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电梯物联网是物联网技术重要的应用领域,电梯安全事故发生频繁,大多与不良维护密切相关,电梯运行中轿厢的振动幅度、振动方向和振动的时间分布是反映其电梯系统工作状态的重要参数,能对电梯故障进行快速预警,并初步估计故障类型。微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanical System,MEMS)传感器具有体积小、坚固耐用、成本低廉等特点,随着技术进步,其测量精度和速度也在快速提升,是近年来物联网系统迅速发展的重要动力。研究了基于MEMS技术的轿厢三轴振动实时测量方法,测量带宽大于1 kHz,并基于LoRa技术建立了电梯振动检测无线传感网络,可将联网电梯的轿厢三轴振动信息可靠传达云端服务器,实现了对电梯实时可靠的振动监测与危险预防。  相似文献   

针对采用数据透明传输的Zig Bee电梯无线轿厢通信存在信息传输滞后、通信效率较低的缺点,阐述三种常用Zig Bee协议栈并分析轿厢通信原理。以Stm32W108芯片为核心的Zig Bee无线模块作为应用平台,提出一种无线轿厢通信的实时性软件优化策略。该策略通过电梯主控制器端的无线模块通过串口端、无线端分别收集询问帧及应答帧,并由其在规定时间内回复电梯主控制器信息,以满足轿厢通信的时间要求,最后提出相关软件的流程设计。经实验表明,该优化策略能满足系统的实时性要求,无线轿厢通信系统的有效通信距离能够达到165 m,满足一般高层建筑的无线轿厢通信的距离要求。  相似文献   

电梯安管系统是采用多个独立传感器24小时不间断采集电梯运行数据,通过无线实时上传到电梯运行监管平台,实现对电梯的全天候运行监测、故障信息记录、报警预警处理和维保管理等功能的系统. 针对传统电梯安管系统传输响应时间过长的问题,设计实现了一套基于物联网的新型电梯安管系统. 系统在管理平台上设计了一套新型的数据传输通信模型,该通信模型向下通过GPRS与底层网关交互,向上利用基于JMS的ActiveMQ消息队列服务与业务层交互,大大缩短了响应时间.  相似文献   

电梯是高层建筑不可缺少的运输工具.用于垂直运送乘客和货物,传统的电梯控制系统主要采用继电器—接触器进行控制,其缺点是触点多,故障率高,可靠性差,维修工作量大等,而采用PLC组成的控制系统可以很好地解决上述问题,使电梯运行更加安全、方便、舒适,目前PLC在电梯行业已得到广泛应用.在层数和控制功能较少的场合,采用PLC控制较为方便.本设计主要利用欧姆龙系统完成.主要介绍了PLC的优点、PLC的工作原理和PLC控制电梯的软、硬件设计.通过PLC对电梯系统的控制来实现电梯的基本功能.具体要求为:根据轿厢所处位置及乘员欲达楼层,判定轿厢运行方向,保证轿厢平层时减速.将轿厢停在选定的楼层上;同时,根据楼层的呼叫,顺路停车,自动开关门;另外在轿厢内外均要有信号灯显示电梯运行方向及楼层数.  相似文献   

针对目前电梯舒适性差的问题,提出一种基于6LoWPAN技术和传感器技术的电梯舒适性监控系统.该系统对电梯轿厢内的温度、湿度、照明强度、烟雾浓度、加速度、噪声等参数进行实时数据采集,并根据采集到的数据产生控制指令,控制相应的设备自动启动与关闭,实现了对轿厢内空气质量及轿厢运行状态的实时控制、超限报警、数据处理等功能.实验结果表明,该系统改善了乘梯舒适性,提高了电梯安全性,同时节约了电梯运行能耗.  相似文献   

针对当前不同电梯厂家提供的接口协议不同,电梯监测和管理不统一的状况,提出了基于物联网电梯通用接口协议转换装置这一关键技术.该技术的提出,可以实时在线监测电梯设备运行状态和故障情况并实现预报警作用,解决电梯接口协议之间的转换,实现电梯信息传输自组网功能,有助于电梯监测、管理一体化平台的建设.  相似文献   

针对电梯的无效调度行为设计了一套基于摄像头视觉、ARM微处理器、ZigBee无线传输的辅助电梯调度系统装置,通过摄像头采集数字图像信息,运用数字图像处理技术,实现了候梯厅和轿厢内人数统计检测,轿厢内物品检测以及轿厢内空间满载检测,编制数据通信包与电梯控制中心通信,实现了辅助电梯系统进行优化调度。  相似文献   

