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This article investigates the issue of adaptive finite-time tracking control for a category of output-constrained nonlinear systems in a non-strict-feedback form. First, by utilizing the structural characteristics of radial basis function neural networks (RBF NNs), a backstepping design method is extended from strict-feedback systems to a kind of more general systems, and NNs are employed to approximate unknown nonlinear functions. In addition, the system output is constrained to the specified region by applying the barrier Lyapunov function (BLF) technique. Furthermore, the finite-time stability of the system is proved by employing the Bhat and Bernstein theorem. As a result, an adaptive finite-time tracking control scheme for the output-constrained nonlinear systems with non-strict-feedback structure is proposed by applying RBF NNs, BLF, finite-time stability theory, and adaptive backstepping technique. It is demonstrated the finite-time stability of the system, the prescribed convergence of the system output and tracking error, the boundedness of adaptive parameters and state variables. Finally, a simulation example is implemented to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented neural control scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of adaptive fuzzy finite-time consensus tracking control for multiple Euler-Lagrange systems (ELSs) with uncertain dynamics and unknown control directions (UCDs) is investigated. The computational complexity problem in conventional backstepping is avoided by using finite-time command filter (FTCF), and the error in the filtering process is eliminated through error compensation signals. The fuzzy logic system combined with the adaptive control technique is applied to approximate and estimate the unknown nonlinear dynamics of ELS. The Nussbaum function-based continuous and nonsmooth input control torque is established to eliminate the influence of UCDs, and the proposed control scheme can guarantee the consensus tracking errors converge to the desired neighborhood of the origin within a finite time. Numerical simulation is used to test the effectiveness of the given algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, an observer-based adaptive neural output-feedback control scheme is developed for a class of nonlinear stochastic nonstrict-feedback systems with input saturation in finite-time interval. The mean value theorem and the property of the smooth function are applied to cope with the difficulties caused by the existence of input saturation. According to the universal approximation capability of the radial basis function neural network, it will be utilized to compensate the unknown nonlinear functions. Based on the state observer, the finite-time Lyapunov stability theorem, we propose an adaptive neural output-feedback control scheme for nonlinear stochastic systems in nonstrict-feedback form. The developed controller guarantees that the system output signal can track the given reference signal trajectory, and all closed-loop signals are semi-globally finite-time stability in probability. The observer errors and the tracking error can converge to a small neighborhood of the origin. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed control scheme.  相似文献   

In this article, the fuzzy adaptive finite-time consensus tracking control problem for nonstrict feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with full-state constraints is studied. The finite-time control based on command filtered backstepping is proposed to guarantee the finite-time convergence and eliminate the explosion of complexity problem caused by backstepping process, and the errors in the filtering process are compensated by using error compensation mechanism. Furthermore, based on the fuzzy logic systems, the uncertain nonlinear dynamics are approximated and the problem of state variables in nonstrict feedback form is solved by using the property of basis functions. The barrier Lyapunov functions are introduced to guarantee that all system states and compensated tracking error signals are constrained in the designed regions. A simulation example is given to verify the superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this article, the issue of adaptive finite-time dynamic surface control (DSC) is discussed for a class of parameterized nonlinear systems with full state constraints. Using the property of logarithmic function, a one-to-one nonlinear mapping is constructed to transform a constrained system into an unconstrained system with the same structure. The nonlinear filter is constructed to replace the first-order linear filter in the traditional DSC, and the demand on the filter time constant is reduced. Based on finite-time stable theory and using modified DSC, the finite-time controller is designed via DSC. Theoretical analysis shows that all the signals in the closed-loop system are semiglobal practical finite-time stable. Furthermore, none of the states are outside the defined open set. In the end, simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control schemes with both linear filters and nonlinear filters.  相似文献   

