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Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is a key planktivore and prey fish in Lake Huron. Given the declining offshore productivity in the lake since the early 2000s, we described the energy content of rainbow smelt in 2017 across five different regions (North Channel, Georgian Bay, Saginaw Bay, northern main basin, southern main basin) where phytoplankton and zooplankton productivity likely varied. To increase contrast across the productivity gradient, rainbow smelt energy content was also estimated from western Lake Erie. Within the North Channel where large fish (≥90 mm, total length) were sampled most frequently, mean energy density (kJ/g wet weight) varied seasonally: 4.29 in April (month of spawning), 3.86 in June, 3.99 in July, and up to 4.35 in September. Energy density of rainbow smelt from higher productivity western Lake Erie was 37% (large fish ≥90 mm) to 60% higher (small fish <90 mm) than that of fish from Lake Huron. Within Lake Huron, energy density of rainbow smelt from North Channel was slightly higher than those from other regions; rainbow smelt from Georgian Bay generally had the lowest energy density. Across regions, including western Lake Erie, energy density increased with chlorophyll a concentration. Compared with Lake Huron studies prior to 2004, when oligotrophication had not yet accelerated, energy density of rainbow smelt in 2017 was up to 31% lower. The decline in rainbow smelt energy density is likely the result of declining primary and secondary pelagic production and increased resource limitation for planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) recently became established in Lake Champlain and may compete with native rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) for food or consume larval rainbow smelt. The strength of this effect depends partly on the spatial and temporal overlap of different age groups of the two species; therefore, we need a better understanding of factors affecting alewife and rainbow smelt distributions in Lake Champlain. We used hydroacoustics, trawls, and gill nets to document vertical fish distribution, and recorded environmental data during 16 day–night surveys over two years. Temperature, temperature change, and light were all predictors of adult and age-0 rainbow smelt distribution, and temperature and light were predictors of age-0 alewives' distribution (based on GAMM models evaluated with AIC). Adult alewives were 5–30 m shallower and age-0 alewives were 2–15 m shallower than their rainbow smelt counterparts. Adult rainbow smelt distribution overlapped with age-0 rainbow smelt and age-0 alewives near the thermocline (10–25 m), whereas adult alewives were shallower (0–6 m) and overlapped with age-0 alewives and rainbow smelt in the epilimnion. Adult rainbow smelt were in water < 10–12 °C, whereas age-0 rainbow smelt were in 10–20 °C, and adult and age-0 alewives were in 15–22 °C water. Predicting these species distributions is necessary for quantifying the strength of predatory and competitive interactions between alewife and rainbow smelt, as well as between alewife and other fish species in Lake Champlain.  相似文献   

We examined the feeding ecology of larval lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario, during April and May 2004–2006. Larvae were collected with towed ichthyoplankton nets offshore and with larval seines along the shoreline. Larval feeding periodicity was examined from collections made at 4-h intervals over one 24-h period in 2005. Inter-annual variation in diet composition (% dry weight) was low, as was spatial variation among collection sites within the bay. Copepods (81.4%), primarily cyclopoids (59.1%), were the primary prey of larvae over the 3-year period. Cladocerans (8.1%; mainly daphnids, 6.7%) and chironomids (7.3%) were the other major prey consumed. Larvae did not exhibit a preference for any specific prey taxa. Food consumption of lake whitefish larvae was significantly lower at night (i.e., 2400 and 0400 h). Substantial variation in diet composition occurred over the 24-h diel study. For the 24-h period, copepods were the major prey consumed (50.4%) and their contribution in the diet ranged from 29.3% (0400 h) to 85.9% (1200 h). Chironomids made up 33.4% of the diel diet, ranging from 8.0% (0800 h) to 69.9% (0400 h). Diel variation in the diet composition of lake whitefish larvae may require samples taken at several intervals over a 24-h period to gain adequate representation of their feeding ecology.  相似文献   

