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The aim of this study was to survey the presence of Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes during the cheese making process in small-scale raw milk cheese production in Norway.The prevalence of S. aureus in bovine and caprine raw milk samples was 47.3% and 98.8%, respectively. An increase in contamination during the first 2-3 h resulted in a 73.6% prevalence of contamination in the bovine curd, and 23 out of 38 S. aureus-negative bovine milk samples gave rise to S. aureus-positive curds. The highest contamination levels of S. aureus were reached in both caprine and bovine cheese after 5-6 h (after the first pressing). There was no contamination of L. monocytogenes in caprine cheeses and only one (1.4%) contaminated bovine cheese.This work has increased our knowledge about S. aureus and L. monocytogenes contamination during the process of raw milk cheese production and gives an account of the hygiene status during the manufacture of Norwegian raw milk cheeses.  相似文献   

Quantitative PCR can be an effective method for identifying the bacteria causing mastitis. However, PCR detection is hampered by the presence of inflammatory somatic cells. To eliminate this problem, we attempted to establish methods that allow the effective separation of bacterial cells from somatic cells in mastitis milk with amino-silica. Somatic cells and Staphylococcus aureus cells have different sizes, surface structures, and overall electrical charges; therefore, their adsorption and desorption behavior on amino-silica was also different. We found that although amino-silica could efficiently adsorb both somatic cells and Staph. aureus, somatic cells were adsorbed much more strongly than bacterial cells. We identified conditions under which most of the somatic cells adsorbed and only Staph. aureus desorbed from amino-silica upon addition of a desorption solution. We demonstrated that this procedure effectively eliminated somatic cells in heavily contaminated milk samples, which resulted in improved clarity of the PCR band. These results indicate that pretreatment of the samples with amino-silica made the PCR-based strategy for identifying and quantifying disease-causing bacteria applicable for all milk samples.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the prevalence of multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Kenyan milk and investigated any differences in antimicrobial resistance between large- (>200 L/d) and small- (<50 L/d) scale producers. Susceptibility profiles for penicillin G, tetracycline, erythromycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethazine, and chloramphenicol were determined for Staph. aureus (n=402) isolated from cows with subclinical mastitis. There was a significant difference in the overall mean resistance profile between large- (7.1%) and small-scale farm (14.7%) isolates. The overall prevalence of multidrug resistance (> or =2 antibiotics) differed significantly between isolates from small farms (34.3%) and those from large farms (18.0%). Additionally, the producers were interviewed about their usage of antimicrobial drugs and their attitudes toward education in related fields. There was an evident difference between the producer types in their documentation of the use of antimicrobial drugs. Small-scale farms were less inclined to documentation, and treatment records were available from 22% of small-scale farms, compared with 73% of large-scale farms. Farmers expressed a need for more information in 5 areas, ranking preventive management highest (34.0%); followed by affordable tests to control residues in milk (22.8%); preparation of antimicrobial drugs (20.0%); public health concerns (11.2%); disposal of surplus antimicrobial drugs (7.8%); and antimicrobial drug residue persistence in milk (4.2%). It was concluded that herd size might be an indirect risk factor in the development of antimicrobial resistance in Staph. aureus within the region.  相似文献   

Three Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris isolates from refrigerated bulk raw milk were cultured separately and in association with a known psychrotrophic dairy Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, in skim UHT milk for 72 h at 7°C, to determine mutual influences in both the planktonic and biofilm phases. Two levels of inoculum of each culture partner were combined. Protocooperation and commensalism cases were found, all of them in the biofilm phase. Type and intensity of the interactions depended on Lactococcus strain and on the cell density of each partner. Maximum enhancement of attachment was observed to be approximately 100-fold for P. fluorescens and 20,000-fold for one of the L. lactis strains. Confocal scanning laser microscopy images show compact masses of Pseudomonas trapping lactococci cells in cooperative biofilms.  相似文献   

