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Significant progress in the area of simultaneous design and control for chemical processes has been achieved and various methodologies have been put forward to address this issue over the last several decades. These methods can be classified in two categories (1) controllability indicator‐based frameworks that are capable of screening alternative designs, and (2) optimization‐based frameworks that integrate the process design and control system design. The major objective is to give an up‐to‐date review of the state‐of‐the‐art and progress in the challenging area of optimization‐based simultaneous design and control. First, motivations and significances of simultaneous design and control are illustrated. Second, a general classification of existing methodologies of optimization‐based simultaneous design and control is outlined. Subsequently, the mathematical formulations and relevant theoretical solution algorithms, their merits, strengths and shortcomings are highlighted. Last, based on the recent advances in this field, challenges and future research directions are discussed briefly. An attempt is made with the help of this review article to stimulate further research and disseminate the simultaneous design methods to challenging problem areas. In particular, the application of optimization‐based simultaneous design and control methods to large‐scale systems with highly inherent nonlinear dynamics often the case in industrial chemical processes remains a challenging task and yet to be solved. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 1640–1659, 2012  相似文献   

The use of two‐stage stochastic optimization for the support of the solution of process design problems in the early phase of process development where the different potential elements of the production process can only be described with significant uncertainty is discussed. The first stage variables are the design decisions which are fixed after the process has been built, while the second stage variables are the operational parameters which can be adapted to the realization of the uncertainties. The application of the approach to the design of a hydroformylation process in a thermomorphic solvent system is demonstrated. The proposed designs which are computed using the software framework FSOpt are analyzed and compared using different graphic representations which provide insight into what the most important design decisions are. Finally, the experience with the proposed formulation and solution techniques and point out where further advances are needed is reviewed. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 3404–3419, 2016  相似文献   

Polygeneration, typically involving co‐production of methanol and electricity, is a promising energy conversion technology which provides opportunities for high energy utilization efficiency and low/zero emissions. The optimal design of such a complex, large‐scale and highly nonlinear process system poses significant challenges. In this article, we present a multiobjective optimization model for the optimal design of a methanol/electricity polygeneration plant. Economic and environmental criteria are simultaneously optimized over a superstructure capturing a number of possible combinations of technologies and types of equipment. Aggregated models are considered, including a detailed methanol synthesis step with chemical kinetics and phase equilibrium considerations. The resulting model is formulated as a non‐convex mixed‐integer nonlinear programming problem. Global optimization and parallel computation techniques are employed to generate an optimal Pareto frontier. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

控制与工艺集成优化设计研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许锋  罗雄麟 《化工进展》2005,24(5):483-488
控制与工艺集成优化设计是一种系统化的过程优化设计方法。以典型二元精馏塔设计为例阐述了其过程系统的数学描述,给出其最优工艺设计和控制设计的求解框架和求解策略,以及其中混合整数动态优化问题(MIDO)的求解方法。通过与传统的工艺与控制分步序贯设计比较,讨论了二者各自的优势和不足,指出控制与工艺集成优化设计具有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

DNA tiles are self‐assembled nanostructures, which offer exciting opportunities for synthesis of novel materials. A challenge for structural design of DNA tiles is to identify optimal locations for so‐called crossovers, which are bridges between DNA double helices formed by pairs of single‐stranded DNA. An optimization‐based approach is presented to identify optimal locations for such crossovers. Minimization of a potential‐energy model for a given structural design demonstrates the importance of local minima. Both deterministic global optimization of a reduced model and multistart optimization of the full model are applied successfully to identify the global minimum. MINLP optimization using a branch‐and‐bound algorithm (GAMS/SBB) identifies an optimal structural design of a DNA tile successfully with significant reduction in computational load compared to exhaustive enumeration, which demonstrates the potential of the proposed method to reduce trial‐and‐error efforts for structural design of DNA tiles. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1804–1817, 2017  相似文献   

