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2014年中国国际社会公共安全产品博览会经公安部、科技部批准,于10月28日-31日在北京中国国际展览中心(新馆)举办。该博览会作为科技型展会,自1994年创办以来,始终秉承“普及安防意识、展示先进技术、引领行业发展、服务公安实战”的理念,深受政府主管部门、企业和社会用户的支持和厚爱。每两年一届,逢双年在北京举办,现已成功举办了11届。  相似文献   

安森美半导体日前推出SMARTHotPlug智能、高集成器件的新产品系列,简化用于经常启动的计算机和电信系统的电路板热拔插功率保护。这些强化可靠的新器件,能消除因母线干扰、过载或短路引起的高成本停机时间,适合于分布功率系统、高可用性服务器、磁盘阵列和热拔插应用等。安森美智能、高集成器件新产品@刘璇  相似文献   

在企业信息化过程中,邮件已成为很多企业处理日常工作必不可少的业务环节。然而,绝大部分的网络病毒也是借助电子邮件传播或发起攻击的,所以,对邮件的管理,远不只Outlook、邮件服务器、域名的申请这么简单。  相似文献   

北京天威诚信电子商务服务有限公司是经信息产业部批准的第一家开展商业PKI/CA试点工作的企业,为电子业务等网上信息传递提供所需的各种安全认证服务,为参与网上交易的各方提供彼此信任的安全机制。公司开发的iTruschina安信通在许多方面类似一个注册机关。安信通既是一  相似文献   

近日,联众和安恒利正式签约,联手在湖北、河南、江苏和上海等地实施100台数字放映设备的安装。安恒利计划安装的数字影院设备由科视和杜比实验室提供。这是继中影、上影大宗采购数字放映设备后,业界的又一次大的举动。据悉,这次合作,从接触到签约仅半个月,而年内预计可实现20台左右的设备进八影厅放映。  相似文献   

聚焦行业观察刊中刊第4期深入政策解读编者语:网络空间是现实世界的延伸和映射,作为人类全新的生产生活空间,网络空间不是法外之地,尤需良法善治。当前,如何在国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的要求下,秉持依法治国的方略和社会治理的理念,加快构建一个立体、动态、人本的网络空间安全政策法律体系,从根本上破解安全困局,维护网络活力,不仅是我国网络强国建设的主要目标,也是实现网络强国的制度保障。  相似文献   

12月19日,年底岁末,正当贺岁片轰动冬季电影市场的时候,影界又传出一条喜人讯息:联众和安恒利正式签约.联手在湖北、河南、江苏和上海等地实施100台数字放映设备的安装。安恒利计划安装的数字影院设备由科视和杜比实验室提供。这是继中影、上影大宗采购数字放映设备后.业界的又一次大的举动。据悉.这次合作.从接触到签约仅半个月,而年内预计可实现20台左右的设备进入影厅放映。决策之快.效率之高,令人刮目。  相似文献   

安森美半导体的高性价比精密模拟创新水平,推出CAT8900高精度电压参考集成电路(iC)系列。CAT8900系列结合极高的初始精度、低电源电流消耗及稳定的温度系数,使测试设备及电池供电的便携数据采集系统提供高精度的性能。  相似文献   

安森美半导体在业界素有“节电王”的美称,可提供广泛系列的电源和数据管理半导体及标准半导体元件,满足当今先进电子产品、电器及汽车等的设计需求。在本次研讨会上,安森美并没有介绍其节能、高效方面的新技术,而是就48V电信系统隔离偏压电源,介绍了一种新式整合型解决方案。  相似文献   


GEMNET is a generalization of shuffle-exchange networks and it can represent a family of network structures (including ShuffleNet and de Bruijn graph) for an arbitrary number of nodes. GEMNET employs a regular interconnection graph with highly desirable properties such as small nodal degree, simple routing, small diameter, and growth capability (viz. scalability). GEMNET can serve as a logical (virtual), packet-switched, multihop topology which can be employed for constructing the next generation of lightwave networks using wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). Various properties of GEMNET are studied  相似文献   

A comprehensive compilation of various thermodynamic data required for a complete analysis of copper matte converting reactions is presented. The data comprise estimated free energies of formation for such gases as SeO, SeS, TeO, TeS, BiO, BiS, SbO, SbS, AsO, and AsS, as well as activity coefficients in dilute copper alloys and vapor pressures of various elements and compounds. The volatilization of minor elements in steady-state reactors comprising gas and several condensed phases is mathematically formulated, and a parameter which governs the volatilization in such reactors is defined and named volatilization constant. The vapor pressures of various volatile species are calculated thermodynamically for the Noranda Process reactor by assuming equilibrium conditions. The volatilization constants of various minor elements are expressed explicitly as functions of oxygen and sulfur activities. Formerly Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT  相似文献   

The use of clear, concise, and unambiguous language in telecommunications engineering is vital to communicate a desired meaning and understanding. Terminology should be based on rigorous engineering principles and traceable to well known and dependable sources. This article deals with four everyday terms commonly encountered in the popular semi-technical press as well as in serious engineering periodicals. The misuse of these and other terms can lead to low-balled cost proposals, court litigation, and patent infringement cases. Imagine how an engineering student can be confused when she/he typically encounters bandwidth measured in bits per second  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel concept of a square-shaped dielectric-waveguide resonator, which can easily realize a dielectric-waveguide cross-coupled filter or a dielectric-waveguide dual-mode filter, using the conventional printed circuit board (PCB) process. This planar dielectric-waveguide resonator has a higher Q value than a microstrip resonator. The physical mechanisms of both single- and dual-mode filters are elucidated. Some new coupling structures are developed for undergoing the PCB process. Filter design procedures are detailed. Design curves for the coupling coefficients of internal- and external-coupling structures are determined by full-wave finite-element-method electromagnetic calculations. Measurement results are highly consistent with theory for all trial filters. This study offers an effective means of producing low-cost high-performance planar circuit filters.  相似文献   

龚兴华 《数字通信》1995,22(3):45-47
本文介绍了PBX交换机的技术及市场需求态势。并提出PBX产品的营销要素及其用户在选购时应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

This paper traces the origins of the words risk, uncertainty, governance and development and argues that a deeper understanding of each allows more effective decision taking in the boardroom. It argues that the role of the board of directors is to balance and rebalance continuously their irresolvable dilemma — ‘how do we drive our enterprise forward while keeping it under prudent control?’ It argues that it is the board’s role to focus on uncertainty, rather than risk, and this requires a different set of intellectual skills from board members to be able to cope with monitoring a range of diverse scenarios. This is crucial for a board to develop stronger ways of both leading their organisation and of ensuring the connectedness of the learning within and between the board and the operational unit’s risk taking. It advocates that to achieve this a board must develop new ways of learning — especially of thinking strategically and becoming more sensitised to the dynamics of their changing external environments. This will take them well beyond the comforts of their specialist managerial disciplines and into the true world of directing. The paper demonstrates the importance of continuous learning in reducing organisational uncertainty and risk. It uses the ‘Learning Board’ process and model as the central processor of both strategic and operational learning to create an annual rhythm for the board’s year.  相似文献   

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