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The family of two‐dimensional (2D) metal carbides and nitrides, known as MXenes, are among the most promising electrode materials for supercapacitors thanks to their high metal‐like electrical conductivity and surface‐functional‐group‐enabled pseudocapacitance. A major drawback of these materials is, however, the low mechanical strength, which prevents their applications in lightweight, flexible electronics. A strategy of assembling freestanding and mechanically robust MXene (Ti3C2Tx ) nanocomposites with one‐dimensional (1D) cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) from their stable colloidal dispersions is reported. The high aspect ratio of CNF (width of ≈3.5 nm and length reaching tens of micrometers) and their special interactions with MXene enable nanocomposites with high mechanical strength without sacrificing electrochemical performance. CNF loading up to 20%, for example, shows a remarkably high mechanical strength of 341 MPa (an order of magnitude higher than pristine MXene films of 29 MPa) while still maintaining a high capacitance of 298 F g?1 and a high conductivity of 295 S cm?1. It is also demonstrated that MXene/CNF hybrid dispersions can be used as inks to print flexible micro‐supercapacitors with precise dimensions. This work paves the way for fabrication of robust multifunctional MXene nanocomposites for printed and lightweight structural devices.  相似文献   

Recent advances in materials science and three‐dimensional (3D) printing hold great promises to conceive new classes of multifunctional materials and components for functional devices and products. Various functionalities (e.g., mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, magnetism) can be offered by the nano‐ and micro‐reinforcements to the non‐functional pure printing materials for the realization of advanced materials and innovative systems. In addition, the ability to print 3D structures in a layer‐by‐layer manner enables manufacturing of highly‐customized complex features and allows an efficient control over the properties of fabricated structures. Here, the authors present a brief overview mainly over the latest progresses in 3D printing of multifunctional polymer nanocomposites and microfiber‐reinforced composites including the benefits, limitations, and potential applications. Only those 3D printing techniques that are compatible with polymer nanocomposites and composites, that is, materials that have already been used as printing materials, are introduced. The very hot topic of 3D printing of thermoplastic composites featuring continuous microfibers is also briefly introduced.  相似文献   

Graphene-based materials, primarily graphene oxide (GO), have shown excellent separation and purification characteristics. Precise molecular sieving is potentially possible using graphene oxide-based membranes, if the porosity can be matched with the kinetic diameters of the gas molecules, which is possible via the tuning of graphene oxide interlayer spacing to take advantage of gas species interactions with graphene oxide channels. Here, highly effective separation of gases from their mixtures by using uniquely tailored porosity in mildly reduced graphene oxide (rGO) based membranes is reported. The gas permeation experiments, adsorption measurement, and density functional theory calculations show that this membrane preparation method allows tuning the selectivity for targeted molecules via the intercalation of specific transition metal ions. In particular, rGO membranes intercalated with Fe ions that offer ordered porosity, show excellent reproducible N2/CO2 selectivity of ≈97 at 110 mbar, which is an unprecedented value for graphene-based membranes. By exploring the impact of Fe intercalated rGO membranes, it is revealed that the increasing transmembrane pressure leads to a transition of N2 diffusion mode from Maxwell–Stefan type to Knudsen type. This study will lead to new avenues for the applications of graphene for efficiently separating CO2 from N2 and other gases.  相似文献   

纳米技术在复合材料中的应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
纳米技术作为材料科学中的一个主要研究重点已经取得众多成就, 通过纳米粒子、纳米管以及各种超微细的结构模块, 导致产生出许多新的具有优异性能和新的应用可能的复合材料。本文介绍了纳米复合材料最新进展, 诸如纳米结构陶瓷, 无机有机复合材料和碳纳米管作填料的应用  相似文献   

The group IVB 2D transition metal dichalcogenides are considered to be stable in the high symmetry trigonal octahedral structure due to the lack of unpaired d ‐electrons on the metal site. It is found that multilayer epitaxial TiTe2 is an exception adopting a commensurate 2 × 2 × 2 charge density wave (CDW) structure at room temperature with an ABA type of stacking as evidenced by direct lattice imaging and reciprocal space mapping. The CDW is stabilized by highly anisotropic strain imposed by the substrate with an out‐off‐plane compression which reduces the interlayer van der Waals gap increasing the coupling between TiTe2 layers. A weaker 2 × 2 CDW is also confirmed at room temperature for epitaxial monolayer TiTe2. The addition of epitaxial strained TiTe2 to the family of CDW materials will enable real world applications that take advantage of a CDW ground state at room temperature.  相似文献   

