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Let X = (X/sub 1/,...) be a stationary ergodic finite-alphabet source, X/sup n/ denote its first n symbols, and Y/sup n/ be the codeword assigned to X/sup n/ by a lossy source code. The empirical kth-order joint distribution Q/spl circ//sup k/[X/sup n/,Y/sup n//spl rceil/(x/sup k/,y/sup k/) is defined as the frequency of appearances of pairs of k-strings (x/sup k/,y/sup k/) along the pair (X/sup n/,Y/sup n/). Our main interest is in the sample behavior of this (random) distribution. Letting I(Q/sup k/) denote the mutual information I(X/sup k/;Y/sup k/) when (X/sup k/,Y/sup k/)/spl sim/Q/sup k/ we show that for any (sequence of) lossy source code(s) of rate /spl les/R lim sup/sub n/spl rarr//spl infin//(1/k)I(Q/spl circ//sup k/[X/sup n/,Y/sup n//spl rfloor/) /spl les/R+(1/k)H (X/sub 1//sup k/)-H~(X) a.s. where H~(X) denotes the entropy rate of X. This is shown to imply, for a large class of sources including all independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). sources and all sources satisfying the Shannon lower bound with equality, that for any sequence of codes which is good in the sense of asymptotically attaining a point on the rate distortion curve Q/spl circ//sup k/[X/sup n/,Y/sup n//spl rfloor//spl rArr//sup d/P(X/sup k/,Y~/sup k/) a.s. whenever P(/sub X//sup k//sub ,Y//sup k/) is the unique distribution attaining the minimum in the definition of the kth-order rate distortion function. Consequences of these results include a new proof of Kieffer's sample converse to lossy source coding, as well as performance bounds for compression-based denoisers.  相似文献   

Let (F/sub k/)/sub k/spl ges/1/ be a nested family of parametric classes of densities with finite Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Let f be a probability density belonging to F/sub k//sup */, where k/sup */ is the unknown smallest integer such that f/spl isin/F/sub k/. Given a random sample X/sub 1/,...,X/sub n/ drawn from f, an integer k/sub 0//spl ges/1 and a real number /spl alpha//spl isin/(0,1), we introduce a new, simple, explicit /spl alpha/-level consistent testing procedure of the hypothesis {H/sub 0/:k/sup */=k/sub 0/} versus the alternative {H/sub 1/:k/sup *//spl ne/k/sub 0/}. Our method is inspired by the combinatorial tools developed in Devroye and Lugosi and it includes a wide range of density models, such as mixture models, neural networks, or exponential families.  相似文献   

We consider a special case of Voronoi coding, where a lattice /spl Lambda/ in /spl Ropf//sup n/ is shaped (or truncated) using a lattice /spl Lambda/'={(m/sub 1/x/sub 1/,...,m/sub n/x/sub n/)|(x/sub 1/,...,x/sub n/)/spl isin//spl Lambda/} for a fixed m_=(m/sub 1/,...,m/sub n/)/spl isin/(/spl Nopf//spl bsol/{0,1})/sup n/. Using this technique, the shaping boundary is near-ellipsoidal. It is shown that the resulting codes can be indexed by standard Voronoi indexing algorithms plus a conditional modification step, as far as /spl Lambda/' is a sublattice of /spl Lambda/. We derive the underlying conditions on m_ and present generic near-ellipsoidal Voronoi indexing algorithms. Examples of constraints on m_ and conditional modification are provided for the lattices A/sub 2/, D/sub n/ (n/spl ges/2) and 2D/sub n//sup +/ (n even /spl ges/4).  相似文献   

Decoding by linear programming   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
This paper considers a natural error correcting problem with real valued input/output. We wish to recover an input vector f/spl isin/R/sup n/ from corrupted measurements y=Af+e. Here, A is an m by n (coding) matrix and e is an arbitrary and unknown vector of errors. Is it possible to recover f exactly from the data y? We prove that under suitable conditions on the coding matrix A, the input f is the unique solution to the /spl lscr//sub 1/-minimization problem (/spl par/x/spl par//sub /spl lscr/1/:=/spl Sigma//sub i/|x/sub i/|) min(g/spl isin/R/sup n/) /spl par/y - Ag/spl par//sub /spl lscr/1/ provided that the support of the vector of errors is not too large, /spl par/e/spl par//sub /spl lscr/0/:=|{i:e/sub i/ /spl ne/ 0}|/spl les//spl rho//spl middot/m for some /spl rho/>0. In short, f can be recovered exactly by solving a simple convex optimization problem (which one can recast as a linear program). In addition, numerical experiments suggest that this recovery procedure works unreasonably well; f is recovered exactly even in situations where a significant fraction of the output is corrupted. This work is related to the problem of finding sparse solutions to vastly underdetermined systems of linear equations. There are also significant connections with the problem of recovering signals from highly incomplete measurements. In fact, the results introduced in this paper improve on our earlier work. Finally, underlying the success of /spl lscr//sub 1/ is a crucial property we call the uniform uncertainty principle that we shall describe in detail.  相似文献   

