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A pilot study was conducted in 7 normal volunteers to demonstrate the feasibility of employing pharmacokinetic tailoring to achieve matching plasma opioid concentration-time curves after epidural (e.p.) and intravenous (i.v.) alfentanil administration. Each subject participated in 1 pretest and 2 test sessions. Our pain model was cutaneous electrical stimulation of the finger and toe, adjusted to produce a baseline pain report of 5 (strong pain on a 0-5 scale). On test day 1, subjects received e.p. alfentanil (750 micrograms) and an i.v. saline infusion. Serial measurements of analgesia, end tidal CO2, pupil size, subjective side effects, and plasma alfentanil concentrations were conducted before and at various time intervals over a 4-h period after alfentanil administration. On test day 2, subjects received e.p. saline and a pharmacokinetically tailored i.v. infusion (using individual pharmacokinetics determined on the pretest day) designed to achieve a plasma concentration-time profile identical to that observed on the epidural day. The same battery of effect measurements was administered as on the 1st test day. Plasma alfentanil was measured to verify the accuracy of the tailored infusion. Plasma alfentanil concentration profiles were nearly identical on both test days. Peak plasma alfentanil concentrations were near the reported minimum effective analgesic concentration (MEAC). Overall, analgesia was slightly greater with e.p. administration. Onset of pain relief was rapid, and duration was approximately 1.5 h with e.p. and 1 h with i.v. alfentanil. There were no differences in pupil size, ETCO2, or subjective side effects between e.p. versus i.v. administration. We conclude that systemic redistribution from the epidural space appears to account for most, but not all, of the analgesia.  相似文献   

To replicate, HIV-1 must integrate a cDNA copy of the viral RNA genome into a chromosome of the host. The integration system is a promising target for antiretroviral agents, but to date no clinically useful integration inhibitors have been identified. Previous screens for integrase inhibitors have assayed inhibition of reactions containing HIV-1 integrase purified from an Escherichia coli expression system. Here we compare action of inhibitors in vitro on purified integrase and on subviral preintegration complexes (PICs) isolated from lymphoid cells infected with HIV-1. We find that many inhibitors active against purified integrase are inactive against PICs. Using PIC assays as a primary screen, we have identified three new anthraquinone inhibitors active against PICs and also against purified integrase. We propose that PIC assays are the closest in vitro match to integration in vivo and, as such, are particularly appropriate for identifying promising integration inhibitors.  相似文献   

Rel/NF-kappa B and I kappa B proteins: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A widespread feature of territorial systems is that residents almost invariably defeat challengers. This phenomenon has been explained by the existence of value asymmetries, variations in resource-holding potential or an 'owners always win' convention. Removal-replacement experiments were performed on 75 robins, Erithacus rubeculato test these hypotheses. The settling behaviour of newcomers was also examined in order to identify energetic costs incurred during territory establishment. In winter, dominance shifted gradually from removed owners to newcomers with increasing time of newcomer residence, and there was a peak in contest duration at 4-7 days. Removals of newcomers, followed by replacement with another newcomer, confirmed that dominance was determined by the time newcomers were in residence rather than the time original owners were absent. These results support the hypothesis that asymmetries in territory value govern the outcome of contests. It is proposed that high singing rates and low foraging rates of newcomers settling boundaries with neighbours contribute to this asymmetry, skewing outcomes in favour of original owners until replacements are fully established. The key result in this study is that the time at which dominance tends to reverse (5-6 days in winter) is predicted by the time taken for newcomers to settle territory boundaries and achieve base-line foraging effort. In spring, original owners become subordinate almost immediately after removal. Reductions in settlement cost for newcomers, and increases in territory value, are proposed to accelerate dominance reversal. Age and sex effects on dominance suggest that the value asymmetry rule is modified by variations in resource-holding potential.  相似文献   

