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Nb掺杂Bi4Ti3O12层状结构铁电陶瓷的电行为特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用固相烧结工艺制备了Nb5+掺杂的Bi4Ti3O12层状结构铁电陶瓷.运用XRD 和AFM对Bi4Ti3-xNbxO12+x/2材料的微观结构进行表征,发现所制备的陶瓷均具有单一的正交相结构,抛光热腐蚀表面晶粒的显微形貌表现为随机排列的棒状结构.通过对材料直流电导率与温度关系的Arrhenius拟合,分析丁Bi4Ti3-xNbxO12+x/2的导电机理. Nb5+掺杂提高了材料的介电常数,但居里温度随掺杂含量的增加呈线性下降趋势.DSC结果显示Bi4Ti3-xNbxO12+x/2材料在居里温度处经历了一级铁电相变.样品的铁电性能测试结果表明, Nb5+掺杂Bi4Ti3O12提高了材料的剩余极化Pr,这主要是由于Nb5+取代Ti4+大大降低了材料中氧空位的浓度,使得氧空位对畴的钉扎作用减弱的缘故.  相似文献   

采用Sol-gel方法在生长有LNO3的Si(100)衬底上制备了掺Mn的PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3铁电薄膜(PMZT)。PMZT薄膜具有优良的铁电性。在外加电场下观察到了非对称剩余极化翻转行为。这种剩余极化的翻转不对称随着锰掺杂浓度的增加而变大,从而表明极化过程中产生的内建偏压电场是由Mn的掺杂引起的。当薄膜厚度保持不变时候,PMZT薄膜的剩余极化(Pr)和平均矫顽电场(Ec)随着锰掺杂浓度的增大而减小。在低频下,PMZT薄膜的介电常数随着锰的掺杂浓度的增加而减小。瞬时电流随着时间的呈指数衰减,最后到达饱和的稳态值。样品的漏电流密度随着电压的增加而近似地线性增加,显示出欧姆特性。在相同电压下,漏电流密度随着Mn掺杂浓度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

Bi4Ti3O12铁电薄膜的MOCVD制备及其物理性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王弘  王民 《高技术通讯》1995,5(2):35-37
采用常压MOCVD技术在(100)硅衬底上生长了具有(100)及(001)取各的钛酸铋(Bi4Ti3O12)薄膜。在适当的生长条件下可获得(100)取向膜,在750-800℃下退火可获得(001)择优取向膜。通过观察P-E电滞回线可确认膜的铁电性质,测得(100)取向膜的剩余极化强度为38μc/cm^2,矫顽场为45KV/cm。同时测量了钛酸铋薄膜的介电常数及损耗角正切。  相似文献   

采用固相烧结工艺制备了Nb掺杂的Bi4Ti3O12(BIT)铁电陶瓷.用XRD和AFM对其微观结构进行了分析,研究了Nb掺杂对材料微观结构和介电性能的影响.结果发现,微量Nb的掺入并未改变BIT的晶体结构,但可减小陶瓷的晶粒尺寸并降低材料的居里温度.同时,Nb的掺入大大降低了BIT陶瓷的介电常数并削平了BIT陶瓷的介电损耗峰,适当掺杂Nb可明显降低BIT陶瓷的介电损耗.  相似文献   

采用Sol-Gel工艺制备了Si基Bi4TiO12铁电薄膜.研究了退火温度、退火时间、薄膜厚度等对薄膜晶相结构的影响.研究表明,退火温度对Si基Bi4Ti3O12铁电薄膜晶相结构的影响最为显著,而且随退火温度升高,Bi4Ti3O12薄膜更趋向于沿c-轴取向的生长;退火时间在30分钟内对薄膜晶相结构的影响比较明显;薄膜厚度及30分钟以上的退火处理对薄膜晶相结构的影响不大.  相似文献   

溶胶—凝胶技术制备Bi4Ti3O12铁电薄膜的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘梅冬  李楚容 《功能材料》1997,28(3):297-299
采用溶胶-凝胶技术在Si单晶基片上制备了具有层状钙钛矿型结构的Bi4Ti3O12x铁电薄膜,讨论了回火温度与时间对薄膜结构的影响,X射线衍射分析表明,经700℃和700℃以上温度回火的薄膜为具有层状钙矿型结构的Bi4Ti3O12多晶薄膜,该薄膜的电滞回线测试呈出剩余极化强度Pr=5μC/cm^2,矫顽场Ec=130kV/cm。  相似文献   

王华  于军  王耘波  倪尔瑚 《材料工程》2002,(11):29-31,47
采用Sol-Gel工艺制备了Si基Bi4Ti3O12铁电薄膜。研究了退火温度对Si基Bi4Ti3O12薄膜晶相结构、晶粒尺寸及薄膜表面形貌的影响。研究表明,退火温度低于450℃时Bi4Ti3O12薄膜为非晶状态,退火温度在550-850℃范围内均为多晶薄膜,而且随退火温度升高,Bi4Ti3O12薄膜更趋向于沿c轴取向的生长;而晶粒尺寸及薄膜粗糙度随退火温度升高而增大,但在较高温度下增长速度趋缓。  相似文献   

