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Using a predicate transformer semantics of programs, we introduce statements for heap operations and separation logic operators for specifying programs that manipulate pointers. We prove a powerful Hoare total correctness rule for mutually recursive procedures manipulating pointers. The rule combines earlier proof rules for (mutually) recursive procedures with the frame rule for pointer programs. The theory, including the proofs, is implemented in the theorem prover PVS. In this implementation program variables and addresses can store values of almost any type of the theorem prover.  相似文献   

对高可信软件需求的增加使得指针程序的验证成为近期的研究热点.指针逻辑作为Hoare逻辑的扩展,可以对指针程序进行精确的分析.介绍一个针对指针逻辑的自动定理证明器的设计和实现,描述了一些算法.实验结果表明,该定理证明器可以完全自动的证明用类C语言编写的关于单链表,双链表和二叉树的指针程序的验证条件,并生成机器可检查的证明.  相似文献   

We introduce a new algebraic model for program variables, suitable for reasoning about recursive procedures with parameters and local variables in a mechanical verification setting. We give a predicate transformer semantics to recursive procedures and prove refinement rules for introducing recursive procedure calls, procedure parameters, and local variables. We also prove, based on the refinement rules, Hoare total correctness rules for recursive procedures, and parameters. We introduce a special form of Hoare specification statement which alone is enough to fully specify a procedure. Moreover, we prove that this Hoare specification statement is equivalent to a refinement specification. We implemented this theory in the PVS theorem prover.This work is based on an earlier work: Reasoning about recursive procedures with parameters. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Mechanized Reasoning about Languages with Variable Binding, 2003, Uppsala, Sweden, ACM Press.Received March 2004Revised October 2004Accepted February 2005 by C. B. Jones  相似文献   

并发程序与并发系统可以拥有非常高的执行效率和相对串行系统较快的响应速度,在现实中有着非常广泛的应用。但是并发程序与并发系统往往难以保证其实现的正确性,实际应用程序运行中的错误会带来严重的后果。同时,并发程序执行时的不确定性会给其正确性验证带来巨大的困难。在形式化验证方法中,人们可以通过交互式定理证明器严格地对并发程序进行验证。本文对在交互式定理证明中可用于描述并发程序正确性的验证目标进行总结,它们包括霍尔三元组、可线性化、上下文精化和逻辑原子性。交互式定理证明方法中常用程序逻辑对程序进行验证,本文分析了基于并发分离逻辑、依赖保证逻辑、关系霍尔逻辑等理论研究的系列成果与相应形式化方案,并对使用了这些方法的程序验证工具和程序验证成果进行了总结。  相似文献   

基于Coq的微内核操作系统程序验证方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载嵌入式程序的可信属性验证是新一代飞机研制最关注的软件质量保障问题;基于定理证明的程序形式化验证方法是一种可靠和严格的软件正确性验证技术;文中在深入分析微内核操作系统的基础上,应用霍尔逻辑针对机载嵌入式软件核心代码开展程序验证技术研究,根据霍尔逻辑的相关推理规则进行程序验证,并在定理证明辅助工具Coq中形式化表示霍尔逻辑的推理规则,针对机载操作系统的部分程序代码实例进行验证;实验结果表明基于定理证明的程序验证方法可以对软件程序代码的正确性进行验证,从而帮助软件提供商开发高可信的机载嵌入式软件。  相似文献   

Efficient weakest preconditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Desired computer-program properties can be described by logical formulas called verification conditions. Different mathematically-equivalent forms of these verification conditions can have a great impact on the performance of an automatic theorem prover that tries to discharge them. This paper presents a simple weakest-precondition understanding of the ESC/Java technique for generating verification conditions. This new understanding of the technique spotlights the program property that makes the technique work.  相似文献   

郭昊  曹钦翔 《软件学报》2022,33(6):2127-2149
霍尔逻辑作为计算机程序的逻辑基础,可以用于描述一般程序的验证.分离逻辑作为霍尔逻辑的扩展,可以支持很多现代程序语言中的高阶特性.步进索引模型被用于定义自递归谓词.步进索引逻辑被广泛应用于各种基于交互式定理证明器的程序验证工具中,然而,基于步进索引逻辑的推理却比经典逻辑复杂、繁琐.事实上,也可以在步进索引模型上定义更加简洁清晰的、与“步数”无关的经典逻辑体系下的非步进索引程序语义.人们希望找到步进索引逻辑和非步进索引逻辑之间的关系,但发现两种逻辑并不等价.对实际的程序验证工作中涉及的命题进行归纳总结,找出它们共同的特征,给出关于程序状态的断言的约束条件;分别定义步进索引逻辑和非步进索引逻辑体系中断言的语义,并证明在该约束条件下两种语义的等价性;在Coq中,形式化以上所有定义和证明;最后,对未来值得关注的研究方向进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

