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In this study, the generalized estimating equations with the negative binomial link function were used to model rear-end crash frequencies at signalized intersections to account for the temporal or spatial correlation among the data. The longitudinal data for 208 signalized intersections over 3 years and the spatially correlated data for 476 signalized intersections which are located along different corridors were collected in the state of Florida. The modeling results showed that there are high correlations between the longitudinal or spatially correlated rear-end crashes. Some intersection related variables are identified as significantly influencing rear-end crash occurrences at signalized intersections. Intersections with heavy traffic on the major and minor roadways, having more right and left-turn lanes on the major roadway, having a large number of phases per cycle (indicated by the left-turn protection on the minor roadway), with high speed limits on the major roadway, and in high population areas are correlated with high rear-end crash frequencies. On the other hand, intersections with three legs, having channelized or exclusive right-turn lanes on the minor roadway, with protected left-turning on the major roadway, with medians on the minor roadway, and having longer signal spacing have a lower frequency of rear-end crashes.  相似文献   

Collisions between bicycles and motor vehicles have caused severe life and property losses in many countries. The majority of bicycle-motor vehicle (BMV) accidents occur at intersections. In order to reduce the number of BMV accidents at intersections, a substantial understanding of the causal factors for the collisions is required. In this study, intersection BMV accidents were classified into three types based on the movements of the involved motor vehicles and bicycles. The three BMV accident classifications were through motor vehicle related collisions, left-turn motor vehicle related collisions, and right-turn motor vehicle related collisions. A methodology for estimating these BMV accident risks was developed based on probability theory. A significant difference between this proposed methodology and most current approaches is that the proposed approach explicitly relates the risk of each specific BMV accident type to its related flows. The methodology was demonstrated using a 4-year (1992-1995) data set collected from 115 signalized intersections in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. This data set contains BMV accident data, bicycle flow data, motor vehicle flow data, traffic control data, and geometric data for each intersection approach. For each BMV risk model, an independent explanatory variable set was chosen according to the characteristics of the accident type. Three negative binomial regression models (one corresponding to each BMV accident type) were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. The coefficient value and its significance level were estimated for each selected variable. The negative binomial dispersion parameters for all the three models were significant at 0.01 levels. This supported the choice of the negative binomial regression over the Poisson regression for the quantitative analyses in this study.  相似文献   

Efficient geometric design and signal timing not only improve operational performance at signalized intersections by expanding capacity and reducing traffic delays, but also result in an appreciable reduction in traffic conflicts, and thus better road safety. Information on the incidence of crashes, traffic flow, geometric design, road environment, and traffic control at 262 signalized intersections in Hong Kong during 2002 and 2003 are incorporated into a crash prediction model. Poisson regression and negative binomial regression are used to quantify the influence of possible contributory factors on the incidence of killed and severe injury (KSI) crashes and slight injury crashes, respectively, while possible interventions by traffic flow are controlled. The results for the incidence of slight injury crashes reveal that the road environment, degree of curvature, and presence of tram stops are significant factors, and that traffic volume has a diminishing effect on the crash risk. The presence of tram stops, number of pedestrian streams, road environment, proportion of commercial vehicles, average lane width, and degree of curvature increase the risk of KSI crashes, but the effect of traffic volume is negligible.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway network. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to injuries at such locations. This paper addresses the different factors that affect crash injury severity at signalized intersections. It also looks into the quality and completeness of the crash data and the effect that incomplete data has on the final results. Data from multiple sources have been cross-checked to ensure the completeness of all crashes including minor crashes that are usually unreported or not coded into crash databases. The ordered probit modeling technique has been adopted in this study to account for the fact that injury levels are naturally ordered variables. The tree-based regression methodology has also been adopted in this study to explore the factors that affect each severity level. The probit model results showed that a combination of crash-specific information and intersection characteristics result in the highest prediction rate of injury level. More specifically, having a divided minor roadway or a higher speed limit on the minor roadway decreased the level of injury while crashes involving a pedestrian/bicyclist and left turn crashes had the highest probability of a more severe crash. Several regression tree models showed a difference in the significant factors that affect the different severity types. Completing the data with minor non injury crashes improved the modeling results and depicted differences when modeling the no injury crashes.  相似文献   

