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Formaldehyde, less volatile aldehydes, and terpene hydrocarbons are generally the predominant air contaminants in new manufactured and site-built houses. This study was conducted to identify the major sources of these compounds in a typically constructed, new manufactured house and to evaluate several source reduction practices. Specimens of materials used within the house were collected. These were individually pre-conditioned for 19 +/- 4 days, and tested for emissions of formaldehyde and other target compounds using small-scale chambers. Several cabinetry materials, passage doors, and the plywood subfloor were the predominant sources of formaldehyde and other aldehydes. The plywood subfloor was the predominant terpene source. Whole-house emission rates for combined materials were predicted based on the emission factors and the corresponding material quantities. These predicted rates were compared with whole-house emission rates derived from measurements made at the house 3 months after its installation. For 10 of 14 target compounds including formaldehyde, the predicted and derived rates were within a factor of two. Four emission barriers applied to plywood were shown to reduce emission factors for formaldehyde, hexanal, and other aldehydes.  相似文献   

Traditionally, houses in the US have been ventilated by passive infiltration in combination with active window opening. However in recent years, the construction quality of residential building envelopes has been improved to reduce infiltration, and the use of windows for ventilation also may have decreased due to a number of factors. Thus, there has been increased interest in engineered ventilation systems for residences. The amount of ventilation provided by an engineered system should be set to protect occupants from unhealthy or objectionable exposures to indoor pollutants, while minimizing energy costs for conditioning incoming air. Determining the correct ventilation rate is a complex task, as there are numerous pollutants of potential concern, each having poorly characterized emission rates, and poorly defined acceptable levels of exposure. One ubiquitous pollutant in residences is formaldehyde. The sources of formaldehyde in new houses are reasonably understood, and there is a large body of literature on human health effects. This report examines the use of formaldehyde as a means of determining ventilation rates and uses existing data on emission rates of formaldehyde in new houses to derive recommended levels. Based on current, widely accepted concentration guidelines for formaldehyde, the minimum and guideline ventilation rates for most new houses are 0.28 and 0.5 air changes per hour, respectively.  相似文献   

A numerical and an analytical model were developed to predict the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rate from dry building materials. Both models consider the mass diffusion process within the material and the mass convection and diffusion processes in the boundary layer. All the parameters, the mass diffusion coefficient of the material, the material/air partition coefficient, and the mass transfer coefficient of the air can be either found in the literature or calculated using known principles.

The predictions of the models were validated at two levels: with experimental results from the specially designed test and with predictions made by a CFD model. The results indicated that there was generally good agreement between the model predictions, the experimental results, and the CFD results. The analytical and numerical models then were used to investigate the impact of air velocity on emission rates from dry building materials. Results showed that the impact of air velocity on the VOC emission rate increased as the VOC diffusion coefficient of the material increased. For the material with a diffusion coefficient >10−10 m2/s, the VOC emission rate increased as the velocity increased; air velocity had significant effect on the VOC emission. For the material with a VOC diffusion coefficient <10−10 m2/s, the VOC emission rate increased as the velocity increased only in the short-term; <24 h. In the medium to long-term time range, the VOC emission rate decreased slightly as the air velocity increased; velocity did not have much impact on these materials. Furthermore, the study also found that the VOC concentration distribution within the material; the VOC emission rate and the VOC concentration in the air were linearly proportional to the initial concentration. However, the normalized emitted mass was not a function of the initial concentration: it was a function of the properties of the VOC and the material.  相似文献   

