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Phosphorus (P) loading from nonpoint sources is often implicated as a contributing factor to the proliferation of algal blooms in freshwater ecosystems. However, the influence of subsurface tile drains as a source of P, especially in agricultural areas, has received limited attention. We examined the importance of tile drain effluent in the Macatawa Watershed; this watershed is dominated by row crop agriculture and drains into hypereutrophic Lake Macatawa, which connects to Lake Michigan. Our objectives were twofold: 1) assess the importance of tile drain effluent as a source of P in the Macatawa Watershed by measuring tile drain P concentrations spatially and temporally over a one-year period; and 2) assess the ability of tile drain effluent to stimulate algal blooms using bioassays with natural phytoplankton communities. During March 2015–February 2016, P concentrations varied significantly among sample sites (SRP: < 0.005 to 0.447 mg/L; TP: 0.010 to 0.560 mg/L), and the highest P loads occurred during the non-growing season. Annual SRP yields from the tile drain sample sites ranged from 0.002 kg/ha to 0.248 kg/ha, and annual TP yields ranged from 0.003 kg/ha to 0.322 kg/ha. SRP, on average, accounted for 60% of TP, and the SRP:TP ratio measured at the tile drain outlets was positively correlated with area drained by the tile system. Algal bioassays failed to find a positive relationship between chlorophyll a and tile drain SRP; algal community structure was dominated by diatoms, not by cyanobacteria, as expected.  相似文献   

Dreissenid mussel veligers compose a substantial component of pelagic biomass in the Great Lakes, yet their dynamics are poorly understood. To evaluate seasonal, spatial, and inter-annual variation in veliger density, we used a 64-μm mesh plankton net (2008, 2013–2016) and a 153-μm mesh plankton net (2007–2016) to collect dreissenid veligers at nearshore (15–25?m depth), transitional (45?m) and offshore (93–110?m) sites in southeast Lake Michigan during March–December. We also evaluated trends in density of recently settled mussels relative to veliger abundance and the density of the standing stock of adult mussels. Veliger density peaked during both summer and fall at all sites, but peak densities in summer were generally higher nearshore, whereas peak densities in the fall were generally higher offshore. The density of veligers in the 153-μm net was overall 28% of that in the 64-μm net, but there was high variability in this comparison among months. Smaller veligers were much more abundant in the 64-μm net, but there was little difference in the size distribution and abundance between nets for the 210–300?μm size classes. Thus, the 153-μm net could still be a useful tool for assessing density trends of larger veligers just prior to their settlement. Newly settled mussels (≤2?mm) were most abundant in summer or fall at the nearshore and offshore sites but were nearly absent at the transitional site despite the high density of veligers there. Factors other than veliger density must play an important role in mussel recruitment.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from nearshore, tributary and beach environments within and surrounding the northern part of Lake Erie, Ontario to determine the concentrations and distribution of microplastics. Following density separation and microscopic analysis of 29 samples, a total of 1178 microplastic particles were identified. Thirteen nearshore samples contained 0–391 microplastic particles per kg dry weight sediment (kg?1), whereas 4 tributary samples contained 10–462?kg?1 and 12 beach samples contained 50–146?kg?1. The highest concentrations of nearshore microplastics were from near the mouths of the Detroit River in the western basin and the Grand River in the eastern basin, reflecting an urban influence. The highest microplastic concentrations in beach samples were determined from Rondeau Beach in the central basin where geomorphology affects plastics concentration. The Welland Canal sample in the eastern basin contained the greatest concentration of microplastics of the tributary samples, which is consistent with high population density and shipping traffic. The overall abundance of microplastic in northern Lake Erie nearshore, tributary and beach samples is 6 times lower than in sediment sampled from northern Lake Ontario. The nearshore and beach sample results potentially reflect the transport patterns of floating plastics modeled for Lake Erie, which predict that the majority of plastic particles entering the lake are transported to southern shoreline regions rather than northern areas.  相似文献   

