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当初遍寻范例的韶关众力公司,如今反而成了国内装备制造业的信息化范例。它的信息化历程再次印证了决心和正确的路径是成功推进信息系统的要素。  相似文献   

“浪潮存储提供的解决方案在多个方面都很好的满足了我们的需求,在方案设计和实施过程中表现出来的良好专业素养也让我们十分满意。”——韶关广电局黄台长随着视频技术的不断成熟,以及IP网络的日渐普及,基于IP网络的视频服务系统得到了越来越广泛的应用。如今,地处韶关的用户已经可以通过韶关广电总局提供的视频服务系统进行电视、电影节目的即时点播,或者获得其他相关的咨询,而韶关党政部门也可以借助这套系统来实现形式更加丰富的电子政务工作。一个平台提供两套服务韶关广电局肩负着公众信息服务和党政信息宣传的重任。在实现手段上,…  相似文献   

随着制造业与物联网、云计算、互联网等信息技术的融合与发展,制造业已进入了大数据时代,在大数据环境下,制造技术将发生巨大的进步与改革。从大数据下的制造业数据特点出发,勾画了制造业的大数据技术架构,并重点分析了大数据下制造业的五大关键技术,即数据集成技术、数据存储技术、数据处理技术、数据分析技术以及数据展现技术,为制造业大数据的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

一、中小型制造业信息化与ASP 1.中小型制造业信息化的发展是必然趋势 制造业是国民经济的支柱产业,是工业化的基础.制造业信息化是将信息技术、自动化技术、现代管理技术与制造技术相结合,利用网络技术和软件技术将生产制造的方方面面统管起来,提高工作效率,提高管理的效能.实践证明,信息化是全面提升制造业的创新能力和竞争能力的有效技术途径.  相似文献   

王东 《信息与电脑》2022,(17):174-176
先进制造业的发展离不开人工智能技术的支持,现代化技术的应用,可以大大提高制造业研发设计、生产制造、质量检测的质量与效率。随着现代科技的发展,人工智能技术在先进制造业的应用逐渐增加,能够促进制造业快速发展。例如,通过应用人工智能技术,可以大大提高日常维护管理的科学性。作为现代科技发展的产物,人工智能技术的发展尚处于初级阶段,很多方面有待改善,因此人工智能技术在先进制造业中的应用还面临诸多挑战。基于此,分析人工智能技术在先进制造业领域中的发展与应用。  相似文献   

RFID服务阿波罗卫浴生产过程管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离散制造业一般是指产品由多个零件经过一系列工序的加工最终装配而成的制造业子类。相对流程制造业等其他制造业子类来说,自动识别技术对离散制造型企业增加产能、提升竞争力的作用更为明显。本栏目在上期介绍了制造业信息化的相关概念,并分析了自动识别技术的应用空间。本期我们为读者组织了三个离散制造业自动识别技术应用案例,重点了解自动识别技术在离散制造业典型应用。  相似文献   

何广 《自动化博览》1999,16(6):15-17
介绍韶关冶炼厂Ⅱ系统铅锌密闭鼓风炉熔炼(ISP)生产过程DCS(集散系统)的应用情况。着重论述了系统的监控功能和技术特征。  相似文献   

为了规范供电企业信息系统互联互通的问题,韶关供电局建立了基于公共信息模型的各系统数据变换标准,该数据交换标准采用UML技术进行对象建模,而如何把对象模型转换成应用系统间数据交换的标准XML描述是较关键的技术.  相似文献   

推进制造业信息化是落实"以信息化带动工业化"战略、走新型工业化道路的重要举措。推进制造业信息化是《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》提出的重要任务;是面向国民经济建设主战场,整合科技资源、实施"以信息化带动工业化"战略、走新型工业化道路的重要举措;是推进经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变的重要手段。制造业信息化将信息技术、自动化技术、现代管理技术与制造技术结合应用,推进设计制造数字化、生产过程智能化和企业经营管理信息化。用高新技术改造和提升制造业,促进制造业研发设计、生产制造、企业管理和市场营销的变革,带动产品设计和制造模式的创新、企业管理和经营模式的创新以及企业间协作模式的创新,是新时期我国制造业适应全球竞争环境、生存和发展的必由之路,对提升我国制造业的自主创新能力和市场竞争能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

敏捷制造中的多媒体技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与网络技术结合的多媒体技术影响着制造领域的各个方面;从销售、产品设计、生产管理。产品制造到员工的教育培训等等。对此,综述了多媒体技术在制造业各子系统中的应用,给出了制造业多媒体系统的框架,提出了今后的研究方向。制造业中多媒体技术应用的集成化将加速制造业向敏捷化方向发展。  相似文献   

网络化制造环境下多维度制造资源建模技术研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合军工制造业资源数据描述规范,提出网络化制造环境下多维度制造资源建模方法。通过应用视图维制造资源刻画各应用系统的资源模型,并利用生命周期维制造资源实现企业制造资源信息统一表达框架的构建。为了支持企业间不同层次的合作需求,将企业内部离散的个体制造资源封装成能够反映企业制造能力的聚合粒度维制造资源。最后为了解决企业资源能力语义表达问题,将语义Web技术引入其中,研究基于本体论的多维度制造资源建模和语义化描述方法。  相似文献   

