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W3C组织以RDF等标准为基础致力于推广语义WEB的应用,期望能以更为结构化的方式组织和处理WEB数据.文中提出一个基于XML的新型RDF查询语言--XRQL,并构建了一个以XRQL为查询语言的RDF引擎(NSRE)的体系结构,最后简要探讨了相关实现技术.  相似文献   

XRQL—基于XML的新型RDF查询语言   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
欧阳晔  姜浩等 《微机发展》2003,13(4):92-94,F003
W3C组织以RDF等标准为基础致力于推广语义WEB的应用,期望能以更为结构化的方式组织和处理WEB数据。文中提出一个基于XML的新型RDF查询语言-XRQL,并构建了一个以XRQL为查询语言的RDF引擎(NSRE)的体系结构,最后简要探讨了相关实现技术。  相似文献   

随着语义网的快速发展以及RDF框架(资源描述框架)的普遍应用,对含有时间信息的数据处理的需求越来越多,经典RDF模型由其本身结构特点缺乏表示和处理时间信息的能力,而且针对时态RDF的研究罕有得见。通过对经典RDF模型添加时间戳表示其时间维度,并对时态RDF图中的蕴含问题进行了讨论,根据SPARQL查询语言提出了完备的时态RDF查询语言Tsparql,并对提出的查询语言进行可行性以及性能进行了实验仿真。利用该时态RDF模型表示如股票、天气、新闻等具有时态特性的资源有优势,Tsparql对时态RDF进行查询具有良好的表达力和兼容性。  相似文献   

随着RDF的出现,其相应的查询语言也应运而生.然而,这些语言都没有考虑RDF代数关系(RDF algebra,简称RAL),因此,这样的RDF查询语言通常没有使用APIs来描述它们的语义和优化问题,这对于RDF查询会导致一种低性能行为.为此,为RDF查询语言和执行RDF查询优化提供一种RAL.首先定义RAL的数据模型、然后呈现处理数据的运算和等价规则、最后描述应用RAL运算和等价规则来查询RDF的优化.  相似文献   

传统的查询扩展方法由于忽略了词之间的语义关系,在不规范的短小关键字上补充扩展的词已经无法达到预期目标。Linked Data技术利用资源描述框架(RDF)图模型形成Linked Open Data Cloud,能提供更多语义信息。针对查询扩展忽略语义的问题,提出了一种基于语义属性特征图的查询扩展方法。该方法将语义网与图的思想融合,利用以DBpedia资源为顶点的属性图加以扩展。首先,通过有监督的学习训练出15种语义属性特征的权重,用于表达扩展资源的有用性;然后,在整个DBpedia图上通过标签属性实现查询关键字到DBpedia匹配资源的映射;再根据属性特征广度搜索出邻接点,并将其作为扩展候选词,最后筛选出词相关行分值最高的作为最终扩展词。实验表明,与LOD Keyword Expansion方法相比,基于语义属性特征图的扩展方法召回率达到0.89,平均逆排序(MRR)提高4个百分点,与用户查询更匹配。  相似文献   

基于语义网的本体技术应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究基于语义网系统的知识本体构建方法,提出并设计1个本体构造的框架.在本体的建立过程中,充分利用已大量存在的概念模型,从而在一定程度上减轻术语收集的工作量.为提高本体的构造速度,提出一系列本体构造辅助方法:借助转换准则,直接把已存在的概念模型元素转换为本体元素;利用概念量化技术,设计1个分类算法,通过求术语之间的语义亲和度、结构相关性以及术语类之间的联结紧密度,使本体构造中的术语分类可以自动进行,从而为领域本体的构造提供有效可行的方案.  相似文献   

查询语义优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
编写查询语句的一些语义优化原则。利用索引、消除多余的连接关系、分组计数、逻辑化简等方法,可以提高SQL查询语句的效率。  相似文献   

文章介绍了语义网的定义、作用和与传统万维网的区别,论述了语义网如何基于可扩展标记语言XML和资源描述框架RDF来实现让计算机能够自动识别和处理网上信息,并对语义网通过本体层来表示出信息的含义及各种信息问的语义联系及本体的构建做了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