This study seeks to inspect the nonparametric characteristics connecting the age of the driver to the relative risk of being an at-fault vehicle, in order to discover a more precise and smooth pattern of age impact, which has commonly been neglected in past studies. Records of drivers in two-vehicle rear-end collisions are selected from the general estimates system (GES) 2011 dataset. These extracted observations in fact constitute inherently matched driver pairs under certain matching variables including weather conditions, pavement conditions and road geometry design characteristics that are shared by pairs of drivers in rear-end accidents. The introduced data structure is able to guarantee that the variance of the response variable will not depend on the matching variables and hence provides a high power of statistical modeling. The estimation results exhibit a smooth cubic spline function for examining the nonlinear relationship between the age of the driver and the log odds of being at fault in a rear-end accident. The results are presented with respect to the main effect of age, the interaction effect between age and sex, and the effects of age under different scenarios of pre-crash actions by the leading vehicle. Compared to the conventional specification in which age is categorized into several predefined groups, the proposed method is more flexible and able to produce quantitatively explicit results. First, it confirms the U-shaped pattern of the age effect, and further shows that the risks of young and old drivers change rapidly with age. Second, the interaction effects between age and sex show that female and male drivers behave differently in rear-end accidents. Third, it is found that the pattern of age impact varies according to the type of pre-crash actions exhibited by the leading vehicle.  相似文献   

Poisson and negative binomial (NB) models have been used to analyze traffic accident occurrence at intersections for several years. There are however, limitations in the use of such models. The Poisson model requires the variance-to-mean ratio of the accident data to be about 1. Both the Poisson and the NB models require the accident data to be uncorrelated in time. Due to unobserved heterogeneity and serial correlation in the accident data, both models seem to be inappropriate. A more suitable alternative is the random effect negative binomial (RENB) model, which by treating the data in a time-series cross-section panel, will be able to deal with the spatial and temporal effects in the data. This paper describes the use of RENB model to identify the elements that affect intersection safety. To establish the suitability of the model, several goodness-of-fit statistics are used. The model is then applied to investigate the relationship between accident occurrence and the geometric, traffic and control characteristics of signalized intersections in Singapore. The results showed that 11 variables significantly affected the safety at the intersections. The total approach volumes, the numbers of phases per cycle, the uncontrolled left-turn lane and the presence of a surveillance camera are among the variables that are the highly significant.  相似文献   

At intersection, vehicles coming from different directions conflict with each other. Improper geometric design and signal settings at signalized intersection will increase occurrence of conflicts between road users and results in a reduction of the safety level. This study established a cellular automata (CA) model to simulate vehicular interactions involving right-turn vehicles (as similar to left-turn vehicles in US). Through various simulation scenarios for four case cross-intersections, the relationships between conflict occurrences involving right-turn vehicles with traffic volume and right-turn movement control strategies are analyzed. Impacts of traffic volume, permissive right-turn compared to red-amber-green (RAG) arrow, shared straight-through and right-turn lane as well as signal setting are estimated from simulation results. The simulation model is found to be able to provide reasonable assessment of conflicts through comparison of existed simulation approach and observed accidents. Through the proposed approach, prediction models for occurrences and severity of vehicle conflicts can be developed for various geometric layouts and traffic control strategies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multimodal approach to study safety at intersections by simultaneously analysing the safety and flow outcomes for both motorized and non-motorized traffic. This study uses an extensive inventory of signalized and non-signalized intersections on the island of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, containing disaggregate motor-vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian flows, injury data, geometric design, traffic control and built environment characteristics in the vicinity of each intersection. Bayesian multivariate Poisson models are used to analyze the injury and traffic flow outcomes and to develop safety performance functions for each mode at both facilities. After model calibration, contributing injury frequency factors are identified. Injury frequency and injury risk measures are then generated to carry out a comparative study to identify which mode is at greatest risk at intersections in Montreal. Among other results, this study identified the significant effect that motor-vehicle traffic imposes on cyclist and pedestrian injury occurrence. Motor-vehicle traffic is the main risk determinant for all injury and intersection types. This highlights the need for safety improvements for cyclists and pedestrians who are, on average, at 14 and12 times greater risk than motorists, respectively, at signalized intersections. Aside from exposure measures, this work also identifies some geometric design and built environment characteristics affecting injury occurrence for cyclists, pedestrians and motor-vehicle occupants.  相似文献   

