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低温沉积制造壳聚糖-纳米羟基磷灰石支架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足骨组织工程对支架孔隙可控及良好力学性能的要求, 基于低温沉积制造方法, 加工了壳聚糖-纳米羟基磷灰石多孔组织工程支架. 开发了载荷力挤出喷头, 实现了加工过程材料挤出的均匀性, 层与层粘接良好. 研究了支架分级结构的形成规律, 支架孔隙由大孔和微孔组成, 大孔完全联通, 且大小完全可控; 微孔由材料配比, 成型温度, 交联剂等参数影响, 较高的纳米羟基磷灰石含量获得较小的孔隙; 较低的成型温度获得更大的孔隙, 交联剂使微孔变小. 小鼠前成骨细胞系MC3T3-E1支架培养结果表明, 较高的纳米羟基磷灰石含量提高了支架的生物活性, 联通的大孔, 保证了细胞爬行至支架的中心位置.  相似文献   

目的 针对冷金属过渡(CMT)电弧增材制造过程中不稳定气流环境造成的熔池流动不均、墙体成形异常以及墙体内部气孔过多和晶粒粗大的问题,研究增强沉积墙体组织性能的工艺。方法 开发了CMT电弧增材制造强制限位冷却工艺,通过控制电弧增材制造的沉积区间和凝固过程,来改善沉积墙体的结构性能。结果 沉积墙体平均沉积速度由0.120 mm/s升到0.149 mm/s,材料利用程度由78.2%升到83.2%,孔隙率由2.15%降到1.06%,平均晶粒度由15.7 μm降到13.3 μm。同时提高了沉积墙体的韧性,沉积墙体横向平均极限拉伸强度由157 MPa升到179 MPa。结论 CMT电弧增材制造强制限位冷却工艺制造的沉积墙体在沉积速度和材料利用程度方面有了相应提高,同时强制限位冷却工艺改善了沉积墙体的结构性能,这对增材制造具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

郑卫国  颜永年  熊卓 《材料导报》2002,16(11):58-61
使用传统方法制造组织工程细胞载体支架存在材料单一,结构简单的缺点,提出了一种基于快速成形技术(MEM工艺,类似于FDM)的复合材料梯度结构组织工程支架的建模方法,使用这种方法,可以按照支架的特点和要求,分别采用结构模板和材料模板进行支架的结构设计和材料设计,从而实现支架的多种材料和梯度结构。  相似文献   

针对电沉积工艺中沉积层表面和边缘容易产生积瘤、毛刺等缺陷,在电沉积过程中加入了摩擦辅助装置,并与快速成形技术相结合,提出了一种基于离散/堆积原理的摩擦电沉积快速成形技术,用于简单、快捷、低成本地直接成形金属零件。通过快速成形金属铜制件试验表明:紧贴阴极表面的实时动态的撞击和摩擦,能有效地去除沉积层表面的吸附气泡和积瘤,获得表面平整光亮的电铸层;摩擦电沉积快速成形技术能够综合快速成形和电铸技术的优点,有效降低设备复杂度和零件成本,直接快速制造出形状复杂、结构致密、组织均匀的精密金属零件。  相似文献   

