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A general mathematical formulation is presented for the scheduling of construction projects and is applied to the problem of highway construction scheduling. Repetitive and nonrepetitive tasks, work continuity constraints, multiple-crew strategies, and the effects of varying job conditions on the performance of a crew can be modeled. An optimization formulation is presented for the construction project scheduling problem, with the goal of minimizing the direct construction cost. The nonlinear optimization is then solved by the neural dynamics model developed recently by Adeli and Park. For any given construction duration, the model yields the optimum construction schedule for minimum construction cost automatically. By varying the construction duration, one can solve the cost-duration trade-off problem and obtain the global optimum schedule and the corresponding minimum construction cost. The new construction scheduling model provides the capabilities of both the critical path method (CPM) and linear scheduling method (LSM) approaches. In addition, it provides features desirable for repetitive projects, such as highway construction, and allows schedulers greater flexibility. It is particularly suitable for studying the effects of change order on the construction cost. This research provides the mathematical foundation for development of a new generation of more general, flexible, and accurate construction scheduling systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multiobjective optimization model that provides new and unique capabilities including generating and evaluating optimal/near-optimal construction resource utilization and scheduling plans that simultaneously minimize the time and maximize the profit of construction projects. The computations in the present model are organized in three major modules: (1) a scheduling module that develops practical schedules for construction projects; (2) a profit module that computes the project profit; and (3) a multiobjective module that searches for and identifies optimal/near optimal trade-offs between project time and profit. A large-scale construction project is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model and to demonstrate its capabilities in generating and visualizing optimal trade-offs between construction time and profit.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multiobjective optimization model for the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects. The model enables construction planners to generate and evaluate optimal construction plans that minimize project duration and maximize crew work continuity, simultaneously. The computations in the present model are organized in three major modules: scheduling, optimization, and ranking modules. First, the scheduling module uses a resource-driven scheduling algorithm to develop practical schedules for repetitive construction projects. Second, the optimization module utilizes multiobjective genetic algorithms to search for and identify feasible construction plans that establish optimal tradeoffs between project duration and crew work continuity. Third, the ranking module uses multiattribute utility theory to rank the generated plans in order to facilitate the selection and execution of the best overall plan for the project being considered. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model demonstrate its new capabilities in optimizing the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects.  相似文献   

Network scheduling is typically performed in three phases—network creation, analysis, and development. Although the critical path method (CPM) constitutes a well-established logic in network analysis, human intuition and experience are required for the creation and development of the network. Because of this, a variety of alternative CPM networks can be created in scheduling the same project. The use of the most desirable network can lead to a considerable reduction in the duration of the projects. This can be achieved by accurately identifying activities and linking them in an appropriate manner. Many researchers insisted that network scheduling lacks efficiency in scheduling repetitive-unit projects. Because of this, many scheduling methods have been developed to model such types of projects. However, most are not network based and require a large amount of input data, although most leading scheduling software remains network based and field engineers desire networklike forms of the schedule. In an effort to overcome this limitation, this paper presents a procedure for creating and developing networks for repetitive-unit projects. This network-based model incorporates a two-dimensional arrangement of activities, resource-space coordinates, for ease in creating a network and optimizes the activity linkage, thus resulting in the most desirable results. The model is applied to a typical repetitive-unit project to illustrate the use and capabilities of the model. The model can serve as an aid for inexperienced schedulers in creating a network as well as its optimization. An experienced scheduler can also check the desirability of his or her own created network via the use of this model.  相似文献   

Due to an increasingly competitive environment, construction companies are becoming more sophisticated, narrowing their focus, and becoming specialists in certain types of construction. This specialization requires more focused scheduling tools that prove to be better for certain type of projects. The critical path method (CPM) is the most utilized scheduling tool in the construction industry. However, for certain types of projects, CPM's usefulness decreases, because it becomes complex and difficult to use and understand. Alternative scheduling tools designed to be used with specific types of projects can prove to be more practical than CPM solutions. This paper provides a comparison of the CPM and a specialized tool, the linear scheduling model, by identifying critical attributes needed by any scheduling tool both at the higher management level and at the project level. Two project examples are scheduled with each method, and differences are discussed. Conclusions support that specialization of scheduling tools could be beneficial for the project manager and the project.  相似文献   