语义网关键技术概述   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
李洁  丁颖 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(8):1831-1833,1836
语义网是对WWW的延伸,其目标是使得Web上的信息具有计算机可以理解的语义,并为人们提供各种智能服务.在介绍语义网概念及其体系结构的基础上,对3大关键技术:XML、RDF、Ontology作一简要的概述,讨论了其要解决的主要问题.在把握当前研究现状的基础上,明确今后主要的研究方向与重点问题.  相似文献   

李东  叶友  谢芳勇 《计算机应用研究》2008,25(12):3605-3609
查询处理是语义缓存的一个关键问题,但是现有的查询处理算法在时空效率和裁剪结果的复杂度两个方面存在很大的局限性,这在一定程度上限制了语义缓存的实用性。为了克服这些缺陷,本文对语义缓存的裁剪过程进行优化处理,减少了对服务器的无效访问,并给出了生成探测查询和剩余查询的裁剪算法;算法分析从理论上证明了该优化机制的有效性,同时,仿真实验的性能比较也表明该优化方法在提高查询裁剪时空效率和降低剩余查询复杂度等方面均要明显优于没有优化的方法。  相似文献   

Default logic as a query language   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research in nonmonotonic reasoning has focused largely on the idea of representing knowledge about the world via rules that are generally true but can be defeated. Even if relational databases are nowadays the main tool for storing very large sets of data, the approach of using nonmonotonic AI formalisms as relational database query languages has been investigated to a much smaller extent. In this work, we propose a novel application of Reiter's default logic by introducing a default query language (DQL) for finite relational databases, which is based on default rules. The main result of this paper is that DQL is as expressive as SO∃∀ the existential-universal fragment of second-order logic. This result is not only of theoretical importance: We exhibit queries-which are useful in practice-that can be expressed with DQL and cannot with other query languages based on nonmonotonic logics such as DATALOG with negation under the stable model semantics. In particular, we show that DQL is well-suited for diagnostic reasoning  相似文献   

This research investigates and approach to query processing in a multidatabase system that uses an objectoriented model to capture the semantics of other data models. The object-oriented model is used to construct a global schema, defining an integrated view of the different schemas in the environment. The model is also used as a self-describing model to build a meta-database for storing information about the global schema. A unique aspect of this work is that the object-oriented model is used to describe the different data models of the multidatabase environment, thereby extending the meta database with semantic information about the local schemas. With the global and local schemas all represented in an object-oriented form, structural mappings between the global schema and each local schema are then easily supported. An object algebra then provides a query language for expressing global queries, using the structural mappings to translate object algebra queries into SQL queries over local relational schema. The advantage of using an object algebra is that the object-oriented database can be viewed as a blackboard for temporary storage of local data and for establishing relationships between different databases. The object algebra can be used to directly retrieve temporarily-stored data from the object-oriented database or to transparently retrieve data from local sources using the translation process described in this paper.  相似文献   

The CQL continuous query language: semantic foundations and query execution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CQL, a continuous query language, is supported by the STREAM prototype data stream management system (DSMS) at Stanford. CQL is an expressive SQL-based declarative language for registering continuous queries against streams and stored relations. We begin by presenting an abstract semantics that relies only on “black-box” mappings among streams and relations. From these mappings we define a precise and general interpretation for continuous queries. CQL is an instantiation of our abstract semantics using SQL to map from relations to relations, window specifications derived from SQL-99 to map from streams to relations, and three new operators to map from relations to streams. Most of the CQL language is operational in the STREAM system. We present the structure of CQL's query execution plans as well as details of the most important components: operators, interoperator queues, synopses, and sharing of components among multiple operators and queries. Examples throughout the paper are drawn from the Linear Road benchmark recently proposed for DSMSs. We also curate a public repository of data stream applications that includes a wide variety of queries expressed in CQL. The relative ease of capturing these applications in CQL is one indicator that the language contains an appropriate set of constructs for data stream processing. Edited by M. Franklin  相似文献   

