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The global failure to develop in a sustainable manner has led to attempts to adopt green economy approaches in the context of poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Given South Africa’s high carbon footprint and other negative environmental externalities, the government, in partnership with civil society and the private sector, is taking steps to green its economy. The efforts range from large-scale solar installation projects to small-scale grassroots level projects where green jobs are created for the poor, predominantly women, by paying them for environmental services. This paper addresses if and how green economy can be used to alleviate poverty and protect the environment at a grassroots level. In a project under the management of a local environmental non-governmental organisation (ENGO), poor urban women in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, are utilising the concept to generate income, improve their livelihoods and contribute to environmental sustainability. Green economy is in some ways addressing the gendered social and environmental externalities of urbanisation, wherein women are differentially poor and the environment is neglected in economic development. Left with few other options, the urban poor are using an ENGO and its green economy programme as a mechanism to lift themselves out of poverty, while indirectly managing the environment.  相似文献   

张德顺 《中国园林》2007,23(3):49-52
根据上海园林绿化发展现状和现有体系构成分析,提出适合上海园林绿化持续发展的研究目标和方向。从植物群落配置、土壤修复与循环经济、园林植物引种驯化、世博会、临港新城和崇明岛建设等重大工程配套技术、植物保护和生态安全等领域加强系统研究规划。从构筑园林绿化研究的科技平台、建立有利于人才培养和引进的激励机制、申请立项园林绿化体系研究的支柱课题等方面提出实现规划的具体措施。从而为深入研究城市园林绿化发展的系统体系和探索绿地空间的和谐健康,逐步提升园林城市的科技内涵提供技术支持。  相似文献   

伴随中国城市化和城市空间拓展的快速进程,城市绿色空间的规划、建设和管理问题的研究对象已从城市公园绿地等狭义内涵扩展至更广泛的范围。在现行管理机制之下,由于各责任部门缺乏协调和明确分工,城市绿色空间的建设和管理效果难以与城市社会经济迅速发展的要求相适应。集成管理是上世纪90年代以来发展起来的一种对多要素公共空间资源进行有效管理的先进理念。本文将在介绍集成管理的基本理念和分析我国城市绿色空间管理模式的基础上,以广州的实践为例讨论对城市绿色空间实施集成管理的方式与效果,进而提出以城市总体规划为平台完善城市绿色空间集成管理模式的建议。  相似文献   

首先分析了城市交通与城市发展及可持续发展的关系,指出包括城市规划和城市交通规划内的城市管理能力是实现人们享受较高的城市交通方便性(城市机动性的提高),同时避免城市交通的外部性及对城市环境和全球气候环境的影响的重要因素。正是由于有比较明确的城市交通政策导向,面临城市快速经济发展和城市面积的扩展,与国内一些曾经希望适应小汽车发展的城市相比,上海城市交通状况和城市环境质量具有明显的优势。为此,对上海的城市交通政策的作用进行了系统的分析,指出在新的发展形势下一些曾经十分有效的政策其作用正在降低,人们必须对上海城市交通政策的顶层设计进行调整,将上海建设成为世界绿色城市交通之都  相似文献   

快速的工业化和城市化导致城市人口高度集中和大量污染物排放,对城市生态环境造成了巨大的影响,不可避免地影响到土壤、生态系统乃至人类的健康.城市绿地土壤在促进城市生态系统平衡及人类健康等方面发挥了重要作用,逐渐引起了广泛关注.在此背景下,梳理了以下3个方面内容:1)城市绿地的兴起与分类;2)城市绿地土壤质量的内涵与评价;3...  相似文献   

随着城镇化逐步成为国家战略要义之一,作为中国最大规模城市的上海,其城镇化的路径选择显得尤为关键。基于对上海城镇化发展特征的分析,整合“资本循环”与“竞争优势阶段论”的分析,提出诠释上海城镇化进程的“资本逻辑”,并运用此理论工具来剖析上海城市发展的内生瓶颈。依据近30年的实证数据分析,认为土地财政和地产经济的路径依赖,打断了资本三次循环的正常链条,从而使上海跨越了创新驱动的阶段,从投资驱动跃升至财富驱动,从而带来发展的困境。  相似文献   

