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据俄罗斯机器制造行业联合会资料显示,2010年1-12月,俄罗斯国内机器制造业产出同比持续增加,全年增长9.3%,工程机械交付率超过其生产率。和前11个月统计相比较,1-12月统计调查企业库存量7158台,合计环比减少了1009台。本文详尽分析了2010年俄罗斯工程机械各机种的生产与交付情况。  相似文献   

二、三月份的莫斯科,室外气温还在零下十几度.银妆素襄,一派千里冰封、万里雪飘的北国风光。2006年2月27日至3月4日,中建材防水公司外贸部经理董有义、苏州防水材料研究设计所所长羡永彪和设计部主任巢文革一行3人组成的中国防水代表团赴莫斯科参加了在Sokolniki文化展览中心举行的“2006第14届俄罗斯建筑展”。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the migration processes that have been occurring in Chile between 1977–1982 and 1987–1992, as a market mechanism to re-allocate labor among regions. Using traditional consumer theory, a model is developed for a migrant who is evaluating migration. Secondly, this model is estimated, with cross section aggregate data, for both periods using a logit formulation. The results indicate that there is a strong force in the Chilean regional labor market, which serves to concentrate the workforce around the largest populated region of the country. Finally, regional labor markets are simulated to show that migration forces are very weak to arbitrage regional wages and unemployment rate and specific policy is required to promote balanced development across Chilean regions. Received: January 1999/Accepted: August 2001  相似文献   

The paper discusses the indicators and techniques which can be used in residential land assessment during the transition from a planned to a market economy when a land market is being formed. An analysis of housing market transactions, sociological polls, and an expert study were independently used to grade spatial differences in the residential land attractiveness in the city of Krasnoyarsk in Russia. The research shows that expert evaluations do not truthfully represent the attractiveness of urban environmental qualities in the eyes of potential investors. It is also argued that under certain conditions, sociological polls of the urban population give a better approximation of the prospective residential land market value than administrative and expert assessments. Boris A. Portnov is a researcher at the Center for Desert Architecture and Urban Planning at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede-Boker Campus, 84990, Israel. He has his Ph.D. in the field of Urban and Regional Planning. In 1982–87 he was working in Ukraine as a town-planner and as the Head of Town-Building Department of the Ukraine State Project and Design Institute. From 1987 to 1995 he occupied different teaching positions at Krasnoyarsk Civil Engineering Institute of Russia (1987–1990-senior teacher; 1990–1995-professor of the Town-Building Department at the School of Architecture). he is a member of Russia's Architect Professional Union, and an author of two books and more than 70 articles. The field of his activity is urban-planning and rational use of urban lands. Vladimir P. Maslovskiy is an economist, and an Associate Professor of the Department of Economics at the Krasnoyarsk Civil Engineering Institute of Russia. He has a Ph.D. in Applied Economics. He is an author of 30 articles. In 1994 he received a grant from the World Bank for three months studying in Washington D.C. in the framework of the Project-Manager Program.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the implications of capacity markets and allocation mechanisms for cross-border trade and market welfare by applying an analytical model where two markets with different market designs, the energy-only market and the energy-plus-capacity market, are interconnected and operate under different transmission capacity allocation schemes. The findings suggest that having an energy-only market at one side of the border and an energy-plus-capacity market at the other side may impede cross-border trade and result in underusage or misusage of transmission in the case of an explicit allocation of transmission capacity. Implicit allocation or market coupling, in principle, would increase the efficiency of cross-border trade, but may result in distributional effects, involving for instance a free-riding effect.  相似文献   

We investigate determinants of the pattern of recent migration of Alaska Natives between rural homelands and urban areas. A review of the literature on moving in the North American North suggests that economic opportunities draw migrants, although such opportunities must be viewed in the context of the mixed subsistence-cash economy prevailing in rural areas of the region. Consequently, we model Native migration as a simultaneous decision with labor market participation in a mixed economy. Estimated equations explaining individual Alaska Native migration choices using the U.S. Census Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) are consistent with the model, and also suggest that perceived opportunities differ between women and men.The authors acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation, grant OPP-9521459. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the 1998 annual meeting of the Western Regional Science Association  相似文献   

This article examines how changing patterns of migration in Ireland affected housing markets. It identifies a dramatic migration turnaround in the Republic of Ireland as net migration loss was replaced by high levels of net inward migration after 1996. The migration turnaround comprised less outward migration and a strong inflow, including return migrants (first and second generation) and overseas-born non-citizen immigrants. The migration turnaround resulted in greater ethnic diversity and, combined with other economic and demographic changes, boosted already-growing housing demand. Northern Ireland, by way of contrast, had net migration loss during the 1990s and lower growth in housing demand.  相似文献   