Stimulation with inducers that cause persistent activation of NF-kappa B results in the degradation of the NF-kappa B inhibitors, I kappa B alpha and I kappa B beta. Despite the rapid resynthesis and accumulation of I kappa B alpha, NF-kappa B remains induced under these conditions. We now report that I kappa B beta is also resynthesized in stimulated cells and appears as an unphosphorylated protein. The unphosphorylated I kappa B beta forms a stable complex with NF-kappa B in the cytosol; however, this binding fails to mask the nuclear localization signal and DNA binding domain on NF-kappa B, and the I kappa B beta-NF-kappa B complex enters the nucleus. It appears therefore that during prolonged stimulation, I kappa B beta functions as a chaperone for NF-kappa B by protecting it from I kappa B alpha and allowing it to be transported to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Previously we have proposed a role for Bcl-3 in facilitating transactivation through kappa B sites by counteracting the inhibitory effects of bound, non-transactivating homodimers of the p50 subunit of NF-kappa B. Such homodimers are abundant for example in nuclei of unstimulated primary T cells. Here we extend the model and provide new evidence which fulfills a number of predictions. (i) Bcl-3 preferentially targets p50 homodimers over NF-kappa B heterodimers since the homodimers are completely dissociated from kappa B sites at concentrations of Bcl-3 which do not affect NF-kappa B. (ii) Select kappa B sites associate very strongly and stably with p50 homodimers, completely preventing binding by NF-kappa B. Such kappa B sites are likely candidates for regulation by p50 homodimers and Bcl-3. (iii) Bcl-3 and p50 can be co-localized in the nucleus, a requirement for active removal of homodimers from their binding sites in vivo. (iv) The ankyrin repeat domain of Bcl-3 is sufficient for the reversal of p50 homodimer-mediated inhibition, correlating with the ability of this domain alone to inhibit p50 binding to kappa B sites in vitro. Our data support the model that induction of nuclear Bcl-3 may be required during cellular stimulation to actively remove stably bound p50 homodimers from certain kappa B sites in order to allow transactivating NF-kappa B complexes to engage. This exact mechanism is demonstrated with in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Diagnosing acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in women is difficult since chest pain may not be a hallmark symptom. Research is needed to identify symptoms experienced by women with AMI to facilitate timely diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to identify new symptoms and their evolution experienced by women prior to diagnosis of AMI. Non-probability sampling was used to select 20 diverse women. Intensive home interviews were conducted and transcribed. Content analysis and constant comparison were used to develop nine data clusters: Location of Pain; Intensity of Pain/Sensations; Cardiovascular/Temperature Changes; Respiratory Sensations; Gastrointestinal Symptoms; Emotions; Hand and Arm Sensations; Neurological/Vision Changes; and Fatigue. Some women progressed to AMI in minutes while others had symptoms for weeks. Findings should increase awareness of women's symptoms of AMI. Further research is needed with a larger sample.  相似文献   

We have developed an assay, using a biosensor matrix and surface plasmon resonance, that rapidly and reproducibly measures antibody reactivity to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 in various structural conformations. In particular, antibodies displaying preferential reactivity to a CD4-binding competent ("native," rgp120) or CD4-binding incompetent ("reduced," rcmgp120) monomeric gp120 molecule were distinguished. This technique has advantages over conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methodology in which it is difficult to control the concentration of protein adsorbed to the ELISA wells and a significant disruption of protein structure occurs on adsorption. A population of gp120 molecules that lacked CD4 receptor binding capacity and bound antibodies specific for reduced gp120 was found in several native gp120 preparations. The relative amount of this CD4-binding incompetent population varied among the various preparations studied. This presence of CD4-binding incompetent molecules within various native recombinant gp120 preparations may have implications for HIV-1 envelope vaccine development. By measuring antibody-binding ratios, several monoclonal antibodies were identified, which, although elicited by immunization with various native gp120 preparations, bound specifically to reduced gp120. The ability to screen antibody specificity against HIV-1 envelope proteins with different conformations will assist in determining the quality of antibodies induced by various HIV-1 envelope vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Signal-induced degradation of I(kappa)B(alpha) via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway requires phosphorylation on residues serine 32 and serine 36 followed by ubiquitination on lysines 21 and 22. We investigated the role of other regions of I(kappa)B(alpha) which may be involved in its degradation. Here we report that the carboxy-terminal PEST sequence is not required for I(kappa)B(alpha) signal-induced degradation. However, removal of the PEST sequence stabilizes free I(kappa)B(alpha) in unstimulated cells. We further report that a PEST deletion mutant does not associate well with NF-(kappa)B proteins but is degraded in response to signal. Therefore, we conclude that both association with NF-(kappa)B and a PEST sequence are not required for signal-induced I(kappa)B(alpha) degradation. Additionally, the PEST sequence may be required for constitutive turnover of free I(kappa)B(alpha).  相似文献   

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