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Crop management without fertilizer input, which is commonly practiced by most farmers in the humid forest zone of West and Central Africa, requires soil fertility replenishment during a fallow period. Hypothetical relationships between fallow length and crop yields assume, that after the cropping phase replenishment starts with high annual increments, leading to an early recovery of most soil fertility, then slowly approaching a maximum level. The few available empirical data, however, indicate that this assumption is wrong. Within the first 8 years of fallow, biomass and nutrient accumulation is either progressive (low initial increments) or linear. Planted fallows are supposed to replenish soil fertility faster or to higher levels than natural regrowth and should thus lead to higher crop yields. Two major types of planted fallow are distinguished: tree-based and herbaceous fallows. Data from West and Central Africa do not confirm that tree based fallows are generally capable of attaining higher crop yields than natural regrowth or other planted fallows. The majority of experiments with tree-based fallows showed no differences to the control (60.0%). Crop yield declines were found in 15.7% of cases, and only 24.3% resulted in significant yield increases. Changes in soil properties were more frequently positive (34.3%) than negative (9.8%), yet, most often (55.9%), there was no effect. Herbaceous fallow had dominantly positive effects on crop yields (52.5% of cases), with only 3% of cases in which significant reductions were observed. Positive features of some herbaceous fallows, such as easy establishment, rapid weed suppression, and labor efficient slash-and-burn crop establishment make the technology more likely to be accepted and adopted by farmers. It appears that fallows have to be specifically designed for responsive crops, i.e. maize. It is unlikely that one type of fallow can serve the multitude of crops and intercrops grown in the region. Depending on the major constraints to crop production or income generation, planted fallows have to be specifically designed to address these constraints. This may require de-emphasizing the soil fertility aspect and focusing on marketable fallow by-products, weed and pest suppression and reduced labor requirements. Thus, future impact through research on planted fallows will depend on exact targeting of specific fallow types and species to the most responsive crops and to explicit farmer circumstances.  相似文献   

A large number of zero, half and full rate fertilizer trials were conducted on-farm in Southern Senegal with rainfed lowland rice (n = 24), maize (n = 48), and groundnuts (n = 18). Trial sites were located according to farmer selected criteria: soil texture in the case of rice; compound garden versus outer field in the case of maize; and, previous cropping history in the case of groundnuts. Quadratic fertilizer response curves using all the cases explained only 16–29% of the variance. Subsequent stratification of the fields by soil organic matter, texture, and pH permitted the identification of fertilizer responsive and non-responsive fields. Response curves using only the tests conducted on soils without a limiting constraint explained 36 to 47% of the variance. At half rate fertilization levels VCR's of 3.8 (maize), 5.8 (rice) and 6.9 (groundnuts) resulted. Within productive fields, level of weed control, percent barrenness and final stand at harvest explained much of the remaining variation in yields for rice (82%), maize (61%) and groundnuts (76%) respectively. Response curves were then used in an economic analysis to address on-farm fertilizer allocation issues. Based on survey results and field trial data, partial budgets for small and medium-sized farms were developed. This analysis showed marginal rates of return of 400 and 165 percent to half and full rate fertilization, respectively. This type of fertilizer validation program, conducted on farmer-selected sites, improved targeting of recommendations, and helped to identify agronomic practices that should result in reduced economic risk and increased fertilizer adoption by farmers.Research for this paper was conducted at the Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles, and was supported by USAID Projects No. 685–0223 and No. 685–0205.  相似文献   

Grain legumes play a significant role in smallholder farming systems in Africa because of their contribution to nutrition and income security and their role in fixing nitrogen. Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) serves a critical role in improving soil fertility for legumes. Although much research has been conducted on rhizobia in nitrogen fixation and their contribution to soil fertility, much less is known about the distribution and diversity of the bacteria strains in different areas of the world and which of the strains achieve optimal benefits for the host plants under specific soil and environmental conditions. This paper reviews the distribution, characterization, and commercialization of elite rhizobia strains in Africa.  相似文献   

Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum R. (Br.) L.] is grown in West Africa on sandy, acid soils deficient in plant nutrients. In the mixed farming systems of western Niger, livestock graze millet stover by day and deposit dung and urine directly on cropland during overnight kraaling. Kraaling of livestock is perhaps the most important pathway to recycle nutrients and sustain soil fertility. Three tillage practices (immediate tillage, late tillage and no till) four amendment types (dung-plus-urine, dung alone, millet stover and millet stover ashes), and three fertilizer N rates (0, 15 and 30 kg N ha–1) were factorially combined and arranged in a split plot design. Average millet grain yield in immediate till plots was 30% higher than in no-till plots and was 13% greater in plots amended with dung-plus-urine than in plots that received manure alone. The highest pH (5.8) and lowest bulk density 1.46 g/cm3 of surface soil were measured in plots amended with dung-plus-urine. Under the less nomadic livestock management system, where animals are mostly stall-fed, technology is needed to capture and transfer nutrients in animal urine to farmers' fields for cropping.  相似文献   

Lack of moisture limits crop production in semi-arid west Africa but poor soil fertility is a more serious constraint in the long run. Work done by IFDC and ICRISAT showed that phosphorus is the most limiting nutrient although response by millet to nitrogen when moisture and P are non-limiting can be substantial. A summary of the results of field trials in Niger showed that the sufficiency level for P estimated by regression analysis on the basis of Bray 1 extractable P is 7.9µg P/g of soil for 90% of maximum yield of millet. Application of 15–20 kg P/ha was usually adequate for optimum yields. Matam phosphate rock (PR) from Senegal, Tilemsi PR from Mali and Tahoua PR from Niger which are medium reactive were found to be suitable for direct application while partial acidulation (50% with sulfuric acid) of the less reactive phosphate rocks resulted in products with similar agronomic effectiveness as commercial superphosphates. Tests conducted by farmers showed that millet yields can be increased by more than 250% by the use of fertilizers. The need for constant monitoring of the crop needs for sulfur and potassium under continuous cultivation was highlighted.  相似文献   

