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针对目前农业科技推广项目效果单一的现状,从持续农业科技的主要内容出发,结合实践,论述推广沼气技术实现经济,能源,社会,环境效益的统一,走农业可持续发展之路。 相似文献
农村沼气发展前景技术经济分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
沼气是一个既受本身技术发展也受各种社会因素影响的综合性事业.搞好农村沼气技术经济发展前景分析,对于进一步促进我国农村沼气事业的发展具有积极重要的意义.1 农村沼气发展现状我国农村沼气通过10多年来的努力,沼气建设已逐步进入健康发展的轨道,取得了可喜的成绩.其主要体现在:(1)农村沼气地数量有了进展、质量不断提高.1993年,户用沼气池保有量达到525万个,连续3年正增长,净增超过20万户;建大中型沼气工程633处,集中供应沼气户数达8.4万户. 相似文献
随着人们生态环境意识的增强和科学技术的不断发展 ,沼气建设愈来愈受到人们的重视 ,进入 2 1世纪 ,我国沼气建设出现了前所未有的大好发展势头。为了更好地利用当前的大好时机 ,进一步巩固和扩大沼气建设成果 ,把沼气技术提升到一个新的发展水平 ,我把在工作实践中发现的几个问题提出来 ,与同行们共同探讨。1 沼气发酵与装置技术的安全因素改革开放以来 ,沼气建设由于重视科技 ,在沼气发酵技术与装置设计的科研的技术推广中加强了安全因素 ,特别是国家标准图集GB475 0 - 475 2 - 84发布后 ,在农村推广沼气工作中安全事故大大减少。我省… 相似文献
《Renewable Energy》2007,32(13):2129-2146
The debate-taking place at present about a future European energy system focuses on hydrogen as a potential future energy carrier. Hydrogen corridors offer, among other things, the possibilities of coping with the energy resource limitations for hydrogen production in the EU25 and improving energy supply security. This study deals with the assessment of economically optimal hydrogen corridors between the EU25 and neighbouring countries using consistent hydrogen scenarios, cost and potential calculations, the identification of barriers and policy recommendations.The analysis shows that specific hydrogen corridors (e.g. Norway, Iceland) could play a role for supplying renewable hydrogen in or shortly after the introduction phase of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the EU. Subsequently, with an increasing demand for hydrogen in the EU25, other large-scale hydrogen corridors based on renewables constitute a very promising option from both the economic perspective as well as from the perspective of realizing a sustainable hydrogen supply. However, competing utilisation possibilities for renewable resources and the potentially increasing demand for hydrogen within the neighbouring countries themselves may limit this option. Hydrogen corridors based on fossil or nuclear feedstock are not promising because it is usually more beneficial to transport the feedstock or electricity itself instead of hydrogen. 相似文献
Biogas energy technology in Sudan 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Biogas from biomass appears to have potential as an alternative energy in Sudan, which is potentially rich in biomass resources. This is an overview of some salient points and perspectives of biogas technology in Sudan. The current literature is reviewed regarding the ecological, social, cultural and economic impacts of biogas technology. Sudan is blessed with abundant solar, wind, hydro, and biomass resources. Results suggest that biogas technology must be encouraged, promoted, invested, implemented, and demonstrated, but especially for remote rural areas. 相似文献
Biogas: A promising renewable technology and its impact on rural households in Nepal 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nepal, one of the least developed countries, is characterized by very low per capita energy consumption. Because of a lack of other commercial sources of energy, the country relies heavily on traditional fuel source, especially firewood. In order to solve the energy problem in rural areas, the country initiated production and distribution of several renewable energy technologies. Among several technologies, biogas has been proved to be viable and emerged as a promising technology. It has been one of the most successful models for the production of clean, environmental friendly, cost effective source of energy and has multiple benefits. In this paper we present the current state and discuss benefits of the biogas technology in Nepal. Improved health, increased crop productivity, saved time for women are some of the major benefits to the users. It provides economic benefit to the country through reduced deforestation and carbon trading. In addition, by reducing green house gas emission, the technology helps in mitigating global warming and climate change. Thus biogas is a renewable, sustainable and clean source of energy that provides multiple benefits; locally and globally. With some exception, cattle dung has been used primarily as an input and the technology is limited to households only. More systematic and comprehensive study supported by research and development is required to use other degradable waste such as municipal waste to produce biogas on a large scale. 相似文献
The objective of the CHRISGAS Project in the field of biomass resources was to make an assessment of the biomass resources and costs available for raw materials procurement for future biomass CHRISGAS technology hydrogen plants in different EU countries, as well as to investigate possible locations for the erection of CHRISGAS plants. The assessment work included 11 European countries (comprising 77% of the EU territory) and Norway. A specific assessment methodology has been developed and applied for this purpose obtaining a total estimate of 365 Tg y?1 of potential forest and agricultural residues, and after the application of different technical and environmental restrictions, the available resources are calculated to be 205 Tg y?1 (56% of the estimated potential). The highest harvesting costs have been calculated for Italy (33.2 and 74.0 € Mg?1, respectively, for agricultural and forest residues) and the lowest ones were obtained in Portugal (21.4 and 27.4 € Mg?1). In Northern and Central European countries the highest biomass collection costs have been determined for Norway, 37.6 and 27.8 € Mg?1; and the lowest for Poland, 15.6 and 11.5 € Mg?1, for agricultural and forest residues, respectively. Based on the developed methodology, a GIS tool (BIORAISE) for the assessment of the cited biomasses and costs in Southern EU countries was created and placed in Internet. The innovation and scientific relevance of this work is the development of a comprehensive and harmonized methodology for agricultural and forestry resources assessment in different EU countries as well as the implementation of a GIS tool that permits an easy extraction of data on quantity and cost of biomass resources in five Southern EU countries. 相似文献
以往,欧盟各国对太阳集热器的发展潜力常常估计不足。按照2000年发表的《欧盟能源供应安全》绿皮书所述:建筑物(房屋)能源消耗约占总能耗的40%,而国际能源署(IEA)指 相似文献
As the most abundant element in the universe which releases no emissions other than water vapour, the goal of transforming our energy infrastructure to facilitate a transition to hydrogen is one that warrants the investment of billions of dollars from the public and private sectors….. 相似文献
介绍了奥里油组成、物理特性及其在电厂中的应用情况,并对国外奥里油电站锅炉SO掊的排放状况以及采取的控制技术和经验作了概述。通过对国外奥里油电站采取的SO掊控制技术的分析、综合和比较,提出了目前我们应该开展的研究重点和方向,从而为奥里油燃烧脱硫技术的采用和改进提供参考。 相似文献
1引言实行机车检修生产、检修质量管理的微机化管理,建立机车检修质量信息系统,不仅可以减轻各级管理者的工作强度,而且还可以通过微机管理让机车检修生产、检修质量管理更加规范化,提高管理质量,提高机车检修效率和检修效益。这是企业现代化管理的需要,也是机务系统未来利益保 相似文献