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肉类保藏技术(二)肉制品的加热处理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
热处理是延长肉制品保藏期的重要方法之一。本文概括介绍了热处理的作用和肉制品在热处理中的系列变化以及肉制品的热加工的类型,最后介绍了低温肉制品与高温肉制品。 相似文献
肉类及肉制品中旋毛虫检疫方法的研究 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
本文介绍了肉类及肉制品中旋毛虫检疫的方法,包括目测法、镜检法、旋毛虫镜检查法、消化法、免疫学和分子生物学方法。混合肌肉样本消化法是目前国际旋毛虫病委员会推荐使用的方法。本文还对不同动物胴体最佳的肉样采集部位和肉制品(如咸肉、火腿或香肠等)检疫时的注意事项进行了探讨。 相似文献
肉类及肉制品中无硝腌制剂的研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
腌肉制品在我国生产的历史悠久,但传统加工方法中,为了使腌肉制品呈现良好的色香味及防腐抑菌效果,长期以来一直采用亚硝酸钠,致使产品中含有致癌物亚硝胺,从而影响到人们的身体健康。本文综述了肉类及肉制品中无硝腌制剂的研究进展。 相似文献
近几年来,世界各主要进口国以保护本国经济和人民健康为由,采用技术性限制手段,加强了对进口肉类安全卫生项目的控制,我国出口肉类多次因安全卫生项目之一的微生物超标而造成退货、索赔甚至销毁。由于肉类商品营养丰富,极利于微生物的生长繁殖,因此,笔者认为,各出口肉类加工企业应对微生物控制问题引起高度重视,以迎接新的肉类出口技术壁垒的挑战。 相似文献
肉制品加工中原辅料的选择及应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
我国历史悠久,食文化源远流长。在我国,肉制品的生产有三千多年的历史。有关资料表明,我们的祖先最早是以肉类为主要食物的,随着人类的不断进步,进入了刀耕火种的时代,人们学会了用火烤肉,这就是最原始的熟肉制品,这是人类最重要的文明标志。到现在,肉类制品的加工方法已经多种多样。由于我国幅源辽阔,各地区的文化渊源和气候条件差异较大, 相似文献
Hartmut Rehbein 《Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung A》1992,195(5):417-422
Summary The German Fish Directive prescribes that products must be heated to the core temperature of +70° C to kill existing larvae of nematodes. For subsequent determination of the heating temperature samples were extracted with water. The extracts were analysed for protein content, for protein patterns obtained by isoelectric focusing and by using the coagulation test. The suitability of these methods was investigated with heated extracts, heated minced fish flesh, and smoked herring and mackerel. Smoking was performed in the kiln of the institute at controlled temperatures. Analysis of commercial samples showed that the core temperature during smoking of herring and mackerel must have been clearly below 70° C in several cases.
Part of this work was presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Western European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA) in Copenhagen on 25 August 1991 相似文献
Bestimmung der Erhitzungstemperatur von Fischereiprodukten
Zusammenfassung Die deutsche Fischverordnung schreibt vor, daß zum Abtöten eventuell vorhandener Nematodenlarven eine Kerntemperatur des Produktes von mindestens +70 °C erreicht werden muß. Zur nachträglichen Bestimmung der Erhitzungstemperatur wurden wäßrige Extrakte erhitzter Proben folgenden Analysen unterzogen: 1. Bestimmung des Proteingehaltes; 2. Flockungstest; 3. Isoelektrische Focussierung. Die Eignung dieser Methoden wurde mit erhitzten Extrakten und Proben aus zerkleinertem Fischfleisch sowie mit Heringen und Makrelen, die bei definierten Temperaturen geräuchert wurden, geprüft. Die nachfolgende Analyse von Handelsware ergab, daß bei mehreren Proben die Kerntemperatur bei der Räucherung deutlich unterhalb von 70 °C gelegen haben mußte.
Part of this work was presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Western European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA) in Copenhagen on 25 August 1991 相似文献
H Rehbein 《Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung》1992,195(5):417-422
The German Fish Directive prescribes that products must be heated to the core temperature of +70 degrees C to kill existing larvae of nematodes. For subsequent determination of the heating temperature samples were extracted with water. The extracts were analysed for protein content, for protein patterns obtained by isoelectric focusing and by using the coagulation test. The suitability of these methods was investigated with heated extracts, heated minced fish flesh, and smoked herring and mackerel. Smoking was performed in the kiln of the institute at controlled temperatures. Analysis of commercial samples showed that the core temperature during smoking of herring and mackerel must have been clearly below 70 degrees C in several cases. 相似文献
温度对微生物的影响很大,特别是极限温度表现更为明显。通过超低温控制,来达到对肉制品灭菌的目的。并探讨了制冷温度与灭菌时间关系,制冷温度梯度的控制与灭菌效果,解冻温度梯度的控制与灭菌效果。 相似文献
During storage of glycerol desorbed intermediate moisture meats at 38°C it was found that, for both protein crosslinking and loss of haemoprotein character to occur, oxygen must be present. However, collagen degradation, as monitored by the formation of water-soluble hydroxyproline containing fragments, still occurred in the absence of oxygen although the rate of degradation was slower than that observed in aerobically stored samples. The rates of the various deteriorative reactions also varied with storage temperature, there being the expected decrease in rate with temperature for both the crosslinking and haemoprotein breakdown reactions. However, the temperature dependence of the collagen breakdown reaction was apparently more complex as there was no measurable breakdown, even during several months of storage, at temperatures of 17°C and below. 相似文献