In this paper we report on our experience using WebSQL, a high level declarative query language for extracting information from the Web. WebSQL takes advantage of multiple index servers without requiring users to know about them, and integrates full-text with topology-based queries.The WebSQL query engine is a library of Java classes, and WebSQL queries can be embedded into Java programs much in the same way as SQL queries are embedded in C programs. This allows us to access the Web from Java at a much higher level of abstraction than bare HTTP requests.We illustrate the use of WebSQL for application development by describing two applications we are experimenting with: Web site maintenance and specialized index construction. We also sketch several other possible applications.Using the library, we have also implemented a client-server architecture that allows us to perform interactive intelligent searches on the Web from an applet running on a browser.  相似文献   

This paper describes VISUAL, a graphical icon-based query language with a user-friendly graphical user interface for scientific databases and its query processing techniques. VISUAL is suitable for domains where visualization of the relationships is important for the domain scientist to express queries. In VISUAL, graphical objects are not tied to the underlying formalism; instead, they represent the relationships of the application domain. VISUAL supports relational, nested, and object-oriented models naturally and has formal basis. For ease of understanding and for efficiency reasons, two VISUAL semantics are introduced, namely, the interpretation and execution semantics. Translations from VISUAL to the Object Query Language (for portability considerations) and to an object algebra (for query processing purposes) are presented. Concepts of external and internal queries are developed as modularization tools.  相似文献   

Deep Web蕴藏着海量信息,现有的搜索引擎很难挖掘到其中的内容。如何充分地获取Deep Web中有价值的信息成为一个难题。提出了基于语义相似度计算的Deep Web数据查询方法,该方法通过语义相似度计算作为中间件,计算出关键词和数据库属性词典对应列的相似度,从而将关键词的搜索范围限制在一个(或多个)相关领域,最后生成相应的SQL查询语句。试验证明,该方法能够有效地提高基于Deep Web的数据查询效率。  相似文献   

This paper addresses some of the issues that arise in representing temporal information in the database context. It deals not only with the explicit representation of temporal information but with mechanisms for reasoning with it as well. It addresses the issue of processing natural language queries with explicit temporal references. The three issues of knowledge representation, natural language processing and query processing are addressed using the axiomatic framework based on equational logic.  相似文献   

结合概念语义空间的语义扩展技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王磊  黄广君 《计算机工程与应用》2012,48(35):106-109,193
查询扩展是在原查询词的基础上加入相关的词或者词组,以克服自然语言的"二义性"问题,改进查询意愿的描述。在概念语义空间中进行查询词扩展,可以充分挖掘出查询词之间的关联程度,在整体上把握查询意愿。利用WordNet语义词典中的上下文关系和相似度关系为各个原始查询词构建语义树,并将这些语义树向上溯源建立完整的概念语义空间,以共现信息为特征参数对扩展源中的词进行筛选,以避免过度扩展引起查询语义漂移。还引入动态观察窗口加权模型,以强化共现信息对单词之间关联度的表示。实验结果表明,该扩展算法比传统伪相关反馈算法的扩展质量有明显提高。  相似文献   

The need to make the contents of the Semantic Web accessible to end-users becomes increasingly pressing as the amount of information stored in ontology-based knowledge bases steadily increases. Natural language interfaces (NLIs) provide a familiar and convenient means of query access to Semantic Web data for casual end-users. While several studies have shown that NLIs can achieve high retrieval performance as well as domain independence, this paper focuses on usability and investigates if NLIs and natural language query languages are useful from an end-user's point of view. To that end, we introduce four interfaces each allowing a different query language and present a usability study benchmarking these interfaces. The results of the study reveal a clear preference for full natural language query sentences with a limited set of sentence beginnings over keywords or formal query languages. NLIs to ontology-based knowledge bases can, therefore, be considered to be useful for casual or occasional end-users. As such, the overarching contribution is one step towards the theoretical vision of the Semantic Web becoming reality.  相似文献   

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