We describe an approach and experimental results in the application of mechanized theorem proving to software requirements analysis. Serving as the test article was the embedded controller for SAFER, a backpack propulsion system used as a rescue device by NASA astronauts. SAFER requirements were previously formalized using the prototype verification system (PVS) during a NASA pilot project in formal methods, details of which appear in a NASA guidebook. This paper focuses on the formulation and proof of properties for the SAFER requirements model. To test the prospects for deductive requirements analysis, we used the PVS theorem prover to explore the upper limits of proof automation. A set of property classes was identified, with matching proof schemes later devised. After developing several PVS proof strategies (essentially prover macros), we obtained fully automatic proofs of 42 model properties. These results demonstrate how customized prover strategies can be used to automate moderate-complexity theorem proving for state machine models.  相似文献   

This paper is a systematic study of verification conditions and their use in the context of program verification. We take Hoare logic as a starting point and study in detail how a verification conditions generator can be obtained from it. The notion of program annotation is essential in this process. Weakest preconditions and the use of updates are also studied as alternative approaches to verification conditions. Our study is carried on in the context of a While language. Important extensions to this language are considered toward the end of the paper. We also briefly survey modern program verification tools and their approaches to the generation of verification conditions.  相似文献   

We describe a formal specification and mechanized verification in PVS of the general theory of SRT division along with a specific hardware realization of the algorithm. The specification demonstrates how attributes of the PVS language (in particular, predicate subtypes) allow the general theory to be developed in a readable manner that is similar to textbook presentations, while the PVS tabletable construct allows direct specification of the implementation's quotient lookup table. Verification of the derivations in the SRT theory and for the data path and lookup table of the implementation are highly automated and performed for arbitrary, but finite precision; in addition, the theory is verified for general radix, while the implementation is specialized to radix 4. The effectiveness of the automation stems from the tight integration in PVS of rewriting with decision procedures for equality, linear arithmetic over integers and rationals, and propositional logic. This example demonstrates that the resources of an expressive specification language and of a general-purpose theorem prover are not inimical to highly automated verification in this domain, and can contribute to clarity, generality, and reuse.  相似文献   

Formal specification combined with mechanical verification is a promising approach for achieving the extremely high levels of assurance required of safety-critical digital systems. However, many questions remain regarding their use in practice: Can these techniques scale up to industrial systems, where are they likely to be useful, and how should industry go about incorporating them into practice? This paper discusses a project undertaken to answer some of these questions, the formal verification of the microcode in the AAMP5 microprocessor. This project consisted of formally specifying in the PVS language a Rockwell proprietary microprocessor at both the instruction-set and register-transfer levels and using the PVS theorem prover to show the microcode correctly implemented the instruction-level specification for a representative subset of instructions. Notable aspects of this project include the use of a formal specification language by practicing hardware and software engineers, the integration of traditional inspections with formal specifications, and the use of a mechanical theorem prover to verify a portion of a commercial, pipelined microprocessor that was not explicitly designed for formal verification.  相似文献   

The Java Card language is a trimmed down dialect of Java aimed at programming smart cards. Java Card specifies its own class file format (the Java Card Converted APplet (CAP) format) that is optimised with respect to the limited space resources of smart cards. This paper deals with the certified development of algorithms necessary for the conversion of ordinary Java class files into the CAP format. More precisely, these algorithms are concerned with constructing and compressing method tables and constant pools. The main contribution of this paper is to specify and prove the correctness of these algorithms using the theorem prover PVS.  相似文献   

The wide adoption of semistructured data has created a growing need for effective ways to ensure the correctness of its organization. One effective way to achieve this goal is through formal specification and automated verification. This paper presents a theorem proving approach towards verifying that a particular design or organization of semistructured data is correct. We formally specify the semantics of the Object Relationship Attribute data model for Semistructured Data (ORA-SS) modeling notation and its correctness criteria for semistructured data normalization using the Prototype Verification System (PVS). The result is that effective verification on semistructured data models and their normalization can be carried out using the PVS theorem prover.  相似文献   

We describe a mechanical proof system for concurrent programs, based on a formalization of the temporal framework of Manna and Pnueli as an extension of the computational logic of Boyer and Moore. The system provides a natural representation of specifications of concurrent programs as temporal logic formulas, which are automatically translated into terms that are subject to verification by the Boyer-Moore prover. Several specialized derived rules of inference are introduced to the prover in order to facilitate the verification of invariance (safety) and eventuality (liveness) properties. The utility of the system is illustrated by a correctness proof for a two-process program that computes binomial coefficients.  相似文献   

