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Selective precipitation of phosphate from fluoride-containing wastewater was studied using magnesium salts. Wastewater sampled from a semiconductor manufacture was found to contain 936 mg/L of fluoride (F?), 640 mg/L of sulfate (SO42?), 118 mg/L of phosphate (PO43?), and 26.72 mg/L ammonium (NH4+). Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) was more effective than magnesium oxide (MgO) in inducing precipitation reactions between magnesium and phosphate. Effects of both molar ratio ([Mg2+]:[PO43?]) and pH were examined and experimental results were compared with those from equilibrium modeling by PHREEQC. A total of 41.72% of phosphate was removed and recovered when at molar ratio of 3:2 and pH of 10. Precipitation of phosphate increased with increasing molar ratio and 66.19% of phosphate was recovered when molar ratio was 3:1. Precipitation of phosphate increased as pH changed from 8 to 10. However, it decreased as pH increased from 10 to 12, probably because of competition between phosphate and hydroxyl (OH?) ions. Solid precipitates were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectrometer and X-ray diffraction. In accordance with theoretical modeling, it was found that the precipitate in pH range of 8–10 was predominantly bobierrite [Mg3(PO4)2.8H2O] and some amorphous precipitates. However, brucite [Mg(OH)2] precipitate would start to form when pH became higher than 10. Results showed that MgCl2 can be a selective precipitation reagent for phosphate removal from semiconductor wastewater since it does not form precipitate with fluoride, sulfate, and ammonium.  相似文献   

Chemical precipitation method utilizing calcium salts has been extensively used to treat fluoride-containing wastewater from semiconductor manufacturers. The major objective of this study was to investigate coagulation-flocculation of calcium fluoride precipitates (CaF2). Residual fluoride concentration of lower than 15?mg/L, the effluent standard, was found when molar ratio of calcium to fluoride, [Ca2+/F?], was 0.5 and pH ranged from 6.5 to 8.5. The fine precipitates of CaF2 were further flocculated by polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and anionic polyelectrolyte, polyacrylic acid (PAA) with different molecular weight, to facilitate better solid-liquid separation. Experimental results indicated that both PAC and PAA with low to medium molecular weight could remove CaF2 precipitates effectively. Satisfactory removal efficiency was achieved at lower dosage when PAC and PAA were used in combination. Recycling of CaF2 precipitates or CaF2 sludge did not enhance removal of fluoride or CaF2 precipitates. Reaction mechanisms were discussed based on zeta potential and particle size distribution.  相似文献   

Treatment of chemical mechanical polishing wastewater containing nanosized silica from semiconductor industry by dispersed air flotation was investigated. Very effective removal of particles from wastewater was found when cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), was used as a collector. The flotation efficiency decreased slightly under a pH of 4.5. The zeta potential increased with a increasing concentration of CTAB, and flocculation of particles by CTAB was found. It is proposed that both the change of interface properties and the aggregation of particles contributed to flotation removal of particles. Longer reaction time and higher dosage were needed when n-dodecyl amine chloride (DAC) was used as a collector, owing to its relatively weak adsorption. The flotation efficiency increased with increasing DAC concentration. The improved flotation efficiency at pH of 10.0 was probably due to the formation of DAC precipitate.  相似文献   

A combined system composed of three sequentially arranged reactors, anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic reactors, was used to treat the wastewater generated in the tuna cookers of a fish canning factory. These wastewaters are characterized by high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nitrogen concentrations. The anaerobic process was performed in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor operated in two steps. During Step I different influent COD concentrations were applied and organic loading rates (OLRs) up to 4 g COD/(L?d) were achieved. During Step II hydraulic retention time (HRT) was varied from 0.5 to 0.8 days while COD concentration in the influent was constant at 6 g COD/L. The OLRs treated were up to 15 g COD/(L?d). When HRTs longer than 0.8 days were used, COD removal percentages of 60% were obtained and these values decreased to 40% for a HRT of 0.5 days. The denitrification process carried out in an upflow anoxic filter was clearly influenced by the amount of carbon source supplied. When available carbon was present, the necessary COD/N ratio for complete denitrification was around 4 and denitrification percentages of 80% were obtained. The nitrification process was successful and was almost unaffected by the presence of organic carbon (0.2–0.8 g TOC/L), with ammonia removal percentages of 100%. Three recycling ratios (R/F) between the denitrification and nitrification reactors were applied at 1, 2, and 2.5. The overall balance of the combined system indicated that COD and N removal percentages of 90% and up to 60%, respectively, were achieved when the R/F ratio was between 2 and 2.5.  相似文献   

