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The hyporheic zone of two small tributaries of the upper Rhǒne River where they cross the floodplain (approximately 2 km wide) was studied. The streams originate in karstic areas which directly border the floodplain. The surveys were conducted at 11 sites along the course of the two tributaries at a depth of 50 cm in bed sediments. Ten litre samples were collected six times a year with a Bou-Rouch sampler. The paper examines the distribution of interstitial communities along two transverse (floodplain) profiles, defines the spring ecotone, analyses the heterogeneity, and underlines the importance of the tributaries in the functioning of the floodplain. A comparison between the spatial distributions of fauna and organic matter content along the two profiles underlines the important relationships between the groundwater and surface environment, and makes it possible to differentiate parts of the floodplain where the exchanges are most intense (interstitial spring, karst/floodplain interface). Along the longitudinal course of these streams, we observe the influence of groundwater circulation on community structure/i.e. the interactions between stream channel, alluvial aquifer and adjacent karstic aquifer.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationship between floodplain aquatic macroinvertebrates and sector-scale parameters such as geomorphology and history of regulation. The assemblages of six groups of invertebrates (Molluscs, Crustaceans, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, and Coleoptera) were compared in various types of former channels from two contrasting but adjacent floodplain sectors: (1) the Jons sector of the Rhǒne River where successive meandering and braiding phases has left diversified fluvial forms in the landscape but where the main river is now embanked, and (2) the unregulated Ain River sector where the river is still actively meandering, although this process is being slowed by incision. The results demonstrate little difference in faunal composition between the two sectors but a significant difference in faunal structure. In the Rhǒne floodplain, there was a clear distinction between the faunal assemblages together with a high taxa richness at the scale of the sector (dominance of the beta diversity). In the Ain floodplain, the faunal assemblages were overlapping and the taxa richness was high at the sample scale (alpha diversity). Sector-scale spatial patterns of the faunal assemblages along former channels were also distinct: between-channel heterogeneity dominated in the Rhǒne, whereas within-channel heterogeneity dominated on the Ain. These results stress the influence of geomorphological and historical determinants on the floodplain communities and, conversely, the relevance of macroinvertebrate assemblages for the assessment, at the landscape scale, of aquatic systems within the floodplains.  相似文献   

Channelization and the construction of 12 dams on the Lower Rhǒne during the last 30 years increased the morphological and biological effects of 19th century embanking along the river. These trends were demonstrated on the main channel, i.e. the central axis of the alluvial floodplain, by the synchronic study of the benthic macrofauna of six lowhead hydroelectric impoundments. The variability of the most significant taxa was investigated by an ANOVA, and the data-samples matrix was processed with a Principal Components Analysis in order to analyse the communities organization and their significance. The benthic macroinvertebrate communities of the channel include some lentic potamic species topographically related with this kind of river (metapotamon), as well as eurytopic and pollution-tolerant species. Thus, the Lower Rhǒne has become a slow potamic river, in the same way as other large mid-European rivers. Flow velocity appears to be the most important structural factor in a large regulated river. The homogeneity of the macroinvertebrate communities and the absence of longitudinal typology show that, in a very intensely regulated river, the River Continuum Concept is too theoretical, and the disturbing effects of dams on longitudinal changes and species response to regulation must be taken into account.  相似文献   

The impacts of river incision should be a lowering of the river level, which would increase the rate of water flow from the hillslope aquifer to the river and its former channels. If this aquifer is nutrient-poor, it should favour the oligotrophication of the former channels. However, if the lowering of the water-table exceeds the depth of the former channels, then it should lead to the drainage of these channels. These hypotheses were tested on two former channels located in a degrading reach of the Rhǒne River (France); the former channels were influenced by floods, seepage water from the river and hillslope groundwater in 1989. The rate of river incision in this reach has increased since 1980 because of gravel extraction from the river bed (0.5 m between 1989 and 1993). Between 1989 and 1993, the reduction of river infiltration and the increase in the amount of water from the hillslope aquifer in the former channels were demonstrated by the decrease in the phosphate and ammonia content of the water, and its increased alkalinity and conductivity. The responses of aquatic vegetation to river incision depended on the vegetation zone investigated. Two floristic zones that were frequently flooded and species-poor in 1989 remained species-poor in 1993. Two floristic zones, which were species-rich and patchily organized, became dry or very shallow in 1993; as a consequence, aquatic vegetation disappeared, and was replaced by helophytes and terrestrial species. In the last vegetation zone, the increase in the amount of water coming from the hillslope aquifer caused the appearance and development of Chara hispida, an oligotraphent species. Unforeseen impacts of river incision were a decrease in the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the former channels and lower aquatic macrophyte richness.  相似文献   

