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折光印刷又称反光图纹印刷,其中的折光实际上是指反射光,而非折射光。折光印刷利用光的镜面反射原理实现其特殊的装饰效果。它是一种采用光反射率高的材料作基材,经过精心设计并制成折光印版,将折光版通过一定压力压印在印品上,从而形成有规律、凹凸状的图文,这些图文在光的照射下.能够产生有层次的光折射闪耀感以及二维立体形象的独特效果。  相似文献   

折光印刷前景十分广阔,随着这一工艺的成熟和发展,将给包装印刷增添一个不可多得的新品种,凸版印刷也将谱写一首叫人惊喜的诗篇。 一、折光印刷的魅力 年前,收到一位昆明朋友寄来的一张折光印刷贺卡,其精美,令人爱不释手。就印刷、装帧工艺而言,简直是别出心裁,璀璨夺目的印刷画面,仿佛一切都动了起来。一张小小的贺卡有如此高雅迷幻  相似文献   

标牌面版行业,现在发展很快,进步很大,和国外的标牌面板的制作水平比较,差距正在缩小,国外标牌面板制作水平,日本和韩国占领先地位。现在在国内市场和相关的展览会上,可以看到各种各样的标牌面板,花样非常多,国内国外的都有,这些标牌面板从工艺上归纳一下大约有20种左右。这些工艺相互结合,并用不同材料和不同的表面处理,制作出了多种多样的标牌面板。这些新的标牌面板,有的是老工艺采用了新技术、新材料、新设备创出了新水平,有的应用了新技术、新材料、新设备、新工艺制作出了新的标牌面板。这些标牌面板工艺的新进展都依赖…  相似文献   

牌匾,并不像一般产品所使用的铭牌,需要依附着产品,成为产品不可分割的一个组成部分.而它是一种独立的标志性铭牌,常用于奖牌、匾额、授权牌等。由于它的作用与形式的特殊性,目前已发展为铭牌中的一大门类。  相似文献   

烟酒礼品包装盒的网印工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着商品经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,对包装装潢印刷提出了更高的要求。由于平版、凹版、凸版印刷有其自身的局限性,而网版印刷以其墨层厚、印压小、版面柔软、承印材料广泛等特点,在高档产品包装中发挥了优势。尤其是近年来在烟、酒、礼品包装中采用了蚀刻、冰花、折光(镭射)网印方法,与传统的印刷包装相比达到了质的飞跃,其特点是色彩艳丽、豪华、典雅,是高档名优产品理想的包装印刷方式。目前,仿金属蚀刻、冰花纹理、折光(镭射)等网印系列包装盒市场看好,并在扩大。由于网印技术与设备材料的开发和引进,国内一些网印厂家能利用新技…  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,装饰业、制造业等都使用了水晶标牌。比如商标、标牌、证章、瓶盖等产品。逐步趋向于工艺美术化、立体化、高档化、以提高  相似文献   

去年十月,在风光如画的丽江古城举行的“云南省第十五次印刷科技信息年会暨印刷新技术交流研讨会”上,紫江集团上海紫江喷铝包装材料有限公司的戴育朝先生与笔者,分别就折光印刷工艺作了简短的发言,算是抛砖引玉吧,却没有料到许多与会者对这一工艺产生了浓厚的兴趣,纷纷发出邀请,要求上门交流.大会一结束,我们便马不停蹄,途经大理,到昆明、玉溪、个旧等地,用了五天时间,拜访了十一家烟包印刷企业的专家和云南省印刷界的资深,共同对折光印刷工艺的开发与应用,进行了探讨,一致认为折光印刷前景十分广阔,随着这不可多得的新品种,平凸印刷也将谱写一首叫人惊喜的诗篇.  相似文献   

过惠成 《金属制品》1996,22(1):17-19
分析钢丝绳伸长机理,介绍生产预张拉钢丝绳的方法及设备类型。  相似文献   

面包的实验室制作及简易评价方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
面粉是一类很重要的食品原料,在我国的传统食品加工中占有着很重要的位置,随着现代面粉工业的不断发展,面粉产品的分类也越来越细,因此生产优质的面制品必需要有符合相应标准的面粉来满足加工的需求.  相似文献   

