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Arsenic is a potent environmental pollutant that has caused one of the largest public health poisonings in the history of human civilization, affecting tens of millions of people worldwide especially in Bangladesh. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in blood plays an important role in predicting cell or organ damage and as an important clue to the diagnosis of a variety of cancers. However, effect of chronic arsenic exposure on the LDH level in blood has not yet been documented. Since the chronic arsenic exposure is associated with organ damages and multi-site cancers, this research aimed at assaying the plasma level of LDH activity in the population who were exposed to arsenic chronically in Bangladesh. A total of 185 individuals living in arsenic-exposed areas and 121 individuals living in non-exposed area in Bangladesh were recruited as study subjects. Arsenic content in drinking water, hair and nails were estimated by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and LDH activity was assayed by a spectrophotometer. Significant increase in LDH activity was observed with increasing concentrations of arsenic in water, hair and nails. Further, the study subjects were split into four groups based on the three ways of each exposure metrics (water, hair and nail arsenic concentrations) where the study subjects in the non-exposed area were used as a reference (lowest exposure) group. LDH activity was found to be increased in the higher exposure groups of water and hair arsenic concentrations. LDH activity was also increased at low to medium exposure groups of nail arsenic concentrations.Thus, the elevated plasma LDH activity might be helpful for the early prognosis of organ or tissue damage in the individuals who were exposed to arsenic chronically.  相似文献   

Prevalence of skin lesions was investigated among 752 participants in eight villages in Kurdistan province in Iran with emphasis on total lifetime intake of arsenic from drinking water (TLIA). The participants were selected from eight villages with different exposure levels using a cluster-sampling technique. TLIA was calculated for each individual taking into account the type of water supply and their mean annual arsenic concentration. The study showed that 49 persons (6.5%) were suffering from hyperkeratosis and 20 persons (2.7%) from hyperpigmentation. The correlation between hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation was significant (R=0.325, p<0.01). Using the logistic regression model it was found that the relationship between TLIA and hyperkeratosis (OR=1.14, 95% CI=1.039-1.249), and hyperpigmentation (OR=1.254, 95% CI=1.112-1.416) was also significant. In conclusion, TLIA can be applied as a reliable indicator for the assessment of exposure.  相似文献   

This work probabilistically explored a safe utilization ratio (UR) of groundwater in fish ponds located in blackfoot disease hyperendemic areas in terms of the regulation of arsenic (As) concentrations. Sequential indicator simulation was used to reproduce As concentrations in groundwater and to propagate their uncertainty. Corresponding URs of groundwater were obtained from the relationship of mass balance between reproduced As concentrations in groundwater and the As regulation in farmed fish ponds. Three levels were adopted to evaluate the UR - UR> or =0.5, 0.5>UR> or =0.1 and UR<0.1. The high probability of the UR> or =0.5 level presents in the northern and southern regions where groundwater can be a major water source. The high probability of the 0.5>UR> or =0.1 level is mainly distributed in the central-coastal, central-eastern and southeastern regions where groundwater should be considered as a subordinate water source. Being available, extra surface water has priority over providing aquacultural needs of the regions with the high probability of the UR> or =0.5 and 0.5>UR> or =0.1 levels. In the regions with the high probability of the UR<0.1 level, in the central-coastal and southwestern regions, groundwater utilization should be reduced substantially or even prohibited completely for no adverse effects on human health.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) poisoning has become a worldwide public health concern. The skin is quite sensitive to As and skin lesions are the most common and earliest nonmalignant effects associated to chronic As exposure. In 2005-2007, a survey was carried out on surface and groundwater arsenic contamination and relationships between As exposure via the drinking water and related adverse health effects (melanosis and keratosis) on villagers resides on the banks of Manchar lake, southern part of Sindh, Pakistan. We screened the population from arsenic-affected villages, 61 to 73% population were identified patients suffering from chronic arsenic toxicity. The effects of As toxicity via drinking water were estimated by biological samples (scalp hair and blood) of adults (males and females), have or have not skin problem (n = 187). The referent samples of both genders were also collected from the areas having low level of As (< 10 μg/L) in drinking water (n = 121). Arsenic concentration in drinking water and biological samples were analyzed using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The range of arsenic concentrations in lake surface water was 35.2-158 μg/L, which is 3-15 folds higher than World Health Organization [WHO, 2004. Guidelines for drinking-water quality third ed., WHO Geneva Switzerland.]. It was observed that As concentration in the scalp hair and blood samples were above the range of permissible values 0.034-0.319 μg As/g for hair and < 0.5-4.2 μg/L for blood. The linear regressions showed good correlations between arsenic concentrations in water versus hair and blood samples of exposed skin diseased subjects (R2 = 0.852 and 0.718) as compared to non-diseased subjects (R2 = 0.573 and 0.351), respectively.  相似文献   

