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The Mar Menor is a coastal lagoon increasingly threatened by urban and agricultural pressures. The main watercourse draining into the lagoon is the Rambla del Albujón. A fortnightly campaign carried out over one annual cycle enabled us to characterize the treated urban sewage effluents and agricultural sources which contribute to the nutrient fluxes in the watercourse. Multivariate analysis provided information for establishing chemical signatures and for assessing the relative influence of the various sources on the water quality at the outlet. Mass balances were used to examine net gains and losses, and cross-correlations with rainfall to analyze climatic influence and control factors in the trends of the nutrient flux. The rainfall pattern was significantly cross-correlated with nitrate and phosphorus fluxes from agricultural sources, while fluctuations in the resident population explained the phosphorus flux trend in urban sources. 50% of dissolved inorganic nitrogen was from agricultural sources, while 70% of total phosphate and 91% of total organic carbon were from urban point sources. The net amounts of all the nutrients fell as a result of plant uptake and/or denitrification in the channel. The control of urban point sources (phosphorus-enriched) is suggested as a promptly action for improving the health of the coastal lagoon.  相似文献   

Consequences of short-term changes in thermotolerant coliform loads on their spatio-temporal distribution in a Mediterranean lagoon with large-scale mollusk farming (Thau lagoon, France) were explored using a simulation approach. Simulations were based on bacterial transport and survival coupled models forced by the input of bacterial loads from the two main rivers (Vène and Pallas) that flow into the lagoon. Different flow types (reference, sudden and constant), bringing the same bacterial load, were considered and subsequent spatial and temporal bacterial contamination of lagoon surface water and shellfish was estimated. Simulation results showed that as long as loads were high, hydrodynamical processes governed the distribution of bacterial abundance in receiving areas. As soon as loads decreased or when time supply increased, biological die-off processes became dominant. Bacterial contamination of shellfish induced by the different flow types appeared to depend on the receiving area. In the case of Pallas River area, a sudden input of bacteria led to a high bacterial contamination of shellfish but only during a short period ( approximately 1 day). A constant input of the same amount of bacteria induced a lower but significant contamination during all the simulation period (10 days). On the contrary, bacterial inputs from the Vène River led to shellfish contamination only when bacteria were delivered through a flood event. Exposure time of bacteria to adverse environmental conditions appeared to be the main explanation to the above-mentioned differences. Consequences of our results in terms of environmental management strategy were discussed.  相似文献   

Wildfires produce polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), among which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of environmental concern. After a fire affecting a Mediterranean creek, we studied the distribution and short-term permanence of PACs and of 16 priority PAH pollutants in the aquatic environment. PACs were traced through absorbance and fluorescence emissions and organic carbon concentrations. PAHs were analysed by gas chromatography. High TOC/DOC concentrations and fluorescence/absorbance values reflected abnormal inputs of fire-induced aromatic compounds. Their concentrations decreased gradually but showed sporadic peaks after precipitation. Fifteen months later, values still surpassed background levels. Initially concentrations of individual and total PAH species of the dissolved, particulate and sediment phases were increased. Then they fluctuated with new PAH inputs related with runoff, leaching and soil erosion following precipitation events. All PAH concentrations approached background levels 15 months after the fire, and never reached values of toxicological concern. However, some bioaccumulation may have occurred.  相似文献   

Preliminary analysis of data collected at a macrotidal semi‐enclosed lagoon (Pagham Harbour, UK) has revealed useful information about long‐term patterns of siltation and some of the related mechanisms. Sediment surface‐level measurements made over 2 years at different sites within Pagham Harbour have shown a steady siltation, in common with earlier measurements, which is moderated by seasonal effects due to erosion by locally generated waves. Furthermore, inspection of vertical profiles of salinity and turbidity over individual tidal cycles has revealed that the degree of sediment transport on the flood tide is related to the vertical salinity gradient. Thus, at the Ferry Pool site, which is characterised by episodic pumped discharges from a nearby sewage treatment plant, landward sediment transport is enhanced by the high degree of salinity stratification observed during the flood tide. The mobility of the sediment, and the greater distribution of softer, less well‐consolidated sediment deposits, is greater here than at the other significant freshwater inflow at the Salthouse site, where the fresh water flow is instead moderated by a tidal flap gate. Preliminary analyses suggest that the higher the salinity stratification, the greater the landward sediment transport during the flood tide. Such analyses could help inform future policy on the methods of land drainage to macrotidal lagoons, and on the potential for managed realignment at such sites.  相似文献   

