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叙述了近几年国外磨粉加工设备的发展和变化,主要介绍了着水机、分离筛、高方筛、磨粉机、在线面粉生产监控等方面先进技术的利用,以供选用参考. 相似文献
高方平筛是面粉加工中的关键设备之一,与磨粉机和清粉机统称为三项制粉主机。它主要用于研磨后物料的筛理和分级,也可以作为检查筛使用。 相似文献
简述了面粉平筛的发展史,从筛箱、驱动机构、悬吊装置几个方面介绍了平筛设计的改善和发展情况,介绍了国内外新型平筛产品和技术。指出了今后面粉平筛的设计方向,即平筛不仅要结构可靠,还要具有结构柔性化、安全卫生、污染少、成本低等特点。 相似文献
随着我国改革开放形势的发展,粮食流通体制的改革已势在必行.面粉传统的25kg袋一销售形式早已不能适应城镇居民生活的需要。人们对面粉的需求已向优质、方便、多品种转化,一些大、中城市也已推出了一些小袋包装的面粉出售,销量很好。由于面粉小包装生产机械缺乏,大多数生产厂家都是以手工生产为主,远远 相似文献
浅谈中小型面粉厂清粉机的应用湖北省襄樊食品工业学校(441021)熊昌英随着人民生活水平的日益提高,我国面粉工业由单一生产标准粉转向生产等级粉。近几年来,我国面粉工业引进了先进的工艺与设备,采用短粉路生产等级粉,具有面粉质量好(灰分低),上等粉出粉率... 相似文献
The rust-red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, is a polyphagous pest of cereal grains and many other stored products. The presence of this pest causes contamination and economic losses by reducing the quality and quantity of commodities in storage. This research was aimed to study the development of T. castaneum on different flour products and investigate the factors affecting the survivorship and development time of T. castaneum. We used 16 flour products differentiated by production process (commercial vs. non-commercial) and commodity types. We conducted experiments on the development of T. castaneum in the laboratory by placing 15 mating pairs of T. castaneum into a treatment jar and allowing them to feed on different flour products. The results showed that T. castaneum adults laid eggs in all flour products. The larvae could live and survive, although the population density was found to be significantly lower in the commercial products. The pupae and adult (F1 progeny) were only found in all non-commercial products and three commercial products. In addition, the total development time of T. castaneum was shown to be significantly faster in commercial products and did not differ among commodity types. We found that particle size variation and protein content of flour products affected the survivorship and development time of T. castaneum. In conclusion, understanding the particle size and chemical composition of flour products is a pivotal step in developing a pest management strategy for T. castaneum. 相似文献
Heating soft wheat flour at 80°C for 15 min has already been shown to improve its bread-making potential. In this study, flour was fractionated to determine the specific effect of heating on its constituents (gluten, starch, lipid, water-soluble). While gluten was easier to extract and its texture was slacker after heating, it significantly increased dough-mixing stability and development time (P<0.01). Heated water-soluble fraction containing pentosans partly decreased stability (P=0.06). 相似文献
本研究制备了燕麦-玉米挤压膨化粉并探究添加魔芋粉共挤压对混粉理化性质的影响,实验主要测定其基本营养成分、糊化特性和体外消化特性。结果表明,挤压膨化处理后,原料中脂肪含量和快消化淀粉含量显著降低(P<0.05),其中脂肪含量由9.38%降至3.06%,但对抗性淀粉含量无影响(P>0.05),原料粉与挤压膨化粉eGI值分别为66.03和67.34,均属于中GI物料。添加魔芋粉与燕麦玉米混粉共挤压后,不同添加量魔芋粉均能显著降低混粉中快消化淀粉含量(P<0.05),提高慢消化淀粉和抗性淀粉含量, 添加5%、10%、15%魔芋粉后eGI值显著降低(P<0.05),分别为48.06、48.51和49.11,均属于低GI物料,可作为代餐产品原料使用。 相似文献
面粉增白剂是由活性组价过氧化苯甲酰均匀分散在惰性载体中制成的。过氧化苯甲酰在面粉中受到水份、酶和空气的作用而分解,放出初生态氧,使面粉中的生色基团类胡萝卜素不饱和双键氧化,破坏发色团,产生退色作用。所以使用面粉增白剂,可以使面粉在24小时内得到适度的增白,从而增加面粉白度和颜色的稳定性。本文概述了面粉增白剂的增白机理,此外还讲述了面粉增白剂使用及生产安全。 相似文献