Rotifer assemblages have been widely used as indicators of trophic conditions. Our goal was to evaluate whether differences in rotifer assemblages along a nearshore to offshore transect in southeastern Lake Michigan were consistent with productivity differences among sites. Sampling took place in March-December during 2013–2019 at a nearshore (17-m deep), mid-depth (45-m deep), and offshore site (110-m deep). Conochilus and Keratella were present in most samples (84–100%) and were the most abundant taxa overall at each site, combining for around 64–69% by density of the rotifers. Although the productivity gradient was not large between sites, there was a progression with the highest contributions of Keratella, Conochilus, and Kellicottia occurring at the nearshore, mid-depth, and offshore sites, respectively, which is consistent with a gradient of decreasing productivity from nearshore to offshore. The rotifer community also demonstrated strong seasonal patterns. In particular, there was a progression from dominance by illoricate forms, particularly Synchaeta, early in the season, to loricate and colonial forms in the summer and fall. Redundancy analysis indicated that in addition to productivity (i.e., total phosphorus), predatory factors (e.g., cyclopoid copepods, Cercopagis, Bythotrephes) had a strong influence on the rotifer community and seasonal patterns. Although productivity was important in structuring rotifer assemblages along our nearshore to offshore gradient, other factors, especially those related to predation, are difficult to separate from productivity effects. This complexity somewhat limits the usefulness of rotifers as an indicator group for productivity among sites that do not have extreme differences in trophy within a lake.  相似文献   

It is essential to minimize soil quality degradation in sloping agricultural fields through stabilization and improvement of soil hydraulic properties using sustainable soil management. This study aimed to analyze the impact of different tillage practices, including conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), and zero tillage (ZT), on soil hydraulic conductivity in a sloping agricultural field under maize–wheat rotation. The results showed that the highest runoff volume (257.40 m3), runoff coefficient (42.84%), and soil loss (11.3 t) were observed when the CT treatment was applied. In contrast, the lowest runoff volume (67.95 m3), runoff coefficient (11.35%), and soil loss (1.05 t) were observed when the ZT treatment was adopted. The soil organic carbon and aggregate mean weight diameter were found to be significantly greater (with mean values of 0.79% and 1.19 mm, respectively) with the ZT treatment than with the CT treatment. With the tilled treatments (CT and MT), substantial changes in the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (ks), near-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (k), and water-conducting porosity (ε) were observed between two crop seasons. These three soil parameters were significantly higher in the period after maize harvesting than in the wheat growing period. In contrast, no significant difference in these soil parameters was found when the untilled treatment (ZT) was carried out. With regard to the slope positions, ks, k, and ε showed different behaviors under different treatments. The toe slope position showed significantly lower ks and ε values than the summit and middle slope positions. Of the evaluated tillage practices, ZT was found to be the most promising means to improve the soil hydro-physical properties and effectively reduce surface runoff and soil erosion.  相似文献   

Nutrient release from sediment is considered a significant source for overlying water. Given that nutrient release mechanisms in sediment are complex and difficult to simulate, traditional approaches commonly use assigned parameter values to simulate these processes. In this study, a nitrogen flux model was developed and coupled with the water quality model of an urban lake. After parameter sensitivity analyses and model calibration and validation, this model was used to simulate nitrogen exchange at the sedimentewater interface in eight scenarios. The results showed that sediment acted as a buffer in the sedimentewater system. It could store or release nitrogen at any time, regulate the distribution of nitrogen between sediment and the water column, and provide algae with nitrogen. The most effective way to reduce nitrogen levels in urban lakes within a short time is to reduce external nitrogen loadings. However, sediment release might continue to contribute to the water column until a new balance is achieved. Therefore, effective measures for reducing sediment nitrogen should be developed as supplementary measures. Furthermore, model parameter sensitivity should be individually examined for different research subjects.  相似文献   

为研究入湖展宽河道边界下的泥沙淤积调整规律,进行了抚河改道入青岚湖河工模型试验研究。试验结果表明入湖逐渐展宽河道初期淤积方式和河槽调整存在空间差异:上段出现堤式淤积,形成稳定单一河道;中段出现拦门沙、点坝和顺坝淤积,形成相对稳定的分汊河道;下段出现不同尺度的淤积体及淤积位置的调整,伴随着水流切滩和改道现象。从水沙动力条件角度对其空间差异形成的原因进行分析和探讨,认为造床流量条件下主流流速与泥沙中值粒径起动流速的大小关系是决定河床冲淤调整的重要指标,该指标的沿程变化可能是造成逐渐展宽河道初期淤积方式沿程变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

