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研究了Nakagami信道中联合网络编码和双向协作中继选择的中断与平均误码率的性能,基于3个时隙的网络编码方案提出了一种最小化较差用户误码率的协作中继选择策略。在Nakagami信道下,从双向通信的角度,通过理论分析得出其中断概率和平均误码率的解析式和渐近式,同时推导了无协作中继选择时网络编码的中断概率和平均误码率解析式。通过理论分析发现,当Nakagami信道衰落参数降低时,联合网络编码的协作中继选择方案相对于无协作中继选择时的性能增益将逐渐升高。数值仿真实验结果表明,所提策略的平均误码率性能要显著高于无协作中继选择时的网络编码性能。  相似文献   

无线传感网两种中继选择策略的中断概率分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘磊  汤滟 《现代电子技术》2010,33(21):35-37,40
无线传感网发射功率受限,采用中继通信的方式可以扩展通信覆盖区域,中继选择是其关键技术之一。不同的中继选择策略会对中断概率产生不同的影响,其一是选择候选集合中的所有节点作为中继节点,其二是选择候选节点中的信噪比最大的节点作为中继节点。为了比较这两种中继选择策略的性能,推算了两种策略下的中断概率闭合表达式,并进行数值分析。结果表明,在不考虑功耗平衡的前提下,策略二的性能优于策略一。  相似文献   

针对瑞利衰落信道下双向多中继协作通信系统,为了降低中断概率,提出了一种基于最小化中断概率的中继选择策略和功率分配方案。首先联合考虑两条链路的中继节点处信噪比和信道增益实现双链路中继选择,然后推导出一种新的最优中继下双向放大转发协作中断概率的近似表达式上界,并利用凸优化求解得到使中断概率最小的最优功率分配解。仿真结果表明,与现有策略相比,提出的策略能够明显降低系统中断概率和误码率,显著提高系统性能。  相似文献   

徐伟  赵睿  杨裕琳  王培臣 《信号处理》2019,35(3):472-480
针对三节点传输系统,研究了基于功率分配能量采集的全双工放大转发协作中继方案。考虑源和目的地之间存在直达链路,全双工中继节点采用天线选择技术以最小化中继自干扰,目的节点采用最大比合并技术以最大化目的地接收信噪比。在延迟受限传输模式下,运用高斯-切比雪夫积分推出了系统吞吐量的近似闭合表达式。在延迟容忍传输模式下,运用凸优化推出了系统吞吐量下界的闭合表达式。在多中继情况下考虑了最佳中继选择策略和机会式中继选择策略。数值分析和蒙特卡洛仿真表明,增加中继个数或者减小速率阈值均能提高系统吞吐量。   相似文献   

宋沈煜  陈文 《信息技术》2012,(4):92-95,100
研究表明,协作中继选择能提高无线中继网络的鲁棒性和能效。文中研究一个多接入中继信道,包含2个信源,N个中继和1个信宿。中继节点为半双工,对两个信源的信号采用非再生的网络编码。考虑直接链路,基于最佳最差信道、最佳信噪比和最佳调和平均选择,提出新的选择策略。仿真结果表明其在性能上优于原有策略。  相似文献   

提出了一种协作中继网络的交互式中继节点选择(IRS)策略。用户首先分布式构造基于信道状况及中继节点负载情况的中继选择函数,选择最优的中继节点;中继节点再根据资源分配情况、业务优先级以及加权信道调度算法进行反向用户选择。仿真结果表明,相比于已研究的算法,所提出的IRS算法结合了信道状况、MAC层资源与用户业务状况等因素,利用用户和中继之间的两步式交互中继选择来调节小区内的用户负载分布,获得了小区吞吐量与用户公平性之间的折衷。  相似文献   

在中继协同系统中引入HARQ能够显著提高系统的性能,文章研究了在两跳多中继系统引入HARQ的性能,基于源和所有中继节点间的信道参数已知的假设,给出了在HARQ-TI和HARQ-CC两种策略下的系统吞吐量表达式,并基于最大化系统吞吐量的目的,提出了一种自适应的中继选择方法,该方法能够在选择合适的中继节点时同时得到最优的传输速率。并仿真了该方法的实现原理和过程,仿真结果表明采用该方法的吞吐量较单中继HARQ有较大的性能提升。  相似文献   

针对非对称双向中继通信系统,本文提出了一种干扰受限场景下的机会中继选择方法。该方法仅利用了中继节点的本地信道状态信息且实现复杂度低,适用于两个源节点的发射功率和阀值速率均不同的双向中继通信系统。仿真结果表明,在中高信噪比条件下,所提方法的性能接近于最优中继选择方法,且大大优于未考虑干扰的传统中继选择方法。  相似文献   

陆长旺  邱玲 《无线电工程》2012,42(12):10-12
通过高信噪比条件下AF双向中继网络总速率的近似表达,给出了链路增益乘积和系统总速率之间的关系式。基于此关系式提出一种最大化链路增益乘积中继选择算法(Maximum Relay Selection,MRS),在中继处引入门限,将链路质量超过门限的中继选出建立可靠候选集。在建立的可靠候选集中以两跳链路增益乘积最大化为标准,实现最佳中继选择。通过仿真将该中继选择算法与现有AF双向中继网络3种不同中继选择算法进行性能比较。仿真结果表明,该中继选择算法能在同时保证AF双向中继网络两跳链路质量的前提下,提高系统的总速率。  相似文献   