With the ever-increasing population of the world (expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050), and altered life style, comes an increased demand for food, fuel and fiber. However, scarcity of land, water and energy accompanied by climate change means that to produce enough to meet the demands is getting increasingly challenging. Today we must use every avenue from science and technology available to address these challenges. The natural process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, whereby plants such as legumes fix atmospheric nitrogen gas to ammonia, usable by plants can have a substantial impact as it is found in nature, has low environmental and economic costs and is broadly established. Here we look at the importance of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the production of biofuel feedstocks; how this process can address major challenges, how improving nitrogen fixation is essential, and what we can do about it.  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, sustainable economic growth and development, food security, and fair income distribution are possible only if there is sustained growth in agricultural production. The influx of commercially imported or donated foodgrains has helped many governments to maintain a policy of low food prices, usually for the benefit of the vocal urban dwellers. Such practices tend to kill the incentive for increased local production of foodgrains or for the increase in the use of inputs needed to improve the productivity of the farming systems.High degree of state control in the handling of fertilizers, existence of subsidies which put undue strain on national treasuries, lack of good infrastructures, relatively small markets and poorly developed research and extension systems are some of the constraints that prevent the optimal use of fertilizers in West Africa.Overcoming the constraints requires total commitment by governments, collaboration with the private sector as well as with the donor community and the development of carefully thought-out fertilizer policy instruments. The various measures needed for an effective policy are interrelated and must be undertaken simultaneously to ensure success.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, research throughout West Africa showed that low soil organic matter and limited availability of plant nutrients, in particular phosphorus and nitrogen, are major bottlenecks to agricultural productivity, which is further hampered by substantial topsoil losses through wind and water erosion. A few widely recognized publications pointing to massive nutrient mining of the existing crop–livestock production systems triggered numerous studies on a wide array of management strategies and policies suited to improve soil fertility. Throughout Sudano-Sahelian West Africa, the application of crop residue mulch, animal manure, rockphosphates and soluble mineral fertilizers have been shown to enhance crop yields, whereby yield increases varied with the agro-ecological setting and the rates of amendments applied. In more humid areas of Western Africa, the intercropping of cereals with herbaceous or ligneous leguminous species, the installation of fodder banks for increased livestock and manure production, and composting of organic material also proved beneficial to crop production. However, there is evidence that the low adoption of improved management strategies and the lack of long-term investments in soil fertility can be ascribed to low product prices for agricultural commodities, immediate cash needs, risk aversion and labour shortage of small-scale farmers across the region. The wealth of knowledge gathered during several decades of on-station and on-farm experimentation calls for an integration of these data into a database to serve as input variables for models geared towards ex-ante assessment of the suitability of technologies and policies at the scale of farms, communities and regions. Several modelling approaches exist that can be exploited in this sense. Yet, they have to be improved in their ability to account for agro-ecological and socio-economic differences at various geographical scales and for residual effects of management options, thereby allowing scenario analysis and guiding further fundamental and participatory research, extension and political counselling.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of winter management and N fertilization on N2O emission from a double rice-based cropping system. A rice field was either cropped with milk vetch (plot V) or left fallow (plot F) during the winter between rice crops. The milk vetch was incorporated in situ when the plot was prepared for rice transplanting. Then the plots V and F were divided into two sub-plots, which were then fertilized with 276 kg urea-N ha–1 (referred to as plot VN and plot FN) or not fertilized (referred to as plot VU and plot FU). N2O emission was measured periodically during the winter season and double rice growing seasons. The average N2O flux was 11.0 and 18.1 g N m–2 h–1 for plot V and plot F, respectively, during winter season. During the early rice growing period, N2O emission from plot VN averaged 167 g N m–2 h–1, which was eight- to fifteen-fold higher than that from the other three treatments (17.8, 21.0 and 10.8 g N m–2 h–1 for plots VU, FN, and FU, respectively). During the late rice growing period, the mean N2O flux was 14.5, 11.1, 12.1 and 9.9 g N m–2 h–1 for plots VN, VU, FN and FU, respectively. The annual N2O emission rates from green manure-double rice and fallow-double rice cropping systems were 3.6 kg N ha–1 and 1.3 kg N ha–1, respectively, with synthetic N fertilizer, and were 0.99 kg N ha–1 and 1.12 kg N ha–1, respectively, without synthetic N fertilizer. Generally, both green manure N and synthetic fertilizer N contribute to N2O emission during double rice season.  相似文献   

Micro-dosing technology has been developed by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and its partners to help subsistence farmers in the Sahel improve inorganic fertilizer application. However, the ICRISAT's recommendations regarding fertilizer application through this technology are only applicable at sowing and do not allow any flexibility in terms of labor and/or capital management. In rural areas, fertilizer cannot always be applied at sowing due to financial and labor constraints. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the timing of fertilizer application on millet production. A 2-year on-station experiment and a 1-year on-farm field experiment were conducted in the western region of Niger, West Africa. Even under the heterogeneous climatic conditions of the region during our experimental period, the results showed that the trend was the same as observed in previous studies: millet production improved through fertilizer application compared to the control (without fertilizer). The harvest index was also higher compared to that of the control. This increased production was consistently the same for all application timings. The marginal value–cost ratio on the investment calculated using a budgeting analysis for the on-farm experiment showed that – regardless of application timing – millet farmers who fertilized their fields with inorganic fertilizer made more profit than those who did not (control). This was also true for farmers who were unable to fertilize at sowing – delayed application was still the more profitable option relative to the no fertilizer control. Our results indicate that small subsistence farmers can be offered more options for inorganic fertilizer application timing using the micro-dosing technology. Delayed inorganic fertilizer application can help small farmers who are often labor constrained at the sowing period improve their yields as well as their economic returns.
K. HayashiEmail:

Almost all types of N2-fixing microorganisms are found in lowland rice fields. The resulting N fertility has permitted moderate but constant productivity in fields where no N fertilizer is applied. Current and potential technologies for utilizing biological N2 fixation in lowland rice production are reviewed in terms of potential, current usage, and limiting factors.Legumes and azolla have been traditionally used as green manure in parts of Asia, permitting yields of 2–4 t/ha. To a limited extent, straw incorporation favors heterotrophic biological N2 fixation. Recently, inoculation with blue-green algae has been claimed to increase yields by about 10%. Using non-symbiotic N2-fixing systems is still experimental.Utilization of biological N2 fixation as an alternative or additional N source for rice is severely limited by technological, environmental, and socioeconomical factors.  相似文献   

