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到健身俱乐部去健身是现在越来越多人的一个选择,因为这里有最专业的健身器械,有最专业的健身教练,还有浓重的锻炼氛围。但是有的时候,刚走进健身房的新手,往往会不知所措,机器不会用,自己的身材又不好,怕人笑话。而有些"老手"也会因为时间久了没了新鲜感而倦怠。  相似文献   

运动带给人的好处绝非一点点,也不是甩甩手、踢踢腿就可奏效那么简单,无论运动赋予的是减肥,还是增强身体素质,运动爱好者都必须先了解运动的本质和本身需要,再持之以恒地进行,才能达到理想的成绩。  相似文献   

杨波曾经是国际级运动健将,她是浙江省宽波市人。1980年入宁波市少年体育学校开始接受体操训练,1985年被选入国家女子体操队,1990年荣获国际级运动健将称号,并获国家体委授予的体育运动荣誉奖章。[编者按]  相似文献   

随着人们对健康越来越重视,跑步机、按摩椅、按摩小沙发、美腿机等健身保健器材越来越多地走进普通百姓家庭。2012年舒华进行了整体的营销战略调整,在原有的跑步机系列+健身车系列+综合训练系列+配套健身系列+小体育用品系列的基础上,增加了按摩保健系列:  相似文献   

“看心情!”已经成为越来越多人的口头禅。而健身也得为不好的心情让路,健身房里全力以赴与走走过场间的差别,是从个人的心情开始的。心事重重,思绪紊乱,到了健身房效果已经折半了。如何保持健身的激情,让心情与健身一起飞!  相似文献   

当健身爱好者们不顾一切地奔进健身房,有些盲目的健身方式不仅无益,而且有害,健身专家总结出10项健身要旨,教会运动一族怎样做是对与不对。  相似文献   

现在生活好了,人们开始注重生活质量,健康成为大家关注的焦点,俗语说:“药补不如食补,食补不如锻炼。”如今人们开始热哀于各种健身运动,可是做什么运动好呢?  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare two self-help smoking cessation booklets distributed to callers to a Quitline telephone service in Queensland (Australia). DESIGN: Callers were randomised to receive either a structured 14-day quit programme (Time to quit) or another booklet and described four broad stages of quitting (Can quit). Approximately one month later, these callers were interviewed by telephone. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self-reported smoking status at one month and recent quit attempts together with process measures. RESULTS: Altogether, 521 callers (78.3%) were interviewed. They were heavier smokers when compared with all Queensland smokers: on average they had smoked for more than 15 years, smoked nearly 25 cigarettes per day, and almost two-thirds had attempted to quit smoking in the past year. In each group, significant proportions either did not begin to use the booklet (50.5-56.0%), or did not complete its use (77.4-82.3%). There were no differences in the self-reported quit rates at one month (17.0% vs 16.1%; p = 0.93). In an ordinal regression modelling procedure involving age, sex, number of recent quit attempts, number of cigarettes smoked per day, smoking status of partner, number of five closest friends who smoke, education, and booklet received, only the number of cigarettes smoked per day was significantly related to smoking status at one month. CONCLUSIONS: Callers to telephone Quit-line services are typically heavier smokers than the general smoking population, and simple strategies, such as self-help booklets, appear to achieve relatively high success. Nevertheless, there is potential to improve the effectiveness of these materials by making a range of materials available and encouraging callers to make a serious attempt to quit smoking.  相似文献   

This study assessed the cost-effectiveness of two low-intensity programs for quitting smokeless tobacco, based on results of a randomized trial with 1,069 volunteer participants. Cost data were collected for two levels of intervention: manual only (a self-help manual) and assisted self-help (the manual plus a videotape and two supportive phone calls from tobacco cessation counselors). Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated for assisted self-help vs. quitting on one's own, using the manual-only quit rate and data from another study as alternative proxies for no intervention. A threshold analysis was conducted to determine the spontaneous quit rate at which the manual-only intervention becomes more cost-effective than assisted self-help. The cost to provide and receive the assisted self-help intervention averaged US $56 per participant vs. $20 for the manual-only intervention (societal perspective, Year 2000 dollars). Estimates for incremental cost per quit for the assisted self-help intervention ranged from $922 to $1,758, depending on the proxy used for no intervention. The manual-only intervention was more cost-effective than assisted self-help if quitting among motivated chewers who do not receive treatment does not exceed 3.4%. Support from a wife or partner added little cost to a quit attempt for male chewers ($3-$4). Providing a manual, video, and brief phone counseling to smokeless tobacco users who want to quit is a reasonable use of health care resources. The self-help quitting guide also may be a cost-effective treatment, but it remains to be demonstrated whether it is more effective than quitting on one's own.  相似文献   

跑步机是家庭及健身房常备的器材,而且是当今家庭健身器材中最简单的一种,是家庭健身器的最佳选择。美国年跑步机的批发销售额达4.6亿美元较以前增加了15%,专家们相信未来跑步机市场将以高价位产品为主导。这些迹象都表明,未来跑步机仍会持续增长。  相似文献   

时至今日,越来越多的人认识到健身的重要。然而在进行体育锻炼中,有时会出现身体不适,或因各种不当或意外而产生身体某些部位的伤害,即运动损伤。由此可见,掌握运动要领和自我保护方法就显得非常必要了。  相似文献   

<正> 法国SIAL国际食品展于1964年创立 于巴黎,2000年胜利移师中国,至今已成功举办四届,已成为中国国际食品第一大展。第四届SIAL CHINA将于2004年3月30日至4月1日在上海新国际博览中心举行。  相似文献   

<正>图为芹壁村照片。同照片位置芹壁村绘图,为了画面效果下方画了象征着村庄的金银花。这套包装运用了一体成型无黏贴、无卡榫结构的设计,将盒体包装拆开后可以发现,一个盒子只用了一张纸,非常环保。集合包装的部分设计师们将它命名为四连提袋,是特别为这四个长盒所设计的,长盒侧边三角形的凹处可嵌入其四个边,将前方的斜片插入后方的斜口后,即可形成一个方形的提盒,便携且不易脱落。而这个集合包装一样是由一张一体成型的矩形纸所折成的。  相似文献   

诺邓村:一个盐井村落的历史文化解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年1月13~16日,应云龙县委、县政府的邀请,我们前往云龙县参加大理云龙文化旅游产业发展专家咨询会。根据会议安排,14日,我们实地考察了诺邓村。这是一个有着千年历史的盐业古村落,一天的考察参观虽然为时短暂,但却令我进一步认识到了盐业经济文化的重要意义。  相似文献   

主要介绍服装夹裆的处理方法,它对服装的舒适性影响较大,对于连衣袖的服装,在不影响其款式设计的基础上,只有通过对服装夹裆部位的处理才能保证穿着舒适、美观、自然的效果.  相似文献   

寒冬季节,坚持室外、锻炼,能提高大脑皮层的兴奋性,增强中枢神经系统体温调节功能,使身体与寒冷的气候环境取得平衡,适应寒冷的刺激,有效地改善肌体抗寒能力。为了确保冬季健身锻炼安全有效,在进行健身运动时必须注意。  相似文献   

针对部分高校学生欠缴学费信息管理耗时费力、效率低下的问题,设计了一套欠费信息自动呼叫和自助查询系统.系统底层硬件采用SHT-4B/USB语音卡,以SQL Server为数据库服务器,VS2010为开发环境,C#为开发语言.试验结果证明,该系统具有良好的灵活性和扩展性,满足了学校对欠费信息管理的需求.  相似文献   

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