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The stability of the shield tunneling face is an extremely important factor affecting the safety of tunnel construction. In this study, a transparent clay with properties similar to those of Tianjin clay is prepared and a new transparent clay model test apparatus is developed to overcome the “black box” problem in the traditional model test. The stability of the shield tunneling face (failure mode, influence range, support force, and surface settlement) is investigated in transparent clay under active failure. A series of transparent clay model tests is performed to investigate the active failure mode, influence range, and support force of the shield tunneling face under different burial depth conditions, whereas particle flow code three-dimensional numerical simulations are conducted to verify the failure mode of the shield tunneling face and surface settlement along the transverse section under different burial depth conditions. The results show that the engineering characteristics of transparent clay are similar to those of soft clay in Binhai, Tianjin and satisfy visibility requirements. Two types of failure modes are obtained: the overall failure mode (cover/diameter: C/D≤1.0) and local failure mode (C/D≥2.0). The influence range of the transverse section is wider than that of the longitudinal section when C/D≥2.0. Additionally, the normalized thresholds of the relative displacement and support force ratio are 3%–6% and 0.2–0.4, respectively. Owing to the cushioning effect of the clay layer, the surface settlement is significantly reduced as the tunnel burial depth increases.  相似文献   

张华  陆阳 《岩土工程学报》2009,31(9):1402-1407
土体与支挡结构的变形与稳定是岩土工程界关注的一个重要问题。作为探讨,介绍了运用快速拉格朗日有限差分与颗粒离散单元外部耦合的方法,对处于系统中的不同部位,分别应用二维刚性颗粒离散单元与允许大应变的有限差分网格,模拟离散体与结构物的相互作用,连续域与非连续域的平滑过渡则通过计算过程中满足两域对应边界的相容条件与平衡条件实现。就耦合的实现途径进行了说明,并将其应用于衡重式挡墙与墙后填土相互作用的分析,对比计算结果与现场实测数据,证明采用的方法能较有效地再现土与支挡结构的力学变形规律。  相似文献   

王付利 《建筑机械化》2013,(12):57-59,66
以南昌地铁1号线穿越赣江区间泥水盾构在上软下硬(上部砂层,下部泥质粉砂岩)富水砂层中成功的带压进仓经验,讲述泥膜形成技术、保压计算方法、气密性测试、带压进仓安全注意事项、减压出仓恢复性措施等,并分析带压进仓过程中可能出现的泥膜破坏修复措施、漏气保压困难等紧急情况的,提出应对措施,为类似工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过研究已有盾构施工参数数据,提出了基于随机过程生成盾构隧道施工仿真参数的方法,并建立了施工地表沉降的仿真系统,可以得到比基于随机参数仿真更准确的沉降预测数据,为实际工程提供参考。  相似文献   

盾构隧道施工松动土压力计算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎春林 《岩土工程学报》2014,36(9):1714-1720
在盾构隧道施工中,因管片支护和注浆填充,隧道拱顶土体位移受限制,土拱效应不完全发挥,土体剪应力小于其抗剪强度,使得Terzaghi松动土压力理论不适用于盾构隧道。针对这一情况,在Handy理论基础上推导了土的侧压力系数计算公式,得出侧压力系数的变化规律,其值与主应力旋转角度相关,其大小在主动土压力系数和被动土压力系数之间变化;并认为土拱效应的发挥和隧道拱顶位移相关,据此,在Terzaghi松动土压力理论基础上推导了一种可以考虑地层损失和管片刚度的松动土压力计算公式;并通过对土拱高度的讨论,提出一种简化的隧道施工扰动范围判断方法。  相似文献   

To avoid ground deformation in the process of earth pressure balance (EPB) shield tunneling, it is necessary to keep the earth pressure balance on excavation face. However, at present the earth pressure control depends mainly on operation experiences which is hysteretic and could result in slow response to the change of earth pressure. To solve these problem, a predictive control strategy for earth pressure balance during excavation is proposed in this paper, where an earth pressure prediction model taking advance speed and screw conveyor speed as the control parameters is established by means of least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM). Further, by minimizing the difference between the predicted earth pressure and the desired one, an optimization model of the control parameters is established, and solved by the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Therefore, an optimal EPB control scheme for shield tunneling automatically is presented here. The simulation results demonstrate that the method presented in this paper is very effective to control earth pressure balance.  相似文献   

为确定福州地铁4号线金牛山—工业路盾构区间强风化花岗岩地层中的膨润土改良最优参数,分别选择膨润土泥浆浓度、掺入比和盾构推进速度3个影响因素,以渣土塌落度、渗透系数和改良成本为响应值.采用中心复合试验设计方法进行了20组试验,分别构建了各响应值的响应面函数.试验结果表明,膨润土泥浆浓度、掺入比和盾构推进速度对渣土改良效果...  相似文献   

