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Since the publication of Alamouti's famous space‐time block code, various quasi‐orthogonal space‐time block codes (QSTBC) for multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) fading channels for more than two transmit antennas have been proposed. It has been shown that these codes cannot achieve full diversity at full rate. In this paper, we present a simple feedback scheme for rich scattering (flat Rayleigh fading) MIMO channels that improves the coding gain and diversity of a QSTBC for 2n (n = 3, 4,…) transmit antennas. The relevant channel state information is sent back from the receiver to the transmitter quantized to one or two bits per code block. In this way, signal transmission with an improved coding gain and diversity near to the maximum diversity order is achieved. Such high diversity can be exploited with either a maximum‐likelihood receiver or low‐complexity zero‐forcing receiver. 相似文献
We compare the achievable throughput of time division multiple access (TDMA) multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) schemes illustrated in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) MIMO technical report, versus the sum‐rate capacity of space‐time multiple access (STMA). These schemes have been proposed to improve the 3GPP high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) channel by employing multiple antennas at both the base station and mobile stations. Our comparisons are performed in multi‐user environments and are conducted using TDMA such as Qualcomm's High Data Rate and HSDPA, which is a simpler technique than STMA. Furthermore, we present the unified optimal power allocation strategy for HSDPA MIMO schemes by exploiting the similarity of multiple antenna systems and multi‐user channel problems. 相似文献
Minimum transmit sum power (MTSP) is of high theoretical and practical value in multi‐user rate‐constrained systems; it is, however, quite difficult to be numerically characterized in complex channels for the prohibitively high computational power required. In this paper, we present a computationally efficient method to approximate the MTSP in multi‐user multiple‐input multiple‐output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MU‐MIMO‐OFDM) wireless networks. Specifically, we propose both lower and upper bounds of the MTSP, which are asymptotically accurate in the limit of large K, the number of users. Then, we develop two iterative water‐filling algorithms to numerically solve the proposed bounds. These algorithms are with low complexity, that is, linear in K, and therefore enable the analysis of MTSP in complex channels even if K is large. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the bounds in approximating the MTSP and the high computational efficiency of the proposed iterative water‐filling algorithms. With the proposed bounds, we further numerically study scheduling power gain (SPG), which is defined as MTSP reduction achieved by scheduling resources over multiple channel blocks in time domain. We simulate the SPG in different wireless environments defined in Third Generation Partnership Project spatial channel extended model and find insignificant SPG in some cases, indicating that the benefit from scheduling over multiple channel blocks is limited and simply allocating resources within the present channel is sufficient. Our analysis on the MTSP and SPG provides guidelines on the design of resource schedulers in MU‐MIMO‐OFDM networks. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper presents an effective scheduling scheme for sphere decoding (SD) with runtime constraints, targeting the practical multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) communication systems where neither the interleaving scheme nor its block size cannot be designed freely. The proposed scheme imposes runtime constraints on SD to distribute the errors due to the early termination of SD. Because the distributed errors may be corrected effectively by forward error correction, the error‐rate performance can be improved; experimental results show that the performance improvement is approximately 2dB in terms of the signal‐to‐noise ratio to achieve a bit‐error rate of 10?4 in 4 × 4 16‐QAM MIMO systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Pengkai Zhao 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2014,27(10):2377-2395
