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Precise measurements of disintegration rates by using a 4πβ-γ coincidence apparatus have resulted in improved certainties of the principal γ-ray emission probabilities of 193Os. Most of the uncertainties are less than 1%, whereas the uncertainties of emission probabilities evaluated in the Nuclear Data Sheets (83 (1998) 921) are more than 6%. The precision is improved for the β-ray branching ratio for direct transition to the ground state and the value is larger than the evaluated value by about 6%.  相似文献   

用硅烷偶联剂对石墨烯表面进行修饰, 制备石墨烯/环氧树脂复合涂层。通过交流阻抗(EIS)和塔菲尔极化曲线(Tafel slope)等电化学方法分析复合涂层经伽马射线辐照后的腐蚀防护性能。采用电子自旋共振(ESR)和傅里叶红外光谱分析仪(FTIR)等测试复合涂层的γ射线辐照损伤, 探索了石墨烯在环氧树脂中抗辐照损伤的作用机理。Tafel结果显示复合涂层经280 kGy辐照后, 腐蚀电流为6.140×10-9 A/cm2, 而纯环氧树脂涂层的腐蚀电流则为1.340×10-8 A/cm2, 说明石墨烯可以使复合涂层保持较好的腐蚀防护性能。ESR分析表明, 复合涂层中的石墨烯可以降低环氧树脂基体在γ射线辐照过程中产生的过氧自由基, 表明石墨烯可有效吸收辐照过程中的自由基。辐照前后复合涂层的FT-IR图谱没有发生明显变化, 说明石墨烯有效降低了伽马射线对环氧树脂的结构损伤。因此, 可以认为石墨烯能够减缓环氧树脂在高能辐照环境中的老化, 从而延长其使用寿命。  相似文献   

A detector has been designed and built to assist in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy with fusion–evaporation reactions. It measures with high efficiency the evaporation residues that recoil out of a thin target into the angular interval from 1.8° to 9.0° at an adjustable distance of 1000–1350 mm from a target, in coincidence with γ-rays detected in a Ge-detector array. This permits filtering of such γ-rays out of a much stronger background of other reaction products and scattered beam. Evaporation residues are identified by their time-of-flight and the pulse height using a pulsed beam. The velocity vector of the γ-emitting recoil is also measured in the event-by-event mode, facilitating to correct the registered γ-ray energy for the Doppler shift, with the resulting significant improvement of the energy resolution. The heavy-ion detection scheme uses emission of secondary electrons caused by the recoiling ions when hitting a thin foil. These electrons are then electrostatically accelerated and focused onto a small scintillator that measures the summed electron energy, which is proportional to the number of electrons. The detector is able to operate at high frequency of the order of 1 MHz and detect very heavy nuclei with as low kinetic energy as 5 MeV. The paper describes the properties of the detector and gives examples of measurements with the OSIRIS, GAREL+ and EUROBALL IV γ-ray spectrometers. The usefulness of the technique for spectroscopic investigations of nuclei with a continuous beam is also discussed.  相似文献   

Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) and Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CdZnTe) based detectors have been developed for hard X-ray and γ -ray detection. These semiconducting materials have high resistivity because of the wide bandgap and also have high photon absorption efficiency because of the large atomic number (ZCd = 48, ZTe = 52). CdTe and CdZnTe substrates (7 mm × 9 mm × 0.5 mm) with different stoichiometry were taken for the fabrication of γ-ray detectors. The substrate was prepared by polishing the bulk crystals grown by the rotational Bridgman method. Crystals with maximum electrical resistivity were grown in this way. For fabrication of Schottky barrier diode structures, the Schottky contacts were made by electroless deposition for gold (Au) and thermal evaporation for Indium (In). The Au/CdTe/In and Au/CdZnTe/In Schottky barrier diodes were linked to the charge sensitive preamplifier by gold wires. Then, I-V measurement and detector efficiency like charge collection performance with energy resolutions were analyzed at room temperature by using 57Co and 137Cs gamma sources. The good energy resolutions of 57Co (122 KeV) and 137Cs (662 KeV) sources are obtained for both CdTe and CdZnTe diode detectors.  相似文献   

In this research, we investigated the effect of 60Co γ-ray exposure on the electrical properties of Au/SnO2/n-Si (MIS) structures using current–voltage (IV) measurements. The fabricated devices were exposed to γ-ray doses ranging from 0 to 300 kGy at a dose rate of 2.12 kGy h−1 in water at room temperature. The density of interface states Nss as a function of EcEss is deduced from the forward bias IV data for each dose by taking into account the bias dependence effective barrier height and series resistance of device at room temperature. Experimental results show that the γ-irradiation gives rise to an increase in the zero bias barrier height ΦBO, as the ideality factor n and Nss decrease with increasing radiation dose. In addition, the values of series resistance were determined using Cheung's method. The Rs increases with increasing radiation dose. The results show that the main effect of the radiation is the generation of interface states with energy level within the forbidden band gap at the insulator/semiconductor interface.  相似文献   

Photoreflectance (PR) spectroscopy has been applied to the investigation of Si δ-doped GaAs, Al0.35Ga0.65As and AlAs layers grown by metal–organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on GaAs substrates. The observation of Franz–Keldysh oscillations (FKO) and the application of fast Fourier transform (FFT) has allowed us to determine the internal electric field and, hence, the potential barrier between surface and δ-doped region of the layer. The FFT of the photoreflectance spectra has exhibited two separate heavy and light hole frequencies showing that the FKO in the PR signal are always the superposition of these two components.  相似文献   

We have examined the characteristics of solar cells from the standpoint of developing a γ-radiation monitor. This study was performed using a test monitor (TM) manufactured from two monocrystalline-type silicon solar cells coupled to a CsI(Tl) scintillation crystal. The angular and temperature characteristics of current generation were examined using a high-intensity 60Co γ-source. Subsequently, the test monitor was used for checking of transfer operations of spent nuclear fuels. The results obtained by the test monitor utilizing solar cells were better than expected: (a) It is very simple in construction, and (b) it exhibits a good response to high-intensity γ-radiation, and (c) it works without an electric power supply.  相似文献   

This paper reports on organic field effect transistors (OFETs) based on two π-conjugated oligomers derived from thiophenes and their use as sensors for the detection of 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT). The detection mechanism relies on donor-acceptor interactions between the π-conjugated system (donor) and the nitrated molecule (acceptor). An important feature of sensors is the stability under operation, so, a large part of this work will be dealing with the behavior of OFETs under bias stress experiments as well as with the influence of temperature during operation. Most of results reported here are concerning hexyl capped tetra Thienylene–Vinylene (denominated 4-TV). Some preliminary results on the promising hexyl capped quinquethiophene derived from 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (denominated TETET) are also reported. Under a DNT contaminated air atmosphere ( 7 ppm), 4-TV based OFETs exhibit an increase of the drain current when DNT is present in the atmosphere as expected.  相似文献   

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