Exposure to arsenic through drinking water poses a threat to human health. Electrocoagulation is a water treatment technology that involves electrolytic oxidation of anode materials and in-situ generation of coagulant. The electrochemical generation of coagulant is an alternative to using chemical coagulants, and the process can also oxidize As(III) to As(V). Batch electrocoagulation experiments were performed in the laboratory using iron electrodes. The experiments quantified the effects of pH, initial arsenic concentration and oxidation state, and concentrations of dissolved phosphate, silica and sulfate on the rate and extent of arsenic removal. The iron generated during electrocoagulation precipitated as lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), except when dissolved silica was present, and arsenic was removed by adsorption to the lepidocrocite. Arsenic removal was slower at higher pH. When solutions initially contained As(III), a portion of the As(III) was oxidized to As(V) during electrocoagulation. As(V) removal was faster than As(III) removal. The presence of 1 and 4 mg/L phosphate inhibited arsenic removal, while the presence of 5 and 20 mg/L silica or 10 and 50 mg/L sulfate had no significant effect on arsenic removal. For most conditions examined in this study, over 99.9% arsenic removal efficiency was achieved. Electrocoagulation was also highly effective at removing arsenic from drinking water in field trials conducted in a village in Eastern India. By using operation times long enough to produce sufficient iron oxide for removal of both phosphate and arsenate, the performance of the systems in field trials was not inhibited by high phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

Inhalation exposure to THMs from drinking water in south Taiwan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trihalomethanes (THMs) are important disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water. To understand the magnitude of exposure to THMs for the people in southern Taiwan, models are used to estimate the inhalation exposure associated with drinking water based on raw water quality. Two parts of models are used in this study, one for estimating THM concentration from raw water quality, and one for estimating inhalation exposure to people. Important raw water quality and operational parameters, including TOC, UV254, pH, temperature, chlorine dosage, and water residence time of a major water treatment plant in south Taiwan were collected. An empirical THM formation model was then employed to predict the THM concentration at consumers' dwellings based on the parameters collected. Differences between the predicted results and experimental data were found to be small, indicating that the model is appropriate. The predicted THM concentration distribution was served as input parameters for the exposure models. Three major scenarios associated with probable inhalation exposure of THMs, including shower, pre- and post-cooking activities, and cooking processes, were considered in the exposure models. The model results show that the mean inhalation exposure of THMs for shower, pre- and post-cooking activities, and cooking processes are 26.4, 1.56, 3.29 micrograms/day, respectively. The total inhalation exposure (summation of the three scenarios) was found to be comparable with that for direct ingestion, indicating that inhalation is an important pathway for THM exposure from drinking water.  相似文献   

In this study, As leaching from five arsenic bearing solid residuals (ABSRs) comprised of the iron hydroxide adsorbent Bayoxide E33 used in long-term operations was evaluated in leaching trials using California Waste Extraction Test (CalWET) and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Protocol (TCLP) leachate solutions, a landfill leachate (LL), and synthetic leachate (SL). The initial As loading of the media, which reflects the influence of source water chemistry and varying treatment conditions at the point of removal, strongly influenced the magnitude of As release. The chemical composition of the leachate also influenced As release and demonstrated the relative importance of different release mechanisms, namely media dissolution, pH-dependent sorption/desorption, and ion exchange. The CalWET solution, which partially dissolved the iron-based media, resulted in 100 times more As release than did the TCLP solution, which did not dissolve the media. The LL had a higher pH than the TCLP solution, and even though its organic carbon content was lower it tended to release more As. Tests with the SL were conducted to determine the influence of variations in leachate pH, phosphate, bicarbonate, sulfate, silicate, and natural organic matter (NOM). Release increased at high pH, in the presence of high concentrations of phosphate and bicarbonate, and in the presence of high NOM concentrations. For pH, this reflects the pH-dependence of sorption reactions, whereas for the anions and NOM, direct competition appeared important. Similar to the CalWET solution, excess NOM dissolved portions of the media thereby facilitating As release. In general, our results suggest that estimating As release into landfills will remain a challenge as it depends upon As loading, which reflects site-specific properties, and the composition of the leachate, which varies from landfill to landfill.  相似文献   