Performance of dual‐hop decode‐and‐forward relay system with selection‐combining receiver is analyzed over Rice fading channels. The following closed‐form expressions of performance metrics are derived: moment generating function for selection‐combining receiver output signal‐to‐noise ratio, exact average bit error rate of noncoherent modulations, approximate average symbol error rate for coherent modulations, and outage probability. We also obtain simple asymptotic expressions for moment generating function, exact average bit error rate, average symbol error rate, and outage probability, which are useful to characterize the diversity order and the coding gain. The optimal power allocation analysis suggests that the optimal power allocation factor is independent of total signal‐to‐noise ratio and source‐to‐destination link fading parameters. The accuracy of the obtained analytical expressions are supported by computer simulation results.  相似文献   

This article addresses the design problem of selecting an appropriate relay in amplify-and-forward(AF) cooperative diversity systems.In this regard,this article focuses on relay selection based on partial channel knowledge only across the source and relay links.In particular,the two fundamental questions will be answered,that is,whether to cooperate and whom to cooperate with.Through answering these two questions,an improved relay selection strategy based on partial relay link,which emphasizes that cooperat...  相似文献   

In this paper, a new relay selection scheme is proposed to reduce the end-to-end packet delivery delay for buffer-assisted multihop decode-and-forward cooperative networks. The proposed method selects a relay node having more packets in the associated buffer and relay's proximity to the destination node. Mathematical expressions for the outage probability and average packet delay in Rician fading are obtained by modeling the system as a Markov chain. The proposed relay selection scheme has less packet delay as compared to the max-link relay selection scheme with marginally higher outage probability. Thus, the proposed relay selection scheme is a good alternative to low latency wireless applications.  相似文献   

在共存式频谱共享的认知中继网络中,为了保证主用户的通信质量,会严格限制次用户的发送功率,使次用户的性能很难得到保证.中断概率是评估次用户性能的最重要参数之一.本文对采用“选择最优中继放大转发\  相似文献   

Exact expressions for outage probability and symbol error rate are presented for a decode‐and‐forward cooperative network with partial relay selection. An independent but not identically distributed Nakagami‐m fading environment is considered. Numerical and simulated results show the validity of the analytical results. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孙立悦  赵晓晖  虢明 《通信学报》2013,34(10):10-91
研究了功率受限情况下多中继协作通信网络的中继选择和功率优化问题。在AF网络中,提出了一种低复杂度中继选择与功率分配算法,其目标是在总功率一定的条件下使系统的中断概率最小。本算法对源节点和所有潜在中继节点进行功率分配,结合当前信噪比选择最优的中继集合,通过最速下降法求出使系统中断概率最低的功率分配因子。该算法不需要知道大量瞬时信道信息、不需要系统在等功率条件下进行中继选择,只需求得中继节点排列矩阵便可根据当前信噪比自适应获得最优中继节点集合。仿真结果表明,在相同条件下,该算法明显优于不同中继节点集合下几种算法的中断性能,并且与传统的SAF及AAF算法相比,有效降低了中断概率,提升了系统性能和功率效率。  相似文献   

This paper studies the achievable rate for three-node discrete memoryless relay channel.Specifically in this mode,we explore two generalized feedbacks simultaneously:the source node actively collects feedback signals from the channel;and at the same time,the destination node actively transmits feedback signals to the relay node.These two feedback signals,which are called generalized feedback overheard from the channel that is likely to be noisy,induce that all the three nodes are in full duplex mode.The basic coding strategies of Cover and El Gamal are applied to the relay-source feedback transmission by the source forwarding the compressions of the channel output sequences at the relay node to the destination,and are also applied to the destination-relay feedback transmission to improve the decoding ability at the relay.Based on Cover and El Gamal coding,a new coding scheme adopting rate splitting and four-block Markov superposition encoding is proposed and the corresponding achievable rate is achieved.The proposed scheme is able to exploit two feedbacks simultaneously which can effectively eliminate underlying transmission bottlenecks for the channels.The derived achievable rate result generalizes several previously known results by including them as special cases.  相似文献   

Although there have been many interesting works on outage performance analysis of cognitive AF relay networks, we have not found works taking into consideration all the following issues: multiple primary users (PUs), the existence of the direct link from secondary user (SU) source to SU destination, non‐identical, independent Rayleigh‐fading channels, non‐identical interference power limits of PUs, and non‐identical noise powers in signals. Additionally, in outage performance analysis for such networks, the correlation issue, which results from the channel gain of interference links from the SU nodes to the PU, requires elaborate treatments. Hence, analyzing outage performance of non‐identical‐parameter networks (where all channels are fully non‐identical Rayleigh‐fading channels, the PUs have different interference power limits, and received signals have different noise powers) from the beginning is highly complicated. To overcome this problem, we conduct the analysis in two steps. In the first step, expressions of both exact and asymptotic outage probability of identical‐parameter cognitive AF relay networks (where all channels are fully non‐identical Rayleigh‐fading channels but all other parameters are identical) are obtained. Then in the second step, we propose a method for transforming a network with all non‐identical parameters into a new identical‐parameter network, meanwhile guaranteeing that outage performance of the two networks before and after the transformation are the same. Hence, OP of the original non‐identical‐parameter network can be obtained indirectly by using the analysis results obtained in the first step. Our analysis results are validated through numerical simulations. The effects of the number of PUs and the diversity level of channel parameters (which means the range of the channel parameter values) are also inspected by simulations. The results show that taking these factors into consideration is of key importance in obtaining a more accurate estimation of outage performance of such networks. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从物理层安全的角度出发,在含有协作中继的通信网络中,通过选择最优中继来传递信息可有效提升系统性能。讨论了在含有多个单天线窃听用户的多中继通信系统中对最优中继的选择方案,并对系统采用放大转发(amplify-and-forward,AF)协议和解码转发(decode-and-forward,DF)协议这两种不同的情况分别进行了讨论和比较,同时还对比了不含中继的直接传输情况。理论分析和仿真结果表明,最优中继选择方案可有效保障系统的安全性能。  相似文献   

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