Retail buildings have a potential for both short‐term (customer) and long‐term (occupational) exposure to indoor pollutants. However, little is known about volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in the retail sector and influencing factors, such as ventilation, in‐store activities, and store type. We measured VOC concentrations and ventilation rates in 14 retail stores in Texas and Pennsylvania. With the exception of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, VOCs were present in retail stores at concentrations well below health guidelines. Indoor formaldehyde concentrations ranged from 4.6 ppb to 67 ppb. The two mid‐sized grocery stores in the sample had the highest levels of ethanol and acetaldehyde, with concentrations up to 2.6 ppm and 92 ppb, respectively, possibly due to the preparation of dough and baking activities. Indoor‐to‐outdoor concentration ratios indicated that indoor sources were the main contributors to indoor VOC concentrations for the majority of compounds. There was no strong correlation between ventilation and VOC concentrations across all stores. However, increasing the air exchange rates at two stores led to lower indoor VOC concentrations, suggesting that ventilation can be used to reduce concentrations for some specific stores.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic essential oil diffusers (EODs) are a popular type of indoor scenting source. We performed a chamber study in which we measured the emissions from EODs used with lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, and grapeseed oils. Over the course of 15 min, the most abundant VOCs released from lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, and grapeseed oils were 2.6 ± 0.7 mg of d-limonene, 3.5 ± 0.4 mg of eucalyptol, 1.0 ± 0.1 mg of linalyl acetate, and 0.2 ± 0.02 mg of linalyl acetate, respectively. Each oil had a unique particulate matter (PM) emission profile in terms of size, number density, and rate. The dominant size ranges of the PM were 10–100 nm for lemon oil, 50–100 nm for lavender oil, 10–50 nm for lemon oil, and above 200 nm for grapeseed oil. PM1 emission rates of approximately 2 mg/h, 0.1 mg/h, and 3 mg/h, were observed for lemon, lavender/eucalyptus, and grapeseed oils, respectively. A fivefold increase in PM1 emission was measured when the EOD with eucalyptus oil was filled with tap water as opposed to deionized water. Modeling suggests that reasonable use cases of EODs can contribute substantially to primary and secondary PM in indoor environments, but this potential varies depending on the oil and water types used.  相似文献   

Brown SK 《Indoor air》2002,12(1):55-63
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) within new and established buildings have been determined and factors significant to their presence have been identified. In established dwellings, total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentrations were low, but were approximately four times higher than in outdoor air, showing a dominant effect of indoor sources. The presence of attached garages, site contamination and 'faulty' wool carpet were associated with higher indoor pollution. In three dwellings, unidentified sources of benzene were indicated. Much higher VOC concentrations were observed in new or renovated buildings, persisting above "baseline" levels for several weeks, concentration decay rate correlating with VOC molecular volume, indicating emissions were limited by material diffusion processes. VOC and formaldehyde emission decays in a new dwelling occurred by a double-exponential source model. This shows that persistent low levels of volatile organic pollutants in established dwellings can occur due to long-term emissions from building materials.  相似文献   

A retrofit study was conducted in an unoccupied manufactured house to investigate the impacts of airtightening on ventilation rates and energy consumption. This paper describes the retrofits and the results of the pre- and post-retrofit assessment of building airtightness, ventilation, and energy use. Building envelope and air distribution systems airtightness were measured using fan pressurization. Air change rates were measured continuously using the tracer gas decay technique. Energy consumption associated with heating and cooling was monitored through measurement of gas consumption by the forced-air furnace for heating and electricity use by the air-conditioning system for cooling. The results of the study show that the retrofits reduced building envelope leakage by about 18% and duct leakage by about 80%. The reduction in the house infiltration rates depended on weather conditions and the manner in which the heating and cooling system was controlled, but in general these rates were reduced by about one third. The energy consumption of the house for heating and cooling was reduced by only about 10%, which is relatively small but not totally unexpected given that infiltration only accounts for a portion of the heating and cooling load.  相似文献   

Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) are determined in intake, room-supply and room air in 86 office rooms in 29 office buildings in northern Sweden. Measurements of formaldehyde were also made in room air. Building and room characteristics were identified and symptom reports collected from 1087 office workers. Concentrations of TVOC and formaldehyde in room air were low, with mean values of 71 µg/m3 and 31 µg/m3, respectively. The TVOC concentration was generally lower in room air than in supply air or intake air. The “loss” (difference in measured values) of TVOC from supply to room air was associated with raised concentrations of formaldehyde and raised prevalences of occupant symptoms. High TVOC concentrations in room air were associated with reduced prevalences of occupant symptoms.  相似文献   