Total concentrations of Cu and Pb and the speciation of these metals in sediments of the River Tenes are studied in order to establish the extent to which they are polluted and their capacity of remobilization. Five samples taken along the river were analyzed, major components of the sediments were studied using XRF and total Pb and Cu content were determined by AAS. In order to test the accuracy of the digestion methods used (triacid attack with nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids or diacic attack with nitric and hydrochloric acids) for the determination of total trace metal, a standard reference material was also analyzed. Triacid attack is proposed to obtain good results. The results show a highly polluted area (1556 mg kg−1 Cu and 1555 mg kg−1 Pb) in the last sampling site analyzed. For metal speciation, the sequential scheme of Tessier et al. was used. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that Cu content in non-residual fraction is bonded mainly to organic matter, whereas non-residual Pb is mainly associated to iron and manganese oxides.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology for mapping flood risk in ephemeral streams, based on assessing flood hazards and global exposure. The method has been applied to the peri-urban area of Valencia, extended over the floodplains of the Barranco del Carraixet and Rambla de Poyo catchments. Hazard was assessed using hydrogeomorphological methods. Global exposure was estimated as a combination between the economic value of land use and human exposure, following a previous study carried out by Camarasa, A.M., López, M.J. and Soriano, J., 2011. Mapping temporally variable exposure to flooding in small Mediterranean basins using land-use indicators, Applied Geography 31 (19), 136-145. Synthesis mapping was elaborated to spatially rank flood risks, in terms of their hazard and exposure components. The method is simple, effective and easily comparable. The results reveal diverse risk configurations for each floodplain, even though both are in the vicinity of Valencia city (metropolitan area). This flood risk mapping method is very useful for land use planning because it enables swift diagnosis of the nature of risks and can supports decision making by risk managers and urban planners.  相似文献   

The distribution of chlorophyll and phytoplankton communities were compared to nutrient concentrations and hydrological parameters along the main stretch of the river Ebro. A progressive increase in planktonic chlorophyll was observed from the upper reaches to the middle section of the river. Chlorophyll reached a maximum (60-80 microg L(-1)) in the meandering section (downstream of the city of Zaragoza), where nutrient inputs (both N and P) and the residence time of the water are very high. In this meandering section phytoplankton assemblages consisted of large centric diatoms and Scenedesmus sp.pl. These longitudinal patterns were interrupted by the presence of three large reservoirs in the lower section of the river. In the section below the reservoirs, the shorter residence water time, the presence of the invasive zebra mussel, and the massive macrophyte development may explain the historical decrease in chlorophyll-a (from 20-45 microg L(-1) in the 1990s to the present 2-5 microg L(-1)). Phytoplankton densities were extremely poor in this section of the river, where large colonial Coelastrum sp.pl. and Pediastrum sp.pl. were the most characteristic taxa.  相似文献   

A total of 16 543 artificial ponds were inventoried. Ninety‐one per cent of the ponds were classified as for farming use. Generally, the fraction of farm land converted to pond structures was close to that predicted from the average annual precipitation in the region. However, in several areas, this fraction was remarkably higher than the value predicted, probably due to excessive groundwater extraction. Overall, the naturalisation stage of ponds was poor. However, ponds sited on natural substrate basins had more structured‐marginal vegetation, compared with ponds of artificial substrate basins. Furthermore, other factors related to pond management might seriously limit their naturalisation stage. Despite the high abundance of ponds in Andalusia, our results suggest that, in order to improve the potential for biodiversity conservation in these environments, substantial structural and management changes are required.  相似文献   