Long-term stability of arsenic residues is investigated by determining arsenic phases remaining in gold mining residues after two decades of impoundment. The residues, generated by arsenic coprecipitation with iron and lime, were disposed of in-lined sites for 9-16 years (pit C) and 16-23 years (pits A and B). Arsenic is present in the residues as As(V) species, predominantly in the form of amorphous iron arsenate (55-75% Astotal, pits A and B; 55-70% Astotal, pit C) and sorbed onto amorphous iron-oxyhydroxides (20-33% Astotal, pits A and B; 22-37% Astotal, pit C). The presence of minor Ca-arsenate phases (undefined composition) and Al-arsenate coprecipitates is also indicated. The passive enrichment of iron in pits A and B, and the relative low concentration of calcium, sulfur and arsenic if compared to those of pit C, suggest that a soluble Ca-arsenate phase (e.g. CaHAsO4.H2O), a fraction of gypsum and As(III) were dissolved along 16-23 years of residue disposal. The presence of As(V) only and excess iron demonstrates the importance of the oxidation state and high Fe/As ratio on long-term stability of arsenic residues.  相似文献   

Chemical reactions between arsenic and zero-valent iron in water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Batch experiments and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) analyses were performed to study the reactions between arsenate [As(V)], arsenite [As(III)] and zero-valent iron [Fe(0)]. The As(III) removal rate was higher than that for As(V) when iron filings (80-120 mesh) were mixed with arsenic solutions purged with nitrogen gas in the pH range of 4-7. XPS spectra of the reacted iron coupons showed the reduction of As(III) to As(0). Soluble As(III) was formed when As(V) reacted with Fe(0) under anoxic conditions. However, no As(0) was detected on the iron coupons after 5 days of reaction in the As(V)-Fe(0) system. The removal of the arsenic species by Fe(0) was attributed to electrochemical reduction of As(III) to sparsely soluble As(0) and adsorption of As(III) and As(V) to iron hydroxides formed on the Fe(0) surface under anoxic conditions. When the solutions were open to atmospheric air, the removal rates of As(V) and As(III) were much higher than under the anoxic conditions, and As(V) removal was faster than As(III). The rapid removal of As(III) and As(V) was caused by adsorption on ferric hydroxides formed readily through oxidation of Fe(0) by dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between arsenic concentrations in drinking water in four towns/villages in eastern Croatia and corresponding hair arsenic concentrations of residents. The mean arsenic concentrations in community drinking water samples were 0.14, 37.88, 171.60, and 611.89 microg/l. The corresponding mean concentrations of the element in hair samples of subjects residing in each of the localities were 0.07 (n=11), 0.26 (n=17), 1.74 (n=11), and 4.31 microg/g (n=23). Chronic exposures to arsenic levels estimated in three investigated locations could present a serious health threat to around 3% of Croatian population.  相似文献   

A novel bioreactor system, consisting of two biologically active carbon (BAC) reactors in series, was developed for the simultaneous removal of nitrate and arsenic from a synthetic groundwater supplemented with acetic acid. A mixed biofilm microbial community that developed on the BAC was capable of utilizing dissolved oxygen, nitrate, arsenate, and sulfate as the electron acceptors. Nitrate was removed from a concentration of approximately 50 mg/L in the influent to below the detection limit of 0.2 mg/L. Biologically generated sulfides resulted in the precipitation of the iron sulfides mackinawite and greigite, which concomitantly removed arsenic from an influent concentration of approximately 200 ug/L to below 20 ug/L through arsenic sulfide precipitation and surface precipitation on iron sulfides. This study showed for the first time that arsenic and nitrate can be simultaneously removed from drinking water sources utilizing a bioreactor system.  相似文献   

