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欧盟可再生能源发展的新政策及对我国的启示   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
欧洲的可再生能源发展取得了很大的成就,并建立了有效的支持可再生能源发展的政策体系和框架,是世界可再生能源发展的领先者.文章介绍了欧盟在2007年1月提出的可再生能源发展的新的政策目标以及近期采取的新行动,并提出借鉴欧洲经验,支持我国可再生能源发展的行动建议.  相似文献   

世界风电发展形势及我国风电制造业面临的机遇   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
世界风电在近10年取得了飞速发展,在欧洲和美国已经成为新增主力发电电源之一.文章从技术、装备和市场发展等角度总结了世界风电的最新进展,着重介绍了2008年后美国、德国、西班牙等风电大国政策的调整和支持风电发展的实际行动,提出未来世界风电市场潜力巨大,国内风机制造企业应及早准备,积极开拓国际市场.  相似文献   

步入21世纪,以信息革命为基础的经济全球化代表了世界经济发展的总体趋势,极大地推动了全球经济的迅猛发展,但同时也导致世界能源消耗量的显著增长。美国能源情报署数据显示:2004年,  相似文献   

欧盟页岩气开发及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武正弯 《中外能源》2013,18(1):23-29
欧盟拥有可观的页岩气资源量,其储量将远超常规天然气,不过由于缺乏开发页岩气的油田服务公司、基础设施及专业人才,阻碍了欧盟页岩气的快速发展.据IEA估算,欧盟的页岩气生产成本将达到8~12美元/MBtu,这一成本水平从欧盟目前的天然气价格来看是具有经济性的,不过未来有可能遇到管道天然气及进口LNG的价格挑战.欧盟各国对开发页岩气的态度呈现“两极化”趋势,主要原因在于环保问题.强烈反对的是法国,以其为首的欧盟多国颁布了开采禁令;积极支持的是波兰,英国的态度则有从反对转向支持的苗头;而欧盟委员会对页岩气是否属于清洁能源存疑.页岩气开发之所以在欧盟遭到“冷遇”,其原因主要是环保压力大、政府决策程序慢及补偿激励机制不足.为了适应页岩气开发的特性,欧盟国家拟对矿产开采的相关政策做出调整.中国目前应冷静看待页岩气开发,在初期要把负面因素考虑得多一些.中国与欧盟情况相近,如何在中央、地方、个人、企业之间达成利益合理分配,是提高页岩气开发动力的关键.当前迫切需要国家为发展页岩气打造适宜的政策环境.  相似文献   

加快我国风电产业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过20多年的努力,我国风力发电通过"科技攻关"、"863计划"、"光明工程"和国际合作等一系列项目的实施,积累了不少的经验,为加快风力发电产业发展打下了基础,特别是<可再生能源法>正式实施,将为我国风电产业发展提供良好的机遇.但是,我国风电产业发展也面对着挑战,所以要重视近期我国风电产业发展的重点,加大投入,提升我国风电制造业技术水平和创新能力,鼓励支持科研院所和有实力的企业建立风电研发中心.  相似文献   

近年来,我国风电产业发展突飞猛进,风机产量和风场装机总容量连年全球第一。然而,伴随着风场风机重大质量事故频发、大规模脱网事故频发、以及风电上网难、"弃风"严重等问题的出现,风电制造企业亏损裁员,风电产业发展前途成为问题。从能源持续发展、环保和碳减排、均衡区域发展、履行国际义务等角度,分析了风电的比较优势,阐明了风电产业长远发展的战略意义。  相似文献   

一概况 近两年来,我国风电这匹高速奔腾的烈马终于放缓了脚步,我国风电场新增装机容量的增长速度逐年减慢。2011年,新增安装风电机组(台湾未计入)11409台,装机容量17630.9MW,与2010年新增机组12904台、新增装机容量18928MW相比,新增装机容量首次出现负增长,增长率为-7.36%。  相似文献   