5月16日,两年一度的中国国际电梯展在广州隆重开幕,本届展会展出了众多目前国际上最先进的电梯技术. 随着物联网的逐渐渗透到各行业中,电梯物联网平台研发日渐成熟.新时达、日立、三菱电梯等企业都推出了电梯物联网应用系统方案,实现电梯前端信息采集与上报,反馈至控制平台进型数据分析和调整,尤其是在安全管理方面和智能调配方面,大大提高电梯的使用效率.如:物联网应用平台可有效实现电梯故障、事故的第一时间报警和疏导;统计好所选楼层的人流进行合理安排分流;通过智能手机远程操作电梯,使得电梯预先自动停靠楼层,减少等待时间.尤其是对于大城市高密集型写字楼,物联网系统的应用可有效减少电梯载客多、负荷重的现象.电梯物联网平台的普及也将催生现场总线技术、无线技术等新型工业通讯技术在电梯行业的应用.  相似文献   

电梯控制器中CAN通讯的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将CAN总线用于电梯控制器中,实现了基于51的CAN与基于ARM的CAN之间的通讯;在BasicCAN模式下,对CAN2.0A协议帧信息进行实际内容规划,并对通讯过程中的一些重要参数进行设置;以MEDWIN为软件平台,采用C51编程,实现电梯控制器中楼层控制板和轿厢扩展板的功能,主板控制器、轿厢控制器以及轿顶控制器采用ADS1.2作为软件平台;各控制器通过CAN总线进行信息的传输;实验证明,CAN总线可以用于电梯控制器的通讯中,性能可靠,实时性好.  相似文献   

针对视频监控中人工监督的低效率、传感器在轿厢内安装困难等问题,结合电梯轿厢内场景的特征,设计了一套基于 ARM的电梯轿厢门智能识别监控系统.门状态智能识别系统以三星的 Exynos4412为控制中心,搭载 Linux系统驱动视频采集模块,通过基于计算机视觉的门状态识别算法实现轿厢内门开关状态的识别.电梯轿厢门状态智能识别系统是以数字图像处理为基础,为满足轿厢内监控设备的小型化、安装便利等需求,本文采用前端识别技术.在嵌入式Linux系统上实现图像采集、图像预处理,采用基于 Hough线变换算法来实现开关门状态监测.实验表明,该系统能对轿厢门状态进行准确识别,在检测识别和安防领域具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology provides an opportunity for the development of maintenance of communication. The use of wearable technology and instant messaging technology of IoT can improve the support capabilities and data interaction ability of on-site maintenance of the communication network. Existing communication maintenance systems lack real-time operation and maintenance of data interaction. In the field operation decision-making and execution process, there are problems of lack of field links and inconvenient information interaction. On-site maintenance mainly relies on maintenance personnel to actively search for information, and the retrieval results are lacking of personalization, which makes it difficult to meet the needs of on-site maintenance of the communication network. Edge computing and information push technology can solve these problems to some extent. In this paper, we focus on the current low level in information, complicated scenes, and various information of on-site maintenance and propose a dynamic context-aware information push algorithm. The simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm delivers good performance in terms of precision, recall, and F1. Besides, we present a smart wearable maintenance system, an edge computing–assisted IoT platform for the real-time guidance of technical experts and systems for on-site maintenance personnel, aiming to improve the efficiency and quality of on-site maintenance.  相似文献   

本文基于阿里云提出一种新能源汽车空调状况监测系统的设计方案.系统主要包括车端监测和阿里云物联网平台,车端监测以STM32F429和ATK-M751 4G通信模块为核心,利用FreeRTOS系统,基于MQTT协议实现与阿里云物联网平台的数据交互,可通过Web和移动APP等实时查看车内环境状况.系统实现了新能源汽车车内环境...  相似文献   

随着信息技术和物联网的迅速发展,作为物联网前端硬件基础的单片机得到广泛应用.本系统就是以基于ARMCortex-M0的HL-LPGC-LPC11C14-8044为硬件平台,利用C++语言和Real View工具设计与开发内核软件,实现远程数据采一集和系统控制,同时与云计算服务中心实现数据交互、为大数据处理提供基础.该系统无人值守和偏远区域覆盖,节约了运行成本,提升了工业生产的安全性、可靠性、高效性,综合效益明显提高.  相似文献   

伴随着互联网应用及黑客技术的快速发展,网站挂马及基于网站发布虚假敏感信息等事件也层出不穷。文章简要介绍了基于LAMP平台的PHPBB论坛网站的构建方法,并详细分析了LAMP平台的关键目录结构、配置文件、运行进程等。通过在实验环境下模拟发布虚假信息及对网站进行挂马攻击,在数据库和Apache访问日志中查找网站服务器的运行痕迹,提出了在LAMP平台追踪定位恶意IP地址的具体方法。  相似文献   