The effects of acetate and propionate on biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in a plug-flow A2O process were evaluated in this study. The wastewater quality indexes and operation parameters were the same when different carbon sources were used. However, we observed no obvious effect of carbon source on nitrogen removal. Denitrifying phosphorus removal was found to play an important role in simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in anoxic reactors because almost the entire carbon source was used for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthesis in anaerobic reactors, and there was no external carbon source left for heterotrophic denitrification. Propionate was found to be a more effective and energy-saving carbon source for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal. In addition, the variations in the metabolic chemicals, such as phosphorus, PHA, glycogen, and oxygen, were lower when propionate was used than when acetate was used.  相似文献   

Passive biological filtration for nitrate removal from storm-water drainage is challenged by highly transient mass loadings, the need to adequately supply an electron donor, and potential inhibition by dissolved oxygen (DO). An approach to optimizing nitrate removal is to employ a filter medium containing a mixture of ion exchange and electron donor particles, where the former serve to retain nitrate at high loadings and enable biological denitrification to be more effective. Bench scale filtration experiments were conducted using a 50:50 volume mixture of expanded clay particles (Filtralite P) and elemental sulfur pastille. Nitrate reduction was 98% under steady flowrate operation at 30?min residence time and 2.1?mg/L influent NO3–N. Step increases in flowrate by factors of 5.2, 11, and 25 resulted in maximum effluent NO3–N of 0.93, 1.54, and 1.87?mg/L, respectively. Substantial nitrate breakthrough occurred even when effluent DO remained close to zero. The results suggest methods by which mixed media denitrification filters can be more effectively designed and operated.  相似文献   

Human urine contributes 80% of the total nitrogen and 40–50% of the total phosphate load to municipal wastewater. This study examines the impact of separate urine collection and treatment on wastewater treatment. An integrated wastewater and urine treatment process was defined, in which single high-rate ammonium removal over nitrite and anaerobic ammonium oxidation processes and struvite recovery are at the heart of the nutrient management. The model study demonstrated that if 50% or more of urine were collected and treated separately, integrated wastewater treatment with more compact and energy-efficient processes would be possible. The integrated wastewater and urine treatment is compared to an existing state-of-the-art treatment process. The main advantage of urine separation is not only a better effluent quality. Existing processes including tertiary treatment can already produce very good effluent quality with total effluent nitrogen and phosphate concentrations of 2.5 and 0.5?g/m3, respectively. The main advantage of urine separation is the production of this same good effluent quality with a remarkable saving in resources. With sufficient urine separation, generation of net primary energy is possible.  相似文献   

A numerical watershed model was used to evaluate the potential influence of various point and nonpoint sources including on-site wastewater systems (OWS) on stream nitrate concentration in Turkey Creek Watershed, Colorado. A watershed analysis risk management framework model was used for this study, and was calibrated to observed stream nitrate concentrations using an automatic calibration tool. Parameter sensitivity analysis was done to select critical parameters for calibration and to reduce uncertainty in the simulated results. Sensitivity analysis of nitrate transport and transformation parameters showed that stream nitrate concentration is highly sensitive to cation exchange capacity, nitrification rate, base saturation of ammonium, initial concentration of ammonium in the soil, and some of the crop growth related parameters. The calibrated model was used to evaluate scenarios related to OWS including the impacts of population growth and new development and impacts of conversion of OWS to conventional sewers. The results showed that there would be a significant increase in stream nitrate concentration with increasing population. Conversion of OWS to sewers increased stream nitrate concentration but decreased nitrate concentration in the bottom soil layer indicating that OWS are beneficial with respect to stream nitrate concentration but may increase nitrate concentrations in groundwater.  相似文献   