The hypothesis tested was that there are differences in pathogenicity between strains of Staphylococcus aureus that cause bovine mastitis. Mammary quarter milk somatic cell count (SCC) and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase) activity were used as indicators of the pathogenicity of different strains of S. aureus that infect the bovine udder. Eight commercial dairy herds with a history of S. aureus in bulk tank milk cultures were studied. Initially, composite foremilk samples were collected from all lactating cattle in each herd and cultured for staphylococci. Subsequently, all cows with a coagulase-positive staphylococcal intramammary infection (IMI) at the initial sampling that were still present in the herd of origin had individual mammary quarter foremilk samples collected. Coagulase-positive staphylococcal isolates were confirmed as S. aureus using a commercial biotyping system. Staphylococcus aureus isolates were strain-typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Mammary quarter milk SCC and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity were determined for each cow. The difference in mean somatic cell count and mean NAGase activity for mammary quarters infected with the same strain of S. aureus and for uninfected quarters on the same cow was calculated. One-way analysis of variance was used to assess differences between strains within a herd. Overall, no significant differences were found between strains, suggesting that the degree of udder parenchymal injury induced by S. aureus IMI is in general significantly affected by factors other than strain type.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an important milk-related pathogen that is inactivated by high-intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPEF). In this study, inactivation of Staph. aureus suspended in milk by HIPEF was studied using a response surface methodology, in which electric field intensity, pulse number, pulse width, pulse polarity, and the fat content of milk were the controlled variables. It was found that the fat content of milk did not significantly affect the microbial inactivation of Staph. aureus. A maximum value of 4.5 log reductions was obtained by applying 150 bipolar pulses of 8 μs each at 35 kV/cm. Bipolar pulses were more effective than those applied in the monopolar mode. An increase in electric field intensity, pulse number, or pulse width resulted in a drop in the survival fraction of Staph. aureus. Pulse widths close to 6.7 μs lead to greater microbial death with a minimum number of applied pulses. At a constant treatment time, a greater number of shorter pulses achieved better inactivation than those treatments performed at a lower number of longer pulses. The combined action of pulse number and electric field intensity followed a similar pattern, indicating that the same fraction of microbial death can be reached with different combinations of the variables. The behavior and relationship among the electrical variables suggest that the energy input of HIPEF processing might be optimized without decreasing the microbial death.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify the epidemiological association and bacteriological characteristics of human and animal Staphylococcus aureus isolates. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that pulsotypes (PT) of isolates from bulk milk differed from PT from human isolates, suggesting that there is no epidemiological association between isolates from these 2 sources. The absence of a common PT could result from the lack of contact between the sources. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus from human secretions and S. aureus from bulk milk in Japan consisted of 1 and 2 dominant clusters, respectively, whereas methicillin-susceptible S. aureus from humans consisted of assorted clusters. Isolates belonging to the dominant clusters showed the coagulase serotype, the capsule serotype, detection of exotoxin genes, and antimicrobial susceptibility. Isolates from bulk milk did not show the penicillin-binding protein 2a gene, and 252 of 275 isolates belonging to the 2 dominant clusters of bulk milk were susceptible to ampicillin, cefazolin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, oxacillin, and vancomycin. Moreover, the LukM/LukF′-PV leukotoxin gene was detected in 233 of 275 isolates belonging to the dominant clusters in bulk milk isolates. These results support the hypothesis that a number of factors play a role in the adaptation of S. aureus isolates to specific hosts.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to target three genes of Staphylococcus aureus-fmhA (coding for a factor of unknown function), catalase and femA (coding for a factor essential for methicillin resistance) to establish and validate a PCR assay for the detection of this pathogen. Two pairs of primers were designed for fmhA and one pair each for catalase and femA genes. The PCR assays were standardized and found to give specific amplicons under similar reaction parameters. Target specificity of the primers was confirmed by DNA sequencing of the amplicons. While the initial inclusivity and exclusivity test reactions were in agreement in case of three of the primer pairs, one pair based on fmhA gene produced a non-specific product with a template DNA used in exclusivity test reactions. Forty-five strains of S. aureus were subjected to these PCR assays for their evaluation. Three among the four pairs of primers, one against each gene detected all the 45 strains precisely whereas one of the PCR assays using primers targeting the fmhA gene did not generate the specific amplicon with several of the strains. Seven unidentified strains of Gram-positive cocci subjected to these PCR assays produced negative results for each culture. Six of the strains were identified as Staphylococcus haemolyticus and one strain as Staphylococcus arlettae by 16S ribosomal gene analyses. All the three assay systems showed a detection limit of 100 cells per 20mul reaction assay. For validation of these assay systems, 80 coded samples of 11% skimmed milk spiked with different pathogens were received from NICED (National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases), Kolkata and subjected to these PCR assays. All the three assays could detect S. aureus correctly in two of the samples. Amongst 150 raw milk samples, 36 (24%) were found positive for S. aureus. We conclude that fmhA, catalase and femA genes are conserved in S. aureus and, therefore, could be used as specific targets for its detection and identification by PCR. The protocols developed herein could be used for rapid and specific detection of this pathogen in food, clinical and environmental samples, especially milk.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of udder infections with Staphylococcus aureus by bacteriological milk testing of quarter milk samples is often not satisfactory. To get reliable results, repeated sampling is necessary, which is normally too expensive. Therefore, we developed a test that allows the highly specific detection of Staph. aureus in bovine milk samples at very low concentrations. It is based on a fast procedure to prepare bacteria from milk, followed by DNA extraction and quantitative PCR. The whole analysis is done within 5 h. For clinical milk samples, the analytical sensitivity of the assay was 50.7 times and 507 times higher than conventional bacteriology with 100 and 10 μL, respectively. The diagnostic specificity was 100%. The test is further characterized by a low intra- and interassay variability as well as by a good recovery of Staph. aureus from raw milk. Furthermore, a high correlation (R = 0.925) between the agar plate counts and the quantitative PCR methodology over the whole range of measurement was found. In addition, our test revealed considerably more positive results than bacteriology. Due to its favorable properties, the assay might become an important diagnostic tool in the context of bovine mastitis caused by Staph. aureus.  相似文献   

