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四种温度控制方法对相对湿度影响的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟比较了定风量变水量、变风量变水量、旁通型变风量、二次回风控制四种方法在部分负荷时的除湿能力.结果表明,定风量变水量控制在部分负荷时,室内相对湿度一直较高.除湿能力很差;旁通型变风量控制除湿能力较强;变风量变水量控制在潜热不变显热变化的情况下除湿能力较差,而在潜热显热都变化的情况下较好;二次回风控制只在实际显热比较小时除湿能力较差.  相似文献   

Many studies report an association between outdoor ambient weather and health. Outdoor conditions may be a poor indicator of personal exposure because people spend most of their time indoors. Few studies have examined how indoor conditions relate to outdoor ambient weather. The average indoor temperature, apparent temperature, relative humidity (RH), and absolute humidity (AH) measured in 16 homes in Greater Boston, Massachusetts, from May 2011 to April 2012 was compared to measurements taken at Boston Logan airport. The relationship between indoor and outdoor temperatures is nonlinear. At warmer outdoor temperatures, there is a strong correlation between indoor and outdoor temperature (Pearson correlation coefficient, = 0.91, slope, β = 0.41), but at cooler temperatures, the association is weak (= 0.40, β = 0.04). Results were similar for outdoor apparent temperature. The relationships were linear for RH and AH. The correlation for RH was modest (= 0.55, β = 0.39). Absolute humidity exhibited the strongest indoor‐to‐outdoor correlation (= 0.96, β = 0.69). Indoor and outdoor temperatures correlate well only at warmer outdoor temperatures. Outdoor RH is a poor indicator of indoor RH, while indoor AH has a strong correlation with outdoor AH year‐round.  相似文献   

一种求解湿空气温度和相对湿度的CFD算法   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
以往在用计算流体力学 (CFD)方法计算空气温度时 ,仅考虑空气显热 ,导致计算温度与实际情况相差较大。提出一种考虑潜热的计算房间温度和相对湿度的CFD方法 ,将两种计算结果进行了比较 ,发现前者的计算结果较后者约高 0 .5~ 1℃。  相似文献   

The indoor environment influences occupants’ health. From March 1, 2018, to February 28, 2019, we continuously monitored indoor temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and CO2 concentration in bedrooms via an online system in 165 residences that covered all five climate zones of China. Meanwhile, we asked one specific occupant in each home to complete questionnaires about perceived air quality and sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms at the end of each month. Higher CO2 concentration was significantly associated with a higher percentage of perceived stuffy odor and skin SBS symptoms. Higher relative humidity was associated with higher percentage of perceived moldy odor and humid air, while lower RH was associated with a higher percentage of perceived dry air. Occupants who lived in residences with high RH were less likely to have mucosal and skin SBS symptoms (adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 0.73–0.78). However, the benefit of high humidity for perceived dry air and skin dryness symptoms is weaker if there is a high CO2 concentration level.  相似文献   

A new method is described in this article for selecting indoor temperature and indoor relative humidity to achieve minimum energy consumption for a required indoor thermal comfort level which is evaluated with indoor effective temperature. This method is derived from a central air-conditioning system and is based on our investigation that under a same indoor effective temperature, the system cooling load and the system energy consumption increase with an increase of indoor temperature. As such, energy consumption cannot be reduced with increasing indoor temperature for a given human thermal comfort level. In order to reduce energy consumption while keeping a same indoor thermal comfort level, indoor temperature and relative humidity may be determined with the proposed method described in this article. With the proposed method, a parameter variation study has also been conducted, which suggests that for a given indoor effective temperature, a combination of high indoor relative humidity and low indoor temperature be generally taken. The proposed method is based on the central air-conditioning system; yet it can be easily extended to other systems.  相似文献   

Nagda NL  Hodgson M 《Indoor air》2001,11(3):200-214
Mucosal irritation remains a common complaint among travelers and flight attendants in aircraft cabins. Despite the fact that very low humidity is routinely encountered, few studies of its effects have been conducted in the cabin environment. The authors reviewed chamber and field studies in the experimental literature to explore whether there is an association and, if so, at what level it was likely to be present. Subjects who participated in prior research were not always able to perceive low humidity or changes in the humidity level and, at times, this inability has been confused in the literature with the lack of a humidity effect. The studies with more powerful experimental designs have demonstrated the effects of low humidity, such as drying of the skin and mucus membranes, and that a modest increase in relative humidity seems to alleviate a great number of symptoms. The exposure duration below during which the effects of low humidity are not noticeable is in the order of 3 to 4 h. It is conceivable that some symptoms experienced by flight attendants and passengers, especially on flights lasting 3 h or longer, may stem from low humidity.  相似文献   

