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公路隧道防火   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据国内外现行有关规范及技术标准 ,结合部分隧道火灾实例 ,对隧道防火设计从隧道的耐火等级、灭火设施、安全通道、人员疏散、防排烟以及电气设备等方面提出了部分观点  相似文献   

Probabilistic risk assessment of highway tunnels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many approaches to risk analysis in tunnels have been proposed by both international and national authorities over the last few years. Many safety problems have been discussed and a large number of important risk factors and hazards in tunnels have been identified. The concept of risk analysis in the scope of tunnel risks is, however, still under development; particularly an overall idea about the risk management concept is still missing. The paper introduces the concept of risk analysis in the scope of risk management and employs methods well-known in aeronautics and aircraft industry, yet, still unused in tunnels. The proposed methodology enables building and refurbishing costs minimization subject to preservation of satisfactory safety level. The outcomes of the proposed method have clear technical and economic interpretation and create a strong support tool for the decision making process. The paper also includes a case study of the Strahov tunnel in Prague, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

205国道小竿岭公路隧道由于受地质状况及设计、施工质量的影响,出现不同的渗漏水现象。介绍了工程采用的引水、堵水和表面处理相结合的综合治理方案,以及施工过程中的注意事项。  相似文献   

分析了公路隧道工程环境保护问题的各项因素,并结合工程实例从公路隧道的勘察设计、施工和运营三个阶段提出解决环保问题的原则和措施,以求将隧道工程对环境破坏的损失降到最低.  相似文献   

Finding optimal ventilation control for highway tunnels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A control scheme for highway tunnels is designed based on a static model of the highway tunnel. The controller is designed to keep the exhaust levels inside the tunnel below given limits. The control is then simulated on a dynamical model of a highway tunnel.  相似文献   

Throughout the centuries, utilities have been an important and sometimes decisive instrument in human development. Municipal policy-makers and engineers have been playing a key role in improving management and technology of urban utilities. With the growth of urban areas and the corresponding increased demand for utility services, available underground space will continue to diminish. Therefore, planning for an urban subsurface sustainable future consists of the ability to lessen the use of traditional trenching techniques and developing coordinated installations of utilities. As an innovative problem-solving technique, utility tunnels become inevitable to reduce congestion of the shallow underground. Utilities management becomes more complex as many public authorities and private companies are involved. Because of the complexity of ownership of the various utility tunnel potential occupants, some form of governmental ownership would probably be the most practicable, although other forms (individual private, joint private, or condominium) of ownership must be analyzed. Whatever the form of financing and ownership, some single entity must be made responsible not only for initial construction but also for security, access control, and operation and maintenance throughout the life of the project. The purpose of this paper is to point out some of the utility tunnels innovation and organizational advantages to encourage municipal engineers to demand sustainable solutions for services congestion. Proper adequate governance and security management should be key elements of every decision undertaken in utility tunnels.  相似文献   

对公路隧道防排水体系的应用与研究现状进行了阐述,分析了当前公路隧道防排水系统所存在的缺陷,并分析了缺陷的成因及其防治措施。针对当前公路隧道防排水系统存在的缺陷对隧道结构的危害,从分区防排水和抗冻害防排水设计两个角度出发总结了当前公路隧道的防排水体系的发展趋势。分区防排水理念具有广阔的发展前景,研发抗冻保温新材料、新能源、新的抗冻害排水系统结构形式成为抗冻害防排水设计的发展趋势。  相似文献   

通过对隧道渗漏、衬砌开裂、限界受侵等常见质量问题进行分析,找出了公路隧道常见质量问题的成因,重点对公路隧道各类常见质量问题的成因进行分析,并提出了解决对策,可为隧道施工提供参考。  相似文献   

针对当前隧道内墙装饰材料耐污性差、影响行车安全的问题,研发了一款水性防污涂料,阐述了其工艺配方,并对其漆膜性能进行性能研究。结果表明,水性防污涂料的各项性能均满足指标要求,耐污性能达到1级标准,阻燃性达到B1级,产烟毒性满足ZA3级标准要求,是一款性能优良的隧道内墙涂料。  相似文献   

孙连成 《山西建筑》2010,36(10):333-334
对天津滨海新区中央大道海河隧道工程盖挖逆做法主要施工技术进行了分析,重点介绍了围护、降水、支撑等工序的具体施工技术,为类似工程的施工积累了经验。  相似文献   

城市公路隧道防火设计的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市公路隧道在我国大量建造 ,而目前我国尚无该方面的防火设计规范。本文结合实际工程 ,探讨了城市公路隧道有关防火方面的设计  相似文献   

李剑 《山西建筑》2010,36(15):295-297
从影响和引起隧道结构损伤的原因出发,研究了盾构公路隧道服役寿命期内隧道结构损伤和既有软土盾构隧道结构病害/劣化的主要类型及其内在和外在的表征形式,总结得出了引起既有盾构隧道结构损伤的主要成因和盾构隧道结构的病害、损伤的主要形式。  相似文献   

分析了山岭公路隧道渗漏的主要原因,介绍了奇封防排水板在某山岭公路隧道工程中的应用,并对其施工工艺做了阐述。  相似文献   

公路隧道防排水若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国公路隧道防排水设计与施工中存在的问题提出了几点看法,其中包括加强注浆堵水、完善防水板底部构造、止水带接茬处理和尽量采用中心排水管排水等。  相似文献   

市政管线共同沟建设现状与若干问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合国内外共同沟的建设情况,对共同沟在城市发展中的作用、经济性、国内外先进经验进行了较系统的分析,提出推动共同沟建设应优先立法、科学规划、理顺机制,在新区建设、地铁轨道交通等建设时同步建设。  相似文献   

本文结合实际工作经验,通过分析隧道施工技术现状,总结出一套简易、经济的的公路隧道竖井施工工法,对几个关键施工技术进行了详细探讨和分析。接着针对人工导洞先行正洞扩大法的关键技术做出了探讨,最后在此基础上研究了施工的安全措施。  相似文献   

Tunnelling related hazards are very common in the Himalayan terrain and a number of such instances have been reported. Several twin tunnels are being planned for transportation purposes which will require good understanding for prediction of tunnel deformation and surface settlement during the engineering life of the structure. The deformational behaviour, design of sequential excavation and support of any jointed rock mass are challenging during underground construction. We have raised several commonly assumed issues while performing stability analysis of underground opening at shallow depth. For this purpose, Kainchi-mod Nerchowck twin tunnels (Himachal Pradesh, India) are taken for in-depth analysis of the stability of two asymmetric tunnels to address the influence of topography, twin tunnel dimension and geometry. The host rock encountered during excavation is composed mainly of moderately to highly jointed grey sandstone, maroon sandstone and siltstones. In contrast to equidimensional tunnels where the maximum subsidence is observed vertically above the centreline of the tunnel, the result from the present study shows shifting of the maximum subsidence away from the tunnel centreline. The maximum subsidence of 0.99 mm is observed at 4.54 m left to the escape tunnel centreline whereas the maximum subsidence of 3.14 mm is observed at 8.89 m right to the main tunnel centreline. This shifting clearly indicates the influence of undulating topography and in-equidimensional noncircular tunnel.  相似文献   

况鲁  许怀林 《山西建筑》2006,32(13):256-257
通过流体力学的假设,并结合连续性方程、动量方程、伯努利方程,推导了隧道内风流的动量方程和能量方程.分析了压力计算模式和送排风量的关系,由此建立公路隧道送排式通风的基本理论。  相似文献   

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