Let GR(4/sup m/) be the Galois ring of characteristic 4 and cardinality 4/sup m/, and /spl alpha/_={/spl alpha//sub 0/,/spl alpha//sub 1/,...,/spl alpha//sub m-1/} be a basis of GR(4/sup m/) over /spl Zopf//sub 4/ when we regard GR(4/sup m/) as a free /spl Zopf//sub 4/-module of rank m. Define the map d/sub /spl alpha/_/ from GR(4/sup m/)[z]/(z/sup n/-1) into /spl Zopf//sub 4/[z]/(z/sup mn/-1) by d/spl alpha/_(a(z))=/spl Sigma//sub i=0//sup m-1//spl Sigma//sub j=0//sup n-1/a/sub ij/z/sup mj+i/ where a(z)=/spl Sigma//sub j=0//sup n-1/a/sub j/z/sup j/ and a/sub j/=/spl Sigma//sub i=0//sup m-1/a/sub ij//spl alpha//sub i/, a/sub ij//spl isin//spl Zopf//sub 4/. Then, for any linear code C of length n over GR(4/sup m/), its image d/sub /spl alpha/_/(C) is a /spl Zopf//sub 4/-linear code of length mn. In this article, for n and m being odd integers, it is determined all pairs (/spl alpha/_,C) such that d/sub /spl alpha/_/(C) is /spl Zopf//sub 4/-cyclic, where /spl alpha/_ is a basis of GR(4/sup m/) over /spl Zopf//sub 4/, and C is a cyclic code of length n over GR(4/sup m/).  相似文献   

Let Z/(p/sup e/) be the integer residue ring with odd prime p/spl ges/5 and integer e/spl ges/2. For a sequence a_ over Z/(p/sup e/), there is a unique p-adic expansion a_=a_/sub 0/+a_/spl middot/p+...+a_/sub e-1//spl middot/p/sup e-1/, where each a_/sub i/ is a sequence over {0,1,...,p-1}, and can be regarded as a sequence over the finite field GF(p) naturally. Let f(x) be a primitive polynomial over Z/(p/sup e/), and G'(f(x),p/sup e/) the set of all primitive sequences generated by f(x) over Z/(p/sup e/). Set /spl phi//sub e-1/ (x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = x/sub e-1//sup k/ + /spl eta//sub e-2,1/(x/sub 0/, x/sub 1/,...,x/sub e-2/) /spl psi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = x/sub e-1//sup k/ + /spl eta//sub e-2,2/(x/sub 0/,x/sub 1/,...,x/sub e-2/) where /spl eta//sub e-2,1/ and /spl eta//sub e-2,2/ are arbitrary functions of e-1 variables over GF(p) and 2/spl les/k/spl les/p-1. Then the compression mapping /spl phi//sub e-1/:{G'(f(x),p/sup e/) /spl rarr/ GF(p)/sup /spl infin// a_ /spl rarr/ /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) is injective, that is, a_ = b_ if and only if /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) = /spl phi//sub e-1/(b_/sub 0/,...,b_/sub e-1/) for a_,b_ /spl isin/ G'(f(x),p/sup e/). Furthermore, if f(x) is a strongly primitive polynomial over Z/(p/sup e/), then /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) = /spl psi//sub e-1/(b_/sub 0/,...,b_/sub e-1/) if and only if a_ = b_ and /spl phi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = /spl psi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) for a_,b_ /spl isin/ G'(f(x),p/sup e/).  相似文献   