This study was carried out seasonally, throughout a year, to evaluate the filtering activity on bacteria of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Six microbiological parameters were researched in the water and mussels samples collected along the coastal area of the Northern Ionian Sea in three stations, S. Vito, Lido Gandoli and Lido Silvana. We detected the densities of culturable heterotrophic bacteria by spread plate on Marine Agar, total culturable bacteria at 37 degrees C on Plate Count Agar and vibrios abundance on thiosulphate-citrate-bile-sucrose-salt (TCBS) agar. Total and fecal coliforms as well as fecal streptococci were determined by the Most Probable Number. Bacterial concentrations at 20 and 37 degrees C as well as vibrios concentrations were higher in the mussel samples compared to the corresponding seawater throughout the year. The results obtained could contribute to improve the information relatively either to the natural processes existing between bacteria and mussels or to the risk of human infections related to the consumption of mussels.  相似文献   

Benthic diatom assemblages have been used to evaluate the water quality of two rivers subjected to marked human influences. These rivers, the Llobregat and the Ter, are located in N.E. Spain, and supply water for industrial, agricultural and urban requirements of roughly three million people. The diatom communities in the headwaters are similar in both rivers (Achnanthes minutissima, Cymbella ventricosa, Gomphonema anguslatum). Species of Navicula, Nitzschia and Gomphonema develop in the middle reaches of both rivers when not disrupted by extraneous factors. In the river Ter significant pollution modifies this community and Nitzschia palea, Nitzschia gandersheimiensis and Gomphonema parvulum appear as the most tolerant species. In the Llobregat, the pollution from the salt mine operations also modifies the diatom assemblage and Nitzschia frustulum, Surirella ovata, Navicula atomus are the most abundant species. Reservoirs in the river Ter improve the quality of water and a community of Fragilaria sp. pl. becomes dominant downstream.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical and biological samples were collected from 12 sampling stations over a 13-month period to assess the effects of a small town's chlorinated sewage discharge and a thermal discharge on the Sheep River's macroinvertebrate communities. During the study, the chlorinated effluent plume was restricted to the left third of the channel for approx. 0.5 km at which point the effluent was thoroughly mixed due to an abrupt change in channel direction. Within the concentrated 0.5 km chlorinated plume, total residual chlorine TRC concentrations periodically exceeded 5.0 mg l−1. Stations were categorized into similar community assemblages on the basis of species abundance and composition using heirarchical cluster analysis. Stations immediately downstream of the thermal outfall and those within the chlorinated plume had distinctly different structure and were dominated by Oligochaeta. Multiple discriminant analysis indicated that temperature was the principle discriminating variable immediately below the thermal discharge while the chlorinated sewage (MCSE) variable was the most important discriminant function within the chlorinated effluent plume. Following complete mixing of the effluent plume within the stream channel (0.6 km downstream of outfall), macroinvertebrate structure and diversity improved, presumably due to nutrient enrichment and dilution of TRC below detectable levels.  相似文献   

Studies on PM 10, total particulate matter (TSP), elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations were carried out in the Polish coastal zone of the Baltic Sea, in urbanized Gdynia. The interaction between the land, the air and the sea was clearly observed. The highest concentrations of PM 10, TSP and both carbon fractions were noted in the air masses moving from southern and western Poland and Europe. The EC was generally of primary origin and its contribution to TSP and PM 10 mass was on average 2.3% and 3.7% respectively. Under low wind speed conditions local sources (traffic and industry) influenced increases in elemental carbon and PM 10 concentrations in Gdynia. Elemental carbon demonstrated a pronounced weekly cycle, yielding minimum values at the weekend and maximum values on Thursdays. The role of harbors and ship yards in creating high EC concentrations was clearly observed. Concentration of organic carbon was ten times higher than that of elemental carbon, and the average OC contribution to PM 10 mass was very high (31.6%). An inverse situation was observed when air masses were transported from over the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. These clean air masses were characterized by the lowest concentrations of all analysed compounds.Obtained results for organic and elemental carbon fluxes showed that atmospheric aerosols can be treated, along with water run-off, as a carbon source for the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. The enrichment of surface water was more effective in the case of organic carbon (0.27 ± 0.19 mmol m2 d1). Elemental carbon fluxes were one order of magnitude smaller, on average 0.03 ± 0.04 mmol m2 d1. We suggest that in some situations atmospheric carbon input can explain up to 18% of total carbon fluxes into the Baltic coastal waters.  相似文献   