The Alfisols, Oxisols, Ultisols and Inceptisols which dominate the soils of West Africa have sustained crop growth for a very long time. As a consequence, their fertility has become perilously low and the task of increasing or even maintaining the productive capacity of these soils has become perhaps the greatest challenge to agricultural scientists in this latter half of the 20th century.Water is useful not only for the growth of plants but also for the efficient use of costly inputs such as fertilizers. On the other hand, fertilizers increase the water-use efficiency. Such interactions must be closely studied so as to maximize the impact of inputs of agricultural production.The nutrients in the soil are always in a state of flux, with additions and subtractions. Monitoring the dynamics of the nutrients would promote their efficient use by crops and prolong the productive life of the soils.Several models currently exist for the study of organic matter dynamics in soils. These models should be applied to the West African situation since it is vital to develop management practices that can promote efficient use of nutrients released during mineralisation of soil organic matter.Judicious fertilizer use in West Africa should be promoted as this practice will enhance agricultural production while protecting the fragile environment.  相似文献   

In the development of short fallow systems as alternatives to shifting cultivation in West Africa, a long-term trial was established at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) on an Alfisol in the forest-savanna transitional zone of southwestern Nigeria, comparing three fallow systems; natural regrowth fallow, cover crop fallow and alley cropping on soil productivity and crop yield sustainability. The natural fallow system consisted of natural regrowth of mainly Chromolaena odorata shrub as fallow vegetation. The cover crop fallow system consisted of Pueraria phaseoloides, a herbaceous legume as fallow vegetation. The alley cropping system consisted of woody hedgerows of Leucaena leucocephala as fallow vegetation. The fallow lengths were 0 (continuous cropping), 1, 2 and 3 years after 1 year of maize/cassava intercropping. Biomass produced from natural fallow and cover crop fallow was burnt during the land preparation. Fertilizer was not applied throughout the study. Without fertilizer application, maize yield declined from above 3.0 t ha–1 to below 0.5 t ha–1 during 12 years of cultivation (1989–2000) on a land cleared from a 23-year old secondary forest. Temporal change in cassava tuber yield was erratic. Mean maize grain yields from 1993–2000 except for 1999 were higher in cover crop fallow system (1.89 t ha–1) than in natural fallow system (1.73 t ha–1), while natural fallow system outperformed alley cropping system (1.46 t ha–1). During the above 7 years, mean cassava tuber yield in cover crop system (7.7 t ha–1) did not differ from natural fallow system (8.2 t ha–1), and both systems showed higher cassava tuber than the alley cropping system (5.7 t ha–1). The positive effect of fallowing on crop yields was observed for both crops in the three systems, however, insignificant effects were seen when fallow length exceeded 1 year for cover crop and alley cropping, and 2 years for natural fallow. Soil pH, organic carbon, available P and exchangeable Ca, Mg and K decreased considerably after 12 years of cultivation, even in a 3-year fallow subplot. After 12 years, soil organic carbon (SOC) within 0–5 cm depth in alley cropping (13.9 g kg–1) and natural fallow (13.7 g kg–1) was higher than in cover crop fallow (11.6 g kg–1). Whereas significant increase in SOC with either natural fallow or alley cropping was observed only after 2 or 3 years of fallow, the SOC in the 1-year fallow alley cropping subplot was higher than that in continuous cropping natural fallow subplot. It can be concluded from our study that in transforming shifting cultivation to a permanent cropping, fallow with natural vegetation (natural fallow), herbaceous legumes (cover crop fallow) and woody legumes (alley cropping) can contribute to the maintenance of crop production and soil fertility, however, length of fallow period does not need to exceed 2 years. When the fallow length is reduced to 1 year, a better alternative to natural regrowth fallow would be the cover crop for higher maize yield and alley cropping for higher soil organic matter. For fallow length of 2 years, West African farmers would be better off with the natural fallow system.  相似文献   