The results of four surveys of Lake Erie during mid-winter are presented here. The most recent survey, from February 15 to 17, 1977, was conducted during an exceptionally cold winter to determine whether six weeks of complete ice-cover had led to low levels of oxygen concentration in the lake. The results showed that all parts of the lake, even the shallow, normally highly productive areas, contained acceptable levels of oxygen. Apparently, production of oxygen by a small phytoplankton population counterbalanced a fairly low uptake of oxygen and maintained the level of oxygen concentration in most of the water above 90% saturation. The 1976-77 winter phytoplankton biomass was low (0.1 to 1.0 gm biomass per m3) and consisted mostly of diatoms. It appears that some of the phytoplankton were photo-synthetically active under 70 cm of ice and 23 m of water. All surveys of the lake showed the water to be virtually isothermal at a temperature just above the freezing point of water. The maximum temperature differences observed were about 0.2° in magnitude and were found in the East Basin. Nevertheless, the slight temperature differences apparently caused density currents under the ice, which resulted in lowered oxygen concentrations in the deepest part of the East Basin.  相似文献   

Lake Erie western basin (WB) cyanobacterial blooms are a yearly summer occurrence; however, blooms have also been reported in the offshore waters of the central basin (CB), and very little is known about what drives these blooms or their potential for cyanobacterial toxins. Cyanobacteria Index was quantified using MODIS and MERIS data for the CB between 2003 and 2017, and water samples were collected between 2013 and 2017. The goals were to 1) quantify cyanobacteria, 2) determine environmental drivers of CB blooms, and 3) determine the potential for cyanobacterial toxins in the CB. Dolichospermum (Anabaena) occurred in the CB during July before the onset of the WB bloom, and then in August and September, the cyanobacteria community shifted towards Microcystis. The largest Dolichospermum blooms (2003, 2012, 2013, and 2015) were associated with reduced water clarity (Secchi disk depth?<?4?m), whereas large CB Microcystis blooms (2011 and 2015) were associated with large WB blooms. Dolichospermum blooms occurred in high nitrate concentrations (>20?μmol/L) and high nitrogen-to?phosphorus ratios (>100), which indicate nutrient concentrations or ratios did not select for Dolichospermum. Additionally, the sxtA gene, but not mcyE or microcystins, were detected in the CB during July 2016 and 2017. The mcyE gene and microcystins were detected in the CB during August 2016 and 2017. The results indicate the CB's potential for cyanotoxins shifts from saxitoxins to microcystins throughout the summer. Continued monitoring of cyanobacteria and multiple cyanobacterial toxins is recommended to ensure safe drinking water for CB coastal communities.  相似文献   

Age-0 lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis (11–160 mm total length) were collected from Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron during April–November 2009 and 2010 for diet analysis and for the evaluation of ontogenetic changes in feeding ecology. Lake whitefish ≤ 50 mm ate mainly zooplankton, after which their diets switched mainly to benthic macroinvertebrates. Cyclopoida were the dominant prey consumed by very small lake whitefish (< 17 mm) and the most frequently selected zooplankton type for individual small fish. Once lake whitefish reached 18–19 mm, Cyclopoida in the diet declined and cladocerans emerged as an important diet item. Daphnia were the most common cladoceran in the diets, but for fish 31–50 mm Bosminidae were also relatively important. Although the shift to Daphnia could represent an ontogenetic point when lake whitefish were large enough to effectively handle this prey, it also took place when the relative availability of Daphnia increased. Once lake whitefish were > 50 mm, Chironomidae larvae became a dominant prey item and this shift to benthivory coincided with a 55% increase in length-adjusted energy content between June and July. However, as fish grew (around 110–120 mm), Sphaeriidae and the benthic zooplankton Chydoridae became increasingly important in the diet. As these less energetically rich prey were incorporated into the diet, there were corresponding 21 and 15% decreases in length-adjusted energy content from July to August and September, respectively.  相似文献   