The waiting process is crucial to pedestrians in the street-crossing behavior. Once pedestrians terminate their waiting behavior during the red light period, they would cross against the red light and put themselves in danger. A joint hazard-based duration model is developed to investigate the effect of various covariates on pedestrian crossing behavior and to estimate pedestrian waiting times at signalized intersections. A total of 1181 pedestrians approaching the intersections during red light periods were observed in Beijing, China. Pedestrian crossing behaviors are classified into immediate crossing behavior and waiting behavior. The probability and effect of various covariates for pedestrians’ immediate crossing behavior are identified by a logit model. Four accelerated failure time duration models based on the exponential, Weibull, lognormal and log-logistic distributions are proposed to examine the significant risk factors affecting duration times for pedestrians’ waiting behavior. A joint duration model is developed to estimate pedestrian waiting times. Moreover, unobserved heterogeneity is considered in the proposed model. The results indicate that the Weibull AFT model with shared frailty is appropriate for modelling pedestrian waiting durations. Failure to account for heterogeneity would significantly underestimate the effects of covariates on waiting duration times. The proposed model provides a better understanding of pedestrian crossing behavior and more accurate estimation of pedestrian waiting times. It may be applicable in traffic system analysis in developing countries with high flow of mixed traffic.  相似文献   

A systematic procedure is presented for calibrating and validating a microscopic model of safety performance. The context in the model application is the potential for rear-end crashes at signalized intersections. VISSIM® v.4.3 provides the simulation platform for estimating the safety performance for individual vehicles and has been calibrated and validated using separate samples of observed vehicle tracking data extracted from the FHWA/NGSIM program. The calibration exercise involves four sequential steps: (1) heuristic selection of initial model inputs, (2) statistical screening using a Plackett–Burnman design, (3) fractional factorial analysis relating inputs to safety performance, and (4) genetic algorithm procedure for obtaining best estimate input values. Three measures of safety performance were considered: crash potential index, number of vehicles in conflict and total conflict duration per vehicle. Model consistency was assessed by comparing simulated and observed safety performance based on a separate validation sample of vehicle tracking data. The suggested procedure was found to effectively estimate model input parameters that closely matched safety performance measures in the observed validation data. This procedure yields an objective and efficient means for simulation model calibration applied for estimating safety performance at signalized intersections.  相似文献   

Evaluation of rear-end crash risk at work zone using work zone traffic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper aims to evaluate the rear-end crash risk at work zone activity area and merging area, as well as analyze the impacts of contributing factors by using work zone traffic data. Here, the rear-end crash risk is referred to as the probability that a vehicle is involved in a rear-end crash accident. The deceleration rate to avoid the crash (DRAC) is used in measuring rear-end crash risk. Based on work zone traffic data in Singapore, three rear-end crash risk models are developed to examine the relationship between rear-end crash risk at activity area and its contributing factors. The fourth rear-end crash risk model is developed to examine the effects of merging behavior on crash risk at merging area. The ANOVA results show that the rear-end crash risk at work zone activity area is statistically different from lane positions. Model results indicate that rear-end crash risk at work zone activity area increases with heavy vehicle percentage and lane traffic flow rate. An interesting finding is that the lane closer to work zone is strongly associated with higher rear-end crash risk. A truck has much higher probability involving in a rear-end accident than a car. Further, the expressway work zone activity area is found to have much larger crash risk than arterial work zone activity area. The merging choice has the dominated effect on risk reduction, suggesting that encouraging vehicles to merge early may be the most effective method to reduce rear-end crash risk at work zone merging area.  相似文献   

