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Hexaaluminates and perovskites are two promising candidates for use in catalytic combustion applications. In the present study two hexaaluminates, LaMnAl11O19 and LaCoAl11O19, were compared with two perovskites, LaMnO3 and LaCoO3, with respect to their thermal stability and catalytic activity for combustion of methane and gasified biomass. The results showed that the hexaaluminates retained a much higher surface area even after calcination at 1200 °C compared to the perovskites. LaMnAl11O19 showed the highest catalytic activity of all catalysts. LaCoAl11O19 generally showed low activity. Of the two perovskites, LaCoO3 was the most active, and the initial test run the activity for biomass combustion were close to that one of LaMnAl11O19 even though its surface area was only one tenth of the hexaaluminate's. However, it was severely deactivated in the second test run. Similar deactivation but less severe was also found for the other catalyst.  相似文献   

Catalytic combustion system for a 10 MW class power generation gas turbine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In early 2000, GE Energy launched a program to develop a catalytic combustion system for one of its small power generation gas turbines, the GE10-1 engine. The target was to release to the market a new combustor able to guarantee NOx emissions lower than 2.5 ppmvd (referred to 15 vol.% O2). Today, a full-scale engine test campaign has been completed, during which measured NOx emissions were as low as 1 ppmvd in the 90–100% load range.

The article is aimed to illustrate the developed technology and the results obtained. The combustion system's configuration is briefly described, focusing on the XONON® catalyst module installed. Reported data show combustion system's performances, mainly in terms of pollutant emissions and operability. Perspectives for future development of such combustion system are outlined.  相似文献   

An aqueous (NH4)2CO3 coprecipitation method, based on that of Groppi et al. [Appl. Catal. A 104 (1993) 101–108] was used to synthesize Sr1−xLaxMnAl11O19− hexaaluminates. These materials were first synthesized by alkoxide hydrolysis. This synthesis route requires special handling of the starting materials and is not likely to be commercially practical. The materials prepared by (NH4)2CO3 coprecipitation have similar surface areas as those prepared by the alkoxide hydrolysis method. Their CH4 oxidation activity, measured as the temperature needed for 10% conversion of methane, is higher than those prepared by alkoxide hydrolysis. The La-substantiated material, LaMnAl11O19−, shows high surface area with 19.3 m2/g after calcination at 1400°C for 2 h. It is active for CH4 oxidation with T10% at 450°C using 1% CH4 in air and 70 000 cm3/h g space velocity. The stability and activity of LaMnAl11O19− prepared by (NH4)2CO3 coprecipitation method is a simple and important step forward for the application of CH4 catalytic combustion for gas turbines.  相似文献   

It has been shown that it is possible to decrease fuel-NOx produced from NH3 using catalytic combustion of a synthetic gasified biomass at fuel-lean conditions. In a certain temperature regime where the conversion of fuel components, such as CO, H2 and CH4, is low and conversion of NH3 is high, it is suggested that the formed NOx is reduced by the remaining fuel components, mainly hydrocarbons. With oxide catalysts only ca. 10% of the NH3 was converted to NOx, the rest to N2. It has also been shown that the ignition sequence of CO, H2 and CH4 varied for different catalysts and different experimental conditions, and that methane coupling and methanation reactions occurred before ignition of CH4.  相似文献   

Catalytic combustion concept for gas turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Catalytic combustion for gas turbines was investigated, based on a partial catalytic combustion section followed by a homogeneous combustion zone. A pressurized test rig (<25 bar) was built to test the influence of various parameters on this concept using Pd and Pt catalysts.

The pressure influence on the apparent catalytic reaction rate was of the order 0.4, assuming that the reaction kinetics could be described by a power rate function which was of first order with respect to methane. Pd catalysts showed a pressure-dependent temperature for the transition of the active PdO to the much less active Pd. Combining Pd and Pt within one catalyst resulted in a considerably lower transition temperature.

Homogeneous combustion reactions set on from 650°C, depending on the methane concentration, pressure and flow. With inlet temperatures above 800°C the homogeneous combustion always started. At outlet temperatures below 1050°C high CO concentrations could be measured. At higher temperatures the CO, CH4 and NOx concentrations were lower than 5 ppm. During several experiments total conversion of CH4 and CO was observed.  相似文献   

We report results from a lean burn ultra-low emission catalytic combustor. In a sub-scale rig, atmospheric testing with methane demonstrated NOx<3, CO<5, and UHC<1 ppm, with stable combustion at inlet temperatures of 400–500°C (750–1020°F) and combustor discharge temperatures of 1150–1540°C (2100–2800°F). Catalyst temperatures were held well below metal substrate material limits, while combustor discharge temperatures of up to 1540°C (2800°F) were achieved.  相似文献   