Dynamic personalized orders demand and uncertain manufacturing resource availability have become the research hotspots of intelligent resource optimization allocation. Currently, the data generated from the manufacturing industry are rapidly expanding. Such data are multi-source, heterogeneous and multi-scale. Transforming the data into knowledge to optimize the allocation between personalized orders and manufacturing resources is an effective strategy to improve the cognitive intelligent production level of enterprises. However, the manufacturing processes in resource allocation is diversity. There are many rules and constraints among the data. And the relationship among data is more complicated. There lacks a unified approach to information modeling and industrial knowledge generation from mining semantic information from massive manufacturing data. The research challenge is how to fully integrate the complex data of workshop resources and mine the implicit semantic information to form a viable knowledge-driven resource allocation optimization method. Such method can then efficiently provide the relevant engineering information needed for resource allocation. This research presented a unified knowledge graph-driven production resource allocation approach, allowing fast resource allocation decision-making for given order inserting tasks, subject to the resource machining information and the device evaluation strategy. The workshop resource knowledge graph (WRKG) model was presented to integrate the engineering semantic information in the machining workshop. A distributed knowledge representation learning algorithm was developed to mine the implicit resource information for updating the WRKG in real-time. Moreover, a three-staged resource allocation optimization method supported by the WRKG was proposed to output the device sets needed for a specific task. A case study of the manufacturing resource allocation process task in an aerospace enterprise was used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

资源共享是网格技术追求的目标之一,基于中心服务器的集中式系统虽然具有易控制、维护方便等优点,但同时带来了很多问题,如中心服务器会成为整个系统的瓶颈、通信效率较低、检索资源的范围仅仅局限于资源的提供者等。P2P中对等点(Peer)之间通过直接互连,实现动态共享资源。本文结合P2P的网络特点,构建了一个面向制造业的资源共享平台——制造资源搜索引擎(Manufacturing Resource Search Engine,MRSE),对其中的关键技术进行了研究、提出了基于XML的资源搜索策略,给出了XML的两种同步机制,并且在快速原型制造网格中实现了制造资源搜索引擎。  相似文献   

基于区块链的云制造系统内可信资源调度方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程友凤  李芳  陈芳 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(6):1626-1630,1636
针对目前云制造系统中存在的各参与主体间信任问题以及资源调度效率问题,研究了将区块链技术应用于云制造系统中.首先,阐述了区块链技术应用于云制造系统的意义,提出了一种基于区块链技术的云制造系统;其次,设计了基于智能合约的制造资源调度方式,构建制造成本最小、时间最短、合格率最高的资源调度模型并用差分进化算法进行求解;最后,进行实验仿真.结果表明,基于区块链技术的智能合约内进行资源调度方法在保证了系统内各参与主体间相互信任的同时,有效地提高了云制造系统的资源调度效率和资源调度方案的优越性.  相似文献   

Cloud manufacturing is a new concept extending and adopting the concept of Cloud computing for manufacturing. The aim is to transform manufacturing businesses to a new paradigm in that manufacturing capabilities and resources are componentized, integrated and optimized globally. This study presents an interoperable manufacturing perspective based on Cloud manufacturing. A literature search has been undertaken regarding Cloud architecture and technologies that can assist Cloud manufacturing. Manufacturing resources and capabilities are discussed in terms of Cloud service. A service-oriented, interoperable Cloud manufacturing system is proposed. Service methodologies are developed to support two types of Cloud users, i.e., customer user and enterprise user, along with standardized data models describing Cloud service and relevant features. Two case studies are undertaken to evaluate the proposed system. Cloud technology brings into manufacturing industry with a number of benefits such as openness, cost-efficiency, resource sharing and production scalability.  相似文献   

Based on research into the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the manufacturing industry in recent years, we analyze the rapid development of core technologies in the new era of ‘Internet plus AI’, which is triggering a great change in the models, means, and ecosystems of the manufacturing industry, as well as in the development of AI. We then propose new models, means, and forms of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing system architecture, and intelligent manufacturing technology system, based on the integration of AI technology with information communications, manufacturing, and related product technology. Moreover, from the perspectives of intelligent manufacturing application technology, industry, and application demonstration, the current development in intelligent manufacturing is discussed. Finally, suggestions for the application of AI in intelligent manufacturing in China are presented.  相似文献   

The emergence of fast changes in fashion has given rise to the need to shorten production cycle times in the garment industry. As effective usage of resources has significant effects on the productivity and efficiency of production operations, garment manufacturers are urged to utilize their resources effectively so as to meet dynamic customer demand. In usual practice, decision makers determine the required level of resources by evaluating technical requirements of garments, subjectively. Since their decision making processes involve concepts which are uncertain and vague, such as “long” and “short”, an attempt is made in this paper to apply fuzzy logic for handling imprecise information for determining resource allocation plans. In addition, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is adopted to capture data which is useful for improving the intelligence associated with the fuzzy logic. This paper presents a RFID-based Resource Allocation System (RFID-RAS), integrating RFID technology and fuzzy logic concept for achieving better resource allocation with particular reference to garment manufacturing. To confirm the viability of the RFID-RAS, a case study is conducted in a Hong Kong-based garment manufacturing company to help manage its resource utilization. Results indicate that the RFID-RAS outperforms conventional approaches with improved effectiveness and efficiency in resource allocation.  相似文献   

条码技术的应用在食品饮料生产行业的应用,大大提高了工艺运行质量和产品管理效率。本文介绍了迈思肯条码扫描技术在某跨国食品制造公司的应用实例,通过阐述该其技术特点和所显示的优越性,展现了这项新技术在食品饮料生产行业的前景。  相似文献   

介绍了数控技术在我国机械制造行业应用的重要性和应用现状,并叙述了采用数控技术后机械制造行业的巨大进步,并展望了今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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