经济的发展和城市化规模的扩大向中国城市设计提出挑战。国家政策及全球资本的诉求驱动中国经济发展,但这种"浮土德式"发展缺少真实性且无可持续性,只是一种仿制,直接导致城市设计脱离实际,仅为"仿制景观"。这种仿制在西方国家同样存在,甚至新兴经济体国家也有这种倾向。而房地产开发迫于建设的压力,使这种趋势难以逆转。因此通过考量文化的延续性、建筑设计的宜居性和中国城市发展的可持续性,参照其他发展中国家的设计案例,以期为中国城市设计师提出合理的城市设计目标。  相似文献   

Targeted at the fragility of culture-led regeneration as a result of market frustrations and policy instability, the paper proposes a sustainable perspective to re-examine the prospects of culture-led urban regeneration projects at the local level through the taxonomy of three signatures—The Beijing 798 Art Zone, The Shanghai M50 and The Guangzhou Xinyi International Club are chosen as different, yet representative cases of industrial heritage transformed creative clusters. By comparing the development trajectories and statuses of these pioneer culture-led regeneration projects, the paper reveals the mechanism and confirms the model of practice for the reincarnation of industrial heritage by creative clusters in the local context of the cities. Ultimately, the analysis of this model indicates that the reuse of industrial heritage is an effective approach in response to the cultural demands of the post-industrial era; however, it brings forth the inevitable challenges beyond economic dimension, from a sustainability perspective. The analysis further identifies those underlying reasons of unsustainability and provides recommendations in order to explore the full potential of the “cultural value” of urban regeneration.  相似文献   

党的"十八大"报告提出了城镇化质量明显提高的战略目标,明确了促进工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展的总体要求。上海是长三角城市群的龙头城市,需要重新审视城镇空间资源的配置问题和策略,新市镇作为上海城镇体系中最基本的空间单元,面临着诸多新的挑战,也将迎来新的发展机遇。首先分析了上海的城镇化历程,并在客观评价上海当前城镇化建设的特征和问题基础上,结合新型城镇化的战略要求,以及上海的发展目标,提出分类推进城镇化建设、提升城镇宜居水平、优化产业结构、强化生态环境、节约集约利用土地等5个方面的策略思考。  相似文献   

在信息通信技术(ICT)快速发展的背景下,信息时代的城市具有新的发展特征,智慧技术被认为是城市未来规划的重要手段和对象,在智慧技术支撑下的可持续生态城市系统的建构显得尤为重要.崇明岛作为未来生态城市发展的示范地区,即将面临城镇化的进一步发展,通过对其智慧生态发展的规划与建构,对未来城市智慧化和生态化导向的发展进行探索.  相似文献   

李丹锋 《时代建筑》2014,(6):122-125
"大道"在20世纪上海多个阶段的都市化过程中都扮演了重要的角色,不仅仅在于通行的功能性作用,更为重要的是其被赋予的建筑学意义,协调了城市形态与设计理念之间的关系。文章尝试通过分析上海几条重要道路的历史计划来理解"大道"作为策略性工具在不同都市化过程中的表现和作用。  相似文献   

当前,我国城镇化进程正处于快速转型阶段,能否科学理性地对待城镇化问题中动态性、多样性和复杂性将直接决定着我国未来的城乡发展格局。2006年,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》首次将城镇化作为重点研究领域,从而标志着我国的城镇化研究正式进入国家战略层面。"十一五"国家科技支撑计划"城镇化与村镇建设动态监测关键技术"项目,通过21家国内科研单位长达5年时间的共同努力已通过验收进入应用推广阶段。该项目在基础数据采集、信息系统优化、城乡综合预警、政策调控支撑方面做出了关键性突破,填补了城镇化科技支撑方面的国家空白。  相似文献   

Post-colonial capitalist Hong Kong and rapidly developing Shenzhen in China's socialist market economy have both adopted a pro-growth strategy to cope with challenges imposed by a globalizing economy. This development philosophy has exerted tremendous pressure on both cities, pushing them further away from the path of sustainable urban development. Despite the policy rhetoric of pursuing sustainable development, both city governments have refrained from identifying and analysing sustainable urban development issues. While the top-down elite-dominated polities in Hong Kong and Shenzhen are working hard to attain world city status, both cities lack a sustainable development strategy. Without a critical rethink of the growth-first mentality, sustainability principles such as an ethical utilization of natural resources and aspirations for intra- and inter-generational equity are not put on the policy agenda. Despite recent efforts to clean up the environment, it is uncertain how these two growing cities will proceed as the global economy itself is starting to capitalize on sustainability efforts to further capital accumulation.  相似文献   