In recent years, the small-scale production of raw milk products has increased in Norway, and there is some concern that such foods may pose a risk of staphylococcal food poisoning to consumers. The aim of the study was to evaluate potential sources of contamination of raw milk cheese with Staphylococcus aureus on a bovine dairy farm with small-scale production. Samples for bacteriological analyses (n = 144) were collected from the animals, the environment, processing equipments, from humans, and from cheeses at various stages of production. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from 10 of 11 cows, the farmer, equipment, the environment, and the cheese. Seventy-five Staph. aureus isolates were genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, tested for enterotoxin (SE) production by reversed passive latex agglutination, for SE genes by multiplex polymerase chain reaction, and for penicillin resistance by the cloverleaf method. Five different pulsotypes were identified and SE gene fragments were identified in 11 isolates, but no isolates produced SE or were penicillin resistant. Staphylococcus aureus was found throughout the farm, and appeared to be spread with the milk to the environment, equipment, and to products. One pulsotype dominated and was identified from most sample sites on the farm. Raw milk products are vulnerable to contamination with Staph. aureus. Strategies to reduce the occurrence of Staph. aureus in bulk milk are of particular importance on farms where milk is used for raw milk products.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the therapeutic potential of bovine lactoferrin or lactoferricin in combination with penicillin G against Staphylococcus aureus. Minimal inhibitory concentrations of lactoferrin, lactoferricin, penicillin, and combinations of lactoferrin or lactoferricin with penicillin were determined for 15 S. aureus strains including several strains resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. The fractional inhibitory concentration index indicated a synergistic effect between lactoferrin and penicillin. Combination of lactoferrin with penicillin increased the inhibitory activity of penicillin by two- to fourfold and reduced the growth rate in S. aureus strains tested, whereas the increase in the inhibitory activity of lactoferrin by penicillin was 16- to 64-fold. The addition of iron to the medium containing a combination of penicillin and lactoferrin had no effect on growth inhibition. Electron microscopy revealed that concentration below the minimal inhibitory concentrations of penicillin induced important ultrastructure alterations, which were further enhanced by the presence of lactoferrin. When S. aureus cells were grown in the presence of a combination of penicillin and lactoferrin, changes in the protein profile of the bacteria, including the disappearance of several protein bands due to the presence of lactoferrin, were observed. These data suggest that bovine lactoferrin or lactoferricin in combination with beta-lactam antibiotics can increase the antibacterial activity of these antibiotics against S. aureus resistant to antibiotics.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of udder infections in dairy herds. Both lactational and dry cow therapy are part of Staph. aureus control programs. Reported cure rates for Staph. aureus mastitis vary considerably. The probability of cure depends on cow, pathogen, and treatment factors. Cure rates decrease with increasing age of the cow, increasing somatic cell count, increasing duration of infection, increasing bacterial colony counts in milk before treatment, and increasing number of quarters infected. Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in hind quarters has a low cure rate compared with front quarters. Antimicrobial treatment of intramammary infections with penicillin-resistant Staph. aureus strains results in a lower cure rate for treatment with either β-lactam or non-β-lactam antibiotics. Other strain-specific factors may affect the probability of cure but routine diagnostic methods for use in bacteriology laboratories or veterinary practices are not yet available. The most important treatment factor affecting cure is treatment duration. Increased duration of treatment is associated with increased chance of cure. Economically, extended treatment is not always justified, even when indirect effects of treatment such as prevention of contagious transmission are taken into consideration. Usefulness of treatment trials could be improved by standardization of case definitions, consideration of host and strain factors, and sufficient statistical power. Treatment of young animals with penicillin-sensitive Staph. aureus infections is often justified based on bacteriological cure and economic outcome, whereas treatment of older animals, chronic infections, or penicillin-resistant isolates should be discouraged.  相似文献   