A single-stage phosphorylated polyvinyl alcohol immobilized-cell reactor with three operation modes was employed to investigate the efficiency of simultaneous carbon/nitrogen removal from raw swine wastewater. In continuous aeration mode, the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (T-N) exceeded 70 and 8%, respectively, at hydraulic retention time of 10?days. In intermittent aeration (IA) mode, the removal efficiency of COD and T-N was more than 85 and 46%, respectively, when the reactor was set at 50% aeration duration to cycle time to operate at three aerobic-anoxic cycles per day. When oxidation-reduction-potential control was adopted to control the duration of the anoxic period in the real-time controlled (RTC) IA mode for a 4?h aeration period, the total cycle time was reduced by about 20% with a slight increase in removal efficiency of COD (87%) and T-N (47%). The system with no extra chambers required is efficient in simultaneous carbon/nitrogen removal.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) flux through a three pond wastewater stabilization system (WWSP) was measured over the course of a year in a cold weather region (Minnesota) with 4?months of ice cover. The system was surprisingly efficient at N removal (averaging 80%) primarily through volatilization of un-ionized ammonia during the late spring when the pH was above 8 and ammonia levels were still high. P removal was less efficient, with over 50% of influent P leaving the system in the effluent. Soluble carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) removal was >90%, with most of the removal occurring in the primary pond. Algal carbon requirements were met by a combination of CO2 released by bacterial oxidation of influent organic matter and inorganic carbon in the influent. Photosynthesis provided much of the oxygen needed for CBOD removal in the primary pond, and the onset of aerobic conditions was nearly coincident with the highest rates of ammonia volatilization. Bacterial respiration in the sediment returned >80% of the sedimented C back to the water column long term. These results demonstrate the importance of ammonia volatilization as a N sink in WWSPs that experience ice cover setting up conditions for both high primary production and high ammonia levels in spring.  相似文献   

The mixture of scrap iron and particle carbon, termed internal electrolysis, has been used in the pretreatment of industrial wastewater to improve the biodegradability. However, the clogging of fillings reduces treatment efficiency, and filling replacement is inconvenient in engineering application. This study developed a novel internal electrolysis system, in which iron and carbon were separately placed and connected with a wire. Results showed that the removal of paranitrophenol by iron was significantly enhanced by the connection of carbon. The removal by iron connected with carbon was approximately equivalent to that by iron contacted with carbon. The removal of nitrobenzene and the production of aniline proved the reduction in nitro to amino group. The sites for contaminant removal were found to be on iron surface rather than on carbon surface. The connection of carbon to iron facilitated the corrosion of iron and led to the formation of more Fe oxyhydroxide and the release of more electrons from iron, both of which attributed to contaminant removal. The engineering application using the novel internal electrolysis demonstrated an average chemical oxygen demand removal of 60% and a significant increase in wastewater biodegradability. This novel internal electrolysis system was preliminarily proved feasible and convenient.  相似文献   

In the 20th century, human interference in the nitrogen cycle has caused a doubling of the global nitrogen fixation rate (an element critical in the proteins of all organisms), thereby intensifying global nitrous oxide (N2O) production during microbial nitrification and denitrification. Nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas, important in climate change, and as well, is a stratospheric ozone-depleting substance. It is likely that much of the Earth’s population now relies on anthropogenic nitrogen in its food supplies, resulting in anthropogenic nitrogen contained in wastes requiring management. Food production is considered as a source of global nitrous oxide emissions; however, the nitrogen in wastewater and solid wastes may be a significant fate of much anthropogenic nitrogen. This factor has largely escaped in-depth, critical analysis from the perspective of nitrous oxide emissions. This paper introduces nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide production and reviews the research currently available on N2O emissions from wastewater treatment operations, landfilling, composting, and incineration; demonstrating that each process can emit large amounts of this important gas. This is followed by a discussion of the limited research. The relative importance of N2O in waste management is also estimated, indicating that wastewater treatment may be the most important operation for managing anthropogenic nitrogen in wastes.  相似文献   