Although negative air ionizer is commonly used for indoor air cleaning, few studies examine the concentration gradient of negative air ion (NAI) in indoor environments. This study investigated the concentration gradient of NAI at various relative humidities and distances form the source in indoor air. The NAI was generated by single-electrode negative electric discharge; the discharge was kept at dark discharge and 30.0 kV. The NAI concentrations were measured at various distances (10-900 cm) from the discharge electrode in order to identify the distribution of NAI in an indoor environment. The profile of NAI concentration was monitored at different relative humidities (38.1-73.6% RH) and room temperatures (25.2+/-1.4 degrees C). Experimental results indicate that the influence of relative humidity on the concentration gradient of NAI was complicated. There were four trends for the relationship between NAI concentration and relative humidity at different distances from the discharge electrode. The changes of NAI concentration with an increase in relative humidity at different distances were quite steady (10-30 cm), strongly declining (70-360 cm), approaching stability (420-450 cm) and moderately increasing (560-900 cm). Additionally, the regression analysis of NAI concentrations and distances from the discharge electrode indicated a logarithmic linear (log-linear) relationship; the distance of log-linear tendency (lambda) decreased with an increase in relative humidity such that the log-linear distance of 38.1% RH was 2.9 times that of 73.6% RH. Moreover, an empirical curve fit based on this study for the concentration gradient of NAI generated by negative electric discharge in indoor air was developed for estimating the NAI concentration at different relative humidities and distances from the source of electric discharge.  相似文献   

王子涵  齐特 《暖通空调》2022,(1):165-172,80
为了消除传统恒温恒湿空调系统中冷热抵消现象,提出了一种新型直接膨胀式温湿度独立控制恒温恒湿空调系统(下称新型空调系统).该空调系统通过组合三级直接膨胀式制冷单元、加热器、加湿器,并配备特有的控制策略,可以在满足恒温恒湿环境一定温湿度控制精度的前提下,实现温湿度解耦控制.该空调系统不会造成投资成本大幅增加,并具备结构简单...  相似文献   

To improve our understanding of chlorine chemistry indoors, reactive chlorine species such as hydrogen chloride (HCl) must be analyzed using fast time‐response measurement techniques. Although well studied outdoors, sources of HCl indoors are unknown. In this study, mixing ratios of gaseous HCl were measured at 0.5 Hz in the indoor environment using a cavity ring‐down spectroscopy (CRDS) instrument. The CRDS measurement rate provides a major advance in observational capability compared to other established techniques. Measurements of HCl were performed during three types of household activities: (a) floor exposure to bleach, (b) chlorinated and nonchlorinated detergent use in household dishwashers, and (c) cooking events. Surface application of bleach resulted in a reproducible increase of 0.1 ppbv in the affected room. Emissions of HCl from automated dishwashers were observed only when chlorinated detergents were used, with additional HCl emitted during the drying cycle. Increased mixing ratios of HCl were also observed during meal preparation on an electric element stovetop. These observations of HCl derived from household activities indicate either direct emission or secondary production of HCl via chlorine atoms is possible. Calculations of photolysis rate constants of chlorine atom precursors provide evidence that photolysis may contribute to indoor HCl levels.  相似文献   