Characterization of the differences and algal-available fractions of P in soils, suspended solids, and bottom sediments have been the main topics of research during the past decade. However, the size distribution and properties of particulate matter in runoff have not been much studied in Japan. Here we study particle size distribution during runoff and the chemical characteristics of P in each soil size fraction and relate them to land use. The temporal variation of particulate sizes during rain events is different in each watershed. Most particles have the size in the range of 10-100 microm. Also, the percentage of BAP in TP as well as percentage of PCOD in SS also varies temporally and spatially during runoff. To investigate how soil particles characteristics depend on land use, soil samples from two watersheds are examined. For particle size distribution and specific gravity, no significant difference among watersheds is found. However, C, N, and P content are indirectly proportional to the particle size, which means smaller particle size results in larger. H2O-extracted P, NH4Cl-extracted P, NAI-P, Apatite-P, Organic-P, and TP contents in each soil particle sample vary depending on particle size, land use, and watershed.  相似文献   

To determine the distribution of endocrine disruptors (EDs) in lake water and sediments, field investigation was conducted in Lake Teganuma, which is a shallow eutrophic lake, highly affected by human activities. Concentration profiles with sediment depths were obtained for estrogens, nonylphenol (NP), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPnEO), and nonylphenoxy acetic acids (NPnEC). 17beta-Estradiol (E2) was rarely detected, and 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) and estriol (E3) were undetected at all depths (0-98 cm) in any of the sediment core samples. The sediment concentrations of estrone (E1) ranging from <0.05 to 3.5 microg/kg-dry wt. and NP from 11.8 microg/kg-dry wt. to 21 mg/kg-dry wt. were obtained. The maximum concentrations of NPnEO and NPnEC in the core sediments were 2.5 mg/kg-dry wt. and 1.4 mg/kg-dry wt., respectively. The EDs concentrations are higher at the inlet than at the outlet (except for NP) in the sediments near the surface. The longitudinal distributions of E1, NPnEO and NPnEC in the benthic sediments show that the concentrations are highest at the inlet, and are fairly constant at lower levels towards the downstream. The obtained results also indicate that NP tends to be adsorbed to the organic particulates produced by algae, followed by sedimentation near the outlet of the lake.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition is an important source of both phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) to lakes and their watersheds, but the two nutrients are rarely reported together. For the first time, we measured total P (TP) and N (total, ammonium, NH4-N and nitrate, NO3-N) bulk deposition to the Lake of the Woods (LoW) watershed, a large international lake that experiences frequent, lake-wide cyanobacterial blooms. Phosphorus deposition was highly variable both spatially and seasonally, with on average >75 % of annual deposition occurring in the spring and summer months, associated with local biogenic input. In contrast, winter TP deposition was relatively low and spatially invariant, and not affected by local sources. Importantly, these results suggest that P deposition may be a much larger source of input to the LoW as a result of its tortuous shoreline and abundance of forested islands (>5000), which are concentrated in the northern, Canadian waters and greatly extend the ‘shoreline influence’ within this lake. We suggest that a single annual TP load estimate is not appropriate for the LoW because winter deposition is likely much lower than past estimates whereas spring/summer deposition is substantially higher and could be an important, but previously unrecognized source, of bioavailable P to the nearshore waters. Further research is needed on the spatial and temporal patterns of P vs N deposition to the lake surface and their influence on primary productivity and algal species composition.  相似文献   

We used analyses of burbot (Lota lota) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) diets taken during spring gill-net surveys in northern Lake Michigan in 2006–2008 to investigate the potential for competition and predator–prey interactions between these two species. We also compared our results to historical data from 1932. During 2006–2008, lake trout diet consisted mainly of alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), whereas burbot utilized a much wider prey base including round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), rainbow smelt, alewives, and sculpins. Using the Schoener's diet overlap index, we found a higher potential for interspecific competition in 1932 than in 2006–2008, though diet overlap was not significant in either time period. No evidence of cannibalism by lake trout or lake trout predation on burbot was found in either time period. In 2006–2008, however, lake trout composed 5.4% (by weight) of burbot diet. To determine whether this predation could be having an impact on lake trout rehabilitation efforts in northern Lake Michigan, we developed a bioenergetic-based consumption estimate for burbot on Boulder Reef (a representative reef within the Northern Refuge) and found that burbot alone can consume a considerable proportion of the yearling lake trout stocked annually, depending on burbot density. Overall, we conclude that predation, rather than competition, is the more important ecological interaction between burbot and lake trout, and burbot predation may be contributing to the failed lake trout rehabilitation efforts in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