Marama bean is a protein-rich, underutilised, drought-tolerant legume in sub-Saharan Africa. Its utilisation may be increased through value addition into protein-rich flours. Defatted flour from unheated and dry-heated (150 °C/20 min) whole marama beans (UMF and HMF) were analysed for physicochemical and protein-based functional properties. Heating significantly increased in vitro protein digestibility of marama bean flour. Of functional importance are the high levels of tyrosine present in marama bean flours. Heating significantly reduced protein solubility and emulsifying capacity of marama bean flours whilst water absorption capacity was improved. Foaming capacity was not affected by heating. UMF could be useful in food systems requiring high emulsifying capacity, but would not be suitable for applications requiring high water absorption and foaming capacity. Due to its high protein contents, marama bean flour could be used to increase the protein quality of cereal-based foods to help alleviate protein-energy nutrition in the region. 相似文献
Sulfuryl fluoride (SF) has been developed as a fumigant for control of insect pests in stored grain. However, there is very limited information on the sorption behaviour of this fumigant, which can be critical to its bioactivity, application and potential for residues. We undertook a comprehensive laboratory study of the sorption and desorption of SF by wheat (bread and durum), flour and semolina at 15, 25 and 35 °C, moisture contents 12% and 15%, and concentration × time combinations at CT = 1500 mgh/L (4.167 mg/L × 360 h, 8.928 mg/L × 168 h and 31.25 mg/L × 48 h).At each dosage, sorption rate increased as commodity temperature and moisture content increased. The highest rates of sorption occurred at 35 °C and 15% m.c., and lowest rates at 15 °C and 12% m.c., and the rate was independent of initial concentration. Sorption followed first order reaction kinetics described by the exponential decay equation, Ct = C0·e−k*t, where k is the sorption rate constant. The most important factors determining the rate of sorption were commodity particle size (exposed surfaces) and temperature. Little sorption of fumigant occurred within the first 24 h whereas longer fumigation times resulted in significant sorption. Unbound SF was rapidly lost from the commodity upon aeration with no further desorption detected under any of the test conditions.SF possesses a number of characteristics that recommend it as a commodity fumigant. It is sorbed slowly by commodities relative to methyl bromide and carbonyl sulphide although it is sorbed about 4–5 times faster than phosphine. It desorbs rapidly upon aeration, and the lack of continued desorption has practical workplace health and safety benefits. On the other hand, sorbed SF appears irreversibly bound to the commodity matrix indicating the need to be alert to the possibility of excessive residues, particularly in longer term fumigations. 相似文献
The genetic diversity in seeds (physicochemical, hydration, textural and cooking properties) and flours (pasting and gel texture) among kidney bean lines was studied. A wide range of variation was observed for yield and yield-related traits. Seed weight, volume, density, hydration capacity, hydration index, swelling capacity, cooking time and amylose content ranged from 10.2 to 51.7 g/100 seeds, 14 to 46 ml/100 seeds, 0.51 to 2.15 g/ml, 0.03 to 0.62 g/seed, 0.16 to 0.97, 1.24 to 1.93 ml/seed, 50 to 120 min, and 0.09% to 5.02%, respectively. Hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness and chewiness of hydrated seeds ranged from 0.81 to 2.03 g, 0.18 to 0.48, 0.20 to 0.97 g, 0.31 to 0.51 and 0.08 to 0.43 g, respectively. Pasting temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback ranged from 79 to 95 °C, 402 to 3235 cP, 9 to 393 cP, 862 to 5311 cP, and 363 to 2488 cP, respectively. Hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness, chewiness and adhesiveness of flour gels ranged from 3.9 to 5.3 g, 0.52 to 0.76, 1.47 to 23.52 g, 0.91 to 0.99, 3.21 to 23.91 and 13.2 to 178.5 g s, respectively. 相似文献