Entropy and the law of small numbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two new information-theoretic methods are introduced for establishing Poisson approximation inequalities. First, using only elementary information-theoretic techniques it is shown that, when S/sub n/=/spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/X/sub i/ is the sum of the (possibly dependent) binary random variables X/sub 1/,X/sub 2/,...,X/sub n/, with E(X/sub i/)=p/sub i/ and E(S/sub n/)=/spl lambda/, then D(P(S/sub n/)/spl par/Po(/spl lambda/)) /spl les//spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/p/sub i//sup 2/+[/spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/H(X/sub i/)-H(X/sub 1/,X/sub 2/,...,X/sub n/)] where D(P(S/sub n/)/spl par/Po(/spl lambda/)) is the relative entropy between the distribution of S/sub n/ and the Poisson (/spl lambda/) distribution. The first term in this bound measures the individual smallness of the X/sub i/ and the second term measures their dependence. A general method is outlined for obtaining corresponding bounds when approximating the distribution of a sum of general discrete random variables by an infinitely divisible distribution. Second, in the particular case when the X/sub i/ are independent, the following sharper bound is established: D(P(S/sub n/)/spl par/Po(/spl lambda/))/spl les/1//spl lambda/ /spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/ ((p/sub i//sup 3/)/(1-p/sub i/)) and it is also generalized to the case when the X/sub i/ are general integer-valued random variables. Its proof is based on the derivation of a subadditivity property for a new discrete version of the Fisher information, and uses a recent logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the Poisson distribution.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of universal simulation of an unknown source from a certain parametric family of discrete memoryless sources, given a training vector X from that source and given a limited budget of purely random key bits. The goal is to generate a sequence of random vectors {Y/sub i/}, all of the same dimension and the same probability law as the given training vector X, such that a certain, prescribed set of M statistical tests will be satisfied. In particular, for each statistical test, it is required that for a certain event, /spl epsiv//sub /spl lscr//, 1 /spl les/ /spl lscr/ /spl les/ M, the relative frequency /sup 1///sub N/ /spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup N/ 1/sub /spl epsiv//spl lscr//(Y/sub i/) (1/sub /spl epsiv//(/spl middot/) being the indicator function of an event /spl epsiv/), would converge, as N /spl rarr/ /spl infin/, to a random variable (depending on X), that is typically as close as possible to the expectation of 1/sub /spl epsiv//spl lscr/,/ (X) with respect to the true unknown source, namely, to the probability of the event /spl epsiv//sub /spl lscr//. We characterize the minimum key rate needed for this purpose and demonstrate how this minimum can be approached in principle.  相似文献   

Identifying codes can be used to locate malfunctioning processors. We say that a code C of length n is a linear (1,/spl les/l)-identifying code if it is a subspace of F/sub 2//sup n/ and for all X,Y/spl sube/F/sub 2//sup n/ such that |X|, |Y|/spl les/l and X/spl ne/Y, we have /spl cup//sub x/spl isin/X/(B(x)/spl cap/C)/spl ne//spl cup/y/spl isin/Y(B(y)/spl cap/C). Strongly (1,/spl les/l)-identifying codes are a variant of identifying codes. We determine the cardinalities of optimal linear (1,/spl les/l)-identifying and strongly (1,/spl les/l)-identifying codes in Hamming spaces of any dimension for locating any at most l malfunctioning processors.  相似文献   

This paper considers the model problem of reconstructing an object from incomplete frequency samples. Consider a discrete-time signal f/spl isin/C/sup N/ and a randomly chosen set of frequencies /spl Omega/. Is it possible to reconstruct f from the partial knowledge of its Fourier coefficients on the set /spl Omega/? A typical result of this paper is as follows. Suppose that f is a superposition of |T| spikes f(t)=/spl sigma//sub /spl tau//spl isin/T/f(/spl tau/)/spl delta/(t-/spl tau/) obeying |T|/spl les/C/sub M//spl middot/(log N)/sup -1/ /spl middot/ |/spl Omega/| for some constant C/sub M/>0. We do not know the locations of the spikes nor their amplitudes. Then with probability at least 1-O(N/sup -M/), f can be reconstructed exactly as the solution to the /spl lscr//sub 1/ minimization problem. In short, exact recovery may be obtained by solving a convex optimization problem. We give numerical values for C/sub M/ which depend on the desired probability of success. Our result may be interpreted as a novel kind of nonlinear sampling theorem. In effect, it says that any signal made out of |T| spikes may be recovered by convex programming from almost every set of frequencies of size O(|T|/spl middot/logN). Moreover, this is nearly optimal in the sense that any method succeeding with probability 1-O(N/sup -M/) would in general require a number of frequency samples at least proportional to |T|/spl middot/logN. The methodology extends to a variety of other situations and higher dimensions. For example, we show how one can reconstruct a piecewise constant (one- or two-dimensional) object from incomplete frequency samples - provided that the number of jumps (discontinuities) obeys the condition above - by minimizing other convex functionals such as the total variation of f.  相似文献   