We present an approach that uses satellite products to derive models for predicting lake chlorophyll from environmental variables, and for investigating impacts of changing environmental flows. Lake Turkana, Kenya, is the world's largest desert lake, and environmental flows from the Omo River have been modified since 2015 by the Gibe III dam in Ethiopia. Using satellite remote sensing, we have evaluated the influence of these altered hydrological patterns on large‐scale lake phytoplankton concentrations for the first time. Prior to dam completion, strong seasonal cycles and large spatial gradients in chlorophyll have been observed, related to natural fluctuations in the Omo River's seasonal discharge. During this period, mean lake chlorophyll showed a strong relationship with both river inflows and lake levels. Empirical models were derived which considered multiple hydro‐climatic drivers, but the best model for predicting chlorophyll‐a was a simple model based on Omo River discharge. Application of this model to data for 2015–2016 estimated that during the filling of Gibe III annual mean Lake Turkana chlorophyll declined by 30%. Future water management scenarios based on Gibe III operations predict reduced seasonal chlorophyll‐a variability, while irrigation scenarios showed marked declines in chlorophyll‐a depending on the level of abstraction. These changes demonstrate how infrastructure developments such as dams can significantly alter lake primary production. Our remote sensing approach is easy to adapt to other lakes to understand how their phytoplankton dynamics may be affected by water management scenarios.  相似文献   

汶茂公路地处我国地质灾害高易发区,是汶川地震发生后重要的"生命通道"。为深入探究该类区域崩滑灾害的发育规律,并据此对公路选线和设计提供依据,通过对灾害最新遥感解译、现场调查和资料搜集,运用Arc GIS平台,分析了汶茂公路走廊带的地表坡度、坡向、工程地质岩组、断层、水系、道路影响共6个环境因子与地质灾害之间的关系。结果表明:(1)研究区共计崩塌258个,滑坡127个,其在30°~60°的坡度范围内分布最广,E、W、SW、NW坡向范围内坡体稳定性较差,灾害频发。(2)地层及岩性在宏观上对灾害发生起着控制作用。(3)距断层越远,其受到的影响越小。(4)走廊带内崩滑灾害受区域水系的控制。(5)距道路400 m的范围内灾害点密度最大,在道路修建时,应重点考虑边坡、路基的的影响因素。  相似文献   

Many riverine systems are impacted by a combination of agricultural and urban land use. In this study, we assessed the impacts of high intensity agriculture and urban land use in the Maumee River, the largest Great Lakes tributary, using sunfish (Lepomis spp.). The land use gradient from agricultural headwaters to densely urban areas was hypothesized to be paralleled by a shift in the chemical signature and biological effects. We caged hatchery-reared sunfish at field sites and collected concurrently resident sunfish. We analyzed fish for alterations in morphological indices, hematological characteristics, and anatomical development. Water, sediment, and fish tissues were analyzed for pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. Chemicals were detected in all samples, and no clear agricultural/urban distinction in water chemistry was apparent. We detected forty-three chemicals (19% of analyzed) in at least half of the water samples, and 101 chemicals (44%) in at least one water sample. The pesticides desethylatrazine (100% of samples) and heptachlor epoxide (89%), and pharmaceuticals iopamidol (100%) and sulfamethoxazole (89%) were frequently detected. Resident sunfish were more sensitive than caged sunfish, and both experienced elevated stress responses at urban sites. Declining biological indices suggest contaminant-related impairments which may have altered resource allocation and could have contributed to decreased sexual maturity. Agricultural, and especially urban, contaminants entering aquatic ecosystems as non-point sources affect sunfish biology through acute and chronic exposure. Natural resource managers are advised to broadly assess stressors prior to investing into stream restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The application of in situ hybridization with group specific oligonucleotide probes detected by epifluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy was tested to identify spatial gradients in the distribution of bacteria in biofilms of plug flow reactors and in the bottom sediment layer of a drinking water reservoir. The two tubular biofihn reactors were fed with the effluent from a full scale biological wastewater treatment plant to which were added the chlorophenols whole degradation was being investigated. One was operated as a continuous-flow reactor and the other as a sequencing batch reactor.The vertical gradients in the microbial colonization of the sediment were analyzed by means of glass slides exposed to the sediment.In the biofilms of both reactors the beta-Proteobacteria dominated. The Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group and the Gram-positive bacteria were also abundant. Only small amounts of gamma-bacteria could be detected. This is contrary to findings using traditional cultivation methods. Unlike the biofilms in the reactor, the bacterial Aufwuchs on the glass slides in the sediment presented a surprising diversity of morphological types and size classes of bacteria.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) leaching from agricultural soils is a serious environmental concern. Application of aluminium water treatment residuals (Al-WTRs) at a rate of 20 Mg ha(-1) to clay soils from central Sweden significantly increased mean topsoil P sorption index (PSI) from 4.6 to 5.5 μmol kg(-1) soil. Mean degree of P saturation in ammonium lactate extract (DPS-AL) significantly decreased from 17 to 13%, as did plant-available P (P-AL). Concentrations of dissolved reactive P (DRP) decreased by 10-85% in leaching water with Al-WTR treatments after exposure of topsoil lysimeters to simulated rain. Soil aggregate stability (AgS) for 15 test soils rarely improved. Three soils (clay loam, silty loam and loam sand) were tested in greenhouse pot experiments. Aluminium-WTR application of 15 or 30 ton ha(-1) to loam sand and a clay loam with P-AL values of 80-100 mg kg(-1) soil significantly increased growth of Italian ryegrass when fertilised with P but did not significantly affect growth of spring barley on any soil. Al-WTR should only be applied to soils with high P fertility where improved crop production is not required.  相似文献   