Biological indicators may signal changes in freshwater quality but offer little information on long-term trends in ecosystem succession. As an improvement over biological indicators in river management we propose the use of ‘functional describers’, abiotic and biotic elements that reflect alterations in ecosystem function and succession through changes in their concentration or abundance, including the appearance and/or extinction of organisms or groups of organisms. Juvenile (0 +) fishes have been found to be useful functional describers in many fluvial situations encountered in Europe, not least because the ontogeny of European fishes is strongly reflected in the type of habitat chosen for reproduction. Using the regulated River Rhǒne, France, as an example, the absence or presence of 0 + juveniles is shown to provide a direct reflection of a biotope's potential as a spawning area, particularly if recent hydrological conditions have not facilitated 0 + fish displacement and the lone presence of a predator species has not suggested the elimination of other fish species. Identification of the ecological function and successional state of a fluvial ecosystem is aided by consideration of species reproductive styles and tolerances. When time, labour, and/or funding is limited, the function and succession of numerous biotopes within a catchment or large fluvial system can be monitored cost effectively by analysing the 0 + fishes assemblages via the functional describer approach.  相似文献   

The interstitial assemblages of the River Rhine were studied in the Rhinau sector (France). The studied area is located in aVegulated channel of the river, controlled by a hydroelectric dam. Twenty stations were sampled in September 1988. Ten litres of interstitial water were pumped at 50 cm depth in each station using the Bou-Rouch technique. Interstitial waters were poorly oxygenated and the hyporheic fauna had three major characteristics: (1) microcrustaceans were dominant, (2) the insects were rare and (3) the stygofauna was absent. The richest stations were well oxygenated and did not correspond to any particular geomorphological features. These findings contrast with the situation observed on other large European rivers (Rhǒne, Danube) where the interstitial assemblages appear to be locally more diversified and rich in stygofauna.  相似文献   

Artificial substrates buried in stream sediments at the karst/floodplain interface were used to examine the spatial and temporal variations of Niphargus populations. The study was carried out at two stations in two different areas of the French Jura. One was mainly supplied by karst water (Verna station), the other by both karst and surface waters (Pissoir station). The occupation of interstitial habitat was found to depend on several interacting factors:
  • 1 The waterflow and its changes at the outlet. The correlation between abundance of individuals and discharge was strongest with the discharges two to four days before sampling. The structure and restoration of populations after a spate related to geological characteristics. In particular, restoration was slower and more difficult in the sediments located at the base-level of a massif (Verna) than at an overflow level (Pissoir).
  • 2 The location of the sediments. At the Pissoir station, the number of individuals was higher at the main outflow, but also for both stations, on the banks opposite the outlet. Animals drifting from the karst system found refuge in the sediment of the opposite bank. Almost no Niphargus were found upstream from the outlets. At the Verna station, Niphargus were only found inside the cave.
  • 3 The variability of the number of animals at different depths in the sediment was more difficult to explain. At the station mainly supplied by karst water, which presented a relatively constant flow during the study, the distribution seemed to be random. At the other station, where discharge varied considerably, the vertical distribution globally presented a gradient in abundance with more individuals in the upper sediment level. This gradient varied according to the samples. Discharge changes partly explained these results.