The influence of sulphur on the catalytic combustion of gasified biomass for gas turbine applications has been studied over precious metal and metal oxide based catalysts, namely Pd/LaAl11O18, Pt/LaAl11O18, Pt/La0.5Ba0.5Mn0.5Fe0.5Al11O19, La0.5Ba0.5Mn0.5Fe0.5Al11O19 and LaMnAl11O19. The samples were washcoated on cordierite monoliths and tested in a bench-scale reactor with a synthetic low-heating value fuel mixed with air. The fuel gas, that resembles the gas from air-blown fluidised bed gasification of wood, was composed of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethene, carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen. Different concentrations of hydrogen sulphide as well as sulphur dioxide were added to the fuel gas. The results show that all samples were deactivated to some extent by addition of sulphur, although poisoning of the catalytic combustion for each fuel component varied depending both on the active phase and on the support and generally was reversible. The palladium catalyst was severely deactivated for combustion of methane, although activity for carbon monoxide and hydrogen was almost maintained. Platinum catalysts were more severely poisoned for carbon monoxide and hydrogen, but not for methane. Metal oxide catalysts were severely deactivated for all fuel components, especially for carbon monoxide, and the La0.5Ba0.5Mn0.5Fe0.5Al11O19-sample was irreversibly poisoned. The samples were also characterised by BET, XRD, ICP, SEM–EDX, XPS and SIMS.  相似文献   

Performance data are presented for methane oxidation on alumina-supported Pd, Pt, and Rh catalysts under both fuel-rich and fuel-lean conditions. Catalyst activity was measured in a micro-scale isothermal reactor at temperatures between 300 and 800 °C. Non-isothermal (near adiabatic) temperature and reaction data were obtained in a full-length (non-differential) sub-scale reactor operating at high pressure (0.9 MPa) and constant inlet temperature, simulating actual reactor operation in catalytic combustion applications.

Under fuel-lean conditions, Pd catalyst was the most active, although deactivation occurred above 650 °C, with reactivation upon cooling. Rh catalyst also deactivated above 750 °C, but did not reactivate. Pt catalyst was active above 600 °C. Fuel-lean reaction products were CO2 and H2O for all three catalysts.

The same catalysts tested under fuel-rich conditions demonstrated much higher activity. In addition, a ‘lightoff’ temperature was found (between 450 and 600 °C), where a stepwise increase in reaction rate was observed. Following ‘lightoff’ partial oxidation products (CO, H2) appeared in the mixture, and their concentration increased with increasing temperature. All three catalysts exhibited this behavior.

High-pressure (0.9 MPa) sub-scale reactor and combustor data are shown, demonstrating the benefits of fuel-rich operation over the catalyst for ultra-low emissions combustion.  相似文献   

A catalytic combustor is described for a 1.5 MW gas turbine engine. The catalyst temperature is limited and the high combustor outlet temperatures required by the turbine are generated downstream of the catalyst. The combustor design places a low NOx preburner upstream of the catalyst and uses this preburner to achieve optimum catalyst operation by providing the desired catalyst inlet temperature. The combustor system employs the catalyst during engine acceleration and loading. The catalyst design has been tested on a sub-scale rig under full pressure and flow conditions simulating turbine operation over the entire operating range including acceleration and loading. The design should achieve emissions at full load operation of <3 ppm NOx and <10 ppm CO and UHC. Low emissions operation is expected over the 75–100% load range. In addition, long-term sub-scale rig test results are reported at simulated full load operating conditions including cyclic operation and full load trips.  相似文献   

Deactivation of palladium catalyst in catalytic combustion of methane   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Catalytic combustion of natural gas, for applications such as gas turbines, can reduce NOx emissions. Palladium-on-stabilised alumina has been found to be the most efficient catalyst for the complete oxidation of methane to carbon dioxide and water. However, its poor durability is considered to be an obstruction for the development of catalytic combustion. This work was aimed at identifying the origin of this deactivation: metal sintering, support sintering, transformation or coking.

Catalytic combustion of methane was studied in a 15 mm i.d. and 50 mm length lab reactor and in a 25 mm i.d. pilot test rig on monolithic honeycomb substrates. Experiments were performed at GHSV of 50 000 h−1 in lab test and 500 000 h−1 in pilot test. The catalysts used were palladium on different supports on cordierite substrate. The catalysts were characterised by XRD, STEM, ATG and XPS.