崇明东滩农业园低碳建筑评价体系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军明  陈易 《住宅科技》2010,30(9):9-12
崇明岛位于长江口的农业岛,在快速城市化过程中如何保持其原有的生态风貌,对中国整个农村建设具有重大的指导意义。文章以崇明东滩农业园内的低碳建筑评价导则为研究对象,探索崇明低碳建筑的评价体系,在规划设计、施工建造、后期使用三方面提出相应的对策,以期对崇明农村地区的房屋建设提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

上海城市困难立地识别及分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓策  郑思俊  张浪 《园林》2021,(2):7-12
随着城市化的高速发展,上海在建设用地紧张与生态之城建设的双重压力下,存量用地转型发展成为城市生态建设的重要途径.上海作为典型的高度城市化地区,未来生态建设极大依赖于城市困难立地开发与利用.对上海城市困难立地资源进行识别及分析,结果显示:2019年,上海市开发边界内(中心城区域)已规未建绿地中城市困难立地占比达到76.2...  相似文献   


In recent years, state entrepreneurialism and the notion of (urban) sustainability have become ever more closely intertwined in China and there has been a proliferation of eco-/low-carbon and other similar sustainability-themed urban initiatives that have helped local states to achieve a favorable position in city competitions. Nevertheless, existing studies do not explain why Chinese sustainability projects are planned/implemented with divergent emphases and different development trajectories. Through three Chinese flagship projects, the real-estate-centric Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (SSTEC), the environmental-construction-led Chongming Eco-Islands (CEIs), and the industrial development-focused Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City (ILCC), we argue that the formulation and implementation of urban sustainable developments are subject to local particularities and different extra-local political-economic contexts. We highlight how both vertical administrative governance and horizontal coordination between territorial jurisdictions underlie the Chinese entrepreneurial planning system, which results in different types of urban entrepreneurships: (1) scalable startup urban entrepreneurship (SSTEC); (2) asset-replacement urban entrepreneurship (CEIs); and (3) urban expansion entrepreneurship (ILCC). This study also reveals that all three cases experience a development paradox as they strive to reconcile mutually competing economic and environmental imperatives.  相似文献   

本文介绍了全球社会未来发展趋势,探讨了知识经济时代产业特点对城市化进程的影响,并对上海作了个案分析,最后提出新时代国家及地方城市政府所应采取的对策与措施。  相似文献   

我国当前正处于新型城镇化建设时期,住宅建设无疑是建设的主角之一。然而我国的住宅能耗约占社会总能耗的三成,其节能环保与否直接影响着我国的经济、生态与社会的可持续发展。该文通过从总体构思、建筑及环境设计、结构设计、设备系统设计几个方面对上海交通大学"2013年国际太阳能十项全能竞赛"作品的介绍,希望利用竞赛的前瞻性与聚焦效应,引起人们对于我国新农村城镇化绿色宜居建筑的设计和建造的关注,同时也为政府及相关部门制定政策,采取措施来促进城乡生态化发展提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

在当今全球化的背景下,航空运输业迅猛发展,推动了世界范围内的产业布局和结构的变化,形成了一种依托于机场的新兴经济——临空经济。但是中国临空经济还处于起步阶段,中国大部分机场无法依托自身实力带动临空经济区的快速发展。本文从边缘城市的角度出发,阐述了其在吸引产业、解决就业以及加快基础设施建设等方面对临空经济区的影响,并从区域发展的点轴效应、产业集聚、完备城市功能和政府政策等四个方面对边缘城市对临空经济区的影响机制进行研究。  相似文献   

A critical residential planning objective through much of world is how to create sustainable urban development. Within this context, the average Australian home has been rapidly increasing in size to be among the largest in the world. An innovative approach was used to form a conceptual framework from a critical review of academic literature. It illustrates that the increase in dwelling size is counterproductive to sustainable urban development challenges of urban consolidation, green urbanism and housing affordability. A review of selected government policy and industry guidelines at spatial scales of neighbourhood, region and nation is used to validate the framework. It reveals that issues associated with dwelling size are not represented in strategic approaches. The outcome of this research is a conceptual framework, which illustrates the relationship between increasing dwelling size and its effect on urban sustainability.  相似文献   

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