Multi‐hop communications equipped with parallel relay nodes is an emerging network scenario visible in environments with high node density. Conventional interference‐free medium access control (MAC) has little capability in utilizing such parallel relays because it essentially prohibits the existence of co‐channel interference and limits the feasibility of concurrent communications. This paper aims at presenting a cooperative multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) space division multiple access (SDMA) design that uses each hop's parallel relay nodes to improve multi‐hop throughput performance. Specifically, we use MIMO and SDMA to enable concurrent transmissions (from multiple Tx nodes to single/multiple Rx nodes) and suppress simultaneous links' co‐channel interference. As a joint physical layer (MAC/PHY) solution, our design has multiple MAC modules including load balancing that uniformly splits traffic packets at parallel relay nodes and multi‐hop scheduling taking co‐channel interference into consideration. Meanwhile, our PHY layer modules include distributive channel sounding that exchanges channel information in a decentralized manner and link adaptation module estimating instantaneous link rate per time frame. Simulation results validate that compared with interference‐free MAC or existing Mitigating Interference using Multiple Antennas (MIMA‐MAC), our proposed design can improve end‐to‐end throughput by around 30% to 50%. In addition, we further discuss its application on extended multi‐hop topology. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
提出了一种异步发射信号的MIMO系统模型:在V-BLAST系统各发射天线对应的数据流中人为添加时延,使得各发射天线的信号异步发射、异步到达接收机.基于该系统模型,提出了一种差分检测方法.解决了传统V-BLAST方法无法进行差分检测以及无法实现单天线检测的难题.仿真结果显示,该算法在不同的相对时延情况下的误码率性能不同. 相似文献
Sajid Bashir Muhammad Naeem Adnan Ahmed Khan Syed Ismail Shah 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2010,23(1):109-124
The paper discusses a sequence detector based on univariate marginal distribution algorithm (UMDA) that jointly estimates the symbols transmitted in a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication system. While an optimal maximum likelihood detection using an exhaustive search method is prohibitively complex, it has been shown that sphere decoder (SD) achieves the optimal bit error rate (BER) performance with polynomial time complexity for smaller array sizes. However, the worst‐case complexity of SD is exponential in the problem dimensions, this brings in question its practical implementation for larger number of spatial layers and for higher‐order signal constellation. The proposed detector shows promising results for this overly difficult and complicated operating environment, confirmed through simulation results. A performance comparison of the UMDA detector with SD is presented for higher‐order complex MIMO architectures with limited average transmit power. The proposed detector achieves substantial performance gain for higher‐order systems attaining a near optimal BER performance with reduced computational complexity as compared with SD. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper proposes a common interleaving method associated with independent channel‐encoding among transmitter antenna branches in orthogonal frequency and code division multiplexing based on multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) multiplexing to achieve an extremely high throughput such as 1 Gbps using a 100 MHz bandwidth. This paper also investigates the average packet error rate performance as a function of the average received signal energy per bit‐to‐background noise power spectrum density ratio (Eb/N0). We found that the loss in the required average received Eb/N0 of the proposed method is only within approximately 0.3 dB in up to a 12‐path Rayleigh fading channel, using 16QAM and Turbo coding with a coding rate of 5/6. We also clarify that even for a large fading correlation among antenna branches, 1 Gbps is still possible by increasing the transmission power. Therefore, the proposed method reduces the processing rate to 1/4 in the turbo decoder with only a slight loss in the required average received Eb/N0. 相似文献
To reduce the number of radio frequency (RF) chains in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, generalized spatial modulation (GSM) techniques have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a zero‐forcing (ZF)‐based detector, which performs an initial pruning of the search tree that will be considered as the initial condition in a sphere decoding (SD) algorithm. The proposed method significantly reduces the computational complexity of GSM systems while achieving a near maximum likelihood (ML) performance. We analyze the performance of the proposed method and provide an analytic performance difference between the proposed method and the ML detector. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed method is very close to that of the ML detector, while achieving a significant computational complexity reduction in comparison with the conventional SD method, in terms of the number of visited nodes. We also present some simulations to assess the accuracy of our theoretical results. 相似文献
提出了一种MIM0系统中低复杂度的局域化最大似然信号检测算法,该方法通过调整信号有效搜索域大小,在计算复杂度与系统性能之间折衷.实验结果表明:该信号检测算法明显降低了高阶QAM调制的计算复杂度,在QPSK和16QAM调制时,当系统性能接近最大似然算法时计算量仅为其很小一部分。 相似文献
多输入多输出系统要求尽可能得到简单而有效的高速率空时传输方案,以实时处理大的数据流量.V-BLAST码有好的性能,简单的编码和解码,但是要求接收天线数不少于发射天线数,这在实际应用中受到了限制.我们提出的此种高速率编码方案可以适用任意的发射天线数和任意的接收天线数,发射信号是原数据子流在空间和时间上的线性组合,通过最大化发射信号与接收信号间的互信息准则来设计.由于这种线性结构,解码仍可用V-BLAST的译码方式. 相似文献