An overview is provided of the N efficiency research conducted within the West African Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). Factors such as N rate, mode of N fertilizer application and choice of N sources for different agroecological zones of West Africa are discussed in relation to crop yield response. The interactive effects of cropping density and rainfall on N efficiency and yield are examined with particular emphasis on production of millet in Niger. The potential role of new, slow-release fertilizers as well as urea amended with urease inhibitors is mentioned in relation to present and future fertilizer N requirements in West Africa.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted over a 4-year period in Niger, West Africa, to determine the effects of crop residue (CR), fertilizer, or a combination of crop residue and fertilizer (CRF) on yields of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.). Despite a decline in yields of control plots (initial yields were 280 kg grain ha–1 declining to 75 kg grain ha–1 over 4 years), yields of fertilizer plots were maintained at 800–1,000 kg grain ha–1. Continued application of CR slowly augmented yields to levels similar to those of the fertilized plots. The effects of CR and fertilizer were approximately additive in the CRF plots. Addition of CR and fertilizer increased soil water use over the control by 57 mm to 268 mm in an average season and helped trap wind-blown soil. These plots tended to exhibit slightly higher soil pH and lower Al saturation than did the fertilized treatments. Return of CR to the soil resulted in significantly reduced export of most plant nutrients, especially Ca, Mg, and K.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the major limiting factor for crop production in highly weathered soils in the humid tropics. Field experiments were conducted for two years (1992 and 1993) to determine P response and efficiencies of upland rice cultivars in an Ultisol, low in available P, in the forest zone of Cote d'Ivoire. The rice cultivars tested were selected from a large number of entries tested earlier for acidity tolerance.Grain yields of the cultivars were significantly increased by P application. There was little further response in grain yield at higher rates than 60 kg P ha–1. The rice cultivars differed in agronomic and physiological P efficiencies and the efficiencies were higher at lower rates of P. The rooting depths of the cultivars were increased by application of P at the lowest application rate (30 kg P ha–1).The results suggest that P fertilization of soil acidity-tolerant upland rice cultivars can significantly improve the productivity of the Ultisols.  相似文献   

In pot and field experiments conducted in 1990 and 1991 on an acid sandy, phosphorus (P) deficient soil in Niger, West Africa, the effect of seed coating on seedling emergence, early growth and grain yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) was studied. Seeds of pearl millet were coated with different rates (0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 5.0; 10.0 mg P seed–1) and types of P fertilizers (single superphosphate, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate; monocalcium phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate and sodium triphosphate). Seedling emergence was generally reduced at coating rates higher than 0.5 mg P seed–1 and prevented with single superphosphate and sodium triphosphate at rates higher than 5 mg P seed–1. No correlation was found between the pH and osmomolity of the coatings and final emergence of millet seedlings. The most favourable effect on plant growth and P content was achieved with ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (AHP) as seed coating. This was attributed to the enhancement effect of ammonium on P uptake. Compared to the untreated control dry matter production at 20 days after planting (DAP) was increased by 280%, P content per plant by 330%, total biomass at maturity by 30% and grain yield by 45%. Although seed coating with AHP may be harmful to seedlings emergence, it represents a suitable method to enhance early growth and increase yield of pearl millet.  相似文献   

