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显著区域检测可应用在对象识别、图像分割、视 频/图像压缩中,是计算机视觉领域的重要研究主题。然而,基于不 同视觉显著特征的显著区域检测法常常不能准确地探测出显著对象且计算费时。近来,卷积 神经网络模型在图像分析和处理 领域取得了极大成功。为提高图像显著区域检测性能,本文提出了一种基于监督式生成对抗 网络的图像显著性检测方法。它 利用深度卷积神经网络构建监督式生成对抗网络,经生成器网络与鉴别器网络的不断相互对 抗训练,使卷积网络准确学习到 图像显著区域的特征,进而使生成器输出精确的显著对象分布图。同时,本文将网络自身误 差和生成器输出与真值图间的 L1距离相结合,来定义监督式生成对抗网络的损失函数,提升了显著区域检测精度。在MSRA 10K与ECSSD数据库上的实 验结果表明,本文方法 分别获得了94.19%与96.24%的准确率和93.99%与90.13%的召回率,F -Measure值也高达94.15%与94.76%,优于先 前常用的显著性检测模型。  相似文献   

Aggregation of local and global contextual information by exploiting multi-level features in a fully convolutional network is a challenge for the pixel-wise salient object detection task. Most existing methods still suffer from inaccurate salient regions and blurry boundaries. In this paper, we propose a novel edge-aware global and local information aggregation network (GLNet) to fully exploit the integration of side-output local features and global contextual information and utilization of contour information of salient objects. The global guidance module (GGM) is proposed to learn discriminative multi-level information with the direct guidance of global semantic knowledge for more accurate saliency prediction. Specifically, the GGM consists of two key components, where the global feature discrimination module exploits the inter-channel relationship of global semantic features to boost representation power, and the local feature discrimination module enables different side-output local features to selectively learn informative locations by fusing with global attentive features. Besides, we propose an edge-aware aggregation module (EAM) to employ the correlation between salient edge information and salient object information for generating estimated saliency maps with explicit boundaries. We evaluate our proposed GLNet on six widely-used saliency detection benchmark datasets by comparing with 17 state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results show the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed method on all the six benchmark datasets.  相似文献   

Recently Saliency maps from input images are used to detect interesting regions in images/videos and focus on processing these salient regions. This paper introduces a novel, macroblock level visual saliency guided video compression algorithm. This is modelled as a 2 step process viz. salient region detection and frame foveation. Visual saliency is modelled as a combination of low level, as well as high level features which become important at the higher-level visual cortex. A relevance vector machine is trained over 3 dimensional feature vectors pertaining to global, local and rarity measures of conspicuity, to yield probabilistic values which form the saliency map. These saliency values are used for non-uniform bit-allocation over video frames. To achieve these goals, we also propose a novel video compression architecture, incorporating saliency, to save tremendous amount of computation. This architecture is based on thresholding of mutual information between successive frames for flagging frames requiring re-computation of saliency, and use of motion vectors for propagation of saliency values.  相似文献   

Bottom-up and top-down visual cues are two types of information that helps the visual saliency models. These salient cues can be from spatial distributions of the features (space-based saliency) or contextual/task-dependent features (object-based saliency). Saliency models generally incorporate salient cues either in bottom-up or top-down norm separately. In this work, we combine bottom-up and top-down cues from both space- and object-based salient features on RGB-D data. In addition, we also investigated the ability of various pre-trained convolutional neural networks for extracting top-down saliency on color images based on the object dependent feature activation. We demonstrate that combining salient features from color and dept through bottom-up and top-down methods gives significant improvement on the salient object detection with space-based and object-based salient cues. RGB-D saliency integration framework yields promising results compared with the several state-of-the-art-models.  相似文献   

Many videos capture and follow salient objects in a scene. Detecting such salient objects is thus of great interests to video analytics and search. However, the discovery of salient objects in an unsupervised way is a challenging problem as there is no prior knowledge of the salient objects provided. Different from existing salient object detection methods, we propose to detect and track salient object by finding a spatio-temporal path which has the largest accumulated saliency density in the video. Inspired by the observation that salient video objects usually appear in consecutive frames, we leverage the motion coherence of videos into the path discovery and make the salient object detection more robust. Without any prior knowledge of the salient objects, our method can detect salient objects of various shapes and sizes, and is able to handle noisy saliency maps and moving cameras. Experimental results on two public datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in both qualitative and quantitative terms. Comparisons with the state-of-the-art methods further demonstrate the superiority of our method on salient object detection in videos.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a novel approach to automatically extract video salient objects based on visual attention mechanism and seeded object growing technique. First, a dynamic visual attention model to capture the object motions by global motion estimation and compensation is constructed. Through combining it with a static attention model, a saliency map is formed. Then, with a modified inhibition of return (MIOR) strategy, the winner-take-all (WTA) neural network is used to scan the saliency map for the most salient locations selected as attention seeds. Lastly, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is employed to grow the attention objects modeled by Markov random field (MRF) from the seeds. Experiments verify that our presented approach could extract both of stationary and moving salient objects efficiently.  相似文献   

