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We measured the heart rate (HR) and oxygen consumption ( ) of wapiti (Cervus elaphus canadensis) before, during, and after presentation of biologically irrelevant odors (pentane, thiophene, and a perfume), artificial predator odors (an ether extract of cougar feces, and PDT, a compound found in mustelid anal gland secretion), stale predator odors (dog feces and urine and fox urine, kept at ambient temperature for a few weeks), and fresh predator odors (wolf, coyote, and cougar feces and the odor of a dead coyote, kept frozen between collection and test). Overall, responses to odors were small compared to other stressful stimuli. Individual variability was high among scents and among wapiti, but two of the fresh predator odors (cougar and wolf feces) produced larger HR and responses than the other scents and were more often successful at producing responses. As a group, fresh predator odors produced larger tachycardias and elicited a larger number of significant HR responses than biologically irrelevant novel odors. although the two classes of odors did not differ in their effect on . Although several other studies have shown that ungulates have reduced feeding levels when their food is scented with predator odors, it is not clear if this is due to reduced palatability or antipredator behavior. This study is the first demonstration that a wild ungulate species reacted more strongly to predator odors than to other odors in a nonfeeding situation.  相似文献   

The responses of the goldenrod leaf beetleTrirhabda canadensis to host and nonhost volatile odors were tested in a Y-tube olfactometer in the laboratory. Beetles preferred host to nonhost odors and were sensitive to concentrations of host odor. Beetles distinguished between host and nonhost volatiles of only one of the two nonhostSolidago species; host volatiles were preferred to all nonhost volatiles at the family and order levels. In other words, all nonhosts above the genus level had similar effects on beetle responses. Although the odors of most nonhosts were neutral (i.e., neither attractive nor repellent) to the beetles as tested against air, this neutrality disappeared if the odors of two or more nonhosts were added to the host odor and beetles were given a choice between this mixture and pure host odor. Given this choice, they strongly preferred pure host odor, which suggests that diversity of odors per se is unattractive to the beetles. Beetles walked rather than flew to locate their hosts in the field, and their movements suggest that they used olfactory cues to locate hosts.  相似文献   

The influence of mustelid anal-gland compounds on population dynamics of the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) was investigated. Densities of deer mice were not found to be significantly different between treated and control areas. However, on average, numbers of deer mice were lower on treated areas following the July treatments of 1991 and 1992. Survival rates appeared to be lower and more erratic on treated than control areas in 1991; however, there were no statistically significant differences. Reproduction appeared to be unaffected by the odors. We concluded that deer mice did not display a behavioral response to weasel odors. We speculated that decreases in densities were owing to predation by weasels, which were attracted to the odors on treated sites. We also concluded that the use of weasel odors as a biological control method for voles (Microtus spp.) would likely have little impact on deer mice (a nontarget species).  相似文献   

Wild rats,Rattus norvegicus, R. exulans, andR. rattus, avoided wire-cage live traps that had previously captured mongooses,Herpestes auropunctatus. Replacing traps soiled by mongooses with clean traps would increase rat capture success and reduce a source of experimental bias.  相似文献   

GC-MS analysis of the metatarsal gland secretion from a female sika deer, Cervus nippon, showed 35 major volatile compounds that included 13 straight-chain carboxylic acids, a single branched-chain carboxylic acid, 9 straight-chain aldehydes, 3 monounsaturated aldehydes, 5 long-chain alcohols, a ketone, and cholesterol. The four most abundant compounds were heptanal, nonanal, octanoic acid, and 6-methyl-2-heptanone. Many of the compounds have previously been found in cervid secretions, but the unsaturated aldehydes, (E)-2-octenal, (E)-2-nonenal, and (E)-2-decenal, have not previously been reported in the glands of any cervid. The compounds in this gland may be pheromones, since metatarsal gland odor has been implicated in chemical communication among conspecifics of other cervids.  相似文献   