In steady-state conditions, deactivation has been found to be dependent on the air/methane ratio, the palladium content on the washcoat and the amount of washcoat on the substrate. An oscillating behaviour of the methane conversion was even observed under specific conditions, due to the reducibility of palladium oxide PdO to Pd. The influence of the nature of the support on the catalyst deactivation was also investigated. It has been shown that some supports can surprisingly eliminate this oscillating behaviour. However, in pilot test, deactivation was found to be very rapid, even with stabilised alumina supports. Furthermore, successive tests performed on the same catalyst revealed that the activity (light-off temperature, conversion) falls strongly from one test to another.

Then, the stabilised alumina support was calcined at 1230°C for 16 h prior to its impregnation by palladium, in order to rule out its sintering. Experiments carried out on precalcined catalysts point out that deactivation is mostly correlated to the metal transformation under reaction conditions: activity decreases gradually as PdO sinters, but it dropped much more steeply in relation to appearance of metallic palladium.  相似文献   

Palladium cation exchanged zeolites (ZSM-5, mordenite and ferrierite) were studied as catalysts for methane combustion. Pd-zeolites showed much higher activities than PdO/Al2O3. For comparable palladium loadings, PdO/Al2O3 requires a reaction temperature of ca. 70–80°C higher than Pd-ZSM-5 for conversions between 50–100%. The catalytic activity of Pd-ZSM-5 seems to be related to its reducibility. Temperature-programmed reduction experiments with carbon monoxide showed a lower reduction temperature (ca. 157°C) for Pd-ZSM-5 than for PdO/Al2O3 (225°C). Further, the positioning of the palladium by ion exchange offers a highly dispersed form of PdII supported on the high surface area zeolite.  相似文献   

The collection of chemical kinetics data in catalytic combustion over very active palladium catalysts under conditions relevant to practical applications (e.g. gas turbine combustors) is extremely difficult, mainly due to strong exothermicity and very fast rate of combustion reactions. Within this purpose in this paper two types of laboratory structured reactors, which closely resemble industrial monolith catalysts, are investigated: (a) the annular reactor, consisting of a catalyst coated ceramic tube, co-axially placed in a quartz tube; (b) the metallic plate-type reactor, consisting of an assembled packet of metallic slabs coated with a ceramic catalytic layer.

The design of the annular reactor configurations for kinetic investigations is first addressed by mathematical modeling. The resulting advantages, including: (i) negligible pressure drops; (ii) minimal impact of diffusional limitations in high temperature–high GHSV experiments; (iii) effective dissipation of reaction heat are then experimentally demonstrated for the case of CH4 combustion over a PdO/γ-Al2O3 catalyst with high noble metal loading (10% (w/w) of Pd).

The feasibility of a near-isothermal operation with the metallic plate-type reactor by an extremely effective dissipation of reaction heat through proper selection of highly conductive support material and of the geometry of the metallic slabs is finally discussed and experimentally demonstrated for the case of combustion of CO at high concentrations over a PdO/γ-Al2O3 (3% (w/w) of Pd) catalyst.  相似文献   

A series of Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalysts with various amounts of Ru or Rh with, and/or without, BaO were prepared by successive incipient wetness impregnation. The catalysts were investigated for the catalytic methane combustion before, and after, H2S poisoning in an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The addition of ruthenium enhanced the catalytic activity for methane oxidation even after H2S poisoning while maintaining the initial catalytic activity of the fresh catalyst. These results are explained in terms of dispersion of palladium by ruthenium and poisoning resistance of ruthenium. The addition of rhodium did not improve the overall activity in methane oxidation.  相似文献   

Catalytic combustion of VOCs on non-noble metal catalysts   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are toxic and contribute significantly to the formation of the photochemical smog, which has remarkable impact to the air quality; therefore, the research on the removal of VOCs has attracted increasing interests during the last decade. This review covers the recent developments in catalytic combustion of VOCs over non-noble metal catalysts including mixed metal oxide catalysts, perovskite catalysts and Au-containing catalysts. The effect of water vapor, coke formation and the effect of supports on the catalytic combustion process will be discussed. The concept of an adsorption/catalytic combustion dual functional system is introduced and several examples of such systems are evaluated. To develop efficient and cost effective VOC removal technologies, further research in catalytic combustion needs to develop novel non-noble metal catalysts and adsorbents, and improve the understanding of catalytic mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