LaNiO3缓冲层对Pb(Zr,Ti)O3铁电薄膜的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用化学溶液法在Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si衬底上制备了PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3/LaNiO3(PZT/LNO)多层薄膜。X射线衍射测量表明LNO缓冲层的引入使PZT薄膜(111)择优取向度减小,(100)取向增加。原子力显微镜测量表明引入LNO缓冲层使得PZT薄膜表面更加平整、致密。在LNO缓冲层上制备的PZT薄膜具有优良的铁电特性和介电特性:LNO缓冲层厚度为40nm时,500kV/cm的外加电.场下。剩余极化(Pr)为37.6μC/cm^2,矫顽电场(Ec)为65kV/cm;100kHz时,介电常数达到822,并且发现LNO缓冲层的厚度为40nm,PZT的铁电、介电特性改进最为显著。  相似文献   

用sol-gel法成功制备了Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12铁电薄膜,XRD结果表明制备的BNT薄膜具有(117)和(00l)的混合取向,FE-SEM显示薄膜表面光滑致密,颗粒均匀.剩余极化Pr和矫顽场Ec分别为29.5μC/cm2和100kV/cm,经过109次循环后几乎无疲劳.  相似文献   

Natural-superlattice-structured ferroelectric thin films, Bi3TiNbO9–Bi4Ti3O12 (BTN–BIT), have been synthesized on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si by metal organic decomposition (MOD) using BTN–BIT (1 mol:1 mol) solution. BTN–BIT films show natural-superlattice peaks below 2θ = 20° in X-ray diffraction patterns, which indicate that the BTN–BIT films annealed at 700–800 °C in O2 ambient are consisted of iteration of two unit cells of Bi3TiNbO9 and one unit cell of Bi4Ti3O12. As the annealing temperature increases from 600 to 750 °C, uniform and crack-free films, better crystallinity and ferroelectric properties can be obtained, but the pyrochlore phase in BTN–BIT films annealed over 800 °C would impair the ferroelectric properties. With the increase of O2 flow rate from 0.5 to 1.5 L/min, both remanent polarization Pr and coercive electric field EC increase, which are mainly attributed to reduction of the vacanvies of Bi and oxide ions in the films. Natural-superlattice-structured BTN–BIT thin films having 2–1 superlattice annealed at 750 °C in O2 ambient with a flow rate of 1.5 L/min exhibit superior ferroelectric properties of Pr = 23.5 μC/cm2 and EC = 135 kV/cm.  相似文献   

对硅衬底生长的Bi4Ti3O12和Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12薄膜样品测量了慢正电子多普勒展宽谱,得到了S参数随正电子注入能量的变化。通过对S参数和W参数的分析,讨论了这类材料中的捕获态特征和结构特点,结果表明,薄膜与硅衬底界面的缺陷为空位-氧复合体,La的掺杂有助于阻止空位-氧复合体向界面的扩散。  相似文献   

肖昕  祁亚军  卢朝靖 《功能材料》2006,37(10):1564-1565,1568
用传统固相烧结工艺,制备了纯相的Bi4Ti3O12 (BTO)陶瓷,A位掺杂的Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12(BLT),Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12(BNdT)铁电陶瓷.X射线衍射结果表明,所有样品均为单一的层状钙钛矿结构,La、Nd掺杂未改变BTO的晶体结构.铁电测试结果表明,BTO、BLT和BNdT陶瓷的剩余极化2Pr值分别为12.4、23.8和39.4μC/cm2.A位掺杂后,BLT、BNdT的2Pr值比未掺杂的BTO分别提高了1.92和3.18倍.漏电流测试表明,BLT、BNdT陶瓷的漏电流密度比BTO明显降低.A位掺杂显著提高了BTO陶瓷的铁电性能.  相似文献   

《Thin solid films》2005,471(1-2):35-39
Neodymium (Nd)-doped Bi4Ti3O12 (Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12, BNT) ferroelectric films have been deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by a sol–gel process and crystallized in nitrogen, air and oxygen environments, respectively. The crystallization environment was found to be important in determining the crystallization and ferroelectric properties of the BNT films. The film crystallized in nitrogen at a relatively low temperature of 650 °C, and exhibits excellent crystallinity and ferroelectricity with a remanent polarization of 2Pr=63.6 μC/cm2, a coercive field of 130 kV/cm and a fatigue-free characteristic. While the films annealed in air and oxygen, they did not show good crystallinity and ferroelectricity until they were annealed at 710 and 730 °C, respectively. A correlation between the remanent polarization and dielectric constants of the BNT films has been observed.  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2005,59(19-20):2583-2587
Ferroelectric Bi3.33Sm0.67Ti3O12 (BSmT) thin films have been fabricated on Pt/TiOx/SiO2/Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition and their structural and ferroelectric properties have been characterized. The structure and morphology of the films were characterized using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. About 520-nm-thick BSmT films grown at 700 °C exhibit excellent ferroelectric properties with a remanent polarization (2Pr) of 41.8 μC/cm2 and coercive field (Ec) of 91.0 kV/cm, at an applied electric field of 385 kV/cm. The leakage current density was 2.0 × 10 6 A/cm2 at a dc electric field of 200 kV/cm. The films also demonstrate fatigue-free behavior up to 109 read/write switching cycles with 1 MHz bipolar pulses at an electric field of 192 kV/cm. As a result, Sm-substituted bismuth titanate films with good ferroelectric properties and excellent fatigue resistance are useful candidates for ferroelectric memory applications.  相似文献   

