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《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2001,61(6):838-849
In this paper, we consider a highly recursive interconnection network known as the fully connected cubic network (FCCN). By exploiting its recursive properties, we thoroughly analyze the performance of a simple routing algorithm for the FCCN. We show that at least 80% of the routes obtained from this simple algorithm are shortest paths, and this percentage increases further with the network size. Subsequently, we obtain the network diameter and average internodal distance, taking into account the communication locality that is exhibited in many parallel computations. The presence of the communication locality significantly reduces the average internodal distance. 相似文献
The star graph interconnection network has been recognized as an attractive alternative to the popular hypercube network. In this paper, we present a multipath-based multicast routing model for wormholerouted star graph networks, propose two efficient multipath routing schemes, and contrast the performance of the proposed schemes with the performance of the scheme presented in our previous work. Both of the two proposed schemes have been proven to be deadlock-free. The first scheme, simple
multipath routing, uses multiple independent paths for concurrent multicasting. The second scheme, two-phase multipath routing, includes two phases: source-to-relay and relay-to-destination. For each phase, multicasting is carried out using simple multipath routing. Experimental results show that, for short and medium messages with small message startup latencies, the proposed schemes reduce multicast latency more efficiently than other schemes. 相似文献
The hierarchy of the star graph allows the assignment of its special subgraphs (substars), which have the same topological features as the original graph, to a sequence of incoming tasks. The procedure for task allocation in the star graph can be done using the star code and the allocation tree constructed based on this code. In this paper, the optimal set of codes which can collectively recognize a set of distinct substars is derived. It is shown that using only (n − 1) codes, almost half of the existing substars in an n-dimensional star is recognizable for n ≤ 9. When relinquishment of tasks is considered, task migration could potentially improve the utilization of network resources by reducing/eliminating the fragmentation caused as a result of task deallocation. A deadlock-free procedure is presented to migrate a task, distributed over the nodes of one substar, to the nodes of the other substar wherein: (i) subtasks travel in parallel via disjoint paths; (ii) the adjacency among the mapped nodes is preserved. The procedure can be made distributed with a slight modification. The work can be extended to other hierarchical networks based on permutation group. 相似文献
《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2000,60(8):1028-1046
A new class of interconnection networks, the hypernetworks, has been proposed recently. Hypernetworks are characterized by hypergraphs. Compared with point-to-point networks, they allow for increased resource-sharing and communication bandwidth utilization, and they are especially suitable for optical interconnects. In this paper, we propose a scheme for deriving new hypernetworks using hypergraph duals. As an example, we investigate the dual, K*n, of the n-vertex complete graph Kn and show that it has many desirable properties. We also present a set of fundamental data communication algorithms for K*n. Our results indicate that the K*n hypernetwork is a useful and promising interconnection structure for high-performance parallel and distributed computing systems. 相似文献
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran David S.L. Wei 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》1997,41(2):1771
We consider the problems of selection, routing, and sorting on ann-star graph (withn! nodes), an interconnection network which has been proven to possess many special properties. We identify a tree like subgraph (which we call a “(k, 1,k) chain network”) of the star graph which enables us to design efficient algorithms for the above mentioned problems. We present an algorithm that performs a sequence ofnprefix computations inO(n2) time. This algorithm is used as a subroutine in our other algorithms. We also show that sorting can be performed on then-star graph in timeO(n3) and that selection of a set of uniformly distributednkeys can be performed inO(n2) time with high probability. Finally, we also present a deterministic (nonoblivious) routing algorithm that realizes any permutation inO(n3) steps on then-star graph. There exists an algorithm in the literature that can perform a single prefix computation inO(nlgn) time. The best-known previous algorithm for sorting has a run time ofO(n3lgn) and is deterministic. To our knowledge, the problem of selection has not been considered before on the star graph. 相似文献