On the request of Gaz de France Research Department, Catator AB has designed, constructed and evaluated a catalytic burner, based on Catator's patented wire mesh catalysts, for natural gas combustion in gas stoves or cooking plates. The results have shown that burner operation results in extremely low NOx emissions (1–3 mg NOx/kWh), acceptable CO-levels (0–15 mg CO/kWh), relatively high thermal efficiencies over a broad range of power inputs (40–50% for 1–4 kW) and a long catalyst life-time (>10 000 h). Other advantages of this burner design are its compactness and ease of cleaning. The critical concern is the high emissions of unburned hydrocarbons measured at slow cooking mode (<1 kW), which is believed to be overcome by developing and implementing an appropriate heat-exchanger with the burner.  相似文献   

The partial oxidation of methane (POM) to syngas, i.e. H2 and CO, over supported Rh catalysts was investigated at atmospheric pressure. The influence of support material, Rh loading and the presence of water vapor on the methane conversion efficiency and the product gas composition was studied. The catalysts containing ceria in the support material showed the highest activity and formation of H2 and CO. By increasing the Rh loading, a decrease of the ignition temperature was obtained. The addition of water vapor to the reactant gas mixture was found to increase the ignition temperature and the formation of hydrogen, which is favorable for combustion applications where the catalytic POM stage is followed by H2-stabilized homogeneous combustion.  相似文献   

Catalytic combustion of toluene over Fe, Co, and Mn transition metal oxides catalysts supported on clinoptilolite (CLT) has been investigated. The catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), temperature-programmed reduction and oxidation (TPR/TPO) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). 9.5MnO2/NaCLT catalyst exhibited the catalytic activity, over which the toluene conversion reached to 93% at a temperature of 350 °C. The increase in activity was followed by increasing metal oxide content and gave a optimum at 9.5% MnO2 loading. Addition of metal oxide into clinoptilolite support led to a measurable decrease in the onset of combustion and an increase in toluene conversion.  相似文献   

Catalytic combustion of benzene over metal oxides supported on SBA-15   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The catalytic combustion of benzene over metal oxides supported on SBA-15 was investigated. The catalysts were prepared by the incipient wetness method and characterized by XRD, BET, TEM, ESR and TPR. The calcined siliceous SBA-15 and CuO/SBA-15 samples displayed well-resolved patterns with a sharp peak at about 1.0°. It is clear that the loading of CuO on the silica matrix drastically decreases the surface area and pore volume of the catalysts, as would be expected for the incorporation of CuO. Among the supported metal oxides, CuO supported on SBA-15 was found to have the highest activity for benzene oxidation. In addition, copper oxide supported on SBA-15 gives higher catalytic activity than copper oxide supported on MCM-41. From the ESR results, the CuO dispersed on the SBA-15 acts as the active site of the CuO/SBA-15 catalysts in the oxidative decomposition of benzene. The catalytic activity gradually increases with increasing CuO loading on SBA-15.  相似文献   

CoxMg3 − x /Al composite oxides (xCoMAO-800) were prepared by calcination of CoxMg3 − x/Al hydrotalcites (x = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, respectively) at 800 °C. The materials were characterized using XRD, TG-DSC, N2 adsorption-desorption and TPR. The methane catalytic combustion over the xCoMAO-800 was assessed in a fixed bed micro-reactor. The results revealed that cobalt can be homogenously dispersed into the matrices of the hydrotalcites and determines the structure, specific surface areas and porosity of the derived xCoMAO-800 oxide catalysts. The thermal stability and homogeneity of the hydrotalcites markedly depends on the cobalt concentration in the hydrotalcites. The Co-based hydrotalcite-derived oxides exhibit good activity in the catalytic combustion of methane. The catalytic activity over the xCoMAO-800 oxides enhances with increasing x up to 1.5, but subsequently decreases dramatically as cobalt loadings are further increased. The 1.5CoMAO-800 catalyst shows the best methane combustion activity, igniting methane at 450 °C and completing methane combustion around 600 °C. The catalytic combustion activity over the xCoMAO-800 oxides are closely related to the strong Co-Mg/Al interaction within the mixed oxides according to the TG-DSC, TPR and activity characteristics.  相似文献   

采用浸渍法制备Pd-Ba/Ce-Zr-La/堇青石催化剂,以甲基丙烯酸尾气为模型,考察Ba的引入对Pd催化剂催化燃烧活性的影响。并用XRD、BET、SEM和TPD等对催化剂进行了表征。研究表明,Ba的引入提高了催化剂的催化活性和热稳定性,经500 ℃焙烧的Pd-Ba/Ce-Zr-La/堇青石催化剂(Pd和Ba质量比为1∶7.5)具有很好的催化活性,起燃温度为130 ℃,完全燃烧温度仅为153 ℃,经1 000 ℃焙烧后,催化剂仍保持较高催化活性。  相似文献   

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