彭谦  董世运  闫世兴  门平  王斌 《材料导报》2018,32(15):2666-2671, 2683
激光增材制造技术作为一种新型的快速成形技术,在快速精准成形的同时,还能够满足个性需求,这种成形方式完全颠覆了传统减材制造的成形理念,因而很快成为最能代表当今信息化时代的一种制造技术。常见的激光增材制造技术主要有以送粉为特征的激光熔化沉积技术(Laser melting deposition,LMD)和以粉末铺床为特征的选区激光熔化技术(Selective laser melting,SLM)。激光熔化沉积技术是采用同步送粉的方式通过大功率激光将同种或不同种的粉末熔化,然后逐行逐层地进行扫描堆积成形。利用这种方法所制备的零件不仅形状复杂,而且各项力学性能均优于铸件。相对于选区激光熔化技术,激光熔化沉积技术具有三大优势:(1)成形尺寸不受限制,可进行大尺寸的零件制造;(2)可以实现不同成分和比例的梯度材料成形;(3)可以进行零件修复与再制造。激光熔化沉积成形过程是一个涉及温度场、应力场等多物理场的耦合过程,由于材料急热、急冷的特点使得利用激光熔化沉积法制备的零件组织为非平衡态组织,过程复杂,不稳定性因素多,因此制件容易出现翘曲变形、熔合不良、尺寸精度不高、开裂等宏观缺陷,内部也容易产生气孔、夹杂、裂纹等微观缺陷,其中激光熔化沉积制备的零件中较大残余应力的存在使得裂纹对其性能的影响更为显著。当前,研究者们主要通过工艺实验及数值模拟研究了产生缺陷的原因,在一定程度上找出了产生气孔、熔合不良、裂纹等缺陷的主要影响因素,并针对这些因素进行逐步分析,在控制粉末特性,调节激光功率、扫描速度、送粉速度、搭接率等工艺参数,引入基板预热,热处理等缺陷控制方法方面取得了一定的进展。同时还利用外界先进检测、传感技术对缺陷进行了实时监测及闭环控制,为激光熔化沉积成形缺陷的控制提供了良好的辅助手段,大大提高了激光熔化沉积成形零件的性能。本文总结了近年来国内外有关激光熔化沉积成形缺陷及其控制方法的研究进展,按照缺陷的种类进行了分类归纳,分析了缺陷形成原因及影响因素,汇总了目前研究的缺陷控制方法,并探讨了当前存在的问题和未来发展前景。  相似文献   

基于搅拌摩擦的固相增材制造是大型轻质合金构件成形制造的新技术,已成为国内外先进成形制造领域研究的热点之一。本文对目前国内外基于搅拌摩擦的金属固相增材制造技术及其相关工艺机理的研究现状进行了分析和总结。常见的基于搅拌摩擦的固相增材制造技术可分为三类:基于搅拌摩擦搭接焊原理,使板材逐层堆积,从而获得增材构件的搅拌摩擦增材制造(friction stir additive manufacturing,FSAM)技术;采用中空搅拌头,通过添加剂(粉末或丝材)进行固相搅拌摩擦沉积的增材制造(additive friction stir deposition,AFSD)技术;采用消耗型棒材,通过棒材的摩擦表面处理,形成增材层的摩擦表面沉积增材制造(friction surfacing deposition additive manufacturing,FSD-AM)技术。重点分析了金属材料基于搅拌摩擦的固相增材制造技术的国内外研究与应用现状,对比了三类基于搅拌摩擦的固相增材制造技术的特征及其工艺优缺点。最后指出增材工艺机理、形性协同控制、外场辅助工艺改型、新材料应用和人工智能优化是基于搅拌摩擦的固相增材制造技术未来研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

PLGA/TCP材料的浓度-粘度性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究骨组织工程材料的成形性能,基于低温沉积制造工艺,研究了PLGA/TCP配制成浆料的浓度、粘度对成形性的影响.首先测定了材料的粘度随浓度的变化关系,然后对不同浓度的材料进行成形,发现材料的粘度对宏观成形效果起着决定性的作用,同时浓度变化使试样的微观结构具有较大差异.因此,可以通过控制浓度即粘度来调整试样的宏观、微观成形效果.  相似文献   