中国新华社最近采访奥列格·德里帕斯卡时,这位俄罗斯首富说,俄罗斯有句谚语:"强劲和稳定赢得比赛".德里帕斯卡在讨论他与中国建立强大业务关系的做法,以及在国内基础建设方面进行大量投资的必要性.之后,他对彭博资讯说:"在铁路连线、港口设施和吞吐量、边境路口、电力网和管路建设等方面的投资应该扩大三倍.这些建设非常重要.(俄罗斯)政府非常重视在这些领域取得的进展.  相似文献   

在1998年前:主要用于推动加速折119.采用最小的第三方风险——国内团体交易.“真正的“租赁市场只有1亿~15亿美元。  相似文献   

福斯特建筑事务所主创的俄罗斯之塔(世贸中心),将构筑欧洲建筑新的至高点,也为莫斯科天际线增添重要的一笔。由于其独特的形态,人们从莫  相似文献   

The primary objectives of the housing reforms in the Russian Federation were to reduce the balance of the state housing stock by privatisation and to raise rental payments in order to permit the market to achieve a more efficient utilisation of the housing stock by allocating available housing to those with effective housing demand. Part of these objectives also included improving the quality of maintenance in state housing by breaking up the monopolies of state maintenance firms and replacing them with private firms procured through competitive bidding procedures. Moscow, in particular, has been a forerunner in implementing housing reform policies, including shifting from state maintenance firms to contracted private ones. Using Moscow and other Russian cities as illustrations for reforms in maintenance and managementbrings to light the benefits of private maintenance and also problems which must be overcome, not only throughout Russia but in nearly all the countries of the formerSoviet bloc. This paper evaluates the institutional changes of maintenance and sources of funding for maintenance in Moscow during the reforms; it shows evidence of improved quality of housing maintenance through the use of contracted private firms; and providesa general overview of competitive maintenance and condominium formation throughout Russia.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research into the relationship between labour market change and the private rental market in non-metropolitan South Australia for the period 1990 to 2000. It finds that there is considerable 'stickiness' within the market and that there has been a limited supply response to changing levels of demand. This has contributed to housing and labour shortages in some regions and over-supply in others. Each circumstance has generated considerable dilemmas for public policy.  相似文献   

Contamination of the environment by lead is recognised throughout the world as one of the major environmental problems. The main goal of this paper is to present objective and systematic data on this problem in Russia. Here we show that in spite of a crisis of industry, the degree of contamination of various parts of the environment in urban areas remains very high. A considerable proportion of the urban population of the country, especially children, are running the risk of a detrimental effect of lead compounds in various parts of the environment and in foodstuffs.  相似文献   

俄罗斯近年来经历了巨大的变化,在消防体制上也同样发生了根本的变化:本来,中国的消防体制是沿袭苏俄的,俄罗斯的联邦内务部内设消防总局,但“9.11”事件后,俄罗斯向美国看齐,于当年成立了以反恐为主的紧急情况部,消防总局也脱离了内务部,划归了紧急情况部.我们这里的叙述,还是从内务部开始:  相似文献   

Russian urban planning and government are undergoing a metropolitan turn. The Russian central government is seeking to spatially rebalance the Russian economy by creating new economic centres and introducing metropolitan-level urban planning and government for selected core cities and adjacent municipalities. From the urban planning perspective, metropolisation aims to promote better coordination within functional urban areas. Using the current debates in urban planning and economic geography, this paper examines the origins, content, and economic implications of this state-led metropolisation. It concludes that although some material conditions for metropolisation are present, cities may not be able to fulfil the vision of new ‘economic engines’ because of deeply embedded structural problems in the Russian economy and the current weakness of metropolitan governments.  相似文献   

2004年的中国工程建设机械行业经受了宏观调控的历练,市场在跌宕起伏中走过了具有戏剧性的一年。在经历过2002、2003年以及2004年1~4月的市场快速增长后,随着中央政府开始实施的一系列宏观调控措施,工程机械市场风云变幻,行业经历“冰火两重天”。挖掘机械、混凝土机械和路面机械等主要机种产销量的增幅明显减弱,有的机种甚至出现负增长。  相似文献   

Open markets offer rich reward to those who use technology elegantly, to meet other people's values. Empowering the individual can bring agility to the arthritic hierarchy, and response to market signals; but it can also bring disunity and menace. How can we enjoy the paradox-personal initiative, and cohesion where it really counts? The author discusses this paradox stressing the need for prudent enterprise  相似文献   

史清利 《山西建筑》2014,(10):277-278
结合工作经验,全面分析了做好工程市场营销、开拓工程建筑市场的策略,从投标准备、市场营销、竞争对手、研究市场等方面展开了论述,以增强企业的市场竞争力,实现企业发展壮大的目标。  相似文献   

介绍俄罗斯建设机械租赁业的现状,阐述俄罗斯建设机械租赁理论,分析俄罗斯租赁业为建立"高质量的建设机械租赁业"的对策。  相似文献   

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