The effect on mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus Rafinesque) preference of compounds in mountain big sagebrush [Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp.Vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle], Wyoming big sagebrush (A. t. ssp.Wyomingensis Beetle and Young), basin big sagebrush (A. t. ssp.Tridentata), and black sagebrush (A. nova Nels.) was compared using a two-choice preference test. Compounds tested included:p-cymene, 1,8-cineole, methacrolein (two concentrations), and the nonvolatile crude terpenoid fraction (NVCTF) from each taxon. The compounds were tested by applying them to chopped alfalfa hay at concentrations similar to those found in nature. The intake of the treated hay was compared with that of an untreated control. Eight deer were used as test animals in an 8 – 8 Latin-square design. All compounds tested significantly deterred ingestion (P < 0.05). Compound influence on preference, in order of increasing deterrence, was as follows: 50% methacrolein, mountain big sagebrush NVCTF, methacrolein, basin big sagebrush NVCTF,p- cymene, Wyoming big sagebrush NVCTF, black sagebrush NVCTF, and 1,8-cineole. Methacrolein appears to be an important preference determinant among big sagebrush subspecies, andp-cymene between black sagebrush and big sagebrush. The NVCTFs containing sesquiterpene lactones as one of their constituents were closely related to the preference of all four taxa. Future studies of animal preference for sagebrush should consider all of the potential defensive chemicals in the foliage.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of the allelopathic nonsubstituted monoterpenes -pinene and limonene on yeast,Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were proportional to the size of the monoterpene droplets in suspension. Both the toxic effects and the size of the droplets in suspension were decreased by adding different solvents with the monoterpene as follows: dimethylsulfoxide – dimethylformamide ethanol > dioxane. Oxygen consumption was inhibited about 80% by 1 mM -pinene added in dimethylsulfoxide but less than 10% when -pinene was added in dioxane. Parallel decreases in droplet size and toxic effects of either monoterpene were also induced by hydrating the monoterpene-dimethylformamide or monoterpene-dimethylsulfoxide before addition to yeast. Molecular aggregation may be a mechanism to potentiate the allelopathic properties of monoterpenes when these associate with diverse soil components.  相似文献   

Interdigital secretions were collected from eight male white-tailed deer of various ages. Analysis of volatiles was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with a modified headspace technique. Forty-six volatile compounds were found including alkanes, arenes, aldehydes, ketones, aliphatic acids, esters, pyrroles, furans, and sulfur compounds. Eleven occurred in higher concentrations (P0.10) in dominant (3.5-year-old) than in subordinate (1.5-year-old) animals. Dominant males typically have higher serum testosterone levels, and fatty acids and esters fluctuate with sebum production, which is under hormonal control. Therefore, these compounds may reflect testosterone levels and act as chemical signals indicating the presence of a dominant male. Interdigital volatiles also may act as generalized scent trail markers.  相似文献   

Flehmen is a stereotyped response of ungulates and other mammals to urine. In black-tailed deer, Flehmen occurs typically in males (rarely in females), and its frequency shows an annual cycle. Flehmen in response to female urine was most frequent in November, and to male urine in January. The response minimum to both types of urine occurred in May. Fifty-five to 100% of initial responses to female urine resulted in Flehmen. The deer responded more often to female urine, and the difference between the responses to female and male urine increased from May to November. A male's own urine released Flehmen more often than did urine of other males. The response intensity varied with the spatial orientation of the male to the urinating female, and responses were usually limited to distances of 15 m or less.  相似文献   

Anal sac fluid from the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) was cultured for anaerobic bacteria by two techniques. The more strictly anaerobic technique yielded a wider range of species. Considerable biochemical differences were noted within named species, but no correlation could be found between the foxes and the organisms of their anal sac fluids.  相似文献   

Olfactory reception of potential pheromones and host-plant odors by male and female tarnished plant bugs (TPBs),Lygus lineolaris (Hemiptera: Miridae), was investigated by utilizing electroantennogram (EAG) techniques. In general, EAGs were similar between the sexes. Among 31 compounds of seven chemical groups tested, insect-produced butyrates and host-plant-containing green leaf volatiles (GLVs) were the most active. Hexyl butyrate and (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate elicited greater EAGs in males than in females. Females responded with significantly greater EAGs to alcohol and aldehyde GLVs than to their acetate derivatives. Among GLVs, sexual dimorphism was also observed in response to (E)-2-hexenol and (E)-2-hexenal. Females were more sensitive to the monoterpene geraniol than were males. While nonanal was the most stimulatory compound tested, no sexual differences in EAGs to this compound were observed. These studies reveal olfactory receptors on TPB antennae responsive to insect and host-plant volatiles that are likely to play a role in host finding and sexual attraction.  相似文献   

Urine and vaginal mucus samples from female white-tailed deer in estrus and mid-cycle were analyzed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Forty-four volatiles were found in mucus and 63 in urine. The volatiles common to both vaginal mucus and urine included alcohols, aldehydes, furans, ketones, alkanes, and alkenes. Aromatic hydrocarbons were present only in the vaginal mucus, whereas pyrans, amines, esters, and phenols were found only in urine. Both estrous mucus and estrous urine could be identified by the presence of specific compounds not present in mid-cycle samples. Numerous compounds exhibited dependency on ovarian hormones.  相似文献   