钛基复合材料及其制备技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了钛基复合材料及其制备技术,重点介绍了纤维增强钛基复合材料(FTMCs)和颗粒增强钛基复合材料(PTMCs)的制备技术,分析了各种制备技术的优缺点.研究表明:纤维涂层法具有纤维分布均匀,纤维与界面反应小,复合材料性能优异等优点,是一种很有前景的FTMCs的制备技术.原位合成工艺制备的PTMCs避免了界面反应,界面清洁、结合强度高,可以明显提高PTMCs的力学性能.  相似文献   

The mutations of bacteria due to the excessive use of antibiotics, and generation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria have made the development of new antibacterial compounds a necessity. MXenes have emerged as biocompatible transition metal carbide structures with extensive biomedical applications. This is related to the MXenes’ unique combination of properties, including multifarious elemental compositions, 2D-layered structure, large surface area, abundant surface terminations, and excellent photothermal and photoelectronic properties. The focus of this review is the antibacterial application of MXenes, which has attracted the attention of researchers since 2016. A quick overview of the synthesis strategies of MXenes is provided and then summarizes the effect of various factors (including structural properties, optical properties, surface charges, flake size, and dispersibility) on the biocidal activity of MXenes. The main mechanisms for deactivating bacteria by MXenes are discussed in detail including rupturing of the bacterial membrane by sharp edges of MXenes nanoflakes, generating the reactive oxygen species (ROS), and photothermal deactivating of bacteria. Hybridization of MXenes with other organic and inorganic materials can result in materials with improved biocidal activities for different applications such as wound dressings and water purification. Finally, the challenges and perspectives of MXene nanomaterials as biocidal agents are presented.  相似文献   

TiAl-B合金凝固过程中初生TiB2的固-液界面形态演变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用原位自生法制备了TiAl-B合金,并用XRD、SEM对材料的相组成、微观组织和初生TiB2晶体的界面结构特征进行了研究。结果表明:该合金主要由TiAl和TiB2两相组成;初生TiB2呈六面棱柱状,在其(0001)面存在清晰的生长台阶,凸台状或柱棒状分枝,它们的各晶面取向与母体的取向一致。分析表明,在TiAl-B合金凝固过程中初生TiB2晶体的固-液界面是不稳定的,使固-液界面由一完整光滑的界面逐渐演变为由多个相互独立的次级界面构成的复杂界面,次级界面亦为小面结构,具有相同的晶面取向关系。  相似文献   

TiAl-B合金中初生TiB2晶体的表面形貌和形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用原位自生法制备了Ti-40Al-xB(r(B)t%)合成并利用XRD、SEM对合金的相组成和微观组织进行了研究。结果表明:初生TiB2颗粒呈六面棱柱状,在其(0001)面存在凸台或棒状分枝,而在其{1010}面存在分布较均匀的薄片状凸面;有的初生TiB2的凸耳比较发达,凸耳呈一层层环状围绕初生TiB2晶体,这些凸台或棒状分枝及薄片状凸耳的晶面取向与母体的取向一致。分析表明,在不平衡凝固条件下,初生TiB2固-液界面前沿产生的富Al边界层和随着初生TiB2晶体的长大导致固-液界面上B原子过饱和度不均匀性增加的共同作用使固-液界面失稳,从而导致初生TiB2表面结构发生了变化,使初生TiB2(0001)面上的分枝具有较快的[0001]方向生长速度,呈棒状;而{1010}面上的凸耳具有较快的<1010>方向生长速度,使其呈片状。  相似文献   

Recently, stretchable conductors and electrodes with hierarchically 3D foams have been highlighted for the development of simple and cost‐effective systems with enhanced performance in sensors, absorbents, energy storage devices, medical devices, and catalysts. For better versatility, additional properties such as mechanical robustness, water repellency, and thermal resistance are required for stable operation in tough, dry/wet conditions. Herein, a novel strategy is reported to fabricate highly robust and large‐area foam‐type conductor with a multiscale 3D matrix of a graphene/polymer nanocomposite (GNC) using a nickel‐based template. The 3D foam conductor with hierarchically porous GNC structures presents excellent stretchability (<160%), water repellency (contact angle > 126°), fire retardancy (>400 °C), and shock‐absorbing ability (>300 kPa), enabling potential application as versatile conductors working under extreme environments. In addition, it is demonstrated that the 3D GNC foam conductor can be used for healthcare electrode operating in wet environments under mechanical bending strain. It is believed that this work overcomes the lack of versatility of conventional bulk or 3D conductive polymer composites and can pave the way for the development of high‐performance, tough, and non‐wettable conductor that can operate under extreme environments.  相似文献   