Functional classification in Hilbert spaces   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Let X be a random variable taking values in a separable Hilbert space X, with label Y/spl isin/{0,1}. We establish universal weak consistency of a nearest neighbor-type classifier based on n independent copies (X/sub i/,Y/sub i/) of the pair (X,Y), extending the classical result of Stone to infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Under a mild condition on the distribution of X, we also prove strong consistency. We reduce the infinite dimension of X by considering only the first d coefficients of a Fourier series expansion of each X/sub i/, and then we perform k-nearest neighbor classification in /spl Ropf//sup d/. Both the dimension and the number of neighbors are automatically selected from the data using a simple data-splitting device. An application of this technique to a signal discrimination problem involving speech recordings is presented.  相似文献   

Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors with (HfO/sub 2/)/sub 1-x/(Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/)/sub x/ high-/spl kappa/ dielectric films were investigated for the first time. The results show that both the capacitance density and voltage/temperature coefficients of capacitance (VCC/TCC) values decrease with increasing Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ mole fraction. It was demonstrated that the (HfO/sub 2/)/sub 1-x/(Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/)/sub x/ MIM capacitor with an Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ mole fraction of 0.14 is optimized. It provides a high capacitance density (3.5 fF//spl mu/m/sup 2/) and low VCC values (/spl sim/140 ppm/V/sup 2/) at the same time. In addition, small frequency dependence, low loss tangent, and low leakage current are obtained. Also, no electrical degradation was observed for (HfO/sub 2/)/sub 1-x/(Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/)/sub x/ MIM capacitors after N/sub 2/ annealing at 400/spl deg/C. These results show that the (HfO/sub 2/)/sub 0.86/(Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/)/sub 0.14/ MIM capacitor is very suitable for capacitor applications within the thermal budget of the back end of line process.  相似文献   

This correspondence is concerned with asymptotic properties on the codeword length of a fixed-to-variable length code (FV code) for a general source {X/sup n/}/sub n=1//sup /spl infin// with a finite or countably infinite alphabet. Suppose that for each n /spl ges/ 1 X/sup n/ is encoded to a binary codeword /spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/) of length l(/spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/)). Letting /spl epsiv//sub n/ denote the decoding error probability, we consider the following two criteria on FV codes: i) /spl epsiv//sub n/ = 0 for all n /spl ges/ 1 and ii) lim sup/sub n/spl rarr//spl infin///spl epsiv//sub n/ /spl les/ /spl epsiv/ for an arbitrarily given /spl epsiv/ /spl isin/ [0,1). Under criterion i), we show that, if X/sup n/ is encoded by an arbitrary prefix-free FV code asymptotically achieving the entropy, 1/nl(/spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/)) - 1/nlog/sub 2/ 1/PX/sup n/(X/sup n/) /spl rarr/ 0 in probability as n /spl rarr/ /spl infin/ under a certain condition, where P/sub X//sup n/ denotes the probability distribution of X/sup n/. Under criterion ii), we first determine the minimum rate achieved by FV codes. Next, we show that 1/nl(/spl phi//sub n/(X/sup n/)) of an arbitrary FV code achieving the minimum rate in a certain sense has a property similar to the lossless case.  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the dependence of the threshold energy density E/sub th//S in Nd/sub 0.5/La/sub 0.5/Al/sub 3/(BO/sub 3/)/sub 4/ random laser on the diameter of the pumped spot d and found that at d/spl ges/130/spl mu/m, E/sub th//S is proportional to 1/d+const. This functional dependence is different from the one commonly expected in the case of diffusion, /spl prop/1/d/sup 2/+const. However, the obtained experimental dependence does not mean the failure of the diffusion model. Calculating the mean photon's residence time /spl tau//sub res//sup p/ (which photons, making their diffusion-like random walks, spend inside the gain volume) as the function of d and further assuming that E/sub th//S/spl prop/(/spl tau//sup p//sub res/)/sup -1/, we predicted the experimentally obtained functional dependence, /spl prop/1/d+const. The major difference between our model and that of and was in the boundary conditions.  相似文献   