Drivers’ indecisiveness in dilemma zones (DZ) could result in crash-prone situations at signalized intersections. DZ is to the area ahead of an intersection in which drivers encounter a dilemma regarding whether to stop or proceed through the intersection when the signal turns yellow. An improper decision to stop by the leading driver, combined with the following driver deciding to go, can result in a rear-end collision, unless the following driver recognizes a collision is imminent and adjusts his or her behavior at or shortly after the onset of yellow. Considering the significance of DZ-related crashes, a comprehensive safety measure is needed to characterize the level of safety at signalized intersections. In this study, a novel safety surrogate measure was developed utilizing real-time radar field data. This new measure, called safety surrogate histogram (SSH), captures the degree and frequency of DZ-related conflicts at each intersection approach. SSH includes detailed information regarding the possibility of crashes, because it is calculated based on the vehicles conflicts. An example illustrating the application of the new methodology at two study sites in Virginia is presented and discussed, and a comparison is provided between SSH and other DZ-related safety surrogate measures mentioned in the literature. The results of the study reveal the efficacy of the SSH as complementary to existing surrogate measures.  相似文献   

Countdown timers display the time left on the current signal, which makes drivers be more ready to react to the phase change. However, previous related studies have rarely explored the effects of countdown timer on driver’s brake perception-reaction time (BPRT) to yellow light. The goal of this study was therefore to characterize and model driver’s BPRT to yellow signal at signalized intersections with and without countdown timer. BPRT data for “first-to-stop” vehicles after yellow onset within the transitional zone were collected through on-site observation at six signalized intersections in Harbin, China. Statistical analysis showed that the observed 15th, 50th, and 85th percentile BPRTs without countdown timer were 0.52, 0.84, and 1.26 s, respectively. The observed 15th, 50th, and 85th percentile BPRTs with countdown timer were 0.32, 1.20, and 2.52 s, respectively. Log-logistic distribution appeared to best fit the BPRT without countdown timer, while Weibull distribution seemed to best fit the BPRT with countdown timer. After that, a Log-logistic accelerated failure time (AFT) duration model was developed to model driver’s BPRT without countdown timer, whereas a Weibull AFT duration model was established to model driver’s BPRT with countdown timer. Three significant factors affecting the BPRT identified in both AFT models included yellow-onset distance from the stop line, yellow-onset approach speed, and deceleration rate. No matter whether the presence of countdown timer or not, BPRT increased as yellow-onset distance to the stop line or deceleration rate increased, but decreased as yellow-onset speed increased. The impairment of driver’s BPRT due to countdown timer appeared to increase with yellow-onset distance to the stop line or deceleration rate, but decrease with yellow-onset speed. An increase in driver’s BPRT because of countdown timer may induce risky driving behaviors (i.e., stop abruptly, or even violate traffic signal), revealing a weakness of countdown timer in traffic safety aspect.  相似文献   

In past several decades, many countries have set quantified road safety targets to motivate transport authorities to develop systematic road safety strategies and measures and facilitate the achievement of continuous road safety improvement. Studies have been conducted to evaluate the association between the setting of quantified road safety targets and road fatality reduction, in both the short and long run, by comparing road fatalities before and after the implementation of a quantified road safety target. However, not much work has been done to evaluate whether the quantified road safety targets are actually achieved. In this study, we used a binary logistic regression model to examine the factors – including vehicle ownership, fatality rate, and national income, in addition to level of ambition and duration of target – that contribute to a target’s success. We analyzed 55 quantified road safety targets set by 29 countries from 1981 to 2009, and the results indicate that targets that are in progress and with lower level of ambitions had a higher likelihood of eventually being achieved. Moreover, possible interaction effects on the association between level of ambition and the likelihood of success are also revealed.  相似文献   

We present a new model for reliability analysis that is able to employ condition monitoring data in order to simultaneously monitor the latent degradation level and track failure progress over time. The method presented in this paper is a bridge between Bayesian filtering and classical binary classification, both of which have been employed successfully in various application domains. The Kalman filter is used to model a discrete-time continuous-state degradation process that is hidden and for which only indirect information is available through a multi-dimensional observation process. Logistic regression is then used to connect the latent degradation state with the failure process that is itself a discrete-space stochastic process. We present a closed-form solution for the marginal log-likelihood function and provide formulas for few important reliability measures. A dynamic cost-effective maintenance policy is finally introduced that can employ sensor signals for real-time decision-making. We finally demonstrate the accuracy and usefulness of our framework via numerical experiments.  相似文献   

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