The benefit of planted fallow with legume cover crops may be limited on P deficient soil. A trial was conducted at two P deficient sites in northern Nigeria to test the hypothesis that application of P to legume cover crop fallow can substitute for N application to subsequent maize. Mainplots consisted of leguminous fallows followed by unfertilized maize, or native (mostly grass) fallows followed by maize with 0 or 40 kg N ha−1 (Kaduna) and 0, 30 or 60 kg N ha−1 (Bauchi). Three rates of P (0, 9, and 18 kg ha−1) were applied to fallow sub-plots as single superphosphate. In the first year, dry matter accumulation of lablab (Lablab purpureus) responded to P application, while mucuna (Mucuna cochinchinensis) dry matter did not. Lablab mulch dry matter during the dry season was significantly increased by previous season P application while mucuna was not. Previous fallow vegetation was a significant factor for maize growth in the second year but the interaction with P applied to the fallow was not significant at P < 0.05. Substantial and similar yield increases were achieved with application of N fertilizer to maize and from application of 9 kg P ha−1 to previous lablab. Depending on local economic circumstances, a good use of expensive inorganic fertilizer might be to apply P sources to cover crop legumes to profit from additional N benefits as well as residual effects of applied P. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Maize is the primary food crop grown by farmers in the coastal savanna region of Togo and Benin on degraded (rhodic ferralsols), low in soil K-supplying capacity, and non-degraded (plinthic acrisols) soils. Agronomic trials were conducted during 1999–2002 in southern Togo on both soil types to investigate the impact of N and P fertilization and the introduction of a mucuna short fallow (MSF) on yield, indigenous N supply of the soil, N recovery fraction and internal efficiency of maize. In all plots, an annual basal dose of 100 kg K ha–1 was applied to the maize crop. Maize and mucuna crop residues were incorporated into the soil during land preparation. Treatment yields were primarily below 80% of CERES-MAIZE simulated weather-defined maize yield potentials, indicating that nutrients were more limiting than weather conditions. On degraded soil (DS), maize yields increased from 0.4 t ha–1 to 2.8 t ha–1 from 1999 to 2001, without N or P application, in the absence of MSF, with annual K application and incorporation of maize crop residues. Application of N and P mineral fertilizer resulted in yield gains of 1–1.5 t ha–1. With MSF, additional yield gains of between 0.5 and 1.0 t ha–1 were obtained at low N application rates. N supply of the soil increased from 10 to 42 kg ha–1 from 1999 to 2001 and to 58 kg N ha–1 with MSF. Application of P resulted in significant improvements in N recovery fraction, and greatest gains were obtained with MSF and P application. MSF did not significantly affect internal N efficiency, which averaged 45 kg grain (kg N uptake)–1. On non-degraded soils (NDS) and without N or P application, in the absence of MSF, maize yields were about 3 t ha–1 from 1999 to 2001, with N supply of the soil ranging from 55 to 110 kg N ha–1. Application of 40 kg P ha–1 alone resulted in significant maize yield gains of between 1.0 (1999) and 1.5 (2001) t ha–1. Inclusion of MSF did not significantly improve maize yields and even reduced N recovery fraction as determined in the third cropping year (2001). Results illustrate the importance of site-specific integrated soil fertility management recommendations for the southern regions of Togo and Benin that consider indigenous soil nutrient-supplying capacity and yield potential. On DS, the main nutrients limiting maize growth were N and probably K. On NDS, nutrients limiting growth were mainly N and P. Even on DS rapid gains in productivity can be obtained, with MSF serving as a means to allow farmers with limited financial means to restore the fertility of such soils. MSF cannot be recommended on relatively fertile NDS.  相似文献   

Ensuring sustainable agriculture in semiarid Africa requires the implementation of methods to balance nutrients and to conserve soil organic matter (SOM). There is an urgent need to improve the management of all types of SOM input. In this paper; the authors review a wide range of agricultural practices and discuss their advantages, limitations and feasibility. They distinguish ‘traditional systems’ such as traditional fallow, parkland and manuring from ‘improved systems’ such as ‘improved fallow’, forest fallow, alley cropping, cover crops and application of composted manure. Biomass production (BMP) for ‘improved systems’ is mainly linked: (i) for agroforestry, to the tree species used in forest fallow, to the synchronization of nutrient supply by the soil with the cereal demand in alley cropping, and generally to the efficiency of the root system and its development with the depth; (ii) for cover crops, BMP is mainly linked to the initial soil fertility and to the ecological zone: establishment and management of cover crops are not yet fully mastered under some conditions such as an annual rainfall below 800 mm and/or on very clayey soils; (iii) for manure, BMP is mainly linked to the improvement of fallow in order to ensure sufficient forage resources. Because semiarid Africa is mainly a livestock zone, the authors emphasise manure: constraints, quality indicators and tools used to encourage its production, are analysed. Thus it was concluded that the intensification of manure production and its rational use in semiarid African regions, threatened by drought and malnutrition, is very important: this cannot be separated from the production of plant biomass, whose possibilities have been examined above. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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