Samples collected from the Lake Erie sediment-water interface in 1975 indicate the presence of few live shelled crustaceans (ostracodes). Of the 26 species identified only one, Candona caudata, can be considered as successful today in Lake Erie. Cytherissa lacustris and Candona subtriangulata, primarily recovered as empty shells in this study, indicate that these species have become extinct because of chemical and/or physical change sometime during the last 100 years in Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Rainbow smelt are an important prey species for native and introduced salmonines in the Great Lakes. In Lake Huron, rainbow smelt populations are characterized by variable recruitment and year-class strength. To understand the influence of water temperature on reproduction, growth, and survival during larval-fish stages, we sampled spawning tributaries and larval-fish habitats during 2008 and 2009 in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron. Spawning by rainbow smelt occurred primarily when stream temperatures were between 3 and 10 °C, which resulted in a 7–10-day spawning period during 2008, and a 15–20-day spawning period during 2009. Regardless of these differences in spawning temperatures and duration, peak larval-fish densities during 2008 were double those observed during 2009. Length–frequency analysis of larval-fish populations during both years revealed stream-hatched fish during May and a later emergence of larval rainbow smelt during summer, presumably originating from lake spawning. Warmer bay water temperatures led to earlier emergence of lake-spawned rainbow smelt larvae during 2009. Stream-hatched fish larvae experienced large-scale mortality during May 2008 resulting in a bay population consisting primarily of lake-spawned rainbow smelt larvae, but during 2009 both stream- and lake-hatched cohorts experienced higher survival concomitant with significantly higher mean population growth rates. Higher larval-fish growth rates during 2009 appeared to be density-dependent and facilitated by warmer water temperatures during late June and cooler water temperatures during July. Temperature-mediated differences in annual growth rates and irregular contributions from stream- and lake-hatched fish larvae are important factors affecting survival and abundance of young-of-the-year rainbow smelt in Lake Huron.  相似文献   

Evaporation from large lakes cannot be measured directly, but several methods have been developed to compute lake evaporation. Because of the Great Lakes data limitations, evaporation determined by a single method is’ not sufficiently reliable and requires verification of accuracy by different methods. Monthly evaporation from Lake Erie was derived by the water budget, selected mass transfer, and the energy budget approaches. The period of record varies with the availability of data, 1937-68 for the water budget and mass transfer methods, and 1952-1968 for the energy budget method. Evaporation determined by the water budget method was used to provide control for the other methods. The evaporation rates varied from -9 to 25 cm/month with periods of low, median, and high annual evaporation averaging approximately 80, 90 and 100 cm. The analysis of results indicates that reasonably accurate evaporation estimates during the year can be obtained by the water budget and the modified Lake Hefner mass-transfer equations.  相似文献   

Microplastic particles, often studied as aquatic pollutants, have been recovered from coastal dunes along the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie in New York and Pennsylvania. Surface and shallow sub-surface sand samples were collected from coastal dunes in 1 m2 areas from 5 locations along Lake Erie: Sunset Bay, Dunkirk Harbor, Point Gratiot, and Canadaway Creek in New York and Presque Isle State Park Beach #11 in Pennsylvania. Samples were also collected from coastal dunes on Lake Ontario at Sandy Island Beach State Park, NY. Abundances, shapes, sizes, textures, and degradation of microplastics were characterized. Twenty-one of 26 samples yielded a variety of microplastics: pellets, fragments, and fibers. Larger microplastics (5.0–1.0 mm) were dominated by spheroidal and disk-shaped pellets with fewer fragments. Smaller microplastics (≤1.0 mm) were predominantly fibers and small fragments. Some microplastic particles exhibited evidence of degradation and weathering as a consequence of transport and exposure to the elements. The presence of microplastics in coastal dunes is attributable to aeolian transport from the adjacent beach.  相似文献   

Planktonic community metabolism (photosynthesis and respiration) was assessed in the oligotrophic east basin of Lake Erie, from November 2001 to October 2002 using O2 and 14C methods. Areal gross production (AGP; mmol O2 m−2 d−1) exceeded areal respiration (AR; mmol O2 m−2 d−1) in the surface mixed layer for 69% of the observations during the study period. The median AGP:AR for the entire study period was 1.32. A significant positive relationship between AGP and AR existed, but AGP explained only 25% of the variation in AR. AGP:AR varied seasonally, being below 1.0 in the fall/winter of 2001 and in early spring 2002. High (>> 1.0) AGP:AR was observed in late spring (May) and AGP:AR remained > 1.0 for most of the summer stratified period (July–September). AGP:AR was > 1.0 in the fall of 2002, but the magnitude was less than observed during spring. The results supported traditional concepts of the seasonal production and consumption cycles in planktonic communities of large oligotrophic lakes. Parallel incubations of 14C uptake and gross O2 production determined with the light and dark bottle method revealed a mean experimental gross photosynthetic quotient (PQG) of 1.29 ± 0.48, indicating that the 14C method used here had a variable but, on average, close relationship to gross production as it is commonly measured.  相似文献   