The excavation face stability is crucial for safety and risk management in slurry shield tunneling, especially for the river-crossing tunnel. To avoid face collapse or blow-out, shield operators need to keep air chamber pressure balanced using their own experience, which would be difficult, discontinuous and less reliable in the process of construction. Considering the disadvantage of the manual control process, this paper presents a predictive control system for air chamber pressure in slurry shield tunneling using Elman neural network (ENN) model. It mainly contains a theoretical model, an ENN predictor and an ENN controller to set optimal control parameters automatically tracking the desired air chamber pressure. Moreover, to improve the learning capability of ENN model, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is implemented. This system has been tested with collected data of slurry shield operation parameters in the Yangtze riverbed metro tunnel project in Wuhan, China. Analysis revealed that the predictive control system using PSO-based Elman neural network model in this paper has the potential for enhancing face stability in slurry shield tunneling.  相似文献   

隧道开挖产生的土体位移对地埋管线的影响不可避免,不仅会引起管线接头的相对旋转,甚至会造成损坏和泄漏。目前对有接头管线响应的研究方法较为复杂,大多基于数值分析方法,接头力学性质的影响考虑不够全面,已有的设计图表工程应用欠缺。结合连续管线的理论分析,考虑地层位移沉降曲线、管段刚度及接头刚度等影响因素,建立了有接头管线的工程评价方法,以分析隧道开挖对有接头地埋管线的影响。运用该方法对实际工程案例进行分析,并将计算结果与数值分析结果对比,验证本文方法的可靠性。本工程评价方法可以为实际管线工程安全预评估起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

基于传统离散单元法的接触模型,通过能量守恒定律推导适用于杆系结构的离散元模型接触刚度。将分层梁理论引入到离散单元法中,给出接触的塑性判断准则以及推导接触进入塑性后的刚度系数,从而可以应用离散元方法解决杆系结构的弹塑性问题。通过定义离散单元法基于应变的断裂准则,将其应用于解决杆件的断裂问题。选取适用于碰撞问题的赫兹模型,给出赫兹模型刚度的设置方法。最后应用改进后的离散单元法对单层网壳冲击试验进行了考虑弹塑性、断裂、碰撞的全过程模拟,验证了该方法的正确性。并对Kiewitt单层球面网壳单点冲击和多点冲击进行数值模拟研究,分析了单点和多点冲击下单层网壳的破坏模式、冲击力、节点位移和支座反力的异同点。  相似文献   

齐春  何川  封坤  汤印  王维  夏炜洋 《岩土工程学报》2016,38(11):1999-2008
为了探究泥水盾构水下掘进控制和泥水平衡机理等问题,在调研国内外模型盾构设备的基础上确定泥水盾构的基本参数和工作模式,研制出泥水平衡盾构模拟试验系统,包括模型箱、盾构机总成、推进机构、液压动力系统、操作系统、深冷装置等主要部分。该系统可对最高100 m水头条件下泥水平衡盾构施工的主要过程进行模拟,可较真实地再现泥水平衡盾构掘进过程中泥膜的动态形成过程,从而阐明水土压力平衡的机理等关键技术问题,并可为泥水平衡盾构的设计和控制提供重要参数。以砂卵石地层为例配制相似地层和泥浆,并进行盾构试掘进,对设备的功能性进行验证,并初步研究了泥水盾构掘进过程中地表位移的时空变化规律和地层中泥膜的形态。结果表明,由于刀盘无超挖且地层开挖后直接由盾壳支撑,土体移动受到限制,地层变形主要由开挖导致的应力释放产生。排渣装置长度较长,可暂存的渣土量多,使得盾构通过前地表沉降随顶推力和刀盘、排渣装置转速的增大而增大;盾构通过后的地表沉降则由于盾壳与土体的摩擦作用有所减小。在盾构刀盘前方,泥浆渗入地层的范围大致关于盾构轴线对称,泥膜形态呈倒扣的锅底形分布,其范围约占刀盘外径的20%~43%。  相似文献   

盾构切口泥水压力是维持开挖面稳定最重要的因素。针对目前切口泥水压力与盾构掘进参数之间关系不明确的问题,基于Python提出了一种随机森林预测模型。以京张高铁清华园隧道工程为依托,考虑盾构几何参数、施工掘进参数以及泥水参数等因素的影响,通过网格搜索方法以及5折交叉验证法进行模型超参数调整,建立了盾构切口泥水压力的随机森林预测模型。研究结果显示随机森林模型对于复合地层盾构切口泥水压力预测具有较高的准确性与泛化性,在训练集与测试集的表现得分分别为0.963与0.946,结合RMSE和R2等各项数据的评估再次验证了该模型的预测能力。最后通过重要度分析得到对模型预测影响较大的参数分别为泥舱压力、埋深比、推力和扭矩。该研究可为同类条件下盾构开挖面切口泥水压力的预测提供一种有效的方法,对于泥水盾构开挖面的预测控制具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