A few epidemiologic studies have suggested that consumption of drinking water with high trihalomethane content increases the risk of cancer. We investigated the mortality of a cohort of 5144 residents in Guastalla, northern Italy, who were supplied tap water with high chloroform and trihalomethane content between 1965 and 1987. Using death rates of a nearby community as reference rates, the standardized mortality ratio from all cancers between 1987 and 1999 was slightly increased for both males (1.2, 95% confidence interval 1.1-1.4) and females (1.1, 95% confidence interval 1.0-1.3). This was mainly due to a higher mortality from stomach, liver, lung, prostate and bladder cancer in males and from stomach, pancreas, breast and ovarian cancer and lymphocytic leukemia in females. We also noted excess mortality from melanoma in both males and females. Overall, our findings were consistent with an association between trihalomethane exposure and increased cancer risk at some sites. However, the point estimates were statistically imprecise, due to the limited number of deaths for some site-specific cancers. In addition, we were unable to rule out the possibility of confounding due to smoking and other life-style factors with regard to some of the excess rates.  相似文献   

Subsurface iron and arsenic removal has the potential to be a cost-effective technology to provide safe drinking water in rural decentralized applications, using existing shallow tube wells. A community-scale test facility in Bangladesh was constructed for injection of aerated water (∼1 m3) into an anoxic aquifer with elevated iron (0.27 mmol L−1) and arsenic (0.27 μmol L−1) concentrations. The injection (oxidation) and abstraction (adsorption) cycles were monitored at the test facility and simultaneously simulated in the laboratory with anoxic column experiments.Dimensionless retardation factors (R) were determined to represent the delayed arrival of iron or arsenic in the well compared to the original groundwater. At the test facility the iron removal efficacies increased after every injection-abstraction cycle, with retardation factors (RFe) up to 17. These high removal efficacies could not be explained by the theory of adsorptive-catalytic oxidation, and therefore other ((a)biotic or transport) processes have contributed to the system’s efficacy. This finding was confirmed in the anoxic column experiments, since the mechanism of adsorptive-catalytic oxidation dominated in the columns and iron removal efficacies did not increase with every cycle (stable at RFe = ∼8). RAs did not increase after multiple cycles, it remained stable around 2, illustrating that the process which is responsible for the effective iron removal did not promote the co-removal of arsenic. The columns showed that subsurface arsenic removal was an adsorptive process and only the freshly oxidized adsorbed iron was available for the co-adsorption of arsenic. This indicates that arsenic adsorption during subsurface treatment is controlled by the amount of adsorbed iron that is oxidized, and not by the amount of removed iron. For operational purposes this is an important finding, since apparently the oxygen concentration of the injection water does not control the subsurface arsenic removal, but rather the injection volume. Additionally, no relation has been observed in this study between the amount of removed arsenic at different molar Fe:As ratios (28, 63, and 103) of the groundwater. It is proposed that the removal of arsenic was limited by the presence of other anions, such as phosphate, competing for the same adsorption sites.  相似文献   

Seafood, especially fish, is considered as a major dietary source of arsenic (As). Seafood consumption is recommended for nutritional properties but contaminant exposure should be considered. The objectives were to assess As intake of frequent French seafood consumers and exposure via biomarkers. Consumptions of 996 high consumers (18 and over) of 4 coastal areas were assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Seafood samples were collected according to a total diet study (TDS) sampling method and analyzed for total As, arsenite (AsIII), arsenate (AsV), arsenobetaïne (AsB), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). The average As dietary exposure is 94.7 ± 67.5 μg/kg bw/week in females and 77.3 ± 54.6 μg/kg bw/week in males (p < 0.001) and the inorganic As dietary exposure is respectively 3.34 ± 2.06 μg/kg bw/week and 3.04 ± 1.86 μg/kg bw/week (p < 0.05).Urine samples were collected from 382 of the subjects. The average urinary As concentration is 94.8 ± 250 μg/g creatinine for females and 59.7 ± 81.8 μg/g for males (p < 0.001). Samples having an As concentration above 75 μg/g creatinine (n = 101) were analyzed for inorganic As (As(III), As(V), MMA(V) and DMA(V)) which was 24.6 ± 27.9 μg/g creatinine for males and 27.1 ±20.6 μg/g for females. Analyses do not show any correlation between dietary exposure and urinary As.These results show that biological results should be interpreted cautiously. Diet recording seems to be the best way to assess dietary As exposure. Seafood is a high source of As exposure but even among high consumers it is not the main source of toxic As. From a public health point of view these results should be interpreted carefully in the absence of international consensus on the health-based guidance value.  相似文献   