近年来,出具证明编译器作为构建高可信软件的重要途径,逐渐成为编译器理论和形式化验证的研究热点.在其理论框架中,编译器需要借助自动定理证明技术,自动地证明验证条件并生成机器可检查的证明项,因此好的自动定理证明器对出具证明编译器至关重要.本文基于Simplex算法在出具证明编译器的框架内设计并实现了一个支持线性整数命题求解的自动定理证明器,并且提出一套证明项构造方法,将其应用于自动定理证明器中可生成Coq可检查的证明.  相似文献   

The importance of effective requirements analysis techniques cannot be overemphasized when developing software requiring high levels of assurance. Requirements analysis can be largely classified as either structural or functional. The former investigates whether definitions and uses of variables and functions are consistent, while the latter addresses whether requirements accurately reflect users' needs. Verification of structural properties for large and complex software requirements is often repetitive, especially if requirements are subject to frequent changes. While inspection has been successfully applied to many industrial applications, the authors found inspection to be ineffective when reviewing requirements to find errors violating structural properties. Moreover, current tools used in requirements engineering provide only limited support in automatically enforcing structural correctness of the requirements. Such experience has motivated research to automate straightforward but tedious activities. This paper demonstrates that a theorem prover, PVS (Prototype Verification System), is useful in automatically verifying structural correctness of software requirements specifications written in SCR (Software Cost Reduction)‐style. Requirements are automatically translated into a semantically equivalent PVS specification. Users need not be experts in formal methods or power users of PVS. Structural properties to be proved are expressed in PVS theorems, and the PVS proof commands are used to carry out the proof automatically. Since these properties are application independent, the same verification procedure can be applied to requirements of various software systems. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analysis and verification of pointer programs are still difficult problems so far. This paper uses a shape graph logic and a shape system to solve these problems in two stages. First, shape graphs at every program point are constructed using an analysis tool. Then, they are used to support the verification of other properties (e.g., orderedness). Our prototype supports automatic verification of programs manipulating complex data structures such as splay trees, treaps, AVL trees and AA trees, etc. The proposed shape graph logic, as an extension to Hoare logic, uses shape graphs directly as assertions. It can be used in the analysis and verification of programs manipulating mutable data structures. The benefit using shape graphs as assertions is that it is convenient for acquiring the relations between pointers in the verification stage. The proposed shape system requires programmers to provide lightweight shape declarations in recursive structure type declarations. It can help rule out programs that construct shapes deviating from what programmers expect (reflected in shape declarations) in the analysis stage. As a benefit, programmers need not provide specifications (e.g., pre-/post-conditions, loop invariants) about pointers. Moreover, we present a method doing verification in the second stage using traditional Hoare logic rules directly by eliminating aliasing with the aid of shape graphs. Thus, verification conditions could be discharged by general theorem provers.  相似文献   

Source code verification of a secure payment applet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses a case study in formal verification and development of secure smart card applications. An elementary Java Card electronic purse applet is presented whose specification can be simply formulated as “in normal operation, the applet’s balance field can only be decreased, never increased”. The applet features a challenge-response mechanism which allows legitimate terminals to increase the balance by putting the applet into a special operation mode. A systematic approach is used to guarantee a secure flow of control within the applet: appropriate transition properties are first formalized as a finite state machine, then incorporated in the specification, and finally formally verified using the Loop translation tool and the PVS theorem prover.  相似文献   

In presenting specifications and specification properties to a theorem prover, there is a tension between convenience for the user and convenience for the theorem prover. A choice of specification formulation that is most natural to a user may not be the ideal formulation for reasoning about that specification in a theorem prover. However, when the theorem prover is being integrated into a system development framework, a desirable goal of the integration is to make use of the theorem prover as easy as possible for the user. In such a context, it is possible to have the best of both worlds: specifications that are natural for a system developer to write in the language of the development framework, and representations of these specifications that are well matched to the reasoning techniques provided in the prover. In a tactic-based prover, these reasoning techniques include the use of tactics (or strategies) that can rely on certain structural elements in the theorem prover's representation of specifications. This paper illustrates how translation techniques used in integrating PVS into the TIOA (Timed Input/Output Automata) system development framework produce PVS specifications structured to support development of PVS strategies that implement reasoning steps appropriate for proving TIOA specification properties.  相似文献   

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