We sampled fishes at 17 inner bend sites on the Wabash River in 2008 to compare with collections from 1977 to 1997. We used the same seine collection methods as previous years and collected a total of 37 species. Mean site Shannon‐Wiener diversity, species richness, evenness and abundance for all years were similar. We used multivariate analyses to test for patterns in fish assemblage structure among all sites and all years. The multivariate analyses resulted in distinct assemblages for each collection‐year, suggesting shifts in assemblage composition among years. We used separate multivariate analyses to examine fish assemblage variation within individual years. Variation that corresponded to an upstream–downstream pattern was present in 1977 and 2008, but not in 1997. A hydrologic analysis based on daily discharge revealed that eight large flood events occurred from 1928 to 2007, with four of these events during the recent 20 years. We quantified substrate variation at the 17 sites in 2008 and identified a longitudinal gradient in dominant substrate categories with gravel upstream and sand downstream that was correlated with the first axis of the 2008 fish assemblage ordination. We suggest that observed changes in fish assemblages in decadal periods were from hydrologic impacts of large floods on local habitats. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fish community surveys were conducted in five tributaries of the Corumbá River before and after damming. Electrofishing samples were collected monthly in the pre‐impoundment period (March 1996 to August 1996) and 15 in the post‐impoundment period (September 1996 to February 1999). A self‐organizing map (SOM, an Artificial Neural Network algorithm) was used to represent the patterns of fish assemblages. Samples collected in both the pre‐ and post‐impoundment periods were randomly dispersed on the SOM, and, therefore, a clear and significant pattern of separation between samples collected during these two time periods was not found. Mean and maximum water depth, which is correlated with ground water level, did not significantly separate the pre‐ and post‐impoundment samples. However, we found significant differences between the two periods for water temperature, pH, conductivity, DO and current velocity, but abundances of fish species (summarized in the clusters identified by the SOM) did not differ significantly. Instead, the validity of the clusters distinguished by the SOM was confirmed by significant differences in some biotic variables: species richness, equitability and log transformed total abundance. Indicator species values identified the most preferred cluster (and respective complex of environmental factors) for a given species. Only one cluster did not contain any significant species indicator values, but it was dominated by samples from the Furnas Stream, which was the only effluent that could be entered by fish from the main river channel after the damming owing to its location below the dam, which has no fish ladder. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates were sampled in seven microhabitats (submerged woody debris, reeds, sedges, inundated grass, floating aquatic vegetation, lignum, and the unvegetated littoral) at thirteen sites representing six macrohabitats (single temporary and permanent ox-bow lakes (billabongs), fast and slow-flowing anabranches, backwaters, and the main channel) of the River Murray, and Australian lowland river. Sites were sampled in spring 1988, shortly after floodwaters had receded. Most of the 95 taxa collected were aquatic insects. Detritivores were most abundant in all macrohabitats except the temporary billabong where predators predominated. Scrapers were only abundant in the permanent billabong. The temporary billabong harboured the most species and individuals whereas slowly-flowing anabranches contained the fewest species and individuals. At the microhabitat level, most taxa and individuals occurred in stands of aquatic vegetation. The unvegetated littoral zone was the most depauperate microhabitat. Multivariate analyses illustrated the distinctiveness of the faunal assemblage found in the temporary billabong. Subsequent analyses of the permanently inundated macrohabitats indicated gradients related to current velocity and the extent to which the sites were continuous with the main river. Current velocity apparently determined assemblage composition at the macrohabitat scale whereas the structural complexity of submerged vegetation operated at the microhabitat scale. The relatively large number of taxa collected from this area emphasizes the importance of a range of macrohabitats and microhabitats to faunal diversity in a floodplain ecosystem. Although there was little faunal overlap between billabongs and the main river, billabongs probably serve as refuges for many lentic taxa that rely upon regular inundation to survive. Surveys of floodplain rivers for management purposes must include samples from aquatic habitats adjacent to the main channel because the fauna of the floodplain is potentially most threatened by regulation and alteration of the flooding regime.  相似文献   