通过对欧洲太阳能热水器产业政策及检测认证体系的考察和了解,代表团成员充分认识到,产品质量检测、认证与相应的产业发展激励政策联系在一起,正成为欧洲一些国家政府部门推动太阳能热水器产业发展的主要措施。欧洲太阳能热水器产业发展的经验对我国有如下几方面的启示。1要进一步加强政策的扶持和引导力度欧洲国家太阳能热水器产业发展的经验表明,以补贴为主的经济激励政策将很好地引导消费者,并有效地推动太阳能热水器市场的开发。我们提出的太阳能热水器产业“十五”期间发展目标是保有量从2000年底的2600万m2增加到6400万m2,年生产能力…  相似文献   

王彩霞  李琼慧 《风能》2013,(9):46-52
近年来,为推动我国清洁能源战略实施发挥重要作用,我国以大型风电基地为主要形式的风电迅猛发展。但随着局部地区风电接入水平提高,风电消纳难题日益严峻。在资源不太丰富地区发展分散式风电、集中开发与分散开发并重,成为我国风电发展的新思路。本文结合我国分散式风电开发的思路与特点,借鉴国外分散式风电开发相关经验,研究促进我国分散式风电科学有序发展的政策措施。  相似文献   

欧洲风电发展及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年5月,国家发展改革委可再生能源和能源效率代表团参加了在意大利米兰召开的2007欧洲风能大会暨展览会,比较全面地了解了欧洲风电技术和产业的发展状况、政策措施及规划目标.  相似文献   

Shanghai, known as the economic, financial and cultural centre of China, lies in the southern portion of the Yangtze River Basin and is the largest and most prosperous city in mainland China. With a high rate of economic and population growth, Shanghai's demand for energy continues to rise. However, Shanghai is a city with a lack of traditional energy resources, and relies heavily on steady supplies of fossil fuels imported from other regions of China. In order to ensure the optimal use of energy resources and limit the environmental impact, the Shanghai government has launched a new energy strategy and is committed to the development of renewable energy, especially wind power. This paper assesses the wind energy resource in Shanghai, reviews the current status of wind power utilisation, and identifies the major challenges facing the development of a robust wind energy industry in this fastest growing city of China.  相似文献   

太阳能,风能作为可再生能源和替代能源受到欧洲各国的重视。它们通过减税,抵税,价格补贴等经济手段,鼓励扶持个人和企业发展太阳能,风能产业,大大推进了这一技术的产业化和商品化进程。  相似文献   

The current development of wind power in China was presented in this paper. Many regions such as Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and southeast coastal region, etc. in China have abundant wind energy resource. At the same time, the utilization of wind power in China has been developing quickly and its prospect is promising in spite of many some obstacles. With the implementation of the Renewable Energy Law, some previous obstacles have been or are being eliminated. Much investment and many enterprises start to enter this field. In spite of this, there still exist some financial and technological obstacles. One of the technological obstacles is the stability of local power grid owing to the increasing proportion of the wind power capacity. Because the centralized development mode of wind power was adopted, the quick fluctuation of wind speed will influence the voltage and frequency stability of local power grid. In addition, large wind farm has little dispatching ability because of the uncontrollability, randomness and fluctuation of natural incoming wind. To erase these obstacles, a novel hybrid power system combining wind farm and small gas turbine power plants is discussed.  相似文献   

The capacity of the Chinese wind power sector has increased rapidly over the past half-decade, essentially doubling every year since 2005. The purpose of this paper is to describe the industry’s recent development and to discuss some of the policies and policy challenges related to the particular business environment in China. Three issues are highlighted: pricing policies, transmission capacity, and the structure of the equipment manufacturing industry, where substantial overcapacity is emerging as a serious problem.  相似文献   