There is a large variety of methods in literature for process design and control, which can be classified into two main categories. The methods in the first category have a sequential approach in which, the control system is designed, only after the details of process design are decided. However, when process design is fixed, there is little room left for improving the control performance. Recognizing the interactions between process design and control, the methods in the second category integrate some control aspects into process design. With the aim of providing an exploration map and identifying the potential areas of further contributions, this paper presents a thematic review of the methods for integration of process design and control. The evolution paths of these methods are described and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are explained. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research activities.  相似文献   

An approach for the optimal design of chemical processes in the presence of uncertainty was presented. The key idea in this work is to approximate the process constraint functions and model outputs using Power Series Expansions (PSE)‐based functions. The PSE functions are used to efficiently identify the variability in the process constraint functions and model outputs due to multiple realizations in the uncertain parameters using Monte Carlo (MC) sampling methods. A ranking‐based approach is adopted here where the user can assign priorities or probabilities of satisfaction for the different process constraints and model outputs considered in the analysis. The methodology was tested on a reactor–heat exchanger system and the Tennessee Eastman process. The results show that the present method is computationally attractive since the optimal process design is accomplished in shorter computational times when compared to the use of the MC method applied to the full plant model. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 3243–3257, 2014  相似文献   

We present a framework for the efficient representation, generation, and modeling of superstructures for process synthesis. First, we develop a new representation based on three basic elements: units, ports, and conditioning streams. Second, we present four rules based on “minimal” and “feasible” component sets for the generation of simple superstructures containing all feasible embedded processes. Third, in terms of modeling, we develop a modular approach, and formulate models for each basic element. We also present a canonical form of element models using input/output variables and constrained/free variables. The proposed methods provide a coherent framework for superstructure‐based process synthesis, allowing efficient model generation and modification. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 3199–3214, 2016  相似文献   

Fractional metrics, such as return on investment (ROI), are widely used for performance evaluation, but uncertainty in the real market may unfortunately diminish the results that are based on nominal parameters. This article addresses the optimal design of a large‐scale processing network for producing a variety of algae‐based fuels and value‐added bioproducts under uncertainty. We develop by far the most comprehensive processing network with 46,704 alternative processing pathways. Based on the superstructure, a two‐stage adaptive robust mixed integer fractional programming model is proposed to tackle the uncertainty and select the robust optimal processing pathway with the highest ROI. Since the proposed problem cannot be solved directly by any off‐the‐shelf solver, we develop an efficient tailored solution method that integrates a parametric algorithm with a column‐and‐constraint generation algorithm. The resulting robust optimal processing pathway selects biodiesel and poly‐3‐hydroxybutyrate as the final fuel and bioproduct, respectively. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 582–600, 2017  相似文献   

Mixed‐integer linear fractional program (MILFP) is a class of mixed‐integer nonlinear programs (MINLP) where the objective function is the ratio of two linear functions and all constraints are linear. Global optimization of large‐scale MILFPs can be computationally intractable due to the presence of discrete variables and the pseudoconvex/pseudoconcave objective function. We propose a novel and efficient reformulation–linearization method, which integrates Charnes–Cooper transformation and Glover's linearization scheme, to transform general MILFPs into their equivalent mixed‐integer linear programs (MILP), allowing MILFPs to be globally optimized effectively with MILP methods. Extensive computational studies are performed to demonstrate the efficiency of this method. To illustrate its applications, we consider two batch scheduling problems, which are modeled as MILFPs based on the continuous‐time formulations. Computational results show that the proposed approach requires significantly shorter CPU times than various general‐purpose MINLP methods and shows similar performance than the tailored parametric algorithm for solving large‐scale MILFP problems. Specifically, it performs with respect to the CPU time roughly a half of the parametric algorithm for the scheduling applications. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 4255–4272, 2013  相似文献   