Algae grown on wastewater media are a potential source of low-cost lipids for production of liquid biofuels. This study investigated lipid productivity and nutrient removal by green algae grown during treatment of dairy farm and municipal wastewaters supplemented with CO2. Dairy wastewater was treated outdoors in bench-scale batch cultures. The lipid content of the volatile solids peaked at Day 6, during exponential growth, and declined thereafter. Peak lipid content ranged from 14–29%, depending on wastewater concentration. Maximum lipid productivity also peaked at Day 6 of batch growth, with a volumetric productivity of 17 mg/day/L of reactor and an areal productivity of 2.8?g/m2/day, which would be equivalent to 11,000 L/ha/year (1,200 gal/acre/year) if sustained year round. After 12 days, ammonium and orthophosphate removals were 96 and >99%, respectively. Municipal wastewater was treated in semicontinuous indoor cultures with 2–4 day hydraulic residence times (HRTs). Maximum lipid productivity for the municipal wastewater was 24 mg/day/L, observed in the 3-day HRT cultures. Over 99% removal of ammonium and orthophosphate was achieved. The results from both types of wastewater suggest that CO2-supplemented algae cultures can simultaneously remove dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus to low levels while generating a feedstock potentially useful for liquid biofuels production.  相似文献   

The study explores the potential of iron-activated persulfate oxidation of an azo dye in model wastewater. The influence of the type of iron activator on process efficiency was investigated by using ferrous and zero valent iron. The Box-Behnken experimental design and response surface methodology were applied for the modeling of the Fe2+/S2O82- and Fe0/S2O82- processes. The combined effect of three important process parameters was investigated and presented by the means of the quadratic polynomial model. The statistical analysis of model performance was evaluated by ANOVA. The optimal process conditions giving the maximal mineralization for both processes were determined: pH 4.81, [Fe2+] = 1.64??mM, and [S2O82-] = 84.87??mM predicting 35.14% mineralization and pH 5.52; [Fe0] = 4.27??mM and [S2O82-] = 138.43mM predicting 54.38% mineralization by the Fe2+/S2O82- and Fe0/S2O82- processes, respectively. The predicted values of dye mineralization obtained by model equations were in good agreement with the experimental values. The type of iron activator was demonstrated to significantly influence both process efficiency and optimal conditions.  相似文献   

Implications of conventional activated sludge (CAS) process modification to a low sludge production (LSP) process have been studied for treating pulp and paper wastewaters. The activated sludge process is modified to a two-stage design to establish a microbial food chain that would result in reduced sludge production. The return activated sludge in the LSP process bypasses the first (dispersed growth) stage to be received only by the second (predatory) stage. The resulting once-through operation of the dispersed growth (DG) stage makes it potentially susceptible to bacterial washout under hydraulic shock conditions. A sensitivity analysis of the DG stage operation was performed by varying its hydraulic residence time. The experimental data revealed that the optimal DG stage hydraulic residence is between 3 and 5?h, with bacterial washout likely to be initiated within 2?h. Based on laboratory results, it appears that a well-designed LSP system is likely to be able to handle day-to-day variations in hydraulic and organic loading rates. The LSP process produced 36% less sludge than the CAS process while consuming approximately 25% more oxygen. The treatment performance of the two systems was comparable except that the LSP sludge had much better settling and dewatering properties.  相似文献   

Use of clayey soil has been explored in the laboratory scale experiment as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of copper from wastewater. The influence of metal ion concentration, weight of adsorbent, stirring rates, influence of temperature, pH are also evaluated and the results are fitted using adsorption isotherm models. From the experimental results it is observed that almost 90–99% copper can be removed from the solution using clay at optimized pH 5.5. Langmuir adsorption isotherm, Freundlich isotherm and Tempkin isotherm model have been used to describe the distribution of copper between the liquid and solid phases in batch studies and it has been observed that Langmuir isotherm better represents the phenomenon. From the experimental results rate constant, activation energy, Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of the reaction are calculated to determine the mechanism of the sorption process. Thomas, Adams-Bohart, and Yoon-Nelson models are applied to the experimental data to determine the characteristic parameters of the column for process design.  相似文献   