Regulation of lowland rivers often alienates large areas of the floodplain, altering the natural regime of flooding frequency, duration, and magnitude. The extent to which such changes alter the productivity of river-floodplain ecosystems and the contribution of aquatic invertebrates emerging from dry floodplain sediments is unknown. To examine this in a section of the River Murray in South Australia, fourteen replicate sods of dry sediment collected from four areas of the floodplain that had experienced different average flood recurrence frequencies (annually, 1 in 7, 1 in 11, and 1 in 22 years) were inundated in the laboratory, simulating flooding. Invertebrates emerging from the dry sediments were sampled with replacement 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28 days after inundation, enabling comparisons of temporal changes in faunal composition and biomass. The greatest biomass and numbers of invertebrates emerged from annually-flooded sods whereas sediments usually flooded once in 22 years yielded only protozoans. Large numbers of cladocerans and rotifers were recorded within two days of inundation whereas ostracods were not numerous until two weeks later. Heterogeneity in faunal composition and biomass among replicates probably reflected patchiness in microtopography and resting stage settlement, and variable hatching ‘strategies’. Although experimental conditions rapidly diverged from the natural situation over time because of the unrealistic constraints of enclosure, results suggest a potentially significant contribution by emergent invertebrates to the newly-inundated floodplain foodweb. Reducing floodplain inundation frequency through regulation and flood mitigation probably severely reduces this reserve, removing a food resource for young fish and other predators.  相似文献   

We used a dam‐free tributary (the Baía River) in the upper Paraná River floodplain downstream of a major dam in the Paraná River, Brazil to investigate the effects of dam‐regulated reverse flow on limnological variables and fish. We tested the hypotheses that limnological variables in tributaries change based on flow direction and that fish assemblages respond to this variation. Sampling sites were determined considering flow direction (normal or reverse) and position (near or far from the river mouth). Limnological variables showed higher values for transparency, oxygen, pH, and electrical conductivity at sites near the mouth of the Baía River during reverse flow. Species richness and evenness differed significantly in relation to position, with higher values closer to the Paraná River. The average standard length of fish species was higher near the mouth of the Baía River and during the reverse flow period. No significant differences in species abundance were found. Reverse flow into the Baía River brought nutrient‐poor water from the dammed Paraná River, thereby altering the limnological variables. This flow condition impelled the entry of species with higher average standard lengths. However, increased species richness and low evenness were due to the increase in species dispersal rates under all flow conditions. Our results emphasize that the effects of dams can extend several kilometres into the floodplain, provide basic knowledge on the effects of major dams on downstream pristine tributaries, and highlight the need for further studies to understand the wider influences.  相似文献   