刘苏  王剑锋 《岩土工程学报》2018,40(9):1706-1713
为模拟颗粒破碎对散体材料应力–应变特性产生的显著影响,提出了一种改进的基于离散元的模拟颗粒破碎的方法。首先将颗粒复杂的受力状态简化成颗粒球心附近的最大拉应力并假定颗粒破碎服从最大拉应力准则。当颗粒满足破碎条件时,将破碎颗粒的直径缩小。当由缩小颗粒直径导致的质量损失达到某一规定值时,向样本内的孔隙插入新颗粒。为模拟破碎产生碎片的颗粒级配,新生成的颗粒尺寸服从分形分布,同时,为考虑颗粒强度的变异性和尺寸效应,未破碎颗粒、已破碎颗粒和破碎产生的碎片的抗拉强度均服从Weibull分布。该方法满足质量守恒条件,且适用于能在超级计算机上并行运行的开源离散元软件。采用本文方法模拟了一维压缩和直剪试验并与室内试验结果进行对比,结果表明本文方法模拟颗粒破碎是可行的。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in building performance simulation for the outdoor environment, focused on four topics: (1) pedestrian wind environment around buildings, (2) wind-driven rain on building facades, (3) convective heat transfer coefficients at exterior building surfaces and (4) air pollutant dispersion around buildings. For each topic, its background, the need for CFD, an overview of some past CFD studies, a discussion about accuracy and some perspectives for practical application are provided. This article indicates that for all four topics, CFD offers considerable advantages compared with wind tunnel modelling or (semi-)empirical formulae because it can provide detailed whole-flow field data under fully controlled conditions and without similarity constraints. The main limitations are the deficiencies of steady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes modelling, the increased complexity and computational expense of large eddy simulation and the requirement of systematic and time-consuming CFD solution verification and validation studies.  相似文献   

宫学军 《山西建筑》2011,37(7):150-151
分别介绍了盾构掘进姿态控制内容及影响因素,着重阐述了在盾构掘进时采取的各种保证盾构姿态措施,以确保隧道成型后与设计轴线的偏差控制在允许范围之内。  相似文献   

在离心模型试验中同时考虑隧道开挖所致地层损失效应和质量损失效应,研究不同开挖顺序及不同布置形式下双隧道开挖对管线的影响规律。同时采用基于地层损失比的位移控制有限单元法对离心模型试验及其他4组拓展工况进行分析,其中土体本构模型采用考虑土体小应变特性的HP(Hypoplasticity model)模型,并将试验结果与已有的解析方法进行对比。研究结果表明,双隧道不同开挖顺序及不同布置形式对地表沉降、管线沉降、管线弯曲应变的影响显著;管线存在所产生的"遮拦"效应对管线正上方地表沉降的影响程度随着自由场最大地表沉降的增加而逐渐加剧;双隧道开挖所致管线沉降的主要影响区域为-1.2D_T~1.2D_T;实际工程中应加强浅埋后继隧道开挖时管线工作性状的监测工作,且不应简单采用叠加原理对不同施工工序及不同布置形式的双隧道开挖所致地表沉降、管线沉降及管线弯曲应变进行预测,应合理考虑后继隧道开挖所致土体的累计剪切应变及上覆隧道的遮拦效应对管–土相对刚度的影响。  相似文献   

目前针对盾构隧道掘进引起周围地层附加应力的研究较少,且既有成果一般均假定施工场地为均质土体。基于层状地基基本解,结合虚拟力法,建立了考虑分层效应的盾构隧道施工扰动地层附加应力的分析方法,重点研究了盾构施工正面附加推力、盾构与土体间掘进摩擦力引起的地层附加应力。结合上海典型分层地基工程实例,分析了盾构施工引起的附加应力分布规律,且与均质土体工况下的计算结果进行了对比研究,考察了地基分层效应对扰动地层应力场的影响。计算结果表明:盾构与土体间掘进摩擦力与正面附加推力引起的土体附加应力分布规律较为相似,靠近开挖面时附加应力衰减较快且影响范围一般较小,而远离开挖面时应力衰减明显变慢,在实际工程中要重视掘进摩擦力和正面附加推力造成的施工风险;此外,考虑分层效应与常规不考虑分层效应时的附加应力场有较大差别,在设计中应重视地基非均质性带来的影响。成果可为合理制定层状地基中盾构隧道施工对临近管道以及建筑物的保护措施提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Present status and technology of shield tunneling method in Japan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recently in Japan, it has often been necessary to construct tunnels under more severe conditions and to develop new techniques. However, present design techniques cannot appropriately reflect the construction techniques; and thus, traditional methods are still often used. On account of the well-balanced progress between construction and design in the shield tunneling method, an innovation of the design technique is required. This paper shows an outline of the shield tunnel technique at present, behavior of shield tunnels in-site, and improvements required for design.  相似文献   

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