Iesan CM  Capat C  Ruta F  Udrea I 《Water research》2008,42(16):4327-4333
The objective of this paper is the evaluation of a hybrid inorganic/organic polymer type material based on hydrated ferric oxide (HFO), in the adsorption process of arsenic oxyanions from contaminated waters used as drinking water. The study includes rapid small-scale column tests conducted in continuous flow operation in order to assess the arsenic removal capacity in various conditions. Thus it was evaluated the influence of some competing ions like silicate and phosphate on As(V) adsorption and the influence of feed water pH in the removal process of As(V) and As(III) species. Based on the As/pH variation in time at different feed water pH (5, 7 and 9), a possible sorption mechanism that fits the experimental data was suggested. The regeneration and re-use of the hybrid adsorbent was studied in the presence and in the absence of the contaminant ions. The novel hybrid material is very selective towards arsenic oxyanions even though the presence of silica and phosphate reduces the adsorption capacity.  相似文献   

In this study, a survey has been conducted during 2005-2007 on surface and groundwater arsenic (As) contamination and its impact on the health of local population, of villages located on the banks of Manchar lake, southern part of Sindh, Pakistan. We have also assessed the relationship between arsenic exposure through respiratory disorders in male subjects with drinking water and smoking cigarettes made from tobacco grown in agricultural land irrigated with As contaminated lake water. The biological samples (blood and scalp hair) were collected from As exposed subjects (100% smokers) and age matched healthy male subjects (40.2% smoker and 59.8% non smokers) belong to unexposed areas for comparison purposes. The As concentration in drinking water (surface and underground water), agricultural soil, cigarette tobacco and biological samples were determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The range of As concentrations in lake water was 35.2-158 µg/L (average 97.5 µg/L), which is 3-15 folds higher than permissible limit of World Health Organization (WHO, 2004). While the As level in local cigarette tobacco was found to be 3-6 folds higher than branded cigarettes (0.37-0.79 µg/g). Arsenic exposed subjects (with and without RD) had significantly elevated levels of As in their biological samples as compared to referent male subject of unexposed area. These respiratory effects were more pronounced in individuals who had also As induced skin lesions. The linear regressions showed good correlations between As concentrations in water versus hair and blood samples of exposed subjects with and without respiratory problems.  相似文献   

Contaminant removal from drinking water sources under reducing conditions conducive for the growth of denitrifying, arsenate reducing, and sulfate reducing microbes using a fixed-bed bioreactor may require oxygen-free gas (e.g., N2 gas) during backwashing. However, the use of air-assisted backwashing has practical advantages, including simpler operation, improved safety, and lower cost. A study was conducted to evaluate whether replacing N2 gas with air during backwashing would impact performance in a nitrate and arsenic removing anaerobic bioreactor system that consisted of two biologically active carbon reactors in series. Gas-assisted backwashing, comprised of 2 min of gas injection to fluidize the bed and dislodge biomass and solid phase products, was performed in the first reactor (reactor A) every two days. The second reactor (reactor B) was subjected to N2 gas-assisted backwashing every 3-4 months. Complete removal of 50 mg/L NO3 was achieved in reactor A before and after the switch from N2-assisted backwashing (NAB) to air-assisted backwashing (AAB). Substantial sulfate removal was achieved with both backwashing strategies. Prolonged practice of AAB (more than two months), however, diminished sulfate reduction in reactor B somewhat. Arsenic removal in reactor A was impacted slightly by long-term use of AAB, but arsenic removals achieved by the entire system during NAB and AAB periods were not significantly different (p > 0.05) and arsenic concentrations were reduced from approximately 200 μg/L to below 20 μg/L. These results indicate that AAB can be implemented in anaerobic nitrate and arsenic removal systems.  相似文献   