In this article, we address the integration of design and nonlinear model-based control under uncertainty and structural decisions for naturally ordered structures. We propose an algorithmic framework to determine the optimal location of process units or streams over an ordered discrete set that operates in closed-loop with a model-based controller. The formulation corresponds to a mixed-integer bilevel problem (MIBLP) that is transformed into a single-level mixed-integer nonlinear problem (MINLP) using a KKT transformation strategy. In our methodology, the integer decisions are partitioned into subsets called external variables, such that the MINLP is decomposed into an integer-based master problem and primal subproblems with fixed discrete variables. The master and primal problems are solved using a Discrete-Steepest Descent Algorithm (D-SDA). We illustrate the discrete-based methodology in a case study for a binary distillation column. The D-SDA showed an improved performance compared to a benchmark continuous-based formulation using differentiable distribution functions (DDFs).  相似文献   

Variations in parameters such as processing times, yields, and availability of materials and utilities can have a detrimental effect in the optimality and/or feasibility of an otherwise “optimal” production schedule. In this article, we propose a multi‐stage adjustable robust optimization approach to alleviate the risk from such operational uncertainties during scheduling decisions. We derive a novel robust counterpart of a deterministic scheduling model, and we show how to obey the observability and non‐anticipativity restrictions that are necessary for the resulting solution policy to be implementable in practice. We also develop decision‐dependent uncertainty sets to model the endogenous uncertainty that is inherently present in process scheduling applications. A computational study reveals that, given a chosen level of robustness, adjusting decisions to past parameter realizations leads to significant improvements, both in terms of worst‐case objective as well as objective in expectation, compared to the traditional robust scheduling approaches. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1646–1667, 2016  相似文献   

Scheduling of crude oil operations is an important component of overall refinery operations, because crude oil costs account for about 80% of the refinery turnover. The mathematical modeling of blending different crudes in storage tanks results in many bilinear terms, which transform the problem into a challenging, nonconvex, mixed‐integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) optimization model. In practice, uncertainties are unavoidable and include demand fluctuations, ship arrival delays, equipment malfunction, and tank unavailability. In the presence of these uncertainties, an optimal schedule generated using nominal parameter values may often be suboptimal or even become infeasible. In this article, the robust optimization framework proposed by Lin et al. and Janak et al. is extended to develop a deterministic robust counterpart optimization model for demand uncertainty. The recently proposed branch and bound global optimization algorithm with piecewise‐linear underestimation of bilinear terms by Li et al. is also extended to solve the nonconvex MINLP deterministic robust counterpart optimization model and generate robust schedules. Two examples are used to illustrate the capability of the proposed robust optimization approach, and the extended branch and bound global optimization algorithm for demand uncertainty. The computational results demonstrate that the obtained schedules are robust in the presence of demand uncertainty. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 2373–2396, 2012  相似文献   

The development of a methodology that addresses the simultaneous design, scheduling, and control of multiproduct processes is focused. The proposed methodology takes into account the influence of disturbances by the identification of their critical frequency, which is used to quantify the worst‐case variability in the controlled variables via frequency response analysis. The uncertainty in the demands of products has also been addressed by creating critical demand scenarios with different probabilities of occurrence, while the nominal stability of the system has been ensured. Two case studies have been developed as applications of the methodology. The first case study focuses on the comparison of classical semisequential approach against the simultaneous methodology developed, while the second case study demonstrates the capability of the methodology in application to a large‐scale nonlinear system. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 2456–2470, 2015  相似文献   

Equivalent circuit model (ECM) is a practical and commonly used tool not only in state of charge (SOC) estimation but also in state of health (SOH) monitoring for lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs). The functional forms of circuit parameters with respect to SOC in ECM are usually empirical determined, which cannot guarantee to obtain a compact and simple model. A systematical solution framework for simultaneous functional form selection and parameter estimation is proposed. A bi‐objective mixed‐integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model is first constructed. Two solution approaches, namely the explicit and implicit methods, are then developed to balance model accuracy and model complexity. The former explicitly treats the model complexity as a constraint and the latter implicitly embeds the model complexity into the objective as a penalty. Both approaches require sequential solution of the transformed MINLP model and an ideal and nadir ideal solutions‐based criterion is utilized to terminate the solution procedure for determining the optimal functional forms, in which ideal solution and nadir ideal solution represent the best and worst of each objective, respectively. Both explicit and implicit approaches are thoroughly evaluated and compared through experimental pulse current discharge test and hybrid pulse power characterization test of a commercial LIB. The fitting and prediction results illustrate that the proposed methods can effectively construct an optimal ECM with minimum complexity and prescribed precision requirement. It is thus indicated that the proposed MINLP‐based solution framework, which could automatically guide the optimal ECM construction procedure, can be greatly helpful to both SOC estimation and SOH monitoring for LIBs. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 78–89, 2016  相似文献   