An integrated methodology is developed for planning construction projects under uncertainty. The methodology relies on a computer supported risk management system that allows for the identification, analysis, and quantification of the major risk factors and the derivation of their probability of occurrence and their impact on the duration of the project activities. Using project management estimates of the marginal cost of activity starting time disruptions, a heuristic procedure is used to develop a stable proactive baseline schedule that is sufficiently protected against the anticipated disruptions that may occur during project execution and that exhibits acceptable makespan performance. We illustrate the application of the methodology on a real life construction project and demonstrate that our proactive scheduler generates baseline schedules that outperform the schedules generated by commercial software packages in terms of robustness and timely project completion probability.  相似文献   

Linear Scheduling Methods are best suited to projects that display repetitive characteristics, but their use in the construction industry is limited. Line‐of‐Balance (LOB) is a Linear Scheduling Method that also makes use of network technology. Its benefits and shortcomings are investigated in a high‐way surface treatment project where LOB has been used experimentally. It was determined that LOB is extremely sensitive to errors in man hour, crew size, and activity duration estimates. There are also problems of a visual nature with the presentation of the diagram. On the other hand, LOB allows a better grasp of the project than any other scheduling technique because it is possible to adjust activities' rates of production. It provides a smooth and efficient flow of resources and requires less time and effort to produce than network schedules. Research to make Linear Scheduling Methods more attractive is recommended.  相似文献   

When the volume of construction projects let to contract increases significantly, state departments of transportation must critically examine internal construction project management staffing capabilities and accurately forecast the manpower required to execute future projects. This paper describes the development of a model or process to forecast manpower requirements as a function of project type and cost for selected employee classifications. Using data from 130 recently completed highway construction projects and over 11,000 employee payroll entries, regression analysis plots were generated to predict overall manpower requirements for projects of a given type and cost. These overall requirements were then adjusted to predict manpower requirements for individual employee classifications using typical task allocation percentages obtained from questionnaire data. The output from the model serves as input into commercially available critical path method scheduling software to facilitate manpower planning and resource leveling.  相似文献   

The line-of-balance (LOB) method of scheduling is well suited to projects that are composed of activities of a linear and repetitive nature. The objective of this study is to set down the basic principles that can be used in the development of a computerized LOB scheduling system that overcomes the problems associated with existing systems and creates solutions to problems encountered in the implementation of repetitive-unit construction. The challenges associated with LOB scheduling include developing an algorithm that handles project acceleration efficiently and accurately, recognizing time and space dependencies, calculating LOB quantities, dealing with resource and milestone constraints, incorporating the occasional nonlinear and discrete activities, defining a radically new concept of criticalness, including the effect of the learning curve, developing an optimal strategy to reduce project duration by increasing the rate of production of selected activities, performing cost optimization, and improving the visual presentation of LOB diagrams.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an object-oriented model for scheduling of repetitive construction projects such as high-rise buildings, housing projects, highways, pipeline networks, bridges, tunnels, railways, airport runways, and water and sewer mains. The paper provides an overview of the analysis, design, and implementation stages of the developed object-oriented model. These stages are designed to provide an effective model for scheduling repetitive construction projects and to satisfy practical scheduling requirements. The model incorporates newly developed procedures for resource-driven scheduling of repetitive activities, optimization of repetitive construction scheduling, and integration of repetitive and nonrepetitive scheduling techniques. The model is named LSCHEDULER and is implemented as a windows application that supports user-friendly interface including menus, dialogue boxes, and windows. LSCHEDULER can be applied to perform regular scheduling as well as optimized scheduling. In optimized scheduling, the model can assist in identifying an optimum crew utilization option for each repetitive activity in the project that provides a minimum duration or cost for the scheduled repetitive construction project.  相似文献   