基于全卷积网络的图像显著性检测获得了广泛的关 注,并取得了令人瞩目的检测性能 。然而,该类型神经网络依然存在许多问题,如高复杂网络导致难以训练、显著性对象边缘 结果不准确等。针对这些问题,本文提出基于Gabor初始化的卷积神经网络。该网络主要特 点包括:1) 利用Gabor特征初始化卷积神经网络,提高神经网络训练效率; 2) 构建多尺 度 桥接模块,有效衔接编码和解码阶段,进而提高显著性检测结果; 3) 提出加权交叉熵损失 函数,提高训练效果。实验结果表明,本文提出的神经网络在三个不同的数据集上均显示出 优异的显著性对象检测性能。  相似文献   

Camera-based transmission line detection (TLD) is a fundamental and crucial task for automatically patrolling powerlines by aircraft. Motivated by instance segmentation, a TLD algorithm is proposed in this paper with a novel deep neural network, i.e., CableNet. The network structure is designed based on fully convolutional networks (FCNs) with two major improvements, considering the specific appearance characteristics of transmission lines. First, overlaying dilated convolutional layers and spatial convolutional layers are configured to better represent continuous long and thin cable shapes. Second, two branches of outputs are arranged to generate multidimensional feature maps for instance segmentation. Thus, cable pixels can be detected and assigned cable IDs simultaneously. Multiple experiments are conducted on aerial images, and the results show that the proposed algorithm obtains reliable detection performance and is superior to traditional TLD methods. Meanwhile, segmented pixels can be accurately identified as cable instances, contributing to line fitting for further applications.  相似文献   

提出了一种视频与AIS信息融合的海上船只目标检测方法。首先结合AIS信息确定船只所在区域,提取小范围图像,然后对图像进行高频加强滤波处理,增强船只目标与海面背景的对比度,利用显著性区域检测方法生成显著性图像,随之采用双阈值分割提取高显著性目标,最后通过形态学处理判断船只目标。实验结果表明,该方法适应性强,能够准确快速地实现船只目标提取。  相似文献   

针对复杂背景下显著性检测方法不能够有效地抑制背景,进而准确地检测目标这一问题,提出了超像素内容感知先验的多尺度贝叶斯显著性检测方法.首先,将目标图像分割为多尺度的超像素图,在每个尺度上引入内容感知的对比度先验、中心位置先验、边界连通背景先验来计算单一尺度上的目标显著值;其次,融合多个尺度的内容感知先验显著值生成一个粗略的显著图;然后,将粗略显著图值作为先验概率,根据颜色直方图和凸包中心先验计算观测似然概率,再使用多尺度贝叶斯模型来获取最终显著目标;最后,使用了3个公开的数据集、5种评估指标、7种现有的方法进行对比实验,结果表明本文方法在显著性目标检测方面具有更好的表现.  相似文献   

当前的显著性目标检测算法在准确性和高效性两方面不能实现良好的平衡,针对这一问题,该文提出了一种新的平衡准确性以及高效性的显著性目标检测深度卷积网络模型。首先,通过将传统的卷积替换为可分解卷积,大幅减少计算量,提高检测效率。其次,为了更好地利用不同尺度的特征,采用了稀疏跨层连接结构及多尺度融合结构来提高模型检测精度。广泛的评价表明,与现有方法相比,所提的算法在效率和精度上都取得了领先的性能。  相似文献   

As human vision system is highly sensitive to motion present in a scene, motion saliency forms an important feature in a video sequence. Motion information is used for video compression, object segmentation, object tracking and in many other applications. Though its applications are extensive, accurate detection of motion in a given video is complex and computationally expensive for the solutions reported in the literature. Decomposing a video into visually similar and residual videos is a robust way to detect motion salient regions. The existing decomposition techniques require large execution time as the standard form of the problem is NP-hard. We propose a novel algorithm which detects the motion salient regions by decomposing the input video into background and residual videos in much lesser time without sacrificing the accuracy of the decomposition. In addition, the proposed algorithm is completely parallelizable that ensures further reduction in computational time with the use of advanced multicore processors.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel method is proposed to detect salient regions in images. To measure pixel-level saliency, joint spatial-color constraint is defined, i.e., spatial constraint (SC), color double-opponent (CD) constraint and similarity distribution (SD) constraint. The SC constraint is designed to produce global contrast with ability to distinguish the difference between “center and surround”. The CD constraint is introduced to extract intensive contrast of red-green and blue-yellow double opponency. The SD constraint is developed to detect the salient object and its background. A two-layer structure is adopted to merge the SC, CD and SD saliency into a saliency map. In order to obtain a consistent saliency map, the region-based saliency detection is performed by incorporating a multi-scale segmentation technique. The proposed method is evaluated on two image datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on salient region detection as well as human fixation prediction.  相似文献   