Imitation cheeses in a laboratory-scale (100-g) made by a rapid visco analyzer (RVA) at different stirring speeds (200, 300, 450 rpm) were investigated with a control (Stephan cooker at 1,500 rpm) at 85 °C through functional properties, microstructure and sensory evaluation. Compared to the cheeses made by the Stephan cooker, the cheese made by RVA was significantly (P < 0.05) more green, more yellow and noticeably less white than all other cheeses, which had a decrease in the L* values and an increase in a* and b* values. TPA values of imitation cheese made by the RVA at 450 rpm were lower than that cheese made by other speed. However, the imitation cheeses of 450 rpm was significantly (P < 0.05) higher, which was similar with the fat leakage of imitation cheese manufactured by Stephan cooker. The melt of imitation cheese significantly (P < 0.05) reduced by increasing the stirring speed of RVA. While significant, the melt of the 1,500 rpm cheese was smaller than all other cheeses. Increasing the stirring speed of RVA showed a more effective fat emulsification and a uniform protein matrix. Sensory analysis showed the imitation cheese made by RVA at 450 rpm was similar to the control made by Stephan cooker. Subsequently, the stirring speed, mixing time and heating temperature were optimized at 450 rpm, 7.50 min and 86 °C by response surface methodology (RSM). Results indicated that RVA could make imitation cheeses as well as the functional properties of the control in a laboratory-scale.  相似文献   

银因其物理性质和易于设计的特性使银饰的制作有着广阔的发展空间。分析了传统银饰的审美特点,并结合制作银饰的体验,阐述了传统银饰的制作工艺与造型特点以及工艺技巧,旨在继承和发扬银饰制作工艺的优秀传统,并开拓创新。  相似文献   

介绍一种水性网印油墨主体连结料树脂的生产方法,并重点说明这种连接料的化学机理、配方及制作工艺步骤。  相似文献   

甲壳素/纤维素纤维的制备和特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史仅 《纺织导报》2001,(6):18-20
将甲壳素经过特殊的化学处理制成甲壳素纺丝原液,进而纺制甲壳素纤维,也可根据要求和粘胶共混制成甲壳素/纤维素纤维,制得的无论是甲壳素纤维还是甲壳素/纤维素纤维都具有抗菌性及良好的保健功能,其应用领域广泛,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

综合介绍了超滤膜的制备方法及其在我国甜菜制糖行业中的应用。  相似文献   

梁钱华 《中国造纸》2012,31(9):73-75
介绍了一种用于磨浆机的新型磨盘的原理、结构及其制造方法。  相似文献   

Both 'the reflective teaching' and 'the teacher as a reflective practitioner' have become very popular in terms of the literature about the teaching and training profession, in spite of ambiguities and misleading ideas. Thus, it is of the greatest importance to analyse these ambiguities by questioning the words used, the relations of power which are established among teachers, educators and trainees, the ways and effects of the reflection. To avoid the reflective action becoming a collection of techniques, a reflective practice should be based on an educational and training theory which should stimulate the teacher to take critical consciousness of the educational situations and of his/her own practice in the situation. The concept of conscientisation by Paulo Freire, linked to his concept of praxis as a dialectic unity of the theory and practice, should produce an instrument of theoretical and operational value for education. That concept will allow interpretations which will take the teacher to wonder about him/herself, about the world around him/her, promoting a critical and dialogist relationship towards the world, the others and him/herself. This dialogue, which cannot feed itself but feeds on the fusion of theory and praxis, will overcome the apparent dichotomy between technical and practical reason.  相似文献   

本文简单概述了反渗透分离机理,膜污染及清洗方法;重点介绍了反渗透膜的制备及其在食品工业中的应用;并对反渗透膜技术的应用前景作了展望.  相似文献   

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