Solar energy and wind are likely to play an important role in the future energy generation in Oman. This article assesses wind power cost per kWh of energy produced using four types of wind machines at 27 locations within Oman. These sites cover all regions in Oman. Hourly values of wind speed recorded between 2000 and 2009, in most cases, were used for all 27 locations. Wind duration curves were developed and utilized to calculate the cost per kWh of energy generated from four chosen wind machines. It was found that the cost of energy is low in the south and middle regions of Oman compared with that in the north region. The most promising sites for the economic harnessing of wind power are Thumrait, Qairoon Hairiti, Masirah, and Sur, with an energy cost of less than 0.117 US$/kWh when 2000 kW, 1500 kW, 850 kW, or 250 kW wind turbines are used.  相似文献   

分析了西北地区风电发展的形势和面临的主要困难,研究了西北地区风电配置和消纳机制,提出风电电量宜在整个西北地区甚至全国消纳配置的政策建议和初步方案,为完善符合西北风电开发和西北区域发展特点的风电政策做了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

G. P. van den Berg 《风能》2008,11(2):151-169
Atmospheric stability cannot, with respect to modern, tall wind turbines, be viewed as a ‘small perturbation to a basic neutral state’. This can be demonstrated by comparison of measured wind velocity at the height of the rotor with the wind velocity expected in a neutral or ‘standard’ atmosphere. Atmospheric stability has a significant effect on wind shear and increases the power production substantially relative to a neutral atmosphere. This conclusion from Dutch data is corroborated by other published wind shear data from the temperate climate zone. The increase in wind shear due to atmospheric stability also has a significant effect on the sound emission, causing it to be substantially higher than predicted from near‐ground wind velocity and a neutral atmosphere, resulting in a higher noise impact on neighbouring residences. Several measures are proposed to mitigate the noise impact. To reduce noise levels, the rotational speed can be controlled with the near‐ground wind speed or sound level as the control input. To reduce the fluctuation in the sound (‘blade thumping’), it is suggested to adjust the blade pitch angle of the rotating blades continuously. To prevent stronger fluctuations at night due to the coincidence of thumps from several turbines, it is suggested to add random variations in pitch angle, mimicking the effect of large‐scale turbulent fluctuations in daytime. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

众所周知,风能是一种比较清洁、实用并且对环境比较友好的可替代性能源。在未来的能源战略发展中,风力能源将具备越来越重要的作用。着眼于风力发电新型能源在生产过程中的运行系统和操作方法,针对风力发电的运行系统和可控制问题进行了探讨与研究。  相似文献   

Wind energy utilization, especially onshore grid-connected wind power generation, has a history of 30 years in China. With the increasing attention to renewable energy development in recent years, wind energy has become the focus of academic research and policy-making. While the potential and advantages of wind energy are widely recognized, many questions regarding the effectiveness of policies and performances of current practices remain unanswered. This paper takes Inner Mongolia, the province that has the most abundant wind energy resources in China, as a case to assess the performance of Chinese onshore wind power projects, focusing on the institutional setting, economic and technological performance, as well as environmental and social impacts. Results show that China is experiencing a rapid growth in wind power generation, which brings China great environmental, energy security and social benefits. However, for a full development of wind energy in China a number of barriers need to be removed: high generation cost, low on-grid price, and stagnating development of domestic manufacture. These findings lead to three policy recommendations.  相似文献   

This paper briefly examines the history, status, policy situation, development issues, and prospects for key renewable power technologies in China. The country has become a global leader in wind turbine and solar photovoltaic (PV) production, and leads the world in total power capacity from renewable energy. Policy frameworks have matured and evolved since the landmark 2005 Renewable Energy Law, updated in 2009. China’s 2020 renewable energy target is similar to that of the EU. However, China continues to face many challenges in technology development, grid-integration, and policy frameworks. These include training, research and development, wind turbine operating experience and performance, transmission constraints, grid interconnection time lags, resource assessments, power grid integration on large scales, and continued policy development and adjustment. Wind and solar PV targets for 2020 will likely be satisfied early, although domestic demand for solar PV remains weak and the pathways toward incorporating distributed and building-integrated solar PV are uncertain. Prospects for biomass power are limited by resource constraints. Other technologies such as concentrating solar thermal power, ocean energy, and electricity storage require greater attention.  相似文献   

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