Special attention needs to be paid to particulate matters and ultraviolet rays since they may cause diseases such as respiratory ailment and skin troubles when the exposure level is excessive. To reduce damages by environmental elements in Korea, the Korean Meteorological Agency provides environmental information real-time. However currently environmental information services are based on the administrative districts, there is a limitation in providing information on particulate matters and ultraviolet rays in the neighborhood efficiently. Besides, particulate matters or UV dosimeters that were released recently are operated individually and thus it is difficult to measure various environmental elements simultaneously. This study proposes a neighborhood particulate matters and ultraviolet rays warning system that utilizes a P2P-based open IoT platform in order to provide users with information on harmful environmental elements efficiently. The proposed system establishes an open IoT platform that manages collectively IoT smart devices capable of measuring particulate matters and ultraviolet rays, the measured data, and RSS data provided by administrative institutes. In addition, this system provides alerts based on the level of particulate matters and ultraviolet rays in utilization of a smart-phone application that provides environmental information, contributing to maintaining users’ healthy life patterns.  相似文献   

以Visual Basic 6.0为软件开发平台,对高层电梯运行进行仿真设计.系统以动态画面实时反映电梯运行状态,并对运行状态参数信息进行数据显示、存储以及报表打印,实现对电梯系统的实时监控,为电梯在运行过程中故障的发现、分析、排除提供了方便.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest web evolution that incorporates billions of devices that are owned by different organisations and people who are deploying and using them for their own purposes. IoT-enabled harnessing of the information that is provided by federations of such IoT devices (which are often referred to as IoT things) provides unprecedented opportunities to solve internet-scale problems that have been too big and too difficult to tackle before. Just like other web-based information systems, IoT must also deal with the plethora of Cyber Security and privacy threats that currently disrupt organisations and can potentially hold the data of entire industries and even countries for ransom. To realise its full potential, IoT must deal effectively with such threats and ensure the security and privacy of the information collected and distilled from IoT devices. However, IoT presents several unique challenges that make the application of existing security and privacy techniques difficult. This is because IoT solutions encompass a variety of security and privacy solutions for protecting such IoT data on the move and in store at the device layer, the IoT infrastructure/platform layer, and the IoT application layer. Therefore, ensuring end-to-end privacy across these three IoT layers is a grand challenge in IoT. In this paper, we tackle the IoT privacy preservation problem. In particular, we propose innovative techniques for privacy preservation of IoT data, introduce a privacy preserving IoT Architecture, and also describe the implementation of an efficient proof of concept system that utilises all these to ensure that IoT data remains private. The proposed privacy preservation techniques utilise multiple IoT cloud data stores to protect the privacy of data collected from IoT. The proposed privacy preserving IoT Architecture and proof of concept implementation are based on extensions of OpenIoT - a widely used open source platform for IoT application development. Experimental evaluations are also provided to validate the efficiency and performance outcomes of the proposed privacy preserving techniques and architecture.  相似文献   

The use of new techniques and methods can be significantly improved during prenatal examination and screening of fetal genetic abnormalities. Expanding the number of vectors in screening and screening for single-cell gene diseases in fetal DNA will increase the probability of success of the whole screening test.Recently, sub chromosomal abnormalities have been introduced into prenatal care. The lack of suitable tools makes it very difficult to obtain information about collection, management, and prenatal genetic testing. The purpose of this study is to improve the accessibility of nutritional information by using the advantages of advanced medical image detection and integrating the IoT (Internet of Things) and prenatal genetic testing platforms in obstetric outpatient clinics. Records are kept that the platform will allow IoT to interact with sensor practitioners and provide immediate access to medical images prior to delivery. This proposed system provides an IoT application for managing obstetric outpatient information and prenatal genetic testing requirements. The requirement for establishment is the realization of the development of an IoT platform for complete medical image detection information management with IoT input required for integration with existing medical information systems. In response, the purpose of the study is to use integrated IoT applications to help nutrition professionals, researchers, patients, and especially mothers, to enhance their collection of medical imaging and prenatal genetic testing IoT sensor based information transfer.  相似文献   

晋鹏宇  周泓 《计算机工程》2003,29(18):169-171
基于网络技术的电梯远程监控系统采用目前高速发展的网络技术和嵌入式系统技术,将普通的电梯接入Internet,使之升级成为信息电梯,带给用户一种全新的产品概念和服务观念。其中的电梯关人事件处理系统作为远程监控系统中的重要部分,借助电话语音卡实现对电梯关人事件的自动处理。此系统无需监控中心人工干预,比以往使用的对讲机方式处理该类事件更方便相关人员与电梯乘客的沟通,符合电梯自动监控以及无人化管理的趋势。  相似文献   

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