The sea urchin Sphaerechinus granularis was used to investigate the impact of relevant levels of UV-B radiation on the early life stages of a common Mediterranean free spawning benthic species. Sperm, eggs and embryos were exposed to a range of UV radiation doses. The resulting endpoints were evaluated in terms of fertilisation success, development and survival rates. Above a weighted UV radiation dose of 0.0029 kJ m− 2, fertilisation capability of irradiated sperm decreased rapidly. The exposure of the eggs to 0.0175 kJ m− 2 and more led to delayed and inhibited development with ensuing embryonic morphological abnormalities. One-day old larvae remained strongly sensitive to UV radiation as shown by the 50% decrease of the larval survival rate for a dose of 0.025 kJ m− 2 UVR. The elevated sensitivity of embryos to experimental UVR went along with a lack of significant amount of sunscreen compounds (e.g., mycosporine-like amino acids) in the eggs. The present results demonstrated that gamete viability and embryonic development may be significantly impaired by solar UV radiation in S. granularis, compromising in this way the reproduction of the species. Unless adaptive behavioural reproductive strategies exist, the influence of ambient UV radiation appears as a selective force for population dynamics of broadcast spawners in the shallow benthic Mediterranean environment.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work is to study the influence of a roof monitor skylight on comfort criteria. The roof monitor skylight simultaneously provides lighting and outdoor ventilation air for a living room or a master bedroom in a house with an underfloor heating/cooling system. The air is introduced into the room through an air inlet in the carpentry of the opening in the roof monitor skylight and located – for the purposes of this study – in different positions in the carpentry. To evaluate the comfort variations caused by this change of position, a series of lighting and thermal numerical indicators are applied to a set of simulation models, generating a complete analysis to determine optimal positions for the air inlet. These models are designed for the context of a Mediterranean climate, with extreme calculation conditions (overcast sky in winter and clear sky in summer). The simulation tools Daylight Visualizer 2.5 and Design Builder 2.42 have been selected to generate the models. This work concludes that the optimal position for the air inlet is in the side of the carpentry of the roof monitor skylight opening, ensuring the maximization of both lighting and thermal comfort conditions.  相似文献   

The La‐Lantejuela playa‐lakes endorheic complex is a groundwater‐dependent ecosystem located within the Guadalquivir River Basin (Southern Spain) in an area mainly devoted to agriculture production with increasing groundwater extractions for irrigation from the Osuna‐La Lantejuela (O‐LL) aquifer. The O‐LL aquifer was hydrogeologically characterised in previous works made by the authors. New data and the combination of more field observations, together with the use of morphologic indexes of the playa lakes, has permitted to analyse the relationships between the aquifer and each one of the playa lakes in the complex, assessing whether their hydrological functioning would have been affected by the expansion of irrigated agriculture. Furthermore, the analysis of the results obtained has allowed establishing a hypothesis of the hydrological functioning of the whole system under natural conditions. This case study represents a useful example to understand how agriculture in semi‐arid environments can induce alterations on the wetlands hydrological functioning.  相似文献   

Urban planning is a lengthy and settled process, the results of which usually emerge after several years or even decades. That is why it is necessary for a proper urban design of cities to use parameters that are able to predict and gauge the potential long-term behaviour of urban development.In the tourist towns of the Mediterranean coast, the long-term design is often at odds with the generation of business profits in the short term. This paper presents the results of this phenomenon for an interesting case of a Spanish Mediterranean coastal city created from scratch in the 1960s and turned into a tourist destination today hypertrophied.La Manga del Mar Menor in the Murcia region every year reaches a population of more than 250,000 people during the summer, which is reduced to just a few dozen in winter. This crowded environment with an asymmetric behaviour submits annual progressive impoverishment in its economic return. This questionable profitability is the result of a misguided urban development; its results are analyzed through the evolution of the land market and the resulting urbanization in the last fifty years, with a GIS methodology.  相似文献   

Ikeda K  Yamada H 《Water research》2003,37(7):1497-1504
The effect of the concentration of tributyltin (TBT) in feed on the dietary bioaccumulation of tributyltin chloride (TBTCl) was studied in an 8-week uptake experiment and a 4-week elimination experiment using red sea bream (Pagrus major). The biomagnification factor (BMF) and the assimilation efficiency (AE) decreased from 0.30 to 0.15 and from 13% to 5.9%, respectively, as the TBT concentration in feed increased from 1.3 to 20 microg/g. The elimination rate constant (k(2)) was independent of the TBT concentration in the fish. Laboratory measurements of the BMF and AE of TBTCl underestimate actual field values if highly contaminated feed is used. Judging from the BMF and AE, the risk of the bioaccumulation of TBTCl through the food chain might be smaller than that of polychlorinated biphenyls.  相似文献   

