viscosity of cloudy juices than of clear juices. The apparent viscosity of fruit purees (pseudoplastic fluids) decreased slightly at higher temperatures. The activation energy for flow increased with the juice concentration and decreased with the presence of suspended particles in the fruit product. The data and conclusions are useful in the design and operation of efficient food-processing equipment.  相似文献   

Westfalia 《饮料工业》1999,2(5):39-47
表12 用于红醋栗汁和接骨木汁生产的卧螺的生产能力卧螺型号CA505生产能力m3/h干固形物%凝固物含量%红醋栗汁8~1443~490-1~0-2接骨木汁7-5~12-044~450-3~2-0  图12说明了草莓汁的加工工艺。新鲜的或解冻的水果经压碎、加热和酶处理(在所需的停留时间后),然后被送入卧螺分离成汁液和果渣。原料产品→清洗/解冻→粉碎→变速Mohno泵→管式热交换器(38℃)→卧螺→进一步加工成所需的产品图12 草莓汁加工工艺表13列出了用于草莓汁和树莓汁生产的CA458型和CA50…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Effects of various fruit and vegetable juices on rubrene oxidation induced by a chemical source of singlet oxygen in a microemulsion system have been studied. The singlet oxygen quenching activities of fruit and vegetable juices were greatly different with different juices. The apple and pear juices exhibited the highest antioxidative activity among the tested juices in singlet oxygen–induced rubrene oxidation, showing 56.69% and 59.34% inhibition, respectively. The grape, kumquat, red cabbage, and spinach juices also showed relatively strong antioxidative activity against singlet oxygen–induced rubrene oxidation. Lemon juice showed the least activity, resulting in 0.63% inhibition of rubrene oxidation. The singlet oxygen quenching activities of 1 mL of apple and pear juices were equivalent to 33.97 and 34.64 mg ascorbate, respectively. Singlet oxygen quenching activities of juices had very low correlation with both ABTS radical scavenging activity ( R 2= 0.11) and total phenolic contents ( R 2 < 0.1). However, a high correlation ( R 2= 0.66) was found between the ABTS radical scavenging activities and total phenolic contents of juices. The apple and pear juices also significantly inhibited both erythrocyte lysis and protein oxidation induced by fluorescence light illumination in the presence of methylene blue. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy data showed that the protective activities of these juices against biological damages induced by photodynamic ways were, to at least some extent, due to their singlet oxygen quenching abilities. This represents first report on the singlet oxygen quenching activities of the apple and pear juices, and their protective activities against photodynamically induced biological damages.  相似文献   

超高压对果蔬汁品质影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
超高压技术是一种新型的非热力加工技术。文中从果蔬汁的颜色品质、香气品质、营养品质及流变特性和稳定性等角度系统介绍和分析了超高压对果蔬汁品质影响的研究现状,并分析了今后这一领域研究的趋势。  相似文献   

果蔬汁多酚氧化酶酶促褐变机理及其控制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多酚氧化酶带来的酶促褐变是水果、蔬菜加工成果蔬汁过程中引起营养价值、外观品质等降低的主要原因之一,直接导致巨大的经济损失.就酶促褐变的机理、条件以及抑制方法作一综述,通过物理、化学以及生物的处理方法可以有效地抑制果蔬汁加工过程中的酶促褐变.  相似文献   

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