A previously developed mathematical model, which considered both the heat exchange processes at the air-ice interface and the ice transport rate via the Niagara River Was used to simulate the ice dissipation process in eastern Lake Erie. The model, which assumed the ice thickness to be constant over the lake, has been further developed to take into account variable ice thickness. Buffalo meteorological data were used for the computation of the net heat exchange at the air-ice interface. Results of the model application illustrate the relative importance ofin-lake ice melt to ice transport via the Niagara River during the dissipation period. Model results were found to give reasonably good agreement with the limited ice information available for the 1976 dissipation period.  相似文献   

Geotechnical, geochemical, electron-microscopic and biostratigraphic investigation of a 16.8–m long core of a postglacial lacustrine mud collected from the central Lake Erie basin revealed zones containing up to 30% calcite. These zones were associated with a very fine sediment, 80% of which was finer than 4 y.m. Shear strength values of the sediment ranged from 2 kN/m2 near the lake bottom to about 9 kN/m2 close to the Pleistocene boundary. The concentration of CaO was positively correlated with the concentration of inorganic C and Sr. The concentration of SiO2, A12O3, Fe2O3, K2O, and Rb gradually decreased with depth. The major crystalline phases were illite (44 wt %), chlorite (10 -13 wt %), calcite (6 - 30 wt %), quartz (6 - 20 wt %), albite (6 - 9 wt %), K-feldspar (2 wt %), and dolomite (2 wt %). The shells of mollusc species present in the lower portion of the postglacial sedimentary column indicated that the carbonate-high sediments were deposited in warmer water than the carbonate-low sediments above and between them.  相似文献   

Lake Erie sustained large populations of ciscoes (Salmonidae: Coregoninae) 120 years ago. By the end of the 19th century, abundance of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) had declined drastically. By 1925, the lake herring (a cisco) population (Coregonus artedii) had collapsed, although a limited lake herring fishery persisted in the eastern basin until the 1950s. In the latter part of the 20th century, the composition of the fish community changed as oligotrophication proceeded. Since 1984, a limited recovery of lake whitefish has occurred, however no recovery was evident for lake herring. Current ecological conditions in Lake Erie probably will not inhibit recovery of the coregonine species. Recovery of walleye (Sander vitreus) and efforts to rehabilitate the native lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Erie will probably assist recovery because these piscivores reduce populations of alewife (Alosa psuedoharengus) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), which inhibit reproductive success of coregonines. Although there are considerable spawning substrates available to coregonine species in eastern Lake Erie, eggs and fry would probably be displaced by storm surge from most shoals. Site selection for stocking or seeding of eggs should consider the reproductive life cycle of the stocked fish and suitable protection from storm events. Two potential sites in the eastern basin have been identified. Recommended management rocedures, including commercial fisheries, are suggested to assist in recovery. Stocking in the eastern basin of Lake Erie is recommended for both species, as conditions are adequate and the native spawning population in the eastern basin is low. For lake herring, consideration should be given to match ecophenotypes as much as possible. Egg seeding is recommended. Egg seeding of lake whitefish should be considered initially, with fingerling or yearling stocking suggested if unsuccessful. Spawning stocks of whitefish in the western basin of Lake Erie could be utilized.  相似文献   

Food of Freshwater Drum in Western Lake Erie   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The abundance of freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) suggests they play an important role in the Lake Erie ecosystem. Our analysis of freshwater drum digestive tracts and macrobenthic samples collected from western Lake Erie indicates that drum were selective feeders. Planktonic cladocerans and larval midges (Chironomidae) were the primary prey organisms eaten by drum. Young-of-the-year fed mostly on cladocerans, while yearling and older drum ate both cladocerans and midge larvae. Decapods, pelecypods, and fish were found only in the digestive tracts of drum longer than 250 mm. While the most abundant organisms in benthic samples were cladocerans (ephippial) and oligochaetes (89.5% by number), they constituted less than 1% of the diet. An evaluation of food selectivity, using Ivlev's index of electivity for benthic organisms, indicated that adult drum preferred midges to any other benthic food.  相似文献   

