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Motivated by recent studies on reversible adhesion mechanisms of geckos and insects, we investigate the effect of pre-tension on the orientation-dependent adhesion strength of an elastic tape adhering on a substrate. Our analysis shows that the pre-tension can significantly increase the peel-off force at small peeling angles while decreasing it at large peeling angles, leading to a strongly reversible adhesion. More interestingly, we find that there exists a critical value of pre-tension beyond which the peel-off force plunges to zero at a force-independent critical peeling angle. We further show that the level of pre-tension required for such force-independent detachment at a critical angle can be induced by simply dragging a spatula pad along a substrate at sufficiently low angles. These results provide a feasible explanation of relevant experimental observations on gecko adhesion and suggest possible strategies to design strongly reversible adhesives via pre-tension.  相似文献   

Texture perception is studied here in a physical model of the rat whisker system consisting of a robot equipped with a biomimetic vibrissal sensor. Investigations of whisker motion in rodents have led to several explanations for texture discrimination, such as resonance or stick-slips. Meanwhile, electrophysiological studies of decision-making in monkeys have suggested a neural mechanism of evidence accumulation to threshold for competing percepts, described by a probabilistic model of Bayesian sequential analysis. For our robot whisker data, we find that variable reaction-time decision-making with sequential analysis performs better than the fixed response-time maximum-likelihood estimation. These probabilistic classifiers also use whatever available features of the whisker signals aid the discrimination, giving improved performance over a single-feature strategy, such as matching the peak power spectra of whisker vibrations. These results cast new light on how the various proposals for texture discrimination in rodents depend on the whisker contact mechanics and suggest the possibility of a common account of decision-making across mammalian species.  相似文献   

Temperature-responsive glycopolymer brushes were designed to investigate the effects of grafting architectures of the copolymers on the selective adhesion and collection of hypatocytes. Homo, random and block sequences of N-isopropylacrylamide and 2-lactobionamidoethyl methacrylate were grafted on glass substrates via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. The galactose/lactose-specific lectin RCA120 and HepG2 cells were used to test for specific recognition of the polymer brushes containing galactose residues over the lower critical solution temperatures (LCSTs). RCA120 showed a specific binding to the brush surfaces at 37 °C. These brush surfaces also facilitated the adhesion of HepG2 cells at 37 °C under nonserum conditions, whereas no adhesion was observed for NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. When the temperature was decreased to 25 °C, almost all the HepG2 cells detached from the block copolymer brush, whereas the random copolymer brush did not release the cells. The difference in releasing kinetics of cells from the surfaces with different grafting architectures can be explained by the correlated effects of significant changes in LCST, mobility, hydrophilicity and mechanical properties of the grafted polymer chains. These findings are important for designing ‘on–off’ cell capture/release substrates for various biomedical applications such as selective cell separation.  相似文献   

The standard reference clinical score quantifying average Parkinson''s disease (PD) symptom severity is the Unified Parkinson''s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). At present, UPDRS is determined by the subjective clinical evaluation of the patient''s ability to adequately cope with a range of tasks. In this study, we extend recent findings that UPDRS can be objectively assessed to clinically useful accuracy using simple, self-administered speech tests, without requiring the patient''s physical presence in the clinic. We apply a wide range of known speech signal processing algorithms to a large database (approx. 6000 recordings from 42 PD patients, recruited to a six-month, multi-centre trial) and propose a number of novel, nonlinear signal processing algorithms which reveal pathological characteristics in PD more accurately than existing approaches. Robust feature selection algorithms select the optimal subset of these algorithms, which is fed into non-parametric regression and classification algorithms, mapping the signal processing algorithm outputs to UPDRS. We demonstrate rapid, accurate replication of the UPDRS assessment with clinically useful accuracy (about 2 UPDRS points difference from the clinicians'' estimates, p < 0.001). This study supports the viability of frequent, remote, cost-effective, objective, accurate UPDRS telemonitoring based on self-administered speech tests. This technology could facilitate large-scale clinical trials into novel PD treatments.  相似文献   