To evaluate the antimicrobial resistance traits of staphylococci responsible for subclinical bovine mastitis in Portugal, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 7 antimicrobial agents, frequently administered for mastitis treatment, were determined for 30 Staphylococcus aureus and 31 Staphylococcus epidermidis field isolates. β-Lactamase production was detected through the use of nitrocefin-impregnated discs. The MIC that inhibited 90% of the isolates tested (MIC90) of penicillin, oxacillin, cefazolin, gentamicin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, oxytetracycline, and enrofloxacin were, respectively, 4, 0.5, 1, 1, 0.25, 0.25, and 0.06 μg/mL for Staph. aureus and ≥64, 8, 1, 32, ≥64, ≥64, and 0.06 μg/mL for Staph. epidermidis. All Staph. aureus isolates showed susceptibility to oxacillin, cefazolin, gentamicin, sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and enrofloxacin. β-Lactamase production was detected in 20 of these isolates (66.7%), all of which were resistant to penicillin. Of the 31 Staph. epidermidis tested, 24 (77.4%) were β-lactamase positive. All isolates were susceptible to both cefazolin and enrofloxacin. Nine Staph. epidermidis isolates were resistant to oxacillin, with MIC values ranging from 4 to 8 μg/mL. The MIC values of 5 antimicrobial agents tested were higher than those reported in other countries. Enrofloxacin was the only exception, showing lower MIC values compared with other reports. Overall, the antimicrobial agents tested in our study, with the exception of penicillin, were active against the 61 isolates studied.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after SmaI digestion was used to investigate the persistence of specific genotypes of bovine mammary gland isolates of Staphylococcus aureus on 3 dairy herds. A total of 341 isolates of Staph. aureus were available from cows in 3 herds, collected over a period of 15 yr. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis band patterns of Staph. aureus isolates were analyzed visually and with gel analysis and comparison software. Based on this analysis, isolates were classified by PFGE type. Persistence was determined as the time period from the first to the last isolation of a particular PFGE type of Staph. aureus within a herd. Specific types of mastitis-causing Staph. aureus persisted long-term on these dairies. For example, PFGE type 3 isolates persisted on farms A, B, and C for 15, 15, and 13 yr, respectively. Type 6 was found to persist for 13 yr on farm C. Despite the application of standard mastitis control practices, mastitis-causing Staph. aureus types appeared to persist long-term, as detected by PFGE, and were isolated coincident with herd problems of increased milk somatic cell counts and decreased milk production.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to characterize changes in serum trace mineral concentrations in cattle with experimentally induced Staphylococcus aureus mastitis. Nine primiparous Holstein-Friesian cattle were challenged with approximately 150 cfu of Staph. aureus ATCC29740 by intramammary infusion on d 6, 7, and 8 of lactation. Serum Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations were determined immediately before and at 24, 48, and 72 h after the final intramammary infusion of Staph. aureus. Infection status (cfu/mL of Staph. aureus), milk somatic cell count, and mastitis score were also determined at these times. Infection resulted in a decrease in mean serum Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations to 89, 83, and 81% of preinfection concentrations at 24 h postchallenge. One-way analysis of variance for repeated measures demonstrated a significant change in serum zinc concentration. The reductions in trace mineral concentrations were of less magnitude than observed following experimental E. coli mastitis.  相似文献   