Second-instar eastern spruce budworm larvae,Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.), were tested in a two-choice, Y-type, wind-tunnel olfactometer for preferences for red spruce,Picea rubens Sarg., needles exposed for eight weeks to charcoal-filtered air (CFA) or 0.15 ppm ozone (O3) in combination with acidified rainfall at pH 4.2 or 3.0. Volatiles from needles treated with CFA plus pH 4.2 rain (control) were preferred over those from needles exposed to pH 3.0 rain + O3 or O3 alone; O3-treated needles were chosen over those exposed to pH 3.0 rain + O3. No preference was shown between the pH 4.2 and 3.0 rain treatments. Larvae chose purified air flowing through the olfactometer in preference to needle volatiles from the pH 3.0 rain + O3 treatment.The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this paper is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Forest Service of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analyses of the headspace volatiles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) induced by egg deposition of the sawfly Diprion pini were conducted. The odor blend of systemically oviposition-induced pine twigs, attractive for the eulophid egg parasitoid Chrysonotomyia ruforum, was compared to volatiles released by damaged pine twigs (control) that are not attractive for the parasitoid. The mechanical damage inflicted to the control twigs mimicked the damage by a sawfly female prior to egg deposition. The odor blend released by oviposition-induced pine twigs consisted of numerous mono- and sesquiterpenes, which all were also present in the headspace of the artificially damaged control twigs. A quantitative comparison of the volatiles from oviposition-induced twigs and controls revealed that only the amounts of (E)--farnesene were significantly higher in the volatile blend of the oviposition-induced twigs. Volatiles from pine twigs treated with jasmonic acid (JA) also attract the egg parasitoid. No qualitative differences were detected when comparing the composition of the headspace of JA-treated pine twigs with the volatile blend of untreated control twigs. JA-treated pine twigs released significantly higher amounts of (E)--farnesene. However, the JA treatment induced a significant increase of the amount of further terpenoid components. The release of terpenoids by pine after wounding, egg deposition, and JA treatment is discussed with special respect to (E)--farnesene.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the behavioral activity of grain-derived volatiles as attractants and pheromone synergists forSitophilus oryzae, an internal-feeding pest of sound grain, andTribolium castaneum, an external-feeding pest of damaged grains and flour. Behavioral studies with two-choice pitfall bioassays determined that the fresh grain volatiles valeraldehyde, maltol, and vanillin were attractive toS. oryzae at various doses, butT. castaneum were not attracted to any dose of any of these three compounds. When oils from pressed grains were bioassayed, sesame oil was significantly repellent and oat and wheat germ oils were attractive toS. oryzae. However, rice, soybean, oat, wheat germ, and corn oils were all attractive toT. castaneum. A commercial food product composed primarily of soybean oil and wheat germ was highly attractive toT. castaneum, but elicited no response fromS. oryzae. A combination of the three grain volatiles valeraldehyde, maltol, and vanillin with the synthetic pheromone sitophinone was more attractive toS. oryzae than either the pheromone alone or the tripartite grain volatile mix. Similarly, a combination of the commercial food product with the pheromone 4,8-dimethyldecanal was more attractive toT. castaneum than either food alone or pheromone alone. Behavioral responses to grain volatiles may reflect the ecological niche of the granivore:S. oryzae colonizes sound grain and is attracted to volatiles characteristic of fresh grain, whileT. castaneum utilizes damaged or deteriorated grains and responds best to oils characteristic of damaged or fungus-infested grain. Synergism of food odors and pheromones suggests that more effective traps can be devised for management of these pest insects.  相似文献   

The abilities of hatchling pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) and king snakes (Lampropeltis getulus) to discriminate the chemical trails of pine and king snakes was investigated inY-maze experiments. Pine snakes were housed for 17 days either with shavings impregnated with pine snake odor, king snake odor, or no odor to test for the effect of experience on choice. Both pine and king snake hatchlings entered the arm with the pine snake odor and did not enter the arm with the king snake odor. The data support the hypothesis that hatchlings of both species can distinguish conspecific odors from other odors and that our manipulation of previous experience was without effect for pine snake hatchlings.  相似文献   