The present research work aimed to investigate the damage vs. protection responses in gill of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) captured at a polluted coastal lagoon, Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), as a tool to evaluate the human impacts on environmental health. Damage was assessed as DNA strand breakage and lipid peroxidation (LPO) whereas protection was evaluated by measuring catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione S-transferase (GST), total glutathione (GSHt), thiols and metallothioneins (MT). Fish were caught at five locations: Gafanha (GAF), Rio Novo do Príncipe (RIO), Laranjo (LAR) and Vagos (VAG) presenting each a different recognized source of contamination, and Torreira (TOR), assumed as reference site. Among the surveyed sites, gill damage was observed only at GAF, as measured by DNA integrity loss and LPO increase. An overall induction in enzymatic antioxidant protection was perceptible in fish from GAF and VAG, expressed as higher GPX, GR and GST activities. In addition, LAR fish showed elevated GST and CAT activities. Thiols content was higher in all study sites irrespective to the pollution spectrum, whereas GSHt increase was only observed at GAF and VAG. The highest MT level was detected in fish from VAG and the lowest level from RIO suggesting a low contamination degree on this particular site. Globally, the results expressed site-specific response patterns, signalling two critical areas - GAF and VAG. Additionally, a joint analysis (damage vs. protection) allowed the following ordering of surveyed sites according to the contamination degree and risk to fish health; GAF>VAG>LAR>RIO>TOR. D. labrax gill responses demonstrated their efficacy as early warning signals of the contaminants presence. Moreover, the adopted approach, considering simultaneously protection responses and damaging effects, also revealed its usefulness on the pollution extent assessment.  相似文献   

Land use has significantly changed during the recent decades at global and local scale, while the importance of ecosystems as sources/sinks of C has been highlighted, emphasizing the global impact of land use changes. Land use changes can increase C loss rates which are extremely difficult to reverse, in the short term, opposite to organic carbon (OC) which accumulates in soil in the long-term. The aim of this research is to improve and test methodologies to assess land cover change (LCC) dynamics and temporal and spatial variability in C stored in vegetation at a wide scale. LCCs between 1956 and 2007 in Andalusia (Southern Spain) were selected for this pilot study, assessed by comparison of spatial data from 1956 to 2007 and were reclassified following land cover flows (LCFs) reported in major areas in Europe. Carbon vegetation densities were related to land cover, and C vegetation stocks for 1956 and 2007 were calculated by multiplying C density for each land cover class with land cover areas. The study area has supported important changes during the studied period with significant consequences for vegetation C stocks, mainly due to afforestation and intensification of agriculture, resulting in a total vegetation C stock of 156.08 Tg in 2007, with an increase of 17.24 Tg since 1956. This study demonstrates the importance of LCC for C sequestration in vegetation from Mediterranean areas, highlighting possible directions for management policies in order to mitigate climate change as well as promoting land conservation. The methodologies and information generated in this project will be a useful basis for designing land management strategies helpful for decision makers.  相似文献   

Levels of imposex (superimposition of male characters, upon females) and the presence of sterile females are assessed in the gastropod Nassarius nitidus (Jeffreys, 1867), at 22 locations in the Basque Country (northern Spain). At 18 of these localities, butyltin bioaccumulation (tributyltin (TBT); dibutyltin; monobutyltin) was analysed using isotope dilution and GC-ICP-MS. Higher imposex levels and TBT body burden were found in confined harbours, with a large vessel traffic or the presence of a fishing fleet or a shipyard. For the first time, four apparently sequential types of aborted capsules are described in this species. Another novelty is the interspecific comparison between imposex intensities in sympatrically living populations of N. nitidus and N. reticulatus. This showed that sensitivity to TBT pollution of both species is relatively similar (in terms of Relative Penis Length Index). Since N. nitidus has a restricted habitat distribution due to its low presence in wave-exposed habitats, its complementary use with other species is recommended for its use in TBT monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

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