空间大型桁架在轨增材制造技术的研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨杰  黎静  吴文杰  于宁 《材料导报》2021,35(3):3159-3167
空间桁架作为航天器结构的理想支撑平台,在深空探测、高分辨率对地观测等空间任务中得到了广泛应用.大型化、轻量化是航天器及其空间附属机构的发展趋势,但受地空运载能力与运载成本的约束,现有常规就地制造技术已无法满足大尺寸、高性能、复杂结构件的太空应用需求.在轨增材制造(在轨3D打印)技术可突破常规就地制造瓶颈,解决空间制备难题,实现低成本在轨建设.在轨增材制造是一种在微/零重力作用、高交变温差、强辐射等极端环境条件下的新型制造技术,由于发展时间较短,技术成熟度较低,诸多基础科学问题与关键技术问题尚待解决.空间大型桁架的在轨增材制造不同于传统地面增材制造,是地面增材制造技术的拓展与延伸.目前,在基础研究方面,国内外已开展了空间微重力环境下的熔融沉积成形增材制造试验,验证了微重力环境下熔融沉积增材制造的可行性.在成形装备方面,中、美、欧等国家或联盟均研制了适用于空间站舱内的熔融沉积增材制造样机,而针对空间大型桁架在轨增材制造的舱外装备,尚处于概念设计向工程样机转化的阶段.在成形工艺方面,受限于装备进展,在轨熔融沉积成形工艺性能研究较少;在模拟微重力环境中增材制造方面,针对大尺寸、长轴径比聚合物及其复合材料熔融沉积成形制件的力学性能各向异性,已通过材料改性、层间粘结热调控等方法得到不同程度的改进.本文系统总结了空间大型桁架在轨增材制造技术的发展现状与研究进展.针对在轨熔融沉积成形增材制造,归纳综述了空间微重力影响、在轨成形装备、成形工艺等关键瓶颈技术的研究现状,探讨了空间大型桁架在轨增材制造面临的挑战与发展趋势,为空间大型结构的在轨构建提供了理论基础与技术参考.  相似文献   

基于金属3D打印技术成形嵌套零件工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对传统采用多个零件拼接而成具有悬垂嵌套结构的零件,提出了金属均匀喷射熔滴沉积"双喷头"3D打印成形工艺,开发了金属微喷熔滴沉积成形试验平台,通过对新型支撑材料的配比和成形工艺研究,实现了金属以及支撑材料成形的联动控制,成形出较高精度悬垂嵌套的金属制件,与传统成形工艺相比,具有成形周期短,制造成本低等优点,实现了此类零件的即用即打,此类零件成形提供了实现的途径与条件.  相似文献   

介绍了熔融沉积快速成形(FDM)技术的原理和工艺特点.根据杨氏方程,结合成形工艺过程,分析了熔融沉积快速成形的层间黏结机制.为实现FDM的普通原型向功能原型转变,以Creatbot 3D打印机为成形设备,选用直径为3.0mm的PLA丝材为成形耗材,研究了成形工艺参数对工件层间黏结质量的影响.层间黏结强力随喷头移动速率和层厚的增大而增大.在保证足够强力的前提下,综合考虑工件成形效率和表面质量,合理设置了成形工艺参数.  相似文献   

Several recent research efforts have focused on use of computer-aided additive fabrication technologies, commonly referred to as additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping, solid freeform fabrication, or three-dimensional printing technologies, to create structures for tissue engineering. For example, scaffolds for tissue engineering may be processed using rapid prototyping technologies, which serve as matrices for cell ingrowth, vascularization, as well as transport of nutrients and waste. Stereolithography is a photopolymerization-based rapid prototyping technology that involves computer-driven and spatially controlled irradiation of liquid resin. This technology enables structures with precise microscale features to be prepared directly from a computer model. In this review, use of stereolithography for processing trimethylene carbonate, polycaprolactone, and poly(d,l-lactide) poly(propylene fumarate)-based materials is considered. In addition, incorporation of bioceramic fillers for fabrication of bioceramic scaffolds is reviewed. Use of stereolithography for processing of patient-specific implantable scaffolds is also discussed. In addition, use of photopolymerization-based rapid prototyping technology, known as two-photon polymerization, for production of tissue engineering scaffolds with smaller features than conventional stereolithography technology is considered.  相似文献   