An alternative method for chemical process synthesis using a block‐based superstructure representation is proposed. The block‐based superstructure is a collection of blocks arranged in a two‐dimensional grid. The assignment of different equipment on blocks and the determination of their connectivity are performed using a mixed‐integer nonlinear formulation for automated flowsheet generation and optimization‐based process synthesis. Based on the special structure of the block representation, an efficient strategy is proposed to generate and successively refine feasible and optimized process flowsheets. Our approach is demonstrated using two process synthesis case studies adapted from the literature and one new process synthesis problem for methanol production from biogas © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 3082–3100, 2018  相似文献   

In many circumstances, chemical process design can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Examples include bi-objective optimization problems, where the economic objective is maximized and environmental impact is minimized simultaneously. Moreover, the random behavior in the process,property, market fluctuation, errors in model prediction and so on would affect the performance of a process. Therefore, it is essential to develop a MOO methodology under uncertainty. In this article, the authors propose a generic and systematic optimization methodology for chemical process design under uncertainty. It aims at identifying the optimal design from a number of candidates. The utility of this methodology is demonstrated by a case study based on the design of a condensate treatment unit in an ammonia plant.  相似文献   

We address in this article a problem that is of significance to the chemical industry, namely, the optimal design of a multi‐echelon supply chain and the associated inventory systems in the presence of uncertain customer demands. By using the guaranteed service approach to model the multi‐echelon stochastic inventory system, we develop an optimization model to simultaneously determine the transportation, inventory, and network structure of a multi‐echelon supply chain. The model is an MINLP with a nonconvex objective function including bilinear, trilinear, and square root terms. By exploiting the properties of the basic model, we reformulate this problem as a separable concave minimization program. A spatial decomposition algorithm based on the integration of Lagrangean relaxation and piecewise linear approximation is proposed to obtain near global optimal solutions with reasonable computational expense. Examples for specialty chemicals and industrial gas supply chains with up to 15 plants, 100 potential distribution centers, and 200 markets are presented. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

A systematic global optimization‐based process synthesis framework is presented to determine the most profitable processes to produce aromatics from natural gas. Several novel, commercial, and/or competing technologies are modeled within the framework, including methanol‐to‐aromatics, toluene alkylation with methanol, selective toluene disproportionation, and toluene disproportionation and transalkylation with heavy aromatics, among others. We propose a stand‐alone chemicals facility: the main products are aromatics with allowable by‐products of gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, and electricity. Several case studies are discussed that produce varying ratios of para‐, ortho‐, and meta‐xylene across multiple refinery capacities. The results indicate that utilizing natural gas for the production of aromatics is profitable with net present values as high as $3800 MM dollars and payback periods as low as 6 years. The required investment for these refineries represents as much as a 65% decrease compared to published estimates of similar coal‐based capacity plants. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1531–1556, 2016  相似文献   

High performance processes should operate close to design boundaries and specification limits, while still guaranteeing robust performance without design constraint violations. Since design chemical process is operating close to tighter boundaries safely; much attention has been devoted to integrating design and control, in which the design decisions, dynamics, and control performance are considered simultaneously in some optimal fashion. However, rigorous methods for solving design and control simultaneously lead to challenging mathematical formulations which easily become computationally intractable. In an earlier paper of our group, a new mathematical methodology to reduce the combinatorial complexity of integrating design and control was introduced (Malcolm et al., 2007). We showed that substantial problem size reduction can be achieved by embedding control for specific process designs. In this paper, we extend the embedded control methodologies to plantwide flowsheet. The case study for the reactor-column flowsheet will demonstrate the current capabilities of the methodology for integrating design and control under uncertainty.  相似文献   

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