Detection of weakened hosts from a distance by bark beetles through olfaction was investigated in field experiments. No significant numbers of Scolytidae were attracted to anaerobically treated pine bolts, stem disks, or sugar and ponderosa pine bark including phloem. Treatment of living trees with cacodylic acid induced attacks byDendroctonus brevicomis, D. ponderosae, Ips latidens, Gnathotrichus retusus, andPityophthorus scalptor, beginning two weeks after treatment. There was no significant difference between landing rates ofD. brevicomis andD. ponderosae on screened treated trees and screened controls. There was a significant increase in landing rates ofG. retusus andI. latidens, because both species had penetrated the screen and produced pheromones. Tree frilling alone did not increase the landing rate of bark beetles. Freezing of the lower trunk with dry ice did not increase significantly the landing rate ofD. brevicomis, D. ponderosae, G. retusus, orI. latidens on screened trees, whereas unscreened frozen trees were attacked by all four species. There was no significantly higher landing rate byD. brevicomis, D. ponderosae, I. paraconfusus, I. latidens, G. retusus, orHylurgops subcostulatus on screened trees evidencing symptoms of severe infection by the root pathogenVerticicladiella wagenerii, than on symptornless trees. These experiments show thatD. brevicomis, D. ponderosae, I. paraconfusus, I. latidens, andG. retusus land, apparently indiscriminately, on healthy and stressed hosts. Thus, in these species host discrimination must occur after landing and prior to sustained feeding.These studies were supported in part by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Cooperative State Research Services (2598-RRF.W-1 10) and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency through a grant (NSF GB-34719/BM575-04223) to the University of California; and by the Canada Department of the Environment. The findings, opinions and recommendations are not necessarily those of the University of California or the funding agencies.From a thesis submitted by H.A. Moeck to the University of California, Berkeley, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse bioassays were used to test for inhibitory effects of senescent and decomposed leaves and aqueous extract from bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) against seed germination and seedling growth of aspen (Populus tremula L.), birch (Betula pendula Roth.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. Aqueous extracts from bilberry leaves were inhibitory to aspen seed germination and seedling growth and also induced root damage and growth abnormalities. Addition of activated carbon removed the inhibitory effects of extracts. Senescent leaves reduced pine and spruce seed germination, but rinsing of seeds reversed this inhibition. Senescent leaves were more inhibitory than decomposed leaf litter, suggesting that the inhibitory compounds in bilberry leaves are relatively soluble and released at early stages during decomposition. Spruce was generally less negatively affected by litter and aqueous extracts than the other tested species. This study indicates that chemical effects of bilberry litter have the potential to inhibit tree seedling recruitment, but these effects were not consistently strong. Phytotoxicity is unlikely to be of critical importance in determining success for spruce seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen availability on secondary compounds, mycorrhizal infection, and aphid growth of 1-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were studied during one growing season. Seedlings were fertilized with nutrient solutions containing low, optimum, and two elevated (2 × and 4 × optimum) levels of NH4NO3. At the end of growing season foliar nitrogen concentration, needle biomass, needle length, water contents of needles, root collar diameter, and number of buds increased with enhanced nitrogen availability. Addition of nitrogen did not have effect on concentrations of monoterpenes in growing needles, but in mature needles significantly decreased concentrations of some individual and total monoterpenes were detected. In growing needles the concentrations of some individual resin acids decreased, and in mature needles concentrations of some individual and total resin acids increased with increased nitrogen fertilization. Higher numbers of resin ducts were found in mature needles with nitrogen fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization decreased total phenolic concentrations in growing and mature needles of the current year, but in needles of the previous year no significant differences occurred. Mycorrhizal infection was highest at medium (optimum and 2 × optimum) nitrogen fertilization levels. The relative growth rate (RGR) of grey pine aphid [Schizolachnus pineti (F.)] responded positively to the increase in foliar nitrogen content. However, the increase in aphid performance between optimum and the highest fertilization level was slight. This may indicate a deterring effect of resin acids on aphids. The results indicate that carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis fails to predict directly the effects of nitrogen availability on concentrations of carbon-based defensive compounds in mature foliage. Altered nitrogen supply affects allocation to secondary metabolites differently, depending on the developmental state of the plant and the biosynthesis pathway, cost of synthesis, and storage of compounds.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of the principal lipid constituents of Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) preputial gland secretion, main odor carriers and potential precursors of odorous substances, was investigated by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. Free fatty acids and phenols (10%), waxes (38%), and steroids (38%) were found to be the main groups of the secretion lipids. Cholestanol (I), cholesterol (II), androsterone (III), 4-3-hydroxy-17-ketoandrostene (IV), 5, 3-hydroxy-17-ketoandrostane (V), 5, 3, 17-dihydroxyandrostane (VI), 5, 3, 17-dihydroxyandrostane (VII), and 5, 3, 17-dihydroxyandrostane (VIII) were isolated from the steroid fraction and their structures confirmed by IR, PMR, and mass spectra. 3-Methylpentadecanone (muscone) was not identified among the secretion lipids. Preputial gland secretion stimulated sex behavior of musk deer females.  相似文献   

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