Calcium phosphate ceramics, commonly applied as bone graft substitutes, are a natural choice of scaffolding material for bone tissue engineering. Evidence shows that the chemical composition, macroporosity and microporosity of these ceramics influences their behavior as bone graft substitutes and bone tissue engineering scaffolds but little has been done to optimize these parameters. One method of optimization is to place focus on a particular parameter by normalizing the influence, as much as possible, of confounding parameters. This is difficult to accomplish with traditional fabrication techniques. In this study we describe a design based rapid prototyping method of manufacturing scaffolds with virtually identical macroporous architectures from different calcium phosphate ceramic compositions. Beta-tricalcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite (at two sintering temperatures) and biphasic calcium phosphate scaffolds were manufactured. The macro- and micro-architectures of the scaffolds were characterized as well as the influence of the manufacturing method on the chemistries of the calcium phosphate compositions. The structural characteristics of the resulting scaffolds were remarkably similar. The manufacturing process had little influence on the composition of the materials except for the consistent but small addition of, or increase in, a beta-tricalcium phosphate phase. Among other applications, scaffolds produced by the method described provide a means of examining the influence of different calcium phosphate compositions while confidently excluding the influence of the macroporous structure of the scaffolds.  相似文献   

A growing number of three-dimensional(3D)-print- ing processes have been applied to tissue engineering. This paper presents a state-of-the-art study of 3D-printing technologies for tissue-engineering applications, with particular focus on the development of a computer-aided scaffold design system; the direct 3D printing of functionally graded scaffolds; the modeling of selective laser sintering(SLS) and fused deposition modeling(FDM) processes; the indirect additive manufacturing of scaffolds, with both micro and macro features; the development of a bioreactor; and 3D/4D bioprinting. Technological limitations will be discussed so as to highlight the possibility of future improvements for new 3D-printing methodologies for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

骨组织工程PLGA/TCP复合材料的性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费小琛  颜永年  熊卓  孙磊  陈磊  陶剑锋 《材料导报》2003,17(12):77-79,76
骨组织工程的支架要求有与人骨在功能梯度上相一致的材料结构、几何结构和生理功能。PLGA/TCP复合材料具有适用于骨组织工程支架的综合性能。以快速成形技术低温沉积工艺的成形效果来评价材料的成形性能,以体外降解试验来评价材料的降解性能,以国家标准的方法来评价材料的细胞毒性,对PLGA和TCP不同配比下的性能进行了研究,发现TCP含量的增加有利于降低材料的细胞毒性,加快了材料的降解,但同时降低了材料的成形性能。从骨组织工程的临床应用来看,低的细胞毒性是需要首先得到保证的,成形性能则通过其他方式来改善。  相似文献   

聚乳酸组织工程支架表面涂覆钙磷盐的工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了以聚乳酸/钙磷盐/胶原的骨组织工程支架快速成形制造的材料系统,对比了两种在聚乳酸(PLA)表面涂覆钙磷盐的工艺.一种是将聚乳酸组织工程支架浸泡在模拟体液中采用平衡反应法沉积钙磷盐;另一种是在聚乳酸薄膜上采用非平衡反应法沉积钙磷盐;系统地研究了沉积时间和沉积量、钙磷摩尔比和相结构演变的关系;通过控制反应时间和调整反应物配比获得磷酸四钙(TetCP)-PLA和无定形磷酸钙(ACP)—PLA等材料组合;并对所获得的复合材料进行生物相容性试验.对比试验证明细胞在材料表面生长良好,采用两种方法涂覆钙磷盐均改进了聚乳酸的生物相容性.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) tissue scaffolds play a vital role as extra-cellular matrices onto which cells can attach, grow, and form new tissue. Among available biomaterials, hydrogels, such as alginate, fibrin, and chitosan, have promising potential in tissue engineering applications because of their structural similarities to macromolecular-based human tissues, their biocompatibility, low toxicity, and availability. The presentation will report our recent research on development of a novel multi-nozzle biopolymer deposition system for freeform fabrication of biopolymer-based tissue scaffolds and cell-embedded tissue constructs. The process of the biopolymer deposition is conducted in a biocompatible environment which allows the construction of scaffolds with bioactive compounds and living cells. The system configuration and the process for fabrication of bioactive scaffolds through the biopolymer depositions system under different nozzle system will be described. Results of study on deposition feasibility and 3D structural formability of alginate-based tissue scaffolds will be reported. A semi-empirical model, developed based on the Poiseulle's equation for non-Newtonian fluids to predict the deposition flow rate and the deposition geometry, along with comparison of experimental data will be presented. Deposition of cell embedded tissue scaffold as well as the cell viability will be introduced. Results of effect of the process parameters on the structural, mechanical and cellular tissue engineering properties for freeform fabricated 3D alginate tissue scaffolds will also be presented.  相似文献   