将可压缩气体边界层偏微分方程组,经特殊的相似变化,化为包含气体温度参数n的边界层温度比Tw/T∞的常微分方程组,再利用龙格-库塔法,解出了不同气体,不同边界温度比条件下层流边界层的流场和温度场的空间分布数值解,与一般的基本常物性的结果相比,本文所得结果具普遍性和实用上的针对性  相似文献   

The City of Montreal operates a large sanitary landfill site within a densely populated urban area. Adjacent to the landfill site is a yard waste composting facility that processes 10,000 metric tons per year using the windrow technique. Over the years, numerous complaints have been received from citizens in the surrounding area regarding odours, particularly during the fall period. Aware of this nuisance, the City of Montreal wanted to identify odour sources, management operations leading to odours, and weather conditions accentuating odours, as well as to quantify actual odour impact. Forty-three (43) citizens living adjacent to this site were recruited and trained to make odour observations during the fall of 2000. This paper presents the methodology used to select and train the citizens chosen to make odour observations, to quantify and to identify odours. It also presents the main results of the study.  相似文献   

So far, there is no clear picture at national level regarding the severity, spatial distribution, trend and driving forces of phosphorus (P) release from agriculture to surface waters in China, which presents a major obstacle for surface water quality management and relevant policy-making. By applying a proposed Activity-Unit-Balance (AUB) methodology, this paper retrospects and prospects phosphorus release from agricultural activities to surface waters from 1978 to 2050 in China. Modelling results reveal that P load from agriculture has increased 3.4 times during 1978-2005 and will increase by 1.8 times during 2005-2050. Although major contribution factors are mineral fertiliser application (MFA) and livestock feeding activities (LFAs), LFAs will be the single largest source of increased total P load in the next decades. Most importantly, agricultural pollution in China is spatially overlapped with industrial and domestic pollution, and regions in the southeast to "Heihe-Tengchong" line have to be confronted with an austere challenge to control and manage industrial and domestic pollution as well as pollution from agriculture at present and in future.  相似文献   

The spiny water flea Bythotrephes longimanus is a predatory cladoceran that invaded Green Bay, Lake Michigan by 1988 and has been shown to negatively affect zooplankton prey. Bythotrephes is thought to occur where a deep-water daytime refuge from fish predation is available. Information from shallow, nearshore environments is relatively sparse, yet risk of secondary dispersal from these areas to inland waters is high. The production of desiccation-tolerant resting eggs, coupled with recreational boating activities, can facilitate spread inland. We determined Bythotrephes population demographics and dynamics at two sites in southern Green Bay during 2015 and 2016 to examine interactions with zooplankton and timing of resting egg production. Estimates of prey consumption rates by Bythotrephes were compared to those for a native predatory zooplankter, Leptodora kindtii, and against productivity estimates for potential crustacean prey. Bythotrephes population dynamics were similar at both sites in each year, with biomass peaks in September 2015 and July 2016. Earliest resting egg production occurred by 8 July 2015 and 17 June 2016; resting eggs occurred until at least October each year, when sampling ceased. Consumption by Bythotrephes generally exceeded that by Leptodora. Zooplankton productivity rates were lower than consumption rates on all dates in 2015 but approximated or exceeded consumption rates in 2016. Bythotrephes has become a major predator in the Green Bay lower food web, changing energy transfer through this major Great Lakes ecosystem. Its success has increased potential dispersal to inland lakes, especially from shallow, nearshore habitats such as occur in southern Green Bay.  相似文献   

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