Relocated I-frames are a key type of abnormal inter-coded frame in double compressed videos with shifted GOP structures. In this work, a frame-wise detection method of relocated I-frame is proposed based on convolutional neural network (CNN). The proposed detection framework contains a novel network architecture, which initializes with a preprocessing layer and is followed by a well-designed CNN. In the preprocessing layer, the high-frequency component extraction operation is applied to eliminate the influence of diverse video contents. To mitigate overfitting, several advanced structures, such as 1 × 1 convolutional filter and the global average-pooling layer, are carefully introduced in the design of the CNN architecture. Public available YUV sequences are collected to construct a dataset of double compressed videos with different coding parameters. According to the experiments, the proposed framework can achieve a more promising performance of relocated I-frame detection than a well-known CNN structure (AlexNet) and the method based on average prediction residual.  相似文献   

Many salient object detection approaches share the common drawback that they cannot uniformly highlight heterogeneous regions of salient objects, and thus, parts of the salient objects are not discriminated from background regions in a saliency map. In this paper, we focus on this drawback and accordingly propose a novel algorithm that more uniformly highlights the entire salient object as compared to many approaches. Our method consists of two stages: boosting the object-level distinctiveness and saliency refinement. In the first stage, a coarse object-level saliency map is generated based on boosting the distinctiveness of the object proposals in the test images, using a set of object-level features and the Modest AdaBoost algorithm. In the second stage, several saliency refinement steps are executed to obtain a final saliency map in which the boundaries of salient objects are preserved. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate the superior performance of our approach.  相似文献   

Salient object detection is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Existing methods using only low-level features failed to uniformly highlight the salient object regions. In order to combine high-level saliency priors and low-level appearance cues, we propose a novel Background Prior based Salient detection method (BPS) for high-quality salient object detection.Different from other background prior based methods, a background estimation is added before performing saliency detection. We utilize the distribution of bounding boxes generated by a generic object proposal method to obtain background information. Three background priors are mainly considered to model the saliency, namely background connectivity prior, background contrast prior and spatial distribution prior, allowing the proposed method to highlight the salient object as a whole and suppress background clutters.Experiments conducted on two benchmark datasets validate that our method outperforms 11 state-of-the-art methods, while being more efficient than most leading methods.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a novel deep spatial transformer convolutional neural network (Spatial Net) framework for the detection of salient and abnormal areas in images. The proposed method is general and has three main parts: (1) context information in the image is captured by using convolutional neural networks (CNN) to automatically learn high-level features; (2) to better adapt the CNN model to the saliency task, we redesign the feature sub-network structure to output a 6-dimensional transformation matrix for affine transformation based on the spatial transformer network. Several local features are extracted, which can effectively capture edge pixels in the salient area, meanwhile embedded into the above model to reduce the impact of highlighting background regions; (3) finally, areas of interest are detected by means of the linear combination of global and local feature information. Experimental results demonstrate that Spatial Nets obtain superior detection performance over state-of-the-art algorithms on two popular datasets, requiring less memory and computation to achieve high performance.  相似文献   

针对目前协同显著性检测问题中存在的协同性较差、误匹配和复杂场景下检测效果不佳等问题,该文提出一种基于卷积神经网络与全局优化的协同显著性检测算法。首先基于VGG16Net构建了全卷积结构的显著性检测网络,该网络能够模拟人类视觉注意机制,从高级语义层次提取一幅图像中的显著性区域;然后在传统单幅图像显著性优化模型的基础上构造了全局协同显著性优化模型。该模型通过超像素匹配机制,实现当前超像素块显著值在图像内与图像间的传播与共享,使得优化后的显著图相对于初始显著图具有更好的协同性与一致性。最后,该文创新性地引入图像间显著性传播约束因子来克服超像素误匹配带来的影响。在公开测试数据集上的实验结果表明,所提算法在检测精度和检测效率上优于目前的主流算法,并具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

There have been remarkable improvements in the salient object detection in the recent years. During the past few years, graph-based saliency detection algorithms have been proposed and made advances. Nevertheless, most of the state-of-the-art graph-based approaches are usually designed with low-level features, misleading assumption, fixed predefined graph structure and weak affinity matrix, which determine that they are not robust enough to handle images with complex or cluttered background.In this paper, we propose a robust label propagation-based mechanism for salient object detection throughout an adaptive graph to tackle above issues. Low-level features as well as deep features are integrated into the proposed framework to measure the similarity between different nodes. In addition, a robust mechanism is presented to calculate seeds based on the distribution of salient regions, which can achieve desirable results even if the object is in contact with the image boundary and the image scene is complex. Then, an adaptive graph with multiview connections is constructed based on different cues to learn the graph affinity matrix, which can better capture the characteristics between spatially adjacent and distant regions. Finally, a novel RLP-AGMC model, i.e. robust label propagation throughout an adaptive graph with multiview connections, is put forward to calculate saliency maps in combination with the obtained seed vectors. Comprehensive experiments on six public datasets demonstrate the proposed method outperforms fourteen existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of various evaluation metrics.  相似文献   

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