Although pump-well is the primary drinking water source in rural areas of China, there are still 8.4% of villages reliant on cold-spring. In this study, a survey of arsenic concentration in cold-springs and pump-wells was carried out in Hui County, Northwest China. A total of 352 drinking water samples, including 177 cold-springs and 175 pump-wells, were collected. The maximum arsenic concentrations in cold-springs and pump-wells were 0.482 mg/L and 0.067 mg/L, respectively. We found that 15.8% (28) of total cold-springs and 1.1% (2) of total pump-wells had arsenic concentrations exceeding the maximum allowable concentration of arsenic in drinking water of rural China (0.05 mg/L). Our findings show that 5 cold spring-contaminated villages are located in the mountainous areas of Hui County and 2224 inhabitants may be at risk of high arsenic exposure. This paper indicates that arsenic contamination of cold-springs may be more serious than expected in mountainous areas of Northwest China and extensive surveys and epidemiological studies should be carried out to investigate the potential contaminated areas and affected population.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) induced identifiable health outcomes are now spreading across Indian subcontinent with continuous discovery of high As concentrations in groundwater. This study deals with groundwater hydrochemistry vis-à-vis As exposure assessment among rural population in Chakdaha block, West Bengal, India. The water quality survey reveals that 96% of the tubewells exceed WHO guideline value (10 μg/L of As). The groundwaters are generally anoxic (−283 to −22 mV) with circum-neutral pH (6.3 to 7.8). The hydrochemistry is dominated by HCO3 (208 to 440 mg/L), Ca2+ (79 to 178 mg/L) and Mg2+ (17 to 45 mg/L) ions along with high concentrations of AsT (As total, below detection limit to 0.29 mg/L), FeT (Fe total, 1.2 to 16 mg/L), and Fe(II) (0.74 to 16 mg/L). The result demonstrates that Fe(II)-Fe(III) cycling is the dominant process for the release of As from aquifer sediments to groundwater (and vice versa), which is mainly controlled by the local biogeochemical conditions. The exposure scenario reveals that the consumption of groundwater and rice are the major pathways of As accumulation in human body, which is explained by the dietary habit of the surveyed population. Finally, regular awareness campaign is essential as part of the management and prevention of health outcomes.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between cardiovascular mortality and traffic-related air pollutants (NO2, CO, PM10, and six volatile organic compounds (VOCs), propane, iso-butane, propylene, benzene, meta-, para-, and ortho-xylenes) was investigated. The concentrations of NO2, PM10 and CO from 1993 to 2006 were measured at a fixed-site air monitoring station, and VOC data from 2003 to 2006 were obtained from a photochemical assessment monitoring site in an urban area in central Taiwan. Outcome variables were data on mortality due to cardiovascular diseases (ICD-9-CM 410-411, 414, 430-437) from 1993 to 2006. Cardiovascular mortality averaged 1.5 cases, ranging between 0 and 9 cases per day. Daily air pollution levels ranged from 0.5 to 80.5 ppb for NO2 and from 0.1 to 3.8 ppm for CO. From the subset of data from 2003 to 2006, daily average values ranged from 0.6 to 17.5 ppb for propane, 0.3 to 6.7 ppb for iso-butane, 0.3 to 6.7 ppb for propylene, 0.2 to 3.8 ppb for benzene, 0.3 to 26.0 ppb for m,p-xylene, and 0.02 to 7.6 ppb for o-xylene. Poisson generalized additive model was used to estimate the effects of elevated air pollutant levels on daily mortality, adjusting for meteorological conditions and temporal trends. Single-pollutant model showed that cardiovascular mortality was significantly associated with NO2 lagged 2 days, and with propane, iso-butane, and benzene lagged 0 day. The relative risk for an interquartile range increase in air pollutant levels was 1.053 for NO2, 1.064 for propane, 1.055 for iso-butane, and 1.055 for benzene. In conclusion, daily cardiovascular mortality showed association with data on acute exposure to traffic air pollutants in Taichung, which is an important factor to consider in studying cardiovascular mortality in urban environments.  相似文献   

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