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普通协同系统存在不能根据数据包总量的具体变化情况,调节集成化参数的问题,为更好地控制数据包变化情况,设计基于知识共享的集成化供应链协同系统。通过交换服务数据接口设计、供应业务层设计、EAI集成单元设计三个步骤完成新型系统的硬件模块设计。通过供应链集成处理、协同数据库搭建、数据循环流程设计三个步骤完成新型系统的软件模块设计。根据硬件与软件模块设计模拟系统运行环境,进行对比实验。结果表明,随着基于知识共享集成化供应链协同系统的应用,数据包变化情况始终维持在可控范围内,且集成化参数的调节合理性也得到了一定保障。  相似文献   

为了提高药品供应链管理的效率以及加强对药品流通过程的监管力度,提出将RFID技术应用于药品供应链管理中。其创新之处在于提出了一种基于RFID技术的药品供应链管理系统解决方案,深入研究了基于RFID技术的药品供应链管理系统流程。结合我国巨大的药品生产和消费市场规模,发展这项技术具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

This publication contains reprint articles for which IEEE does not hold copyright. The full-text attachment does not include this article. However, you may purchase the article from the Ask*IEEE Document Delivery Service at http://www.ieee.org/services/askieee/  相似文献   

While many scholars of organizational innovations have examined characteristics of innovations such as relative advantage and complexity and how they facilitate the adoption of an innovation by organizations, others have used mathematical models to fit diffusion patterns. In this study, the authors attempt to integrate these two areas of inquiry and explore the possibilities to predict diffusion patterns based on characteristics of the innovation and the adopting entities. Based on a cross-sectional sample of 313 large American firms, 20 information technology (IT) innovations were examined and their diffusion patterns assessed with respect to models that espoused internal and external influence. The mixed influence model (Bass model) was chosen as a robust common representation for the set of diffusion patterns. However, the external influence as represented by the coefficient of innovation was found to be extremely small and the internal influence dominates for all innovations. The other two parameters of the model, the saturation level and the coefficient of imitation, which represents internal influence, were then used to perform a cluster analysis. Five clusters of technologies emerged, and the potential relationships between their innovation characteristics and diffusion patterns were explored. Rigorous examination of these potential relationships by future researchers may result in practical methods for predicting patterns of IT innovation diffusion based on innovation and technology characteristics  相似文献   

本文考虑两个生鲜农产品供应商和一个处于领导地位的零售商所组成的供应链,两个供应商向零售商供应替代品.通过构建讨价还价模型,分析两个供应商在采取不同互联网追溯技术决策时对供应链整体收益的影响.研究表明:若供应商选择投资互联网追溯技术,则零售商的收益会增加;在生鲜农产品错放率和损耗率较低且供应商采取SS决策时,零售商可以获...  相似文献   

红外探测器在航天应用中通常在低温环境下才能成像,因此需要耦合制冷机为其提供稳定的低温工作环境,满足它的工作需求。制冷机与红外探测器耦合采取的方式有多种,本文主要介绍冷链技术的耦合方式,综合分析国内外多家单位的试验情况,对冷链耦合的应用前景进行了分析说明。  相似文献   

As just-in-time delivery has become increasingly commonplace and customer demands continue to tighten, the importance of fast, reliable delivery cannot be overstated. This is particularly true for firms competing internationally, where the complexity of the supply chain must be managed within a global network. To explore the linkage between supply chain complexity and delivery, a two-dimensional framework is proposed that conceptualizes the degree of complexity embedded in a supply chain along two major dimensions: (1) form of technology and (2) nature of information processing. Technology is characterized using a conventional operations strategy framework of structural and infrastructural elements. In contrast, information processing captures both the level of complicatedness and of uncertainty that exists in the supply chain. Collectively, these two dimensions create a two-by-two framework that defines supply chain complexity and provides a strong theoretical basis for linking different aspects of complexity to delivery performance. An exploratory empirical investigation using an international database focused on immediate upstream and downstream echelons of a supply chain at the firm level. Results show strong support for the linkages between delivery performance and both complicatedness of the product/process and uncertainty of the management systems. In contrast, little evidence was found that greater product variety and more complicated supply networks adversely affected performance. Thus, management initiatives to improve delivery performance are best focused on improving informational flows within the supply chain and leveraging new process technologies that offer flexibility to respond to uncertainty.  相似文献   

Hardware is the foundation of security and trust for any security system. However, recent study has revealed that hardware is subject to a number of security risks. Some of the most severe risks come from the VLSI supply chain. Such risks compromise the foundation of any existing security design. In this paper, we present a systematic survey on these security risks and their corresponding mitigation techniques.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初,计算机音乐迎来了第一个繁荣时期,但也出现一个难以解决的问题,即各种电子乐器之间的通信问题。各公司都是按照自己的标准生产乐器,当同时在一个计算机音乐系统使用几家公司的产品时,兼容的问题就出现了,这给音乐制作人带来难以克服的困难。  相似文献   

Wireless Networks - The world is moving towards a environmental restricted scenario where excellence and growth in business is contingent upon good governance and excellent green sustainability...  相似文献   