An aim in developing low volatile organic compound (VOCs) emission house is to reduce the level of VOCs in domestic housing. In this study, a case study for the reduction of exposure to VOCs from a newly constructed residential house was presented. Before application, the construction materials used in the house were tested in an environmental chamber and low VOC emission materials were then selected. Design of the house abided by the following principals: maximizing the ventilation rate and avoiding the use of high VOC emission materials in the house. By improved building design and proper construction materials selection, risk of personal exposure to VOCs in the house was significantly reduced. The total VOCs (TVOCs) concentrations measured in the house ranged from non-detectable to 43 μg/m3. These values were much lower than the published values (0.48–31.7 mg/m3) for new houses in Scandinavian countries and in the USA. The low TVOCs concentrations obtained in this study probably resulted from the high ventilation rates and the use of low VOCs emission materials. This study also combined the results with the three traditional ways in improvement of IAQ. The results obtained in this study confirmed that the most effective strategy for controlling IAQ was pollution prevention and the next most important was the design of ventilation rates to handle uncontrollable sources. The effectiveness of aging as a means of indoor pollution control was also reviewed.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from personal care products (PCPs) can affect indoor air quality and outdoor air quality when ventilated. In this paper, we determine a set of simplified VOC species profiles and emission rates for a range of non-aerosol PCPs. These have been constructed from individual vapor analysis from 36 products available in the UK, using equilibrium headspace analysis with selected-ion flow-tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS). A simplified speciation profile is created based on the observations, comprising four alcohols, two cyclic volatile siloxanes, and monoterpenes (grouped as limonene). Estimates are made for individual unit-of-activity VOC emissions for dose-usage of shampoos, shower gel, conditioner, liquid foundation, and moisturizer. We use these values as inputs to the INdoor air Detailed Chemical Model (INDCM) and compare results against real-world case-study experimental data. Activity-based emissions are then scaled based on plausible usage patterns to estimate the potential scale of annual per-person emissions for each product type (eg, 2 g limonene person−1 yr−1 from shower gels). Annual emissions from non-aerosol PCPs for the UK are then calculated (decamethylcyclopentasiloxane 0.25 ktonne yr−1 and limonene 0.15 ktonne yr−1) and these compared with the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory estimates for non-aerosol cosmetics and toiletries.  相似文献   

This field study measured ventilation rates and indoor air quality in 21 visits to retail stores in California. Three types of stores, such as grocery, furniture/hardware stores, and apparel, were sampled. Ventilation rates measured using a tracer gas decay method exceeded the minimum requirement of California's Title 24 Standard in all but one store. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ozone, and carbon dioxide measured indoors and outdoors were analyzed. Even though there was adequate ventilation according to standard, concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde exceeded the most stringent chronic health guidelines in many of the sampled stores. The whole‐building emission rates of VOCs were estimated from the measured ventilation rates and the concentrations measured indoor and outdoor. Estimated formaldehyde emission rates suggest that retail stores would need to ventilate at levels far exceeding the current Title 24 requirement to lower indoor concentrations below California's stringent formaldehyde reference level. Given the high costs of providing ventilation, effective source control is an attractive alternative.  相似文献   