SrBi2Ta2O9(SBT)/Bi4Ti3O12(BIT) multilayer thin films were prepared on p-Si substrates by Sol-Gel method, the effect of thickness of SBT and annealing temperature on structure, morphology, ferroelectric and fatigue properties of SBT/BIT ferroelectric films were investigated. The SBT/BIT multilayer films annealed at above 600 C were uniform and crack free as well as exhibited no pyrochlore phase. The remanent polarization and the coercive field of SBT/BIT multilayer films both increases with the increase of annealing temperature due to better crystallization and larger grain size. The SBT/BIT multilayer thin films consisting of 1 layer of SBT and 3 layers of BIT annealed above 650 C obtained its best ferroelectric properties with a Pr of 8.1 μC/cm2 and a Ec of 130 kV/cm which is comparable to that of pure BIT films and had a fatigue-free property up to 1011 switching cycles, but Pnv appeared under the cycle field of 175 kV/cm and increased with the decrease of cycle field.  相似文献   

The textured multilayer (ML) thin films of bismuth layered ferroelectric (FE) compounds, Bi2VO5.5 (BVO) and Bi4Ti3O12 (BTO) with different individual layer thicknesses were fabricated via pulsed laser deposition technique on Pt(111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates. X-ray diffraction studies confirmed that BVO and BTO retained their respective crystal structures in these multilayer (ML) thin films. The atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies showed smooth and dense microstructures. The polarization hysteresis (P?CE) studies on a representative (BVBT30) ML thin film at 300 K confirmed the remnant polarization (2P r ) and coercive field (E c ) to be ~20 ??C/cm2 and 250 kV/cm, respectively. The value of P r obtained was greater than that of the single layer thin film of BVO (P r  ~ 5.6 ??C/cm2). The room temperature dielectric constant (??r??) and the loss (D) for BVBT30 ML measured at 100 kHz were 170 and 0.01, respectively. The frequency and temperature dependent dielectric constant, impedance, modulus and ac conductivity of these ML thin films were studied as a function of frequency (100 Hz?C1 MHz) in the 25?C300 °C temperature range. Two distinct electrical responses were observed in these films, which were attributed to the grain effects at low temperatures and grain boundary effects at higher temperatures. The frequency dependent electrical conductivity was fitted well with the double power law which evidenced two different types of contributions to the conductivity; the low frequency conductivity being due to the short range translational hopping and the high frequency conductivity was due to the localized or reorientational hopping.  相似文献   

Mn-doped Bi4Ti3O12(B4T3) thin films grown at 400 degrees C on a Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate through pulsed laser deposition (PLD) were analyzed via spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The PLD targets were produced through the conventional solid-state sintering method, and the film samples were annealed at 600 degrees C. The SE spectra of B4T3 films were measured using a rotating analyzer type ellipsometer within the 1.12 to 6.52 eV energy range, with the various incidence angles. The optical properties of the B4T3 films with increasing Mn-mol concentration were extracted using a multilayer model for the whole structure and the Tauc-Lorentz (TL) dispersion relation for the B4T3 film layer. The analysis results clearly showed that the significant changes in optical properties of B4T3 films are caused by thermal annealing procedure and the Mn-mol concentrations. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement was also performed to confirm the results of SE analysis.  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2004,58(27-28):3648-3651
Effects of Pr6O11 doping on the microstructures and the electrical properties of Bi4Ti3O12 (BIT) were investigated using dense ceramics, which were prepared by a conventional ceramic technique. For all the samples, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses revealed Bi-layered perovskite structures, and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs showed well developed plate-like morphologies with random orientations. The PE hysteresis loop of samples measured at room temperature exhibited a large remnant polarization and a low coercive field. In addition, the DC current–voltage properties measured at different temperature from RT to 550 °C were discussed. Results indicate that Pr6O11 can be a good additive to improve the properties of Bi4Ti3O12.  相似文献   

Bi(3.25)La(0.75)Ti3O12 thin films were prepared on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by the metal organic decomposition method. The structural characterizations and the surface morphology observations were carried out applying X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscope, respectively. The annealing temperature and the ultraviolet irradiation effect on the ferroelectric properties were studied. It was found that the remnant polarization (Pr) and the coercive field (Ec) increased with the increase of the applied electric field (E) for all films. With the annealing temperature increasing from 670 degrees C to 750 degrees C, the increase tendency of Pr(E) and Ec (E) got enhanced from 670 degrees C to 720 degrees C, followed by weakened from 720 degrees C at 750 degrees C. These phenomena could be well explained by the different internal strain in films. The remnant polarization and the coercive field showed an obvious decrease when the top electrodes of the thin films were illuminated with UV light due to the screening effect of trapped charge carries.  相似文献   

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