杨哲 《电子测试》2016,(12):167-168
水作为人类的生命之源,和人们的生存及社会经济发展存在很大关联。我国县镇供水事业起步晚、发展缓慢,和城市的供水事业相比,仍然存在很多问题和难点。只有解决了这些问题,推动县镇供水事业的发展,才能带动社会经济的前进。  相似文献   

No doubt exists that information technology is emerging as a key resource in the purchasing process. Concurrently, buyer-supplier relationships are changing. The purpose of this research is to determine if there is a relationship between the use of information technology and buyer-supplier relationships. A brief review of the literature on the use of information technology in purchasing is provided. Next, the nature of buyer-supplier relationships is discussed. Triangulation-involving field interviews followed by a mail survey-was used to collect data and attempt to answer the three research questions. The three questions were the following. (1) What is the relationship between the use of information technology and frequency of information shared between buyers and suppliers? (2) What is the relationship between the use of information technology and the richness of information shared between buyers and suppliers? (3) What is the relationship between the use of information technology and buyer-supplier trust? Information technology is defined in terms of automated purchasing systems, supplier links via electronic data interchange, information systems and computer-to-computer links with key suppliers. The research results suggest that three of the different types of information technology were significantly related to the frequency of information shared among buyers. Two of the different types of information technology were significantly related to the richness of information shared. However, only one of the types of information technology appears to be significantly related to trust among buyers and suppliers.  相似文献   

Time-based strategy is becoming an important weapon to achieve competitive advantage in the current environment of fast-changing technology and customer requirements. Speed-to-market has become the mantra of both researchers and practitioners in new product development (NPD), but there are limited and conflicting findings on the relationship between speed-to-market and product success. A more important question is whether faster is always better. In a study of 692 NPD projects, we examined the relationship between speed-to-market and new product success (NPS) under different conditions of uncertainty. Our results indicate that speed-to-market is generally positively associated with overall NPS, but market uncertainty moderates the direct effect. Speed-to-market is less important to NPS under conditions of low market uncertainty. Our results also suggest that technological uncertainty does not affect the speed-success relationship. The implication is that it is more important to execute a time-based strategy in an unfamiliar, emerging, or fast-changing market than in a familiar, existing, and stable market. The limitations and future research related to these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Supply chain management (SCM) and interorganizational information systems (IOIS) have gained significant importance, aided by anecdotal success stories of firms obtaining competitive advantage using these systems. Historically, the two streams of research have developed relatively independently, with operations and logistics researchers studying supply chains and information systems/information technology researchers covering the IOIS domain. Here, we describe the enhancement of knowledge that can be obtained by juxtaposing these two areas. This research study proposes a framework, the "supply chain management-interorganizational information system (SCM-IOIS) matrix," to help understand the alignment of IOIS capabilities with the needs of supply chain members. The framework is validated using data from IndustryWeek's census of manufacturers. The findings from this exploratory study support our proposition that firms align the levels of IOIS with the sophistication and coordination of their SCM efforts.  相似文献   

随着数字化的高速发展,各项关键基础设施和重要资源对供应链越来越依赖,网络罪犯和黑客也已发现供应链里面充满了可供利用的漏洞,不少国家政府已经表示对供应链的完整性和脆弱性越来越担忧。从APT供应链攻击的原理和检测难点进行分析,并借鉴各国政府、国外企业采取的措施着手,从政策、技术、安全意识培养等方面对我国APT供应链攻击防护和应对提出相关建议。  相似文献   

在计算机网络信息技术快速发展过程中也存在着各种故障和安全问题,这对计算机网络通信的安全性和稳定性造成了重大影响。文章分析了计算机网络通信技术发展基本状况,并对其存在的主要问题进行深入分析,从而提出具有针对性的解决策略和方案,不断拓展计算机网络通信技术发展空间。  相似文献   

李峰 《长江信息通信》2021,34(2):167-171
数字经济时代,企业面临更加激烈的市场竞争环境,传统的供应链管理模式的问题日趋显现,亟需进行数字化转型。企业的发展需要更加智能、高效的数字化供应链的支撑。针对这一现状和需求,文章着力于研究如何解决传统企业供应链数字化转型的问题,设计了一套基于SAP ERP和EWM系统为核心的企业数字化供应链的解决方案:通过SAP ERP和EWM系统的无缝对接实现了企业物流相关业务的自动流转;通过EWM与WCS系统的无缝对接以及WCS系统与自动化立体仓库硬件设备的集成实现了仓库所有出入库作业的自动传递和执行;通过引入条码技术以及与RF设备的集成实现了全流程作业的自动识别和准确高效的处理。该解决方案的设计与实现,帮助企业极大地提高了供应链各个环节的作业效率,提高了整个供应链的透明度,进而提升了企业的整体运营效率和管理水平,使得企业能在日趋激烈的市场竞争环境中保持竞争优势,并取得长足发展。  相似文献   

在光传送网向分组传送网演进的过程中,网络之间的互联互通是运营商关心的主要问题之一.文章简要介绍了MPLS-TP(MPLS Transport Profile)分组传送网的网络构成,分析了在多种传送网并存的情况下,基于MPLS-TP分组传送网的多层网络结构,重点讨论了MPLS-TP分组传送网与IP/MPLS网络以及SDH/MSTP网络之间互联互通的实现方案.  相似文献   

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