The objective ofthis study was to evaluate the efficacy of intramammary tilmicosin, administered at drying-off, for eliminating Staphylococcus aureus infection, and to identify risk factors for S. aureus cure during the dry period. A total of 219 naturally infected cows, representing 308 quarters, were randomized to receive either one of two treatments at drying-off. Cows received either an intramammary infusion of 500 mg of benzathine cloxacillin, or a sterile solution containing 1,500 mg of tilmicosin. All cows had quarter milk samples taken aseptically three times before dry-off, and at wk 1, 2, and 4 of the subsequent lactation. Overall, 62% of cows and 67.5% of quarters infected with S. aureus cured during the dry period. The cure following administraton of tilmicosin was 67.3 and 72.5% for cows and quarters, respectively. By comparison, the cure achieved with cloxacillin was 56.9 and 62.9% of cows and quarters. Cows receiving tilmicosin were 2.1 times more likely to cure. The cure rate for cows decreased as the linear score on the last DHI test increased, and as the amount of S. aureus being shed increased. Quarters that cultured positive multiple times before drying-off were less likely to cure. Staphylococcus aureus infections located in front quarters of the udder were 2 times more likely to cure than those in hind quarters. Results of this study demonstrate that intramammary tilmicosin at drying-off is efficacious in curing existing S. aureus during the dry period. Risk factors associated with the cure of S. aureus were identified.  相似文献   

The five Staphylococcus aureus strains used in the manufacture of a commercially available bacterin were examined for capsular and surface polysaccharide serotypes. Double immunodiffusion assays of antigenic extracts of test and reference strains with monospecific typing sera to capsular serotypes 1, 2, 5, and 8 and to surface polysaccharide serotype 336 were performed to detect the specific reactivities and antigenic relationships of test samples. Antigenic extracts of two S. aureus strains reacted with antibodies to serotype 8, but not with antibodies to serotype 5, by producing specific precipitin lines. A third strain reacted with monospecific antibodies to serotype 5 and not with the antibodies to serotype 8. The extracts of two other strains failed to exhibit any detectable reaction with antiserum to serotypes 1, 2, 5, or 8. Antibodies to serotype 336, however, precipitated an identical, specific 336 antigen from the antigenic extracts of these two nontypeable strains. Thus, S. aureus bacterin includes one serotype 5, two serotype 8, and two serotype 336 strains, the three predominant serotypes responsible for bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

A herd of 88 Alpine goats in Northern Italy was monitored for a complete lactation. Milk samples were taken from each udder half during 8 monthly visits. Goats (n = 28) with ≥2 consecutive positive tests for Staphylococcus aureus in the same udder half were identified as chronically infected, and all of those had ≥4 positive tests of the 8 samples. Goats with no infections in either udder half during any visit were considered healthy (n = 26). Linear mixed models were used to examine the relationship between chronic infection by S. aureus and SCC and production traits. The bacteria isolated from one sample from each infected goat were genotyped on the basis of polymorphism in several genes and evaluated for the presence of genes encoding for enterotoxins. The bacteria isolated from each animal were also subject to a test for β-lactamase production and to minimum inhibitory concentration tests for 11 antimicrobial agents. As expected, SCC (log2) was significantly higher in infected goats than in healthy goats (7.55 vs. 5.50). Also, mean log SCC from infected udder halves (8.02) was greater than that in uninfected udder halves from the same goats (6.44). No significant differences were observed in milk yield or for fat and protein percentages between infected and healthy goats. No genetic variability was observed among the bacteria isolated, suggesting that all were from the same strain, although isolates did vary in susceptibility to various antimicrobial agents. All S. aureus isolates were negative for the β-lactamase production test. The most effective drugs when tested in vitro were benzylpenicillin, amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid, cloxacillin, and cephalosporins.  相似文献   

To address the question of whether a minimum concentration of blood neutrophils is necessary to decrease Staphylococcus aureus concentration in mastitic milk, literature was searched for studies in which neutrophils were incubated with Staph. aureus. Different mathematical models that describe the changes in Staph. aureus population as a function of neutrophilic concentrations were applied to the collected data. The best fitted model established (1) that the rate of bacterial killing depended on the ratio of neutrophils to bacteria with neutrophilic attack rate accelerating at first before decelerating as the ratio increases, and (2) that neutrophil concentration should be within a limited range to trigger a decline in the bacterial population. Outcomes of this model are supported by what is known about neutrophilic functions and laboratory findings in bovine and human neutrophils. These results may be of assistance in setting selection goals for a better resilience to Staph. aureus mastitis in dairy cattle. Indeed, an optimal neutrophilic concentration appears to exist for successful clearance of Staph. aureus infection, which is neither the lowest nor the highest one.  相似文献   

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