Males of Dytiscinae beetles use specialized adhesive setae to adhere to female elytra during underwater courtship. This coevolution of male setae and female elytra has attracted much attention since Darwin. However, there has been little examination of their biomechanical functioning despite increasing knowledge on biofibrillar adhesion. Here, we report and compare, for the first time, the mechanisms of underwater attachment using two hair types, the primitive spatula and derived ‘passive’ sucker, found in male diving beetles. Results from interspecific scaling of protarsal palettes and adhesion by single seta suggest better performance in the later-evolved circular (sucker) setae. Spatula setae with a modified shallow sucker and channels use the combined mechanisms of suction and viscous resistance for adhesion. Velocity-dependent adhesion provides sufficient control for resisting the female''s erratic movements while also detaching easily through slow peeling. Direction-dependent shear resistance helps reorient setae surfaces into a preferred direction for effective adhesion. Seta deformation using different mechanisms for circular and spatula setae reduces the force that is transmitted to the contact interface. A softer spring in spatula setae explains their adhesion at lower preloads and assists in complete substrate contact. Attachment mechanisms revealed in adhesive setae with modified spatula and passive suckers provide insights for bioinspired designs of underwater attachment devices.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with mice have shown that repeated 1 hour daily exposure to an ambient magnetic field-shielded environment induces analgesia (antinociception). The exposures were carried out in the dark (less than 2.0×1016 photons s−1 m−2) during the mid-light phase of the diurnal cycle. However, if the mice were exposed in the presence of visible light (2.0×1018 photons s−1 m−2, 400–750 nm), then the analgesic effects of shielding were eliminated. Here, we show that this effect of light is intensity and wavelength dependent. Introduction of red light (peak at 635 nm) had little or no effect, presumably because mice do not have photoreceptors sensitive to red light above 600 nm in their eyes. By contrast, introduction of ultraviolet light (peak at 405 nm) abolished the effect, presumably because mice do have ultraviolet A receptors. Blue light exposures (peak at 465 nm) of different intensities demonstrate that the effect has an intensity threshold of approximately 12% of the blue light in the housing facility, corresponding to 5×1016 photons s−1 m−2 (integral). This intensity is similar to that associated with photoreceptor-based magnetoreception in birds and in mice stimulates photopic/cone vision. Could the detection mechanism that senses ambient magnetic fields in mice be similar to that in bird navigation?  相似文献   

The hallmark of malignant tumours is their spread into neighbouring tissue and metastasis to distant organs, which can lead to life threatening consequences. One of the defining characteristics of aggressive tumours is an unstable morphology, including the formation of invasive fingers and protrusions observed both in vitro and in vivo. In spite of extensive biological, clinical and modelling study and research at physical scales ranging from the molecular to the tissue, the driving dynamics of tumour invasiveness are not completely understood, partly because it is challenging to observe and study cancer as a multi-scale system. Mathematical modelling has been applied to provide further insights into these complex invasive and metastatic behaviours. Modelling a solid tumour as an incompressible fluid, we consider three possible constitutive relations to describe tumour growth, namely Darcy''s law, Stokes'' law and the combined Darcy–Stokes law. We study the tumour morphological stability described by each model and evaluate the consistency between theoretical model predictions and experimental data from in vitro three-dimensional multicellular tumour spheroids. The analysis reveals that the Stokes model is the most consistent with the experimental observations, and that it predicts our experimental tumour growth is marginally stable. We further show that it is feasible to extract parameter values from a limited set of data and create a self-consistent modelling framework that can be extended to the multi-scale study of cancer.  相似文献   