S. K. Brown 《Indoor air》1999,9(3):209-215
Abstract Volatile organic emissions from particleboard, medium density fibreboard (MDF) and office furniture have been measured in dynamic environmental chambers, both small and room-sized. Characterisation of product emission properties in small chambers was possible when inter- and intra-sheet variations were considered. Formaldehyde emission factors for all products were approximately double European low-emission specifications and did not decay to the latter for several months. Long-term emission behaviour could not be predicted from short-term measurements. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions were low for the MDF product, higher for particleboard, and highest for laminated office furniture. The compounds emitted differed from those reported in other countries. VOC emissions from the sheet products decreased more quickly than formaldehyde, reaching low levels within two weeks, except for MDF which was found to become a low-level source of hexanal after several months.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a factorial experiment design analysis to investigate volatile organic compounds (VOC) adsorption on a ceiling tile. The impacts of three factors, VOC gas phase concentration, relative humidity, and VOC type, as single parameters and as a combination, on adsorption have been investigated. Cyclohexane, toluene, ethyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol and methanol were the five VOCs used in this study. A factor significant level was determined through evaluating its F value and comparing it with the critical value of F distribution at 95% confidence level. It was found that: (i) neither the relative humidity and gas phase concentration nor any interaction effect between them had significant impacts on toluene adsorption on the ceiling tile; (ii) the adsorption isotherm appeared to be linear for the non-polar compounds and non-linear for the semi-polar and polar compounds; (iii) no significant impact of relative humidity on adsorption was observed for most VOC compounds except for methanol; and (iv) the ceiling tile had the highest adsorption capacity toward the polar compounds, followed by the aromatic compounds and aliphatic compounds. In addition, the statistical analysis regarding the experimental results of toluene as a single compound or as a part of a mixture showed that toluene adsorption capacity on the ceiling tile as a single compound was higher than as a part of a mixture. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Building materials and furnishings may act as source and sink of VOCs in the indoor environment. In this study, a factorial experiment design analysis technique was used to show the impact of three factors, VOC gas phase concentration, relative humidity, and VOC type, as single parameters and as a combination, on the adsorption process (sink effect). The aim was to better understand the interaction between these parameters and to verify the common assumptions made in the model development and measurement of indoor air quality.  相似文献   

This study characterized indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and investigated the effects of the dwelling characteristics, building materials, occupant activities, and environmental conditions on indoor VOC concentrations in 40 dwellings located in Melbourne, Australia, in 2008 and 2009. A total of 97 VOCs were identified. Nine VOCs, n‐butane, 2‐methylbutane, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, d‐limonene, ethanol, 2‐propanol, and acetic acid, accounted for 68% of the sum of all VOCs. The median indoor concentrations of all VOCs were greater than those measured outdoors. The occupant density was positively associated with indoor VOC concentrations via occupant activities, including respiration and combustion. Terpenes were associated with the use of household cleaning and laundry products. A petroleum‐like indoor VOC signature of alkanes and aromatics was associated with the proximity of major roads. The indoor VOC concentrations were negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with ventilation. Levels of VOCs in these Australian dwellings were lower than those from previous studies in North America and Europe, probably due to a combination of an ongoing temporal decrease in indoor VOC concentrations and the leakier nature of Australian dwellings.  相似文献   

High-density polyethylene pipes (HDPE), crossbonded polyethylene pipes (PEX) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes for drinking water were tested with respect to migration of volatile organic components (VOC) to water. The odour of water in contact with plastic pipes was assessed according to the quantitative threshold odour number (TON) concept. A major migrating component from HDPE pipes was 2,4-di-tert-butyl-phenol (2,4-DTBP) which is a known degradation product from antioxidants such as Irgafos 168(R). In addition, a range of esters, aldehydes, ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons and terpenoids were identified as migration products from HDPE pipes. Water in contact with HDPE pipes was assessed with respect to TON, and values > or =4 were determined for five out of seven brands of HDPE pipes. The total amount of VOC released to water during three successive test periods were fairly constant for the HDPE pipes. Corresponding migration tests carried out for PEX pipes showed that VOC migrated in significant amounts into the test water, and TON >/=5 of the test water were observed in all tests. Several of the migrated VOC were not identified. Oxygenates predominated the identified VOC in the test water from PEX pipes. Migration tests of PVC pipes revealed few volatile migrants in the test samples and no significant odour of the test water.  相似文献   