Nickel alloy matrix/dispersed carbide (VC, NbC, WC) composites were prepared by either flame-spray, liquid phase sintering, or solid state sintering. A commercial Ni-B-Si alloy was mixed with 15% vol. of carbide particles and used to prepare composite coatings by flame-spray, bulk composite materials by solid state sintering (below 1045°C) or liquid phase sintering (above 1050°C). Phase characterization was performed by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray fluorescence in energy and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy modes. Similar microstructural features were produced by thermal spray and liquid phase sintering: a Ni-rich matrix and a boron-rich intergranular phase. Sintered samples showed higher wear resistance than the coatings obtained by flame spraying. In both cases the wear mechanism is dominated by the plastic flow of the Ni-rich ductile matrix and the fracture of a boron-rich intergranular phase, the latter serving as a retainer. Carbide removal was observed for solid state sintered samples.  相似文献   

氯气刻蚀中孔碳化钛制备分等级孔结构炭材料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以钛酸正丁酯为钛源、蔗糖为炭源,采用溶胶-凝胶法制得有机-无机复合干凝胶,后经高温炭热反应、氯气化学刻蚀分别得到中孔碳化钛及碳化物基炭材料(CDCS).通过XRD、Raman、SEM、TEM和氮气吸附等表征,考察了钛酸正丁酯/蔗糖摩尔比例(R)对所制碳化钛和CDCS的孔结构和物理特性的影响.结果表明:在碳热过程所形成的中孔和大孔孔隙能够在氯气刻蚀过程中保持并传递给最终的炭材料.所制CDCS具有三种不同层次的孔隙结构,分别为氯气刻蚀碳化钛品体所产生的微孔、源自蔗糖残留炭中所含的3nm~4nm中孔以及炭颗粒间相互叠加和连接所形成的大孔.通过改变R比值,所制CDCS的BET比表面积和孔容分别在1479m2/g~1640m2/g和1.06cm3/g~2.03cm3/g之间可调.  相似文献   

By the methods of micro-and macroindentation, uniaxial compression, and scanning electron microscopy, we study the behavior of the structure and mechanical properties of mono-and biphase Ti3SiC2, Ti3AlC2, and Ti4AlN3 titanium nanolaminates (in-situ composites) prepared by the method of reaction sintering in compact and porous states. The regularities, specific features, and mechanisms of deformation and fracture processes are established for each material within the temperature range 20–1300°C. The temperature-strain and force boundaries of their existence in the plastic state are determined. The comparative analysis of the mechanical properties of nanolaminates is performed. It is shown that the strength characteristics of nanolaminates and their strain and creep resistance at medium and high temperatures increase in the following sequence: Ti3AlC2-Ti4AlN3-Ti3SiC2. The obtained picture of high-temperature properties of these materials is explained. It is shown that the procedure of prestraining of a porous material by ε = 4–8% may result in a significant increase in its specific high-temperature strength up to values higher than those typical of the compact material. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 6, pp. 79–94, November–December, 2006.  相似文献   

Ti-40Al-2B合金微观组织和初生TiB2生长特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
用原位自生法制备了Ti-40Al-2B(wt%)复合材料,并用XRD、SEM对复合材料的相组成和微观组织,特别是TiB2的形貌进行了研究。结果表明:该合金由TiAl和TiB2两相组成。其中TiB2颗粒以初生的块状和共晶的片状或细棒状形式共存。初生TiB2呈六面棱柱体,端面有清晰的生长台阶,其显露晶面分别为(0001)和{101 - 0}。结合晶体生长理论分析认为:TiB2的生长单元为一个硼原子和六个钛原子组成的三棱柱,硼原子位于三棱柱的中心,生长方式以台阶式生长为主。其中{112 - 1}面生长速率最快,{101 - 0}面生长速率最慢,导致TiB2形成以{101 - 0}面为棱柱面的六面棱柱结构。   相似文献   

以Ti粉、B4C粉和SiC粉为原料,用真空热压烧结工艺制备了原位自生颗粒增强的Ti-B-Si-C系钛基复合材料,研究了复合材料的显微组织和力学性能。结果表明,使用的初始粉末不同,原位自生颗粒的组成不同,复合材料的性能也有明显的差别。  相似文献   

用沉淀二氧化硅合成钛硅分子筛TS-2的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以沉淀二氧化硅为硅源,钛酸四丁酯为钛源,四丁基氢氧化铵为模板剂,采用水热晶 化法合成了TS-2分子筛.在优化合成步骤的基础上,采用XRD、FT-IR、UV-Vis、SEM 等测试方法系统研究了晶化温度、凝胶Si/Ti对晶化动力学行为及TS-2分子筛晶相结构的影 响.结果表明:高纯TS-2分子筛的最佳晶化温度为175℃,过高的晶化温度易导致MEL结构 向MFI晶相结构的转变及晶粒的逐渐长大.高纯TS-2样品的极限Ti/Si值为0.04,高于此值 则生成非骨架钛氧化物,并造成相对结晶度和催化氧化性能显著降低.  相似文献   

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