In this article, the problem of output feedback tracking control for uncertain Markov jumping nonlinear systems is studied. A finite-time control scheme based on command filtered backstepping and adaptive neural network (NN) technique is given. The finite-time command filter solves the problem of differential explosions for virtual control signals, the NN is utilized to approximate the uncertain nonlinear dynamics and the adaptive NN observer is applied to restructure the state of system. The finite-time error compensation mechanism is established to compensate the errors brought by filtering process. The proposed finite-time tracking control algorithm can ensure that the solution of the closed-loop system is practically finite-time stable in mean square. Two simulation examples are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to propose an adaptive dead-beat controller for the trajectory tracking of a robotic manipulator. the dead-beat compensator is self-tuned to a linearized discretized model whose parameters are identified on-line through a Kalman-like estimator. to improve the convergence of the estimator and to obtain good control performances even in the case of time-varying parameters, the state covariance matrix of the Kalman filter is adapted to the observed statistics of the innovation process. Numerical results have been obtained in a simulation context and refer to various operating conditions. They show that very good control performances in terms of maximum error are really obtainable. A comparison with minimum variance control is also reported.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel fuzzy adaptive finite-time nonsmooth controller is developed to handle the finite-time tracking problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. Different from traditional fuzzy adaptive approximation methods, proposed method contains only one adaptive parameter, no matter how many states there are in the system. By constructing a new Lyapunov function with prescribed performance bound, the transient and steady performances of control system can be ensured. Further, based on a criterion of finite-time semiglobal practical stability and backstepping technology, a novel fuzzy adaptive finite-time nonsmooth control method is designed. It can be demonstrated that proposed control can effectively ensure tracking error tends to small neighborhood in a finite time. Finally, two examples have been simulated by the proposed control method, and it shows effective tracking performance.  相似文献   

This article studies the adaptive fuzzy finite-time quantized control problem of stochastic nonlinear nonstrict-feedback systems with full state constraints. During the control design process, fuzzy logic systems are used to identify the unknown nonlinear functions, integral barrier Lyapunov functions are employed to solve the state constrained problem. In the frame of backstepping design, an adaptive fuzzy finite-time quantized control scheme is developed. Based on the stochastic finite-time Lyapunov stability theory, it can be guaranteed that the closed-loop system is semiglobal finite-time stable in probability, and the tracking errors converge to a small neighborhood of the origin in a finite time. Finally, two simulation examples are provided to testify the effectiveness of the developed control scheme.  相似文献   

An adaptive finite-time decentralized control algorithm for a class of large-scale stochastic nonlinear systems is presented. The fuzzy logic system is used to estimate uncertain nonlinearities. One advantage of the developed scheme is that each subsystem only needs to update one adaptive parameter, which alleviates the burden of online estimation. The dynamic surface control method is employed to reduce the “complexity explosion” caused by the repetitive derivation of the intermediate variable function in the backstepping control scheme. A new decentralized controller is designed so that all signals of the controlled system are bounded and the tracking error converges to a small residual set around the origin within a finite time. The simulation results of a numerical example illustrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

In this paper, a systematic methodology for the robust tracking control of nonlinear time-varying robotic manipulators is proposed. The control method involves fuzzy logic and sliding mode techniques. Output error dynamics can be assigned. Closed-loop system stability is proven. The robustness of the closed-loop system can be achieved against parameter variations and external disturbances. A two-degrees-of-freedom manipulator tracking control problem is carried out. The result shows that output tracking performance can be improved very much comparatively.  相似文献   

This article studies the finite-time output regulation problem for nonlinear strict-feedback systems with completely unknown control directions and unknown functions. First, according to the necessary conditions for the solvability of the output regulation problem, the output regulation problem of nonlinear strict-feedback systems and the external system is transformed into a stabilization problem of nonlinear systems. Second, an internal model with external signals is designed. Third, based on finite time, fuzzy control, output feedback control, and Nussbaum gain functions, the control law is designed so that all signals of the closed-loop system are the semi-global practically finite-time stable (SGPFS), and the tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of the origin in a finite-time. Finally, the proposed algorithm is applied to the finite-time tracking problem of Chua's oscillator system.  相似文献   

In this article, the finite-time formation control scheme is put forward for teleoperation system with time delay. First, a group of finite-time observers are established to address the teleoperation system with time-varying delay issue and via linearly parameterize to deal with the uncertainty in the system. The theory of self-stable domain (SSR) is then applied to provide sufficient circumstances for the observers error dynamics to converge in finite-time. Then, in line with the estimation of time delay derivatives to reconstruct the regression matrix as well as the adaptive law, the observer based time-varying formation control protocol is drawn up. On the basis of finite-time state-independent input-to-output practical stable (FTSIIOpS) theorem, sufficient conditions for teleoperation implement time-varying formation are developed. Finally, simulation is being used to validate the efficiency of the proposed strategy.  相似文献   

In this article, the optimal tracking control problem is investigated for permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) with full-state constraints. By constructing multiple barrier-type performance index functions, a neuro-adaptive finite-time optimized control scheme is presented under identifier-actor-critic architecture, where the virtual control laws and the actual laws are designed to optimize corresponding subsystems. It is proven that all signals of the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded under the proposed control strategy, and the position tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of the origin in finite time. Besides, the system states are constrained to the effective operation range all the time. Finally, the simulation results and comparisons are carried out to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal control approach.  相似文献   