Farmers are exposed to a complex mixture of airborne substances which can represent a health hazard. Especially animal production on a farm can be a risk factor for respiratory diseases. Most studies in this context focused on bioaerosols, compounds attached to bioaerosols or on gases such as ammonia or hydrogen sulfide. Less attention was paid to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which may also cause respiratory diseases. This pilot study presents results of measuring VOCs in the air of the dwellings and stables, as well as in the outdoor environment, of cattle farms in Northern Germany in spring and autumn. Farmers on all selected farms complained of symptoms such as asthma, rhinitis and conjunctivitis which occurred especially during work in the stable but also in the dwellings. The mean concentration of total VOC (TVOC) for the outdoor environment, the dwellings, and the stables were 100 microg m(-3), 763 microg m(-3), 322 microg m(-3) in spring and 143 microg m(-3), 544 microg m(-3), 595 microg m(-3) in autumn, respectively. There was no significant difference in season. TVOC concentrations in dwellings on farms were elevated when compared to dwellings in other environments, probably because of an additional exposure to fuels and chemicals used in agriculture. Aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds, and terpenes were main compounds of the dwellings and ketones, alcohols, and esters of the stables. Terpene concentrations in the stables were low probably because straw, which was not a strong terpene emitter, was used instead of sawdust as floor covering. Large amounts of methylethylketone were encountered in the air of one stable, probably from animal exhalation caused by increased animal activity. However, it was unlikely that this caused respiratory symptoms. Generally it was likely that the concentrations of VOCs were too low to have health effects on their own. On the other hand, the VOC concentrations were in a multifactor concentration range in which health effects could occur depending on the interaction with other exposure factors. Fungal spores and bacteria were observed in addition to VOCs at the examined locations. Therefore it is possible that the observed VOCs played a role in exacerbating respiratory symptoms in this multifactor exposure.  相似文献   

A. Rackes  M. S. Waring 《Indoor air》2016,26(4):642-659
We used existing data to develop distributions of time‐averaged air exchange rates (AER), whole‐building ‘effective’ emission rates of volatile organic compounds (VOC), and other variables for use in Monte Carlo analyses of U.S. offices. With these, we explored whether long‐term VOC emission rates were related to the AER over the sector, as has been observed in the short term for some VOCs in single buildings. We fit and compared two statistical models to the data. In the independent emissions model (IEM), emissions were unaffected by other variables, while in the dependent emissions model (DEM), emissions responded to the AER via coupling through a conceptual boundary layer between the air and a lumped emission source. For 20 of 46 VOCs, the DEM was preferable to the IEM and emission rates, though variable, were higher in buildings with higher AERs. Most oxygenated VOCs and some alkanes were well fit by the DEM, while nearly all aromatics and halocarbons were independent. Trends by vapor pressure suggested multiple mechanisms could be involved. The factors of temperature, relative humidity, and building age were almost never associated with effective emission rates. Our findings suggest that effective emissions in real commercial buildings will be difficult to predict from deterministic experiments or models.  相似文献   

J. Kim  K. Lee 《Indoor air》2013,23(4):318-324
The purposes of this study were to determine indoor ultrafine particle (UFP, diameter <100 nm) levels in ice rinks and to characterize UFP decay and emission rates. All 15 public ice rinks in Seoul were investigated for UFP and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations. Three ice rinks did not show peaks in UFP concentrations, and one ice rink used two resurfacers simultaneously. High peaks of UFP and CO concentrations were observed when the resurfacer was operated. The average air change rate in the 11 ice rinks was 0.21 ± 0.13/h. The average decay rates of UFP number concentrations measured by the P‐Trak and DiSCmini were 0.54 ± 0.21/h and 0.85 ± 0.34/h, respectively. The average decay rate of UFP surface area concentration was 0.33 ± 0.15/h. The average emission rates of UFP number concentrations measured by P‐Trak and DiSCmini were 1.2 × 1014 ± 6.5 × 1013 particles/min and 3.3 × 1014 ± 2.4 × 1014 particles/min, respectively. The average emission rate of UFP surface area concentration was 3.1 × 1011 ± 2.0 × 1011 μm2/min. UFP emission rate was associated with resurfacer age. DiSCmini measured higher decay and emission rates than P‐Trak due to their different measuring mechanisms and size ranges.  相似文献   

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