刘维尚  李子翔  郭绮涵  司亚丽 《包装工程》2023,44(22):368-380, 416
目的 结合情感化设计理念,探究以Z世代情感化需求为导向的文创产品设计新思路。方法 首先,通过对Z世代文创产品的现状分析表明融入情感化设计的必要性,其次,利用深度访谈法、焦点小组法和问卷调查法的方式从文创产品的表象层、内核层来分析Z世代消费者的情感化需求,最终构建出基于Z世代情感化需求的文创产品设计策略,并结合赵王城遗址公园进行设计实践,验证该策略的可行性。结论 该策略将情感化设计理念运用于Z世代文创产品之中,提出在印象层需要注重图案创意和时尚风格因素的升级;在交互层需要注重实用性、互动性、叙事性和游戏化因素的升级;在共振层需要注重文化性因素的升级。对为未来的Z世代文创产品设计具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Despite successful fabrication of gecko-inspired fibrillar surfaces with strong adhesion forces, how to achieve an easy-removal property becomes a major concern that may restrict the wide applications of these bio-inspired surfaces. Research on how geckos detach rapidly has inspired the design of novel adhesive surfaces with strong and reversible adhesion capabilities, which relies on further fundamental understanding of the peeling mechanisms. Recent studies showed that the peel-zone plays an important role in the peeling off of adhesive tapes or fibrillar surfaces. In this study, a numerical method was developed to evaluate peel-zone deformation and the resulting mechanical behaviour due to the deformations of fibrillar surfaces detaching from a smooth rigid substrate. The effect of the geometrical parameters of pillars and the stiffness of backing layer on the peel-zone and peel strength, and the strong attachment and easy-removal properties have been analysed to establish a design map for bio-inspired fibrillar surfaces, which shows that the optimized strong attachment and easy-removal properties can vary by over three orders of magnitude. The adhesion and peeling design map established provides new insights into the design and development of novel gecko-inspired fibrillar surfaces.  相似文献   

The paper by Morrison-Saunders et al. [Morrison-Saunders A, Pope J, Gunn J, Bond A, Retief F. 2014. Strengthening impact assessment: a call for integration and focus. Impact Assess Project Appraisal. 32(1):2–8] was interesting reading, but ultimately unconvincing in that it did not adequately prove its point. There were too many assertions. The issues of integration and focus are more complex than they suggest. A more considered analysis would have led to a different outcome. Coming from a social impact assessment perspective, I consider Morrison-Saunders et al. to be guilty of the same thing they complain about, i.e. silo-based expertise, given their lack of connection to papers and discussions outside of their fields of environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment.  相似文献   


Failure to consider the cultural and social factors of projects can lead to situations where mitigation does not effectively address the impacts they were intended to alleviate, and can even create other impacts. We critically analyse the processes of designing and implementing a social and environmental compensation program for the Lajeado Hydroelectric Dam in the Amazon region of central-northern Brazil. This mitigation program caused a wide range of social and environmental impacts on the Xerente Indigenous people, such as intra-group conflict, and changes in agricultural practices and food regime. Based on qualitative fieldwork and an extensive document analysis, we present a contextualization of the region, the project, the Xerente people, and their cosmological understandings. We consider the perspectives of a broad range of stakeholders about the compensation program and its outcomes, and demonstrate how traditional cultural practices and values played a role in the unfolding of the program. Better comprehension of sociocultural aspects through the use of ethnography, ongoing consultation, and meaningful community participation in the planning and implementation of mitigation measures are recommended.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to prepare a new type of phosphogypsum-sulfur polymer cements (PG-SPC) to be utilised in the manufacture of building materials. Physico-chemical and radiological characterization was performed in phosphogypsum and phosphogypsum-sulfur polymer concretes and modeling of exhalation rates has been also carried out. An optimized mixture of the materials was obtained, the solidified material with optimal mixture (sulfur/phosphogypsum = 1:0.9, phosphogypsum dosage = 10-40 wt.%) results in highest strength (54-62 MPa) and low total porosity (2.8-6.8%). The activity concentration index (I) in the PG-SPC is lower than the reference value in the most international regulations and; therefore, these cements can be used without radiological restrictions in the manufacture of building materials. Under normal conditions of ventilation, the contribution to the expected radon indoor concentration in a standard room is below the international recommendations, so the building materials studied in this work can be applied to houses built up under normal ventilation conditions.Additionally, and taking into account that the PG is enriched in several natural radionuclides as 226Ra, the leaching experiments have demonstrated that environmental impact of the using of SPCs cements with PG is negligible.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has provided an important approach to investigate the structure and dynamics of encapsulated metal ions and clusters in endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs). In this paper, we review NMR studies of the environment and dynamics of dimetallic, trimetallic nitride, metal carbide and metal cyanide clusters encapsulated in EMFs. The NMR chemical shielding parameter is a sensitive probe for monitoring the carbon cage (13C) and encapsulated clusters (13C, 14N, 139La, 45Sc, and 89Y). Future NMR EMF studies could be very fruitful and help elucidate coupled motion between the carbon cage and encapsulated cluster or other “wheel within a wheel” motional processes.  相似文献   

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