A filamentous fungal strain (Penicillium expansum BS30) isolated from a municipal wastewater treatment plant was used in this study to simultaneously reduce sludge solids, pathogens, and improve the sludge settling and dewaterability [simultaneous solids and pathogens reduction, settling and dewatering (SSPRSD)] in shake flask and 10-L bioreactor experiments. The fungal strain role in the SSPRSD process was evaluated at different temperatures and inoculum (spores) concentrations. The best performance of the process was achieved at incubation temperature of 25°C and inoculum concentration of 106?spores/mL. At these optimal conditions, suspended solids (SS) and volatile SS were degraded >50 and >53%, respectively. The capillary suction time value recorded (<13?s) was lower than that required for sludge dewaterability (<20?s). The populations of total coliforms and Salmonella (pathogen indicators) were reduced by two and four log cycles, respectively. A study on molecular screening of penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster and toxic organic compounds degrading machinery of the fungal strain was also conducted. It was found that the fungal strain possessed the penicillin-producing gene and toxic organic compounds degrading genes, and therefore may be helpful in degrading these compounds.  相似文献   

The Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) wastewater treatment systems are activated sludge biological nutrient removal processes that have been enhanced by the addition of biofilm support media into the aerobic zone of the system to obtain year round nitrification in activated sludge systems that otherwise could not support it. The objective of this study was to develop a computer package called “IFAS” that allows steady-state simulation of IFAS wastewater treatment processes based on the International Association Water Quality general model for activated sludge and empirical equations for chemical oxygen demand (COD) uptake and nitrification on integrated fixed film developed at Virginia Tech. The current version of the IFAS program supports only sponge-type media; however, the model could be modified for other media if the appropriate equations and required parameters values are known. Data obtained from IFAS sponge media pilot scale plants treating a weak municipal wastewater supplemented by sodium acetate, urea, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium phosphates and operated at different aerobic mean cells residence times were used to evaluate the model with parameter values for nitrification and COD uptake rates developed in batch studies. The model-generated ammonia and soluble COD profiles were insignificantly different statistically from the experimental data. The IFAS model satisfactorily predicts carbonaceous removal and nitrification, and has the potential to be a useful tool for scientists and engineers seeking to design and optimize either IFAS or conventional biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems.  相似文献   

Development of stringent standards for the microbiological quality of the wastewater has necessitated a sensitive and efficient method for the enumeration of pathogens present in wastewaters. Standard methods are used all over the world for the identification of microbes by the public health engineers. However, this conventional method has serious problems, which are related to the long detection time required for turbid wastewaters and corresponding reduced isolation of the microbes. The Conventional method has been modified by omitting the concentration and blending steps, and named as the “Direct method.” The Direct method should be able to provide maximum possible recovery specifically for the turbid wastewaters. An existing sewage treatment plant was selected to carry out the study over a period of six months. Samples were collected from the various stages of treatment and analyzed for the isolation of Salmonella and Shigella using the Conventional method and the proposed direct method. The direct method required less time compared to the Conventional method. More importantly, the recovery of Salmonella and Shigella has improved by 105% and 276%, respectively, over the Conventional method. The consistent improvement in the recovery of the pathogens has been seen at various stages of the sewage treatment.  相似文献   

Laccase-Catalyzed Removal of Phenol and Benzenediols from Wastewater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-step process for the removal of phenol and benzenediols, namely catechol, resorcinol, and hydroquinone, from buffered synthetic wastewater was investigated. The proposed process comprised laccase catalyzed conversion of these substrates using laccase from Trametes villosa followed by the removal of products generated using alum as coagulant. The effects of pH, laccase concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of a hydrophilic polymer additive [polyethylene glycol (PEG)] to achieve ≥ 95% removal of the substrate in a 3-h reaction period at room temperature were determined. The parent compound, phenol, required the most enzyme, followed by resorcinol, catechol, and hydroquinone. PEG showed no effect on any of the substrate conversions. Substrate conversion and enzyme inactivation were monitored over the reaction period. As phenol and benzenediols might coexist in industrial effluents, enzymatic treatment of an equimolar mixture of these four substrates was examined. Except for hydroquinone, the proposed enzymatic treatment method is a viable alternative means to remove phenol and benzenediols from industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

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