Reservoirs are important components of modern aquatic ecosystems that have negative impacts on native aquatic biota both up‐ and downstream. We used a landscape‐scale geographic information system (GIS) approach to quantify the spatial effects of 19 large reservoirs on upstream prairie fish assemblages at 219 sites in Kansas, USA. We hypothesized that fish assemblage structure would vary with increasing distance from a reservoir and that the abundance of reservoir fishes in upstream reaches would decline with distance from a reservoir. Ordination of sample sites showed variation in fish assemblage structure occurred primarily across river basins and with stream size. Variance partitioning of a canonical ordination revealed that the pure effect of reservoir distance explained a small but significant (6%; F = 4.90, P = 0.002) amount of variability in fish assemblage structure in upstream reaches. Moreover, reservoir species catch per unit of effort (CPUE) significantly declined with distance from a reservoir, but only in fourth‐ and fifth‐ order streams (r2 = 0.32, P < 0.001 and r2 = 0.49, P < 0.001, respectively). Finally, a multivariate regression model including measures of stream size, catchment area, river basin, and reservoir distance successfully predicted CPUE of reservoir species at sites upstream of Kansas reservoirs (R2 = 0.45, P < 0.001). Overall, we found significant upstream effects of reservoirs on Kansas stream fish assemblages, which over time has led to a general homogenization of fish assemblages because of species introductions and extirpations. However, characteristic reservoir species are present throughout these systems and the importance of spatial proximity to reservoirs is probably dependent on the availability of suitable habitat (e.g. deep pools) in these tributary streams. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A qualitative comparative approach has been used to review whether fish assemblage characteristics, such as paucity of lacustrine‐adapted fish species, long food chains, and disproportionate number of piscivorous species, limit fishery yields in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin. The paucity of lacustrine‐adapted species appears to limit fishery yields, but attempts to introduce lacustrine species have been generally unsuccessful. The food chains of species targeted by the fisheries are relatively long, but short food chains seem to be an adaptation of lacustrine species. Because reservoirs with many piscivorous species sustain high fishery yields elsewhere in the world, the hypothesis that an excessive number of piscivores limits yields is not supported. Instead, inadequacies of fish assemblages in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin appear to be symptomatic of an unsuitable environment for lacustrine fish species. The physical characteristics of reservoirs in the Upper Paraná River basin, exacerbated by climatic patterns, may preclude the emergence of successful reservoir species from within the extant pool of riverine species. The resulting assemblages have characteristics that are neither riverine nor lacustrine, and are maladapted to support fisheries in the reservoirs. The introduction of lacustrine species is destined to failure because environmental characteristics are not lacustrine, except in reservoirs positioned high in the watershed, where increased retention times allow lacustrine conditions. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Major river channels have been extensively altered worldwide. The development of restoration strategies for those alterations requires fundamental information, including the use of large deep channels by fishes. We trawled within parallel paths distributed across the width of the main‐channel trough of the Mississippi River to identify how the lateral distribution of fishes responds to variations in flow ranging from 50% to 200% of the annual median, water temperature ranging from 9 to 29°C and commercial shipping traffic ranging from 0 to 9 vessels per day. Among the species we encountered, only shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) were persistent channel residents that remained concentrated along the main‐channel centreline regardless of flow, temperature and traffic. Other persistent residents showed no distinct pattern in lateral distribution, concentrated along the deep channel margins or varied in lateral distribution with flow. Surprisingly, large adult bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), which are conventionally viewed as limnophils, were the second‐most abundant species in our samples and became increasingly abundant within the deep channel trough as flow decreased below the annual median. Clearly, those fishes exploit resources contained in the main channel and are, therefore, better viewed as opportunistic limno‐rheophils. Our results imply the existence of poorly understood food resources in the main channel. We conjecture that re‐creation of free‐flowing secondary channels and features that increase the production and transport of invertebrates in channels can help mitigate adverse effects of channel alteration and commercial shipping. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the management of the Yellow River, and particularly the main problems of flood and sedimentation control in the river's lower reaches. The available and adoptable measures for managing the river are itemized. These various measures can be coordinated to obtain an integrated effect on flood prevention.  相似文献   

Most large rivers in Europe and North America suffered flow regulations and channelization in the 19th and 20th century. To study the effects of the altered site conditions on the development of floodplain vegetation and create a benchmark map for their restoration, we calibrated and applied a dynamic floodplain vegetation model that accounts for the processes recruitment as well as morphodynamic disturbance and physiologic stress on vegetation to reconstruct the succession dynamics of the floodplain vegetation of a segment of the Rhine River from shortly after it was channelized (1872) until today (2016). The model calibration was based on historical maps and hydrologic data. Our simulation demonstrated a steady, one‐way progression of the vegetation communities towards mature phases without regression to younger stages. It was possible to attribute this development to a lack of morphodynamic disturbances strong enough to reset succession and to identify physiological stress caused by long inundations periods as the most relevant controlling factor of succession. The resulting vegetation distribution (2016) can be considered an estimation of the potential natural vegetation (PNV) under altered site conditions. The good agreement of the model results with an expert‐based PNV map showed that our approach is a good alternative to create benchmark maps for floodplain conservation and restoration projects. From a research and practitioners' viewpoint, it has the big advantage over the traditional approach that it allows to analyse different points in time as well as to be comprehensive and reproducible.  相似文献   

Artificial drainage canals are often dug in large river floodplains to prevent winter inundation when groundwater level increases. Nothing is known about the biodiversity of the interstitial fauna of these artificial aquatic systems. The water chemistry and interstitial fauna of four drainage canals along the River Rhône (dug 11–15 years ago) were sampled in July during 3 years (1995–1997). A total of 53 taxa were found, with both epigean and hypogean organisms, and some rare phreatobites previously considered as absent from this sector of the Rhône. The faunal assemblage is characterized by limited temporal variations between the 3 successive years. Differences in interstitial fauna composition between the four drainage canals were mostly linked to oxygen availability and to heterogeneity in water origin (true ground water or surface water infiltration through embankment). Low oxygen content results in poorly diversified assemblages, which are always dominated by the same small set of species. In contrast, heterogeneity in water origin resulted in elevated faunal diversity. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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