Sorption of nitrogen-containing organic constituents of environmental tobacco smoke may be influenced by ammonia, a common indoor gas, and relative humidity (RH). We quantified sorption kinetics and equilibria of nicotine with stainless steel, cotton-polyester curtain, and polypropylene carpet at 0%, 50%, and 90% RH and in the presence of ammonia using a 10-l stainless steel chamber. Nicotine was introduced into the chamber by flash evaporating 50 μl of pure liquid. Kinetic sorption parameters were determined by fitting a mass balance model to experimental results using a nonlinear regression. Results show that an equilibrium partition coefficient, k(e) , of nicotine tended to increase as the RH increased for the curtain and carpet. Adsorbed water may contribute to an increase in available sites for nicotine sorption on the surface. In the presence of 20- and 40-ppm NH(3) , the values of k(e) for carpet were decreased by 14-40% at 50% and 90% RH, but the effect of NH(3) was not observed at 0% RH. The values of k(e) ranged from 54 to 152 m. Our findings indicate the relative importance of nicotine sorption to surfaces is dependent on the relative humidity and the presence of ammonia. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This research demonstrates that relative humidity and gaseous ammonia can influence nicotine sorption to common indoor surfaces, i.e., curtains and carpets. Increasing the relative humidity from dry to modest appears to enhance the sorptive capacity. Presence of the typical range of gaseous ammonia concentrations can reduce the nicotine sorption in a humid environment but does not affect the sorptive capacity in the absence of added water. Thus, studies on the dynamic sorption of other alkaloids or amine constituents of environmental tobacco smoke to indoor surfaces should consider the impact of water vapor concentration because of the interaction of water with the surface and sorbates. Furthermore, the mixture of gaseous amines may participate in adsorption site competition.  相似文献   

姚晔  连之伟  侯志坚 《暖通空调》2004,34(10):53-54
利用工程热力学的基本知识推导了计算式,并与传统的计算方法进行了比较。新计算式形式简单,物理意义明确,计算较准确。  相似文献   

陈向阳 《暖通空调》2003,33(1):116-119,115
介绍了辐射温度传感器的特点、构成及测温原理,并进行实验和实际测量,给出测量参数,认为辐射温度传感器具有遥感式测量、测量对象为一个区域、测量值可反映周围环境的热辐射的特点,在大空间空调系统室温测量中其性能优于传统的空气接触式温度传感器。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》1998,34(3):349-352
The development and performance of a small relative humidity sensor is described, capable of distinguishing humidities over distances only millimetres apart, allowing humidities to be measured in the microenvironments of biocontaminants such as dust mites and mould. The sensor can, for example, distinguish between humidities at the bottom of a carpet pile from humidities at the top, or between closely spaced locations in bedding such as below a sheet and on top of a mattress. Calibration showed that the device was accurate to 1% humidity, had a time constant of the order of 10 seconds, and had low drift. Being cheap it can be used in large numbers.  相似文献   

There has been a rising concern in controlling the high indoor humidity of hot and humid countries. When an air-conditioned space experiences only part of its design heat load, its humidity tends to rise as a result of the air-conditioning system trying to control the indoor temperature by reducing its cooling capacity. In this study, the part-load dehumidification performances of three temperature control strategies are compared, namely, chilled water flow control, bypass air control and the variable air volume control. Coil simulations are employed to study the part-load performance of these control strategies. The coil model has been validated with experimental data to within ±6.5%. The relative humidity of a space depends of factors such as design sensible heat factor of the space, temperature control strategy employed and load condition experienced by the space. Simulation results have indicated that chilled water control strategy results in the highest indoor humidity throughout the range of conditions studied while variable air volume system provides highly effective dehumidification performance of the cooling coil. Bypass air control appears to be a good option for adoption as it is able to provide an acceptable humidity over a wide range of load conditions without having to affect the air movement within the space.  相似文献   

Controlling indoor humidity at an appropriate level is very important since this affects occupants' thermal comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ). The paper presents an investigation on developing a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control strategy for simultaneously controlling the indoor air temperature and humidity by varying the speeds of both compressor and supply fan in an experimental DX A/C system. The MIMO-based controller was designed based on the linearized dynamic model of the experimental DX A/C system. The Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) technique was used in designing the MIMO-based controller. The controllability tests with respect to both the disturbance rejection capability and the command following capability were carried out to assess the control performance of MIMO controller. The results of disturbance rejection capability test showed that the MIMO control strategy can effectively maintain the indoor air temperature and humidity to their respective settings after an unmeasured heat load disturbance was imposed by simultaneously varying speeds of both the compressor and the supply fan of the DX A/C system. Furthermore, in the command following capability test for indoor air temperature, the test results showed that the indoor air temperature can be controlled to its new setting while indoor humidity remained unchanged. Similar test results were also observed in the command following capability test for indoor humidity. Therefore, the MIMO controller developed can effectively control indoor air temperature and humidity simultaneously by varying compressor speed and supply fan speed of the DX A/C system. Compared to the previous related studies using conventional on–off control method or single-input single-output (SISO) control strategy, which can only effectively control either air temperature or relative humidity, the MIMO controller can simultaneously control the indoor air temperature and humidity with adequate control sensitivity and accuracy. The application of MIMO control strategy developed can be extended to other HVAC systems in the future to improve their operating performance and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