An Improved Protocol for Deadlock and Livelock Avoidance Resource Co-allocation in Network Computing
A multitude of applications require simultaneous access to multiple kinds of resources scatted in distributed sites. This problem is known as resource co-allocation which has evolved as a hot topic in network computing. How to design a kind of high-performance protocol for deadlock and livelock avoidance resource co-allocation becomes a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a new protocol OODP3 (Optimal ODP3) which is based on the currently popular protocol ODP3 (Order-based Deadlock Prevention Protocol with Parallel requests).OODP3 not only inherits the advantage of ODP3 but also guarantees the fulfillment of resource co-allocation within polynomial time. Theoretical proof is conducted to verify the correctness of OODP3. Experimental results also show that OODP3 achieves the better performance improvements than the existing deadlock and livelock avoidance protocol. 相似文献
无线HART是一个开放的用于工业测量和控制的无线通信标准。无线HART标准在网络层采用图路由机制,通过提供链路冗余,以满足工业应用中安全、可靠的通信需求。现有的图路由算法研究仅局限于集中式通信,文中设计并实现了局部分布式通信的点到点图路由算法。该算法利用跳数、链路质量作为度量进行选路,提供跳间冗余以保证路由健壮性,并通过对跳间链路数的限定以及路由图范围的集中,可以为网络中任意两点间建立会话,减少控制时延,有效避免通信资源的浪费。该算法实现的通信模式不仅保留了集中式图路由的可靠性,也可以满足无线工业控制的灵活性和实时性需求。 相似文献
一种实用的互联网络拓扑结构RPC(k)及路由算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Pertersen图由于具有短直径和正则性等特性,在并行计算与分布式计算中具有良好的性能.基于环结构,提出了一种Pertersen图的新扩展方法,构造了互联网络RPC(k).分析了该互联网络的性质,它具有连接度小、网络直径短、拓扑结构简单以及易于扩展等特点.同时给出了RPC(k)优于二维Torus以及RP(k)互联网络的直径和节点可分组性的条件.最后,分别设计了RPC(k)上的单播路由、置换路由、广播路由和多对多路由,它们的通信效率分别为「k/2」+5,k+9,「k/2」+5和k+9.特别是随着k的增大,RPC(k)网络路由算法的通信效率近似于RP(k)网络上的时应算法通信效率的1/3倍. 相似文献
基于环的简单扩展性和Petersen图的短直径,提出了一类新型互联网络RPn(k),研究了该互联网络的性质,它不但具有正则性和良好的可扩展性,还具有比RP(k)互联网络更短的网络直径、更好的可分组性以及更小的网络构造开销。最后,讨论了RPn(k)网络的路由问题,给出了点点路由算法,其通信效率为[k/2]+2n个时间步。在节点个数相同时,RPn(k)比RP(k)网络上的路由算法的通信效率有明显提高。 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》1979,(5):465-471
Logical resources are defined as shared passive entities that can be concurrently accessed by multiple processes. Concurrency restrictions depend upon the mode or manner in which a process may manipulate a resource. Models incorporating these single unit resources can be used to analyze information locking for consistency and integrity purposes. Mode compatibility is defined and used to derive dead-lock detection and avoidance methods. These methods generalize well-known deadlock results for single unit resources by permitting greater concurrency while still guaranteeing data consistency. This model is applicable to the standard shared (read-only) and exclusive (read-write) access modes as well as a useful subset of those proposed in the CODASYL DBMS report. 相似文献
Multicasting is an important issue for numerous applications in parallel and distributed computing. In multicasting, the same message is delivered from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. The star graph interconnection network has been recognized as an attractive alternative to the popular hypercube network. In this paper, we propose an efficient and deadlock-free tree-based multi-cast routing scheme for wormhole-routed star graph networks with hamiltonian path. In our proposed routing scheme, the router is with the input-buffer-based asynchronous replication mechanism that requires extra hardware cost. Meanwhile, the router simultaneously sends incoming flits on more than one outgoing channel. We perform simulation experiments with the network latency and the network traffic. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme reduces multicast latency more efficiently than other schemes. 相似文献
基于初等运动的多机器人避碰及死锁预防 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
该文以一实际应用为背景提出了多移动机器人避碰及死锁预防算法,该算法将机器人的运行环境形式化地描述为初等运动集、冲突图、总任务集及机器人作业集,利用集合论、图论的有关方法及技术实现了多机器人间的避碰与死锁预防。当机器人的运行环境改变时,只需要对相应的集合描述文件进行修改,而不用对程序做任何屐改动。算法的另一个特点是利用避碰算法巧妙地完成了死锁预防。仿真和实际运行证明了该算法高效可靠。 相似文献
通过引入"资源分配函数"的概念建立了以最短加工时间为目标函数的制造系统避免死锁调度的数学模型,给出了该模型在两进程情况的最优解算法和多进程情况的可行解算法. 相似文献
互联网的可靠性是评估一个网络性能的重要指标,而影响网络可靠性的因素又有很多其中容错性可以验证一个网络在发生故障时剩余网络的重组能力的强弱.在一个容错网络中当网络的结点和(或)连线发生故障时,使数据能畅通有效的传输且延迟时间尽可能短,这就需要有一个设计很好的路由选择ρ.而度量路由选择优劣的重要参数容错延迟的确定显得很重要,本文就证明了某些Cayley图存在路由选择使它的容错延迟能够达到最小值. 相似文献
Torus连接Petersen图互连网络及路由算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
可扩展性和短直径是设计大规模并行计算机系统互连网络的两个重要因素.基于Petersen图的短直径和正规性和Torus拓扑结构的可扩展性,提出了一种新的互连网络拓扑结构,称为Torus连接Petersen图互连网络.该互连网络拓扑结构具有短直径、正规性、对称性和良好的扩展性.网络节点采用混合编码方法,使得路由算法设计简单.分别设计了基于混合编码的单播、广播路由算法.分析表明提出的互连网络具有较好的拓扑性质. 相似文献
1.引言系统的并发性与资源的共享性是并发操作系统的主要特征,其目的是最大限度地提高计算机资源的利用率。死锁是并发操作系统必须解决的一个重要问题。人们试图用不同的方法来解决死锁问题。如Dijkstra提出的有名的死锁避免的“银行家算法”,Coffman等人给出的死锁检测算法。 Petri网模型作为模拟与分析并发、异步、分布式系统的一种有效工具,已被用于解决操作系统中的许多问题。如进程通讯中的生产者/消费者问题、哲学家用餐问题,资源竞 相似文献