Increasing our understanding of invasive species is important because of the negative impacts they can have on the economies and ecosystems of invaded regions. There is growing interest in how environmental variability (e.g. temperature) and stochastic invasion events (e.g. founder effects) affect the genetic composition of populations of invasive species. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) are a cold-water, planktivorous fish that spread into the Great Lakes basin in the early 1900s. We performed genetic analyses using microsatellites (N = 10) to investigate the influence stochastic invasion events have had on the genetic composition of invasive rainbow smelt populations across a broad geographic range. Genetic analyses were conducted on rainbow smelt populations (N = 30/population) from Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and four inland lakes in Northern Wisconsin. Populations from the Great Lakes were generally less differentiated than inland populations. Additionally, we found evidence of a significant bottleneck in two inland populations and evidence for two distinct genetic strains of rainbow smelt in Lake Ontario. We also performed genetic analyses using microsatellites to determine if a thermally-induced extreme mortality event had an effect on a population of rainbow smelt and found that there was no measurable genetic effect on the population. Overall, this study provides evidence that the genetic structure and diversity of introduced populations can vary significantly, and are likely influenced by factors such as the frequency and magnitude of introductions. Also the resiliency of an invasive species can be high despite a history of bottlenecks and low genetic diversity.  相似文献   

For Lake Erie, the amplitudes and periods of wind-driven, surface gravity waves were calculated by means of the SMB hindcasting method. Bottom orbital velocities and bottom shear stresses were then calculated using linear wave theory and Kajiura's (1968) turbulent oscillating boundary layer analysis. These calculations were made for south-west and north wind directions and a steady wind speed of 40 km hr?1. Calculated bottom shear stresses are related to the textural properties of surficial Lake Erie sediments as determined by Thomas et al. (1976). The bottom shear stresses, especially under prevailing southwest wind conditions, control the textural characteristics of surface sediments in Lake Erie. In particular, wave-induced bottom shear stresses are probably the most important energy source for sediment entrainment.  相似文献   

Isotopic niche and length-isotope relationships were quantified across the body size of three similarly-sized fish species with different feeding strategies as adults (benthivore: freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens; piscivore: walleye, Sander vitreus; and omnivore: white perch, Morone americana) in Lake Erie's western basin using δ13C, δ15N and δ34S. Stable isotopes demonstrated that resource utilization changed with body size for all three species and length-isotope relationships varied with season. Isotopic niche overlap was lower when modelled with three isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) than with two (δ13C and δ15N), providing greater resolution of feeding ecology among the species. Based on isotopic niches, there was significant overlap in resource use among species and size classes in spring, but overlap decreased in the fall for both. In this study, freshwater fish species with different adult feeding strategies partition resources through different mechanisms that vary through body size and season. Isotopes supported the generally identified feeding ecology of each species but demonstrated that each species underwent significant changes in feeding ecology with increasing body size. Changes in isotopes across season, and body size for each species demonstrate the need for a more thorough understanding of how resource use changes with body size and season in freshwater fish.  相似文献   

A series of entrainment and deposition experiments was performed with the general purpose of increasing our understanding of the parameters on which entrainment and deposition depend and the specific purpose of obtaining entrainment rates for a variety of sediments from the western basin of Lake Erie. The experiments were performed in an annular flume. A rotating top produced a turbulent flow which in turn exerted a turbulent shear stress on the sediments deposited on the bottom of the flume. Four different sediments from the western basin of Lake Erie were analyzed. Large variations in entrainment and deposition rates occurred and are shown to be dependent on the shear stress, water content (time after deposition), the type of sediment (grain size and mineralogy), and the manner of deposition. In the interpretation of the experiments, it is necessary to consider the frequency distribution of sediment properties as well as the average properties.  相似文献   

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