基于能量平衡及质量平衡,提出了一种通过冷、热风混合测量高温空气湿度的方法。该方法通过温度传感器对冷风、混风的干湿球温度及被测高温空气干球温度进行测量,利用湿空气热力性质关系计算被测高温空气的湿度及各状态参数,也可由常规仪表对高温空气湿度进行测量。该方法具有测量简单、精度高、测量成本低、易于实现的优点。运用误差传递理论对该方法的合成误差进行了计算,结果表明,测量高温低湿(t≤140℃,φ≤15%)的空气湿度,其测量精度可达到±0·5%。  相似文献   

室内生物污染治理方法研究述评与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗晓熹  张寅平  吴琼  赵荣义 《暖通空调》2005,35(9):23-29,130
介绍了目前室内生物污染治理的一些方法,包括通风、过滤、紫外线灭菌、臭氧灭菌、等离子体灭菌和光催化灭菌,分析了各自的特点和局限,从应用角度指出了需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Sakr W  Weschler CJ  Fanger PO 《Indoor air》2006,16(2):98-110
Sensory evaluations were used to investigate the impact of sorption processes on indoor air quality. Experiments were carried out in four similar, adjacent, unfurnished offices. Samples of carpet, linoleum, painted gypsum board, and Semia (a specially designed high-sorbing fabric) were tested individually and in combination. Additionally, to investigate the interaction between the pollutants emitted from the building materials and the test room surfaces themselves, air streams polluted by two different building materials were vented into an empty test office. Each experiment lasted for either 1 week (adsorption stage only) or 10 days (adsorption and desorption stages). Untrained panels assessed the air quality at specified times after moving the materials into or out of the rooms. The results showed that, in comparison with air in a room with carpet or linoleum alone, the presence of painted gypsum board improved the perceived air quality. This improvement persisted throughout the 168 h of the 'adsorption stage' of the experiments. A mass balance model was used to quantify the improvement. Calculated results indicate that, for the conditions used in these experiments, pollutant removal via sorption to the relatively inert office surfaces was equivalent to an extra 0.4 air change per hour (ACH) of ventilation air, while sorption to painted gypsum board surfaces was equivalent to an extra 1-7 ACH of ventilation air. In the case of Semia, sorption was equivalent to an extra 16 ACH of ventilation air. During the 'desorption stage' of the experiments, after carpet or linoleum were taken out of a room, approximately 3 days were required before the air in the test office, ventilated at 0.8 ACH, was judged to be free of the sorbed pollutants. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Ventilation rates in non-industrial buildings are based largely on sensory pollution sources and a desired level of perceived air quality. This study documents that sorptive materials in a room influence the perceived air quality and should be considered when evaluating ventilation requirements. Indeed, it may be possible to deliberately use sorption/desorption to improve indoor air in a manner analogous to the way thermal storage/release is currently used in buildings as a means of conserving energy.  相似文献   

杨瑞梁  王仕元 《山西建筑》2008,34(15):158-159
针对常用电器对室内空气品质的危害,分析了常用电器对室内空气品质的影响,提出了改善常用电器对室内空气品质影响的措施,有助于增加人们对常用电器与室内空气品质关系的认识,以帮助人们更好地保护室内空气品质。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2005,37(4):383-388
Free water surface may generate excessive moisture and heat and have adverse effects on indoor environment and energy loss. A series of experiments have been carried out to study the characteristics of indoor temperature and moisture distributions using a free water surface within a test chamber. Some parameters such as air change rates, surrounding air temperature and humidity, water temperature and water surface area, were chosen to find their influences on simultaneous moisture and heat transfer. In addition, a new method for determining the simultaneous heat and mass transfer rates from free water surface is developed. Using this method with connection of CFD simulations, the moisture-related problems due to free water surface can be predicted precisely.  相似文献   

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