Time-cost analysis is an important element of project scheduling, especially for lengthy and costly construction projects, as it evaluates alternative schedules and establishes an optimum one considering any project completion deadline. Existing methods for time-cost analysis have not adequately considered typical activity and project characteristics, such as generalized precedence relationships between activities, external time constraints, activity planning constraints, and bonuses/penalties for early/delayed project completion that would provide a more realistic representation of actual construction projects. The present work aims to incorporate such characteristics in the analysis and has developed two solution methods, an exact and an approximate one. The exact method utilizes a linear/integer programming model to provide the optimal project time-cost curve and the minimum cost schedule considering all activity time-cost alternatives together. The approximate method performs a progressive project length reduction providing a near-optimal project time-cost curve but it is faster than the exact method as it examines only certain activities at each stage. In addition, it can be easily incorporated in project scheduling software. Evaluation results indicate that both methods can effectively simulate the structure of construction projects, and their application is expected to provide time and cost savings.  相似文献   

By definition, any activity not on the critical path must have float. The concept of float in the critical path method relates to how long an activity can be delayed before it becomes a critical activity. For linear construction activities, however, the concept of float is somewhat different from that of traditional scheduling techniques. Rather than start time and duration being the main attributes of float, production rate is a more fundamental attribute of a linear activity. As such, for float to be meaningful for a linear activity, it must be reflective of the activity's major characteristic. Rate float captures this characteristic and presents information to construction planners and managers in terms that are meaningful for linear projects. This paper describes rate float as it applies to the linear scheduling model developed by Harmelink and Rowings in 1998.  相似文献   

The analysis of project schedules is among the central tasks of construction managers. Parallel to the well-known critical path method, linear scheduling techniques have been researched. The two most fully developed existing methods, the linear scheduling model and the repetitive scheduling method, are reviewed. Based on a discussion of a published example, the new mathematical analysis method for linear and repetitive schedules is introduced. The productivity scheduling method is based on singularity functions that provide a flexible and powerful mathematical model for construction activities and their buffers that are characterized by their linear or repetitive nature. The steps of formulating initial equations, stacking and consolidating them, and deriving information about their criticality are described in detail. The mathematical approach of the new method allows an integrated treatment of activities regardless of the number of changes in productivity within them and does not depend on the graphical representation of the schedule.  相似文献   

Optimizing resource utilization can lead to significant reduction in the duration and cost of repetitive construction projects such as highways, high-rise buildings, and housing projects. This can be achieved by identifying an optimum crew size and interruption strategy for each activity in the project. Available dynamic programming formulations can be applied to provide solutions for this optimization problem; however, their application is limited, as they require planners to specify an arbitrary and an unbounded set of interruption options prior to scheduling. Such a requirement is not practical and may render the optimization problem infeasible. To circumvent the limitations of available formulations, this paper presents an automated and practical optimization model. The model utilizes dynamic programming formulation and incorporates a scheduling algorithm and an interruption algorithm so as to automate the generation of interruptions during scheduling. This transforms the consideration of interruption options, in optimizing resource utilization, from an unbounded and impractical problem to a bounded and feasible one. A numerical example from the literature is analyzed to illustrate the use and capabilities of the model.  相似文献   

Linear repetitive construction projects require large amounts of resources which are used in a sequential manner and therefore effective resource management is very important both in terms of project cost and duration. Existing methodologies such as the critical path method and the repetitive scheduling method optimize the schedule with respect to a single factor, to achieve minimum duration or minimize resource work breaks, respectively. However real life scheduling decisions are more complicated and project managers must make decisions that address the various cost elements in a holistic way. To respond to this need, new methodologies that can be applied through the use of decision support systems should be developed. This paper introduces a multiobjective linear programming model for scheduling linear repetitive projects, which takes into consideration cost elements regarding the project’s duration, the idle time of resources, and the delivery time of the project’s units. The proposed model can be used to generate alternative schedules based on the relative magnitude and importance of the different cost elements. In this sense, it provides managers with the capability to consider alternative schedules besides those defined by minimum duration or maximizing work continuity of resources. The application of the model to a well known example in the literature demonstrates its use in providing explicatory analysis of the results.  相似文献   