设计了一种基于新型共面波导(CPW)频率可重构多输入多输出(MIMO)天线。在天线中使用开关元件,通过控制开关改变CPW的电流长度来实现6.17~9.38 GHz与19.53~25.48 GHz离散频率可调。转换模式不需要额外的匹配电路,使得结构更紧凑。天线单元采用CPW馈电方式,蚀刻在F4B的介质基板上,MIMO配置无需额外的解耦装置便能实现良好的隔离效果。仿真和测试结果表明,单个天线与MIMO天线均可实现频率可重构特性,天线单元之间的隔离度<-20 dB,相关包络系数<0.05,分集增益接近10 dB,满足设计要求。 相似文献
In this paper, we address the problem of determining the optimum antenna configuration for a multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) system at any given signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR). We used two‐level differential evolution (DE) algorithm that finds both an appropriate expression among a set of candidate expressions within the list of the optimization software used, and the parameter values (coefficients) belonging to the selected expression. The results of the proposed expression are compared with the results of high SNR approximation, asymptotic approach and optimum antenna number ratios. It is shown that the numerical outcomes produced by the new expression exhibit very good agreement with the optimum antenna number ratios, and this agreement is almost independent of the specific value of SNR. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the achievable sum‐rate of correlated two‐antenna multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) uplink channels. Most of previous works have considered the case when a single user has multiple transmit antennas (i.e. multi‐antenna single‐user scenario). This paper considers the case when two‐antenna MIMO uplink channels comprise two users with a single transmit antenna (i.e. single‐antenna two‐user scenario). The analytic and simulation results show that the achievable sum‐rate of correlated single‐antenna two‐user MIMO uplink channels highly depends on the angle difference between the receive correlation coefficients of two users. It is also shown that the achievable sum‐rate of correlated single‐antenna two‐user MIMO uplink channels is larger than that of correlated two‐antenna single‐user MIMO uplink channels and can even be larger than that of independent and identically distributed Rayleigh two‐antenna MIMO uplink channels. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Dongmei Jiang Haixia Zhang Dongfeng Yuan 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2012,25(2):205-220
This paper proposes a joint precoding and power allocation strategy to maximize the sum rate of multiuser multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) relay networks. A two‐hop relay link working on amplify‐and‐forward (AF) mode is considered. Precoding and power allocation are designed jointly at the base station (BS). It is assumed that there are no direct links between the BS and users. Under individual power constraints at the BS and relay station, precoders designed based on zero forcing, minimum mean‐square error and maximum ratio transmission are derived, respectively. Optimal power allocation strategies for these precoders are given separately. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed strategies, we simulate the uncoded bit error rate performance of the underlined system. We also show the difference of the sum rate of the system with the optimal power allocation strategies and with average power transmission. The simulation results show the advantages of the proposed joint precoding and power allocation strategies as expected. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
通过创新性采用两个天线共用一个辐射体的方法,设计了一款双频双极化两通道天线.垂直极化天线采用锥形天线原理,水平极化天线采用半波对称振子原理.通过在宽频锥形辐射体圆形筒上开缝隙的方式,设计得到3个水平极化半波对称振子.仿真结果表明,该天线带宽特性好、单元间隔离度高.垂直极化天线在端口回波损耗小于-10dB的情况下工作带宽为67%.和前人设计的该类型天线相比,本设计弥补了宽频天线仅有一个极化的缺点,垂直极化单元拥有更宽的工作带宽,且两个天线单元的极化方式正交,实现形式简单,结构可靠,成本低廉,有很好的运用前景.另外,通过适当结构参数的调节,也可以使天线工作在其他所需要的频段. 相似文献
本文提出一种多输入多输出(MIMO)天线系统中简单的扩展空时块编码(SSTBC)分集技术,采用沃尔什码来区分各天线发送数据子流。采用这种方法,在系统带宽一定时,不降低发送信息速率,同时接收机简单。不同天线的发送信息经过了所有收一发天线对之间的空间子信道,获得了所有路径的部分空间分集增益,仿真结果表明,这种增益的获得不受限于接收分集阶数,并且随发射天线的增加以一定的线性关系增加。 相似文献
Sphere decoding (SD) for multiple‐input and multiple‐output systems is a well‐recognized approach for achieving near‐maximum likelihood performance with reduced complexity. SD is a tree search process, whereby a large number of nodes can be searched in an effort to find an estimation of a transmitted symbol vector. In this paper, a simple and generalized approach called layer pruning is proposed to achieve complexity reduction in SD. Pruning a layer from a search process reduces the total number of nodes in a sphere search. The symbols corresponding to the pruned layer are obtained by adopting a QRM‐MLD receiver. Simulation results show that the proposed method reduces the number of nodes to be searched for decoding the transmitted symbols by maintaining negligible performance loss. The proposed technique reduces the complexity by 35% to 42% in the low and medium signal‐to‐noise ratio regime. To demonstrate the potential of our method, we compare the results with another well‐known method — namely, probabilistic tree pruning SD. 相似文献