This article develops a new framework of adaptive actuator failure compensation control for cooperative manipulator systems with parameter uncertainties in addition to actuator failures, and designs and analyzes effective actuator failure compensation schemes for such robotic systems. The new adaptive control design uses an integration of multiple individual failure compensators and direct adaptation to handle various types of uncertainties in such robotic systems. The design can also be used for concurrent actuator failure cases, to expand the capability of adaptive actuator failure compensation. With a complete proof and performance analysis, it is shown that the proposed control scheme guarantees the desired closed-loop stability and asymptotic output tracking, despite actuator failures whose patterns, time instants and values are all unknown. Simulation results of a benchmark cooperative manipulator system are presented to verify the desired control performance of the system with both typical constant and square-wave actuator failure signals.  相似文献   

This paper presents an Adaptive Terminal Integral Sliding Mode Control (ATISMC) scheme for trajectory tracking problems applied to a differential Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR). First, a terminal integral sliding variable is designed. Based on the finite-time concept, an adaptive control law has been developed in which a switching gain is adjusted adaptively by using a novel strategy. This control method aims to deal with unknown bounded disturbances and uncertainties. Moreover, it allows fast convergence of the system states to an equilibrium point. The main features of the proposed ATISMC are its robustness, fast convergence rate, and chattering avoidance. To realize trajectory tracking for WMR, the ATISMC is incorporated into a double closed loop scheme. Stability analysis is performed using the Lyapunov stability theory. Numerical simulations and real-time experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed controller scheme. A comparison study with the classical ISMC was performed to show the superiority of the developed method.  相似文献   

The article discusses the adaptive fixed-time control problems for the stochastic pure-feedback nonlinear systems. Different from the existing results, the priori information of unknown virtual control coefficients (UVCC) is no longer needed in this article, which is realized by emplying the bound estimation method and well-defined smooth functions. A novel semi-global practical fixed-time stability criterion for the stochastic nonlinear systems is presented. Correspondingly, a new construction of Lyapunov function is proposed for the nonlinear stochastic system by adding the lower bounds of the UVCC. Based on the fuzzy logical system and fixed time stability theorem, a novel adaptive fuzzy fixed-time tracking control algorithm for stochastic nonlinear system is raised firstly. By theoretical analysis, we can conclude that the whole variables of the controlled system are bounded almost surely and the output can track the desired reference signal to a very small compact set within a predefined fixed-time interval. Finally, the raised method is illustrated by two simulation examples.  相似文献   

This article investigates the composite adaptive fuzzy finite-time prescribed performance control issue of switched nonlinear systems subject to the unknown external disturbance and performance requirement. First, by utilizing the compensation and prediction errors, the piecewise switched composite parameter update law is employed to improve the approximation accuracy of the unknown nonlinearity. Then, the improved fractional-order filter and error compensation signal are introduced to cope with the influences caused by the explosive calculation and filter error, respectively. Meanwhile, the effect of the compound disturbances consisting of the unknown disturbances and approximation errors is reduced appropriately by designing the piecewise switched nonlinear disturbance observer. Moreover, stability analysis results prove that the proposed preassigned performance control scheme not only ensures that all states of the closed-loop system are practical finite-time bounded, but also that the tracking error converges to a preassigned area with a finite time. Ultimately, the simulation examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

In view of the result and performance of control are affected by the existence of input constraints and requirements, adaptive multi-dimensional Taylor network (MTN) funnel control problem is studied for a class of nonlinear systems with asymmetric input saturation in this paper. Firstly, the effect of asymmetric input saturation can overcome by introducing the Gaussian error function, namely, the asymmetric saturation model is represented as a simple linear model with a bounded disturbance. Secondly, MTNs are employed to approximate the unknown functions in the controller design. Then, an adaptive MTN tracking controller is developed by blends the idea of funnel control into backstepping, which can guarantee that the tracking error always meets the given prescribed performance regarding the transient and steady state responses as well as the output of system tracks the give continuous reference signal. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control is demonstrated using two examples.  相似文献   

This article investigated the adaptive backstepping tracking control for a class of pure-feedback systems with input delay and full-state constraints. With the help of mean value theorem, the system is transformed into strict-feedback one. By introducing the Pade approximation method, the effect of input delay was compensated. Radial basis function neural networks are utilized to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions. Furthermore, in order to reduce the computational burden by introducing backstepping design technique, dynamic surface control technique was employed. In addition, the number of the adaptive parameters that should be updated online was also reduced. By utilizing the barrier Lyapunov function, the closed-loop nonlinear system is guaranteed to be semi-globally ultimately uniformly bounded. Finally, a numerical simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

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