Repetitive scheduling methods are more effective than traditional critical path methods in the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects. Nevertheless, almost all the repetitive scheduling methods developed so far have been based on the premise that a repetitive project is comprised of many identical production units. In this research a non-unit-based algorithm for the planning and scheduling of repetitive projects is developed. Instead of repetitive production units, repetitive or similar activity groups are identified and employed for scheduling. The algorithm takes into consideration: (1) the logical relationship of activity groups in a repetitive project; (2) the usage of various resource crews in an activity group; (3) the maintaining of resource continuity; and (4) the time and cost for the routing of resource crews. A sample case study and a case study of a sewer system project are conducted to validate the algorithm, as well as to demonstrate its application. Results and findings are reported.  相似文献   

One of the major goals of the construction industry today is the quantification and minimization of the risk associated with construction engineering performance. When specifically considering the planning of construction projects, one way to control risk is through the development of reliable project cost estimates and schedules. Two techniques available for achieving this goal are range estimating and probabilistic scheduling. This paper looks at the integration of these techniques as a means of further controlling the risk inherent in the undertaking of construction projects. Least-squares linear regression is first considered as a means of relating the data obtained from the application of these techniques. However, because of various limitations, the application of linear regression was not considered the most appropriate means of relating the results of range estimating and probabilistic scheduling. Integration of these techniques was, therefore, achieved through the development of a new procedure called the multiple simulation analysis technique. This new procedure combines the results of range estimating and probabilistic scheduling in order to quantify the relationship existing between them. Having the ability to accurately quantify this relationship enables the selection of high percentile level values for the project cost estimate and schedule simultaneously.  相似文献   

Linear scheduling methods provide an alternative way of scheduling repetitive projects, to the commonly used network methods. Critical path identification is a major attribute for both methods; therefore, it is very important for practitioners to understand the function of the two methods in this area. The present paper compares the critical path of the recently developed Kallantzis-Lambropoulos repetitive project model against the network scheduling critical path method (CPM), aiming at delving into and pointing out the differences and similarities between them. Initially, the rules for transforming the linear project into an equivalent CPM network are proposed. Then, the rules are applied on a sample linear project. Due to the additional constraint for maintaining resource continuity that the linear method takes into account, the critical paths vary. The constraint is subsequently removed from selected activities and comparison is repeated; the critical paths then coincide. In order to validate the findings and ensure impartiality of results, a random linear project generator is developed. A group of twenty-five random linear projects and their equivalent networks is produced. Their critical paths are analyzed, compared and classified. Conclusions support that the proposed comparison could be beneficial to users of linear scheduling methods, while the random project generator can serve other related research.  相似文献   

In recent years, the state departments of transportation have implemented a number of highway rehabilitation projects across the country. These projects differ fundamentally from new highway projects in that they require an uninterrupted flow of traffic throughout both the duration and geometric length of the project. Synchronization of traffic closure with the construction activities is crucial in such projects to avoid the traffic conflicts and prevent idle time for equipment and labor. Although most highway rehabilitation projects involve predominantly linear activities, the techniques of linear scheduling are not readily applicable to highway rehabilitation projects due to the conflict between the workzone and traffic flow. This paper documents the development of a traffic closure integrated linear schedule (TCILS) that addresses both traffic closure and work progress issues. The TCILS generates a single schedule for both the construction activities and the associated traffic closures. Visual and graphical features are also applied in the system, which makes it particularly applicable for highway rehabilitation projects. An actual concrete pavement rehabilitation project using the TCILS is presented as a sample of application. The findings from the sample project, although they are limited, show that the TCILS can be applied to an actual project. With recommended future development, the system is believed to be beneficial for both construction practitioners and academics.  相似文献   

Schedules are the means of determining project duration accurately, controlling project progress, and allocating resources efficiently in managing construction projects. It is not sufficient in today’s conditions to evaluate the construction schedules that are affected widely by risks, uncertainties, unexpected situations, deviations, and surprises with well-known deterministic or probabilistic methods such as the critical path method, bar chart (Gantt chart), line of balance, or program evaluation and review technique. In this regard, this paper presents a new simulation-based model—the correlated schedule risk analysis model (CSRAM)—to evaluate construction activity networks under uncertainty when activity durations and risk factors are correlated. An example of a CSRAM application to a single-story house project is presented in the paper. The findings of this application show that CSRAM operates well and produces realistic results in capturing correlation indirectly between activity durations and risk factors regarding the extent of uncertainty inherent in the schedule.  相似文献   

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