One class of efficient algorithms for computing a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is based on a recursive polynomial factorization of the polynomial 1-z/sup -N/. The Bruun algorithm is a typical example of such algorithms. Previously, the Bruun algorithm, which is applicable only when system lengths are powers of two in its original form, is generalized and modified to be applicable to the case when the length is other than a power of two. This generalized algorithm consists of transforms T/sub d,f/ with prime d and real f in the range 0/spl les/f<0.5. T/sub d,0/ computes residues X(z)mod(1-z/sup -2/) and X(z)mod(1-2 cos(/spl pi/k/d)z/sup -1/+z/sup -2/), k=1, 2, ..., d-1, and T/sub d,f/ (f /spl ne/0) computes residues X(z)mod(1-2cos(2/spl pi/(f+k)/d)z/sup -1/+z/sup -2/), k=0, 1, ..., d-1 for a given real signal X(z) of length 2d. The purpose of this paper is to find efficient algorithms for T/sub d,f/. First, polynomial factorization algorithms are derived for T/sub d,0/ and T/sub d,1/4/. When f is neither 0 nor 1/4, it is not feasible to derive a polynomial factorization algorithm. Two different implementations of T/sub d,f/ for such f are derived. One implementation realizes T/sub d,f/ via a d-point DFT, for which a variety of fast algorithms exist. The other implementation realizes T/sub d,f/ via T/sub d, 1/4/, for which the polynomial factorization algorithm exists. Comparisons show that for d/spl ges/5, these implementations achieve better performance than computing each output of T/sub d,f/ separately.  相似文献   

Binary sequences with high linear complexity are of interest in cryptography. The linear complexity should remain high even when a small number of changes are made to the sequence. The error linear complexity spectrum of a sequence reveals how the linear complexity of the sequence varies as an increasing number of the bits of the sequence are changed. We present an algorithm which computes the error linear complexity for binary sequences of period /spl lscr/=2/sup n/ using O(/spl lscr/(log/spl lscr/)/sup 2/) bit operations. The algorithm generalizes both the Games-Chan (1983) and Stamp-Martin (1993) algorithms, which compute the linear complexity and the k-error linear complexity of a binary sequence of period /spl lscr/=2/sup n/, respectively. We also discuss an application of an extension of our algorithm to decoding a class of linear subcodes of Reed-Muller codes.  相似文献   

A multiple access source code (MASC) is a source code designed for the following network configuration: a pair of correlated information sequences {X/sub i/}/sub i=1//sup /spl infin// and {Y/sub i/}/sub i=1//sup /spl infin// is drawn independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) according to joint probability mass function (p.m.f.) p(x,y); the encoder for each source operates without knowledge of the other source; the decoder jointly decodes the encoded bit streams from both sources. The work of Slepian and Wolf describes all rates achievable by MASCs of infinite coding dimension (n/spl rarr//spl infin/) and asymptotically negligible error probabilities (P/sub e//sup (n)//spl rarr/0). In this paper, we consider the properties of optimal instantaneous MASCs with finite coding dimension (n相似文献   

The multicovering radius is a generalization of the covering radius. In this correspondence, we show that lower-bounding the m-covering radius of an arbitrary binary code is NP-complete when m is polynomial in the length of the code. Lower-bounding the m-covering radius of a linear code is /spl Sigma//sub 2//sup P/-complete when m is polynomial in the length of the code. If P is not equal to NP, then the m-covering radius of an arbitrary binary code cannot be approximated within a constant factor or within a factor n/sup /spl epsi// where n is the length of the code and /spl epsi/<1, in polynomial time. Note that the case when m=1 was also previously unknown. If NP is not equal to /spl Sigma//sub 2//sup P/,then the m-covering radius of a linear code cannot be approximated within a constant factor or within a factor n/sup /spl epsi// where n is the length of the code and /spl epsi/<1, in polynomial time.  相似文献   

An analytical study of the influence of moving media on the propagation of transient electromagnetic modal waves in dispersive waveguides is presented. The response to impulsive excitation is determined in exact closed form and used to demonstrate that the nature of the pulse distortion differs in each of the three cases, 1) 0 < u < c /spl equiv/ (/spl epsi//spl mu/)/sup -1/2/, 2) v = c, and 3) c < v < c/sub 0/ /spl equiv/ (/spl epsi//sub 0//spl mu//sub 0/)/sup -1/2/ (v = speed of the medium). An expression is derived from which the pulse waveform generated by an input of arbitrary form can be readily determined when 0 < v < c if the transient response to a similar input is known for v = 0. An untabulated Laplace transform pair is derived and used to determine the unusual pulse distortion in case 3) which shows a markedIy discontinuous change from the pulse distortion in case 2). The theory illuminates a singular circumstance in which the Lorentz transformation is consistent with the "speed of light" differing from one inertial reference frame to another.  相似文献   

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