The adequate regeneration of large bone defects is still a major problem in orthopaedic surgery. Synthetic bone substitute materials have to be biocompatible, biodegradable, osteoconductive and processable into macroporous scaffolds tailored to the patient specific defect. Hydroxyapatite (HA) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) as well as mixtures of both phases, biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics (BCP), meet all these requirements and are considered to be optimal synthetic bone substitute materials. Rapid prototyping (RP) can be applied to manufacture scaffolds, meeting the criteria required to ensure bone ingrowth such as high porosity and defined pore characteristics. Such scaffolds can be used for bone tissue engineering (BTE), a concept based on the cultivation of osteogenic cells on osteoconductive scaffolds. In this study, scaffolds with interconnecting macroporosity were manufactured from HA, TCP and BCP (60 wt% HA) using an indirect rapid prototyping technique involving wax ink-jet printing. ST-2 bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) were seeded onto the scaffolds and cultivated for 17 days under either static or dynamic culture conditions and osteogenic stimulation. While cell number within the scaffold pore system decreased in case of static conditions, dynamic cultivation allowed homogeneous cell growth even within deep pores of large (1,440 mm3) scaffolds. Osteogenic cell differentiation was most advanced on BCP scaffolds in both culture systems, while cells cultured under perfusion conditions were generally more differentiated after 17 days. Therefore, scaffolds manufactured from BCP ceramic and seeded with BMSCs using a dynamic culture system are the method of choice for bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Scaffolds are of great importance for tissue engineering because they enable the production of functional living implants out of cells obtained from cell culture. These scaffolds require individual external shape and well defined internal structure with interconnected porosity. The problem of the fabrication of prototypes from computer assisted design (CAD) data is well known in automotive industry. Rapid prototyping (RP) techniques are able to produce such parts. Some RP techniques exist for hard tissue implants. Soft tissue scaffolds need a hydrogel material. No biofunctional and cell compatible processing for hydrogels exists in the area of RP. Therefore, a new rapid prototyping (RP) technology was developed at the Freiburg Materials Research Center to meet the demands for desktop fabrication of hydrogels. A key feature of this RP technology is the three-dimensional dispensing of liquids and pastes in liquid media. The porosity of the scaffold is calculated and an example of the data conversion from a volume model to the plotting path control is demonstrated. The versatile applications of the new hydrogel scaffolds are discussed, including especially its potential for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Cost-intensive and time-consuming manufacturing of new miniaturized or micropatterned ceramic components may profit decisively from the use of rapid prototyping processes. However most known generative processes do not provide a sufficient resolution for the fabrication of microdimensional or micropatterned components or are restricted to polymer materials. In contrast to this, a rapid prototyping process chain (RPPC), which combines e.g., micro stereolithography and a low-pressure shaping method using soft molds, allows the rapid